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Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a computer-software graphical subsystem for rendering user interfaces in Windows-based applications.

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1 answer

GeoPackage draws in the wrong location using ThinkGeo

I have a GeoPackage(.gpkg) file that I'm adding to my ThinkGeo WPF map. I'm adding the file using the code below: var layerOverlay = new LayerOverlay(); var gdalFeatureLayer = new ...
JS Watts's user avatar
1 vote
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Styling .dwg CAD Layer with ThinkGeo WPF

I have a WPF application using ThinkGeo's desktop component. On some .dwg files, the styling is not working as expected. For example, using the code below: var cadOverlay = new LayerOverlay()...
ptgis's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Upload and Display Image with Location coordinates [closed]

I want to upload an Image on Map and the image should contain some coordinates that when uploaded should display in the same location as the coordinates, I am working on C# and Wpf.
Mihir Choudhary's user avatar
0 votes
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Seeking GIS Library for C# Applications using WPF

This question has been asked multiple times before, but not in the last 5+ years so I think it's worth asking again as I'm struggling and the answer way well be different now. I want to create a C# ...
Richard's user avatar
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Opening Attribute Table by using ArcGIS Pro SDK, WPF and C#

I am trying to display an attribute table for a selected layer. I have access to attribute table but I can not pass the ArcGIS table to the DataGrid I created in xaml. <DataGrid x:Name="...
Amadeus's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to use GDAL from Nuget in C#?

I have created a C# WPF (.NET Framework 4.6.1) application in Visual Studio 2017 and installed latest stable GDAL 2.4.2 from Nuget. In the App.xaml I have added the GDAL configuration call: ...
Chau's user avatar
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0 answers

Attribute data is not supported by the GeometryProvider in th Sharpmap

Attribute data is not supported by the GeometryProvider. SharpMap.UI ver I want to make a click event on the image("maker"). so I used the following sample code URL.
AlbertLim's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

SharpMap's backgroundLayer on an intranet(no internet) (Windows)

I'm making windows C#(WPF) mapControl on intranet(no internet). (Windows Server) I get OSM.pbf and mbtiles file. Is this possible? Please, Look at this picture. private void button6_Click(object ...
AlbertLim's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

WPF: How to change the Map Point coordinate(lat/long) to screen point (x-y) on ArcGIS

My project required me to perform a close traverse to plotting by placing a marker on that particular point. My problem now is that the traverse calculation are in x-y plane, but to plot a point using ...
ThingThing's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Calculate the target point by using initial coordinate, bearing angle and distance

I need to calculate the target coordinate by using the initial coordinate, bearing angle and distance. I came across this on how to calculate it. Then I construct the code in C#, but it seems I can't ...
ThingThing's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Open Traverse Method for the map survey

I need to use traverse method in my program on visual studio(WPF) so that the user can get their target point coordinate by using their initial data. In my knowledge there is two type of traverse that ...
ThingThing's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Getting Esri Brushes to appear as dynamic resources in Visual Studio?

I used the ArcGIS Pro SDK to create my Add-In project and to create the DockPane but the Esri Brushes don't show up as Dynamic Resources. According to Esri (
arcobjection's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Using WinForms with ArcGIS Pro SDK?

I want to port a tool developed in ArcObjects for ArcMaps into ArcGIS Pro using the ArcGIS Pro SDK. The tool's UI was created using WinForms but to recreate the UI in ArcGIS Pro is looks like I would ...
arcobjection's user avatar
1 vote
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How to add XAML Resources to App.XAML for an ArcGIS Pro SDK Add-In? [closed]

I am in the process of creating a .NET add-in for ArcGIS Pro SDK. I have working code in a WPF application that I want to include in my add-in. The issue is that there is no there is no App.xaml for ...
landocalrissian's user avatar
2 votes
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ArcGIS Runtime (WPF): Does Layer has FeatureTable property? [closed]

According to the API reference, there is a ArcGISSceneLayer#FeatureTable property inherited from Layer. However, I can't find this property in my Visual Studios. Is the API reference wrong?
Jai's user avatar
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Can't interact with map inside a control

My application has a main window and other controls which I open inside the window, one of these controls is one which contains a map, it appears but I can't move it by holding a dragging also the ...
Ahmed Elsayed's user avatar
1 vote
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How to use offline MbTiles with Telerik's WPF map control?

