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Add QGIS Server WMS layer to GeoExt template

How to add QGIS Server WMS layer to GeoExt template (OpenGeoSuite SDK)? I used the following code, but unsuccessful display layer qgis: { ptype: "gxp_wmssource", url: "http://...
spatialhast's user avatar
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is there any available example online, or anybody could help me to figure out how can I use the GoogleStreetViewPanel widget in the opengeo suit sdk? I tought it will work like this: { xtype: ...
Tamas Kosa's user avatar
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gxp_wmsgetfeatureinfo GetFeatureInfo on a non-advertised layer possible?

So, as the title states, I will like to know if it is possible to use gxp_wmscsource to send an GetFeatureInfo query to a non-advertised layer that was added to my opengeo SDK app using lazy loading. ...
gallysam's user avatar
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Change layer styles based on ComboBox search?

I'm using a combination of OpenGeo Server components and hand written GeoExt code to create a map interface. I would like to have a ComboBox that queries the OpenGeo PostGIS database in order to ...
user32523's user avatar
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Apend child to a layertree with nodeType: "gx_layer"

Im building an application with geoext and opengeo suite SDK. I´m trying to create a layer tree with some "grouped" layers like the last node here I saw somewhere that I should set the node Type to "...
gallysam's user avatar
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How to FeatureEditorGrid configure and use in FeatureEditor

I am new user of OpenGeo suite. I want to configure FeatureEditorGrid plugin to change the column header to display name. My basic requirement is to customize column label like my table column is "pop"...
Amit's user avatar
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Get mouse position in OpenGeo

I'm using GeoExt as part of OpenGeo Suite using code generated by the Open Geo suite SDK. I would like to display the current mouse coordinate and don’t really know how to do it. As far as I know ...
gallysam's user avatar
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How should I implement a many-to-many relationship in a web mapping application?

Scenario: I am given a layer of point locations called "problems." These will be displayed on a web map. Users will then use the web map interface to create and populate field information for a point ...
user21949's user avatar
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Override or add to [GeoExt.ux PrintPreview] rotation

I'm using suite-sdk (GXP) to build my WMS client. I want add to PrintPreview window capability of changing rotation. I find this feature in Heron script but there is other version of [GeoExt.ux ...
user19291's user avatar
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OpenGeo Suite create map application GXP or GeoEXT

I have seen a similar question but it never got answered. I am looking to develop a GIS system using the OpenGeo Suite, luckily I'm going to a conference on it in a few weeks, however that's weeks ...
user19786's user avatar
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GeoExplorer dependencies are missing after git clone

When I set up GeoExplorer in development mode today I had to manually clone the external js libs that are referenced in git (buildkit, stick, geoext, gxp, openlayers, printpreview, proj4js). They ...
tobik's user avatar
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OpenGeo Suite 3.1 doesn't work anymore when setting up Client SDK 3.0.2

We've installed OpenGeo Suite 3.1 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and everything works fine. When trying to set up the OpenGeo Client SDK 3.0.2 (following
tobik's user avatar
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Should I be using the OpenGeo Suite SDK or GeoEXT?

Im new to the OpenGeo Suite, and was wondering if I should create my apps using the SDK Link Here Or I should use openlayers and GeoEXT Link here I believe the SDK uses openlayers / geoext but makes ...
Tom's user avatar
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Adding charts to OpenGeo suite SDK

I just wanted to gauge the work flow for adding charts to a map using the SDK that comes with OpenGeo suite. I know it seems a vague question I'm just trying to get my head around it :/ So far the ...
Tom's user avatar
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Suite SDK gxp Print plugin

I have problem with gxp print plugin. I create new sdk project suite-sdk create ~/sdk. Next I do everything from Problems with gxp Print plugin via opengeosuite sdk but there is another problem. But I ...
user19291's user avatar
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Couldn't create DrawBox plugin with opengeo client sdk

I followed the official tutorial explaining how to create personal plugin with openGeo client sdk but unfortunately I couldn't perform that task. In the beggining, I "copy/ past" the code as it ...
jabrane's user avatar
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How to make timeline with OpenLayers?

I have OL, GeoExt, gxp. I have a layer with Date attribute. So I want to show features with same date. I found an example using gxp_playback, but it does not work because it can't find OpenLayer....
Kliver Max's user avatar
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Help me with this code from GeoExt and OpenLayers

I haven't gone entirely through GeoExt. But I am trying to understand the below code, but I am struck. The below code is about creating popups of feature information. But the layers added are WMS ...
GP92's user avatar
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Add grid to GetFeatureInfo tool

I have added the GetFeatureInfo Tool to my Viewer but the PopUp does not have a grid in it to display the Feature Info neatly. How do I get the grid layout in the Feature Info PopUp, like the one ...
Sam007's user avatar
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Displaying "numberoffeatures" in grid

How to display numberoffeatures in map using geoext on grid? Ext.onReady(function() { app = new Ext.Viewport({ layout: "border", items: items ...
kinkajou's user avatar
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Cannot Edit Features of PostGIS Layers in OpenGeo GeoExplorer

I admit I originally posted the question here: But due to no response and not finding a solution, I thought I'd try ...
elshae's user avatar
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OpenGeo/GeoServer WFS - getting only as much data as is needed

There's probably a term for this that I'm missing that would help me find the answer... My question is similar to a previous question of mine. I am using GeoServer (as part of the OpenGeo stack) as a ...
Mr_Chimp's user avatar
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Cannot populate a Ext GridPanel through GeoExt WMSCapabilitiesStore

I've been working through a few tutorial/starter map samples on the OpenGeo and GeoExt websites and have come upon a problem I cannot solve. I'm trying to load a list of layers from my GeoServer into ...
Don Meltz's user avatar
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