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I am using BFAST to do a time series analysis of LST and I am getting NaN errors

This is the blog post I refer to,, and the author's code is as follows: # NDVI data data(tura) selected_pixel <- 90 represents a ...
angrybob's user avatar
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Projection problem with VIIRS-SNPP Deep Blue Aerosol data in R

I am having some trouble with VIIRS/SNPP Deep Blue Aerosol (DBA) product in R. After post-processing the data, I am not being able to obtain the data in the region of interest (ROI), hence I checked ...
Jorge V's user avatar
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2 votes
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Create Function to a RasterStack

This is the function that I want to create: Erosivity_Factor = 1.74 * log[sum(montly²/annual)]+1.29 I have solved it using a loop: # Reproducible RasterStack with 12 layers Monlty<- stack(lapply(1:...
francisco corvalan's user avatar
1 vote
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MSAVI vs NDVI for deserts

I calculated NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index) and MSAVI (Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index) for a desert environment, where most of the vegetation is shrubs with some trees using ...
Arthur_Morgan's user avatar
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Remote sensing product's raster extent not agreeing with specified projection in R

I want to plot remote sensed sea ice concentration data for Antarctica, in Program R. The product website ( says the data are in Antarctic polar ...
ChrisO's user avatar
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2 answers

Extract cell values and coordinates from raster using a polygon in R

I'm trying to extract cell values and coordinates from raster using a polygon in R. I have multiple raster layers with different types of values, all within the same extent. I have multiple polygons ...
Cam's user avatar
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1 answer

How to modify MODIS subset function to download product for a specific region and time period?

I am trying to assess the land cover change that has occurred over East Asia over last 18 years only in winters (Oct-Jan) for which I want to use MOD13Q1 dataset of modis from 2000-2018. I am using ...
Rehan's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Select pixel values in a raster using R

I'm trying to select some cell values in a raster MODIS. Follow my problem: I have to filter these values to mask after it: 32767,32766,32765,32764,32763,32762,32761 I've used this code to one value:...
NNN's user avatar
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Cloud detection in various scenes in R

I have 99 LS8 scenes (mountainous terrain) and before processing them any further I would like to mask out cloudy and snow pixel since they might mess up the topographic correction I have to apply. My ...
Aldi Kasse 2's user avatar
2 votes
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R: Display single band raster in true color

I have a static image of a Bing maps tile (Mercator EPSG: 3857) with satellite overlay in PNG format. I read the PNG as a raster and georeferenced it in R by setting the corner coordinates using the ...
la_leche's user avatar
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Averaging MODIS 8-day LST for each pixel in a region to generate annual mean LST [duplicate]

I have downloaded 8-day MODIS LST products (MOD11A2) for the whole year of 2011 and is there any method in R to extract those pixels in clear sky conditions with emissivity error < 0.01 and LST ...
hh8em's user avatar
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Calculation of fractional cover for each vegetation class at 30-m resolution matching MODIS swath in R

Currently I have a Landsat land cover map with 30-m resolution and I want to calculate the fractional cover for each vegetation class (forests, grasslands and croplands etc.) matching MODIS swath and ...
hh8em's user avatar
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Stop WriteRaster in a for loop in R

I just picked up R this summer. I created a nested for loop so that nls() will be performed in 24 raster layers and a new file will be created to save the data. In this example, I have a raster ...
Candice's user avatar
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Processing landsat 8 to make NDVI in R

I want to do the NDVI with images landsat 8 in R, radiometric correction, radiance and reflectance, I make it from the models of the USGS (model here) But taking the image (ND) for the calculation of ...
Esteven Muriillo's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to writeRaster for signature "rasterPCA", "character"

I am currently trying to obtain two rasters that are the Principal component axes 1 and 2 for a list of bioclimatic variables that I am using. I am using the rasterPCA() function that exists in the ...
Vijay Ramesh's user avatar
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Accuracy Assesment in R

I there a way to calculate the accuracy of a classified image (users-, producers accuracy, Kappa) in R, assuming I have a two columns matrix. On of the columns would contain the values that came out ...
four-eyes's user avatar
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Remove raster pixel in R

This is the 32 year trend NDVI (raster data) I would like to remove the green grids data by using R (the green pixel value is larger than 0.03) and this one is R code that i use but i cannot remove ...
faris's user avatar
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5 votes
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Loop NDVI calculations for hyperspectral datacubes in R

I am writing a script for the processing of different hyperspectral datacubes. The datacubes contain flight lines that I've recorded with a UAV. In total there are 10 flight lines that need to be ...
cf2's user avatar
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Improves performance on R working with raster files

I´m trying this code to look for NA and negative pixel values and replace it for 0. But it´s too slow. Any tip for improve the performance of it? "all.files" is a list of address of the images. "r1" ...
Bindini's user avatar
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Extracting Data from Raster based on Aspect Raster file

I have 2 rasters, ones shows aspect and another shows date of snow thaw. I want to extract the date of snow melt based on values from the aspect raster. For example I want all the snow thaw dates from ...
Thoron's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Remove clumps of pixels in R

I would like to remove isolated pixels (or clumps of pixels <9) from my raster image. library(raster) # create some raster data r <- raster(ncols=12, nrows=12) set.seed(0) r[] <- round(runif(...
maycca's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to write every raster from a list of rasters?

I have created a list of rasters - "norm" and run a several loops. Now I would like to write every created raster from "norm" (containing 1 layer) into one raster, having its specific name. # I can ...
maycca's user avatar
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Importing multiple stacked raster images in R?

I would like to import all multiple mosaic rasters (each mosaic is composed by 7 layers) from indicated folder into my R. Then access them as single multilayers rasters. So I did: # read all mosaics ...
maycca's user avatar
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R: Can raster predict function pass to predict.rfsrc (a prediction function in a parallel verion of RandomForest)?

It seems that raster predict function can pass to predict.randomForest by setting the "type='response'". I am using a parallel version of randomForest package called the "randomForestSRC" and I am ...
nomoreraster's user avatar
2 votes
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Running Random Forest Classification on WorldViev-2 image in R - problem

I have a problem with performing RF in R for a WorldView-2 Scene. I've never ever before used R for remote sensing classification, so I simply followed what is written here. I've loaded scene (8-band ...
M'cin's user avatar
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