Telerik's UI for WPF includes a map control: UI for WPF - RadMap. There's some discussion of how to configure it to use a local mapping service: Implement custom map provider, but it seems to be ...
Jeff Dege's user avatar
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OpenStreetMap coloring the map tiles by state, zip code polygons from C# VS 2013 WPF desktop application

My question is likely to close on stackoverflow. My aim is to create a map from C# VS2013 WPF desktop application (not web application) with OpenStreetMap on win7. This a colored map with US states ...
user3601704's user avatar
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Add a heatmap as a layer to a map based on OpenStreetMap from C# WPF Visual Studio 2013

I need to show a map with some points (with lat/lon) of a heatmap on a map based on OpenStreetMap (OSM) . I have created a heatmap as a bitmap image by GHEAT.NET control lib http://www.codeproject....
user3601704's user avatar
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GIS, CAD and MAP in WPF application

I am searching for a gis/map engine SDK for WPF, that supports loading and editing CAD drawings onto a map (edit = switch layers on/off), with an option to use only local/network resources. Our users ...
jluu's user avatar
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0 answers

Creating own map and using it in offline WPF Application? [closed]

I need to create my parcel's map, I got high resolution photo from the sky and i want to georeference it and add few features like routes and buildings. Then I need to use it in WPF applicion where I ...
dk28's user avatar
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ArcObjects WPF Legend Toolkit Control doesn't show layers

I'm starting to develop GIS applications using ArcObjects for c# and WPF. I'm trying to migrate a legacy ArcObjects application to the newest version. I'm simply adding a map control with its legend, ...
tapatio's user avatar
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2 votes
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ArcGIS AddIn with WPF DockableWindow causes ArcMap to not even start up anymore

I have a simple ArcGIS AddIn with a toolbar and a button on it, which opens a DockableWindow holding a UserControl with some UI Elements on it (a textbox and a listbox). The whole thing was made with ...
Jürgen Zornig's user avatar
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Set Maximum Allowed Panning Area

I'd like to fix the maximal area, in which the user can fly around. Now its possible for the user, to pan everywhere he wants to go. For e.g. to XMin: 216.2. My map has got these "borders": ...
ArmandoS63's user avatar
4 votes
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Creating geoprocessing package (*.gpk) that contains more than one model?

I'm making gpk (= geoprocessing package) packages for ArcGIS Runtime 10.2.2. I'm making several models, and wanted to know if there is a way for including several models in one gpk file or do i need ...
jonatr's user avatar
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Why is this formatted string "n. def."?

I'd like to show the user the current map scale. I update the current map scale in a textblock everytime the map size/scale has changed. This is my code, to show the map scale (in C#): private void ...
ArmandoS63's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to set custom fullextent?

I have a WPF Map control whose extent I would like to restrict to a certain area (e.g. to the full extent of some layer). That is, a user should not be able to zoom out too far, or shift the map to an ...
ArmandoS63's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to set max map scale for a layer?

How can I set the maximum scale for a layer? Sometimes the layer is not visible (it disappear), when the map scale is >= 1:250000. I'd like to set it on max 1:125000. This code does not work: ...
ArmandoS63's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Dockable window close event

Is there an event that fires when a custom dockable window is closed in ArcMap? My dockable window uses the Add-in pattern and hosts a WPF user control. It opens via a command button which is nested ...
Rich Wawrzonek's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I use actions from ArcGIS SDK for WPF in the latest version of WPF?

I understand how to use the Actions and Behaviors but there is a problem I'm not sure is solvable other than to downgrade the version of .net and WPF I'm using. I installed the latest ArcGIS SDK for ...
vane's user avatar
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1 answer

Drag and Drop onto ArcGIS Runtime WPF Map

I'm looking for advice on implementing drag & drop onto the WPF map control. My goal is to drag from a list of items, and drop on the map to create a new graphic/feature at the drop location. The ...
Keith G's user avatar
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How to use ArcGIS for WPF custom symbol with data binding?

