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Georeference and warp a drone image based on sensor orientation and location

I have been flying some drone surveys over the ocean and need to properly project and georeference my images. I have all the information I think I need: lat, lon, altitude, yaw, pitch, and roll along ...
clifgray's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Generating a GDAL script through the QGIS Georeferencer

For several months, I have been georeferencing files manually using the Georeferencer plugin within QGIS. I am now attempting to automate this process using GDAL. The Georeferencer provides a "...
Chris S.'s user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Georeferencing Himawari-8 in GDAL (or other)

Does anyone know the appropriate project information to georeference (and hence reproject) Himawari-8 AHI data in the IR? The images are 5500x5500 pixels. Currently I try these: ulx=-5570248.832537 ...
os1's user avatar
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5 votes
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Python GDAL: How to obtain dx/dy/residual errors for GCPs after gdalwarp usage

I've been developing my QGIS plugin for few weeks now. It's going to be pretty similar to well known GDAL Georeferencer plugin, but including few more helpful features. So far my code has been working ...
Janek's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Calculating inverse polynomial transforms for pixel sampling when map georeferencing

In map georeferencing, one typically chooses a set of ground control points that represent pixel locations in the map image along with their real world geographic coordinates, which are then used to ...
Karim Bahgat's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Georeferencing png using gdal?

I have created my own fantasy map, I have the map in a full size png and the map broken down into tiles ( with no geo data ) I installed MS4W and tried to use it to get the georeference data put is ...
kipslacher's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Problem with reprojecting raster from MGI 6 to WGS

When I reproject a raster from Mgi 6 to WGS 84 using Warp in Quantum gis it makes mistake ( about 380m). Is there any way to avoid this?
Dejan Jungić's user avatar
2 votes
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How to convert SPL2SMAP_S data (available in .h5 files) to *.tiff files?

I had downloaded some data from The description of the data is given in the page. Using an earthdata login, one can download the data. The data consists of *.xml and *...
raaj's user avatar
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1 answer

GDALwarp HDF5 Image With Unknown Projection

I have a NetCDF file that contains a series of HDF5 bands. I am looking to project one of these bands contained within this file. I've attempted to use the following command to achieve this: gdalwarp ...
TornadoEric's user avatar
2 votes
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Preserve GCP's after gdalwarp

I'm trying to figure out how I can preserve my GCP's after a gdalwarp. I need the georeferenced GCP's data, so I can calculate the Root Mean Squared Error. Is there a way to preserve this data, and ...
Danny Hoek's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why doesn't QGIS georeferencer support gdal scripting for projective transformation?

I am georeferencing drone images with QGIS, and the transformation method that gives the best results is the projective one. As I have many images, I would like to write a gdal script to automate the ...
sigeal's user avatar
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1 answer

Warping ArcGIS 9.2 georeferenced TIFFs using GDAL warp

I have hundreds of very large TIFFs which were georeferenced 15+ years ago using ArcGIS 9.2. Viewing them in ArcMap 9.2 the images are properly located and sized/warped on the map. However, they ...
Matt's user avatar
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1 answer

Does GDAL 3.x/PROJ 7.x do some kind of bounds checking when doing a gdalwarp operation?

This is more of a question about how GDAL 3.x and PROJ 7.x work more than a question about how to do something. I have been experimenting with GDAL 3.4.2 and have noticed some things that are ...
Burrow's user avatar
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GDAL - From jp2 image with rpc file to Orthophoto geotiff and keep the image rotation

We are trying to convert a jp2 image with rpc to orthoPhoto geo tiff. We do the following process. The problem is that in the ortho.tiff file the image don't preserve it's rotation angle from the jp2 ...
Zlex's user avatar
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Georeferencing rasters using GCPs in R: stars/terra equivalent of gdal_translate / gdalwarp?

With the retirement of rgdal and transition to sf/stars/terra functions in October 2023 now passed, is there a way of georeferencing raster images with GCPs (Ground Control Points) other than using ...
Thomas Moore's user avatar
1 vote
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Adding Z (elevation to image when georeferencing with gdal_translate and gdalwarp via gcps)

I have been trying to georeference an image with given gcps (X-Y coordinates and Z (elevation) coordinates). However, when I add gcps via gdal_translate it adds elevation Z but as soon as I use ...
Hassan's user avatar
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1 answer

Georeference Raster File with WorldFile into an aerial photo using GDAL [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can I transform a georeferenced JPG to a georeferenced TIF? UPDATE:Corrected link I must note that I am new to GIS so pleas be understanding. PROBLEM: I have a raster ...
user10787's user avatar
0 votes
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GDAL-Georefrencing already Georefrenced single band Raster

I am trying to georeference already georeferenced single band raster data using GDAL with four GCP's. Input image is having Coordinate system GCS- WGS1984 (EPSG:4326). Following Command is run on ...
Sawan Nikam's user avatar
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Georeference raster in WGS84 and project in North azimuthal in QGIS

I have a raster (JEPG) image from a full planet surface (in this case Jupiter). I use QGIS and its plugin Georeferencer to add control points on the image. I use the four corners. Then I use Gdal to ...
Elendil's user avatar
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Transformation of a point with GDAL

I know the place where the image was captured and I've made pixel to lat-lon correspondences (GCPs). After running the following GDAL commands a .tif file is created. gdal_translate -of GTiff -gcp {...
user8083314's user avatar