Esri's ArcGIS for WPF does not seem to have any real MVVM support or binding support; unless I'm mistaken. Anyway, I am creating a tracking application and it needs to track objects via GPS ...
vane's user avatar
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ArcGIS for WPF: LayerCanvas.ArrangeOverride Setting Invalid FrameworkElement Size

I'm reposting this here from ESRI's ArcGIS for WPF Forum in hopes of getting some more exposure. Original post is here. I'm intermittently experiencing an error when rapidly changing map scales on an ...
AHigh's user avatar
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Drawing Curves/Bezier Lines with ESRI WPF Runtime

I'm looking for some pointers on how to draw a curved line or bezier line in WPF runtime. The WPF runtime sample application has a drawing mode for straight line, polyline, and freehand. However, no ...
Keith G's user avatar
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Using more than one graphics layer with a FeatureDataGrid

I am wanting to use the FeatureDataGrid to display data. The problem is I have more than one layer that contains data that needs to be displayed. This is how you use the DataGrid for one layer: ...
JLott's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to use ArcGIS WPF Runtime Deployment Tool via Command Line?

I'd like to be able to use the WPF Runtime (10.1.1) Deployment tool via the command line. If I run DeploymentTool.exe /? on the command line, I get the dialog in the attached image. The /c option ...
Keith G's user avatar
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0 answers

How to get hold of the Activated Event for the ArcMap window?

I am using ArcObjects 9.3 .NET. In my ArcMap dockable window, I have a single element host hosting a WPF user control (That's the only means of using WPF for ArcMap extensions as far as I know). ...
Ken Toh's user avatar
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1 answer

FeatureDataGrid and FeatureDataForm will not commit to database or input data

This is the second time that I have posted about this. In my previous question they told me I needed to enable the Feature Access capability. I did this and then it said I needed to have a Data Store ...
JLott's user avatar
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Cannot input new data into FeatureDataForm

I am wanting to update the fields on my server using a FeatureDataForm. I have followed the documentation, but it still does not work. It also does not have the buttons in the form that say 'OK' and '...
JLott's user avatar
  • 413
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Adding, Updating, and Deleting information from arcGIS Server

I am new to ESRI and GIS. I am starting to get into using client data. I have created maps and put them to the server using arcMap and arcGIS for Server. I need to know how easily I can access these ...
JLott's user avatar
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Using multiple LayerIDs in Legend

This should be simple, but I cannot find any documentation on how to do it. I have a legend that is bound to my map that contains several layers. I do not want all of the layers to appear on my Legend ...
JLott's user avatar
  • 413
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2 answers

Object does not exist in the namespace ""

I am trying to move all of my GIS code over the Visual Studio 2012. I have added the following references: C#: using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client....
JLott's user avatar
  • 413
6 votes
4 answers

Using GIS / Map inside c# WPF

How could i create e mapping applications that displays a custom map from this URL: (Capabilties with a mapview)
Christer's user avatar
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Convert ArcMap label expressions from VBScript to Javascript or Python

I have a large number of layers (hundreds) with label expressions written in VBScript. I am using ArcMap 9.3.1, and I'm now starting to export the layers as MPKs for use in our ArcGIS Runtime (WPF) ...
Tony John's user avatar
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Recommendations on an MVVM framework for ArcGIS Desktop add-ins and/or ArcGIS WPF Runtime

Is anyone using an MVVM framework with ArcGIS Desktop add-ins or the ArcGIS Runtime for WPF? I am leaning towards Caliburn.Micro simply because it seems to be the most popular "lightweight" MVVM ...
blah238's user avatar
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Using map from ArcGIS Server in radMap?

I was wondering if there was a way to use a map that I have stored on an ArcGIS Server in a telerik radMap. I am not very familiar with the radMap control. I have found the documentation on using a ...
JLott's user avatar
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2 answers

Using InfoWindow with Feature Layer and DialogWindowBase?

I need to have an infoWindow that displays the Outfields of a FeatureLayer. The infoWindow is popping up, but it is popping up no matter where you click on the map and it does not contain any of the ...
JLott's user avatar
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Displaying information on a map using an InfoWindow

I am wanting to display information in an InfoWindow when the user clicks on a point on the map. I have implemented the InfoWindow in XAML, but I do not understand the code behind it. Any information ...
JLott's user avatar
  • 413
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Feature Layer is not showing the points on the map

I have a simple feature layer. The points will show up if I put the URL in a DynamicMapServiceLayer, but I need to use maptips, so that will not work. Below is my relevant XAML. <esri:Map x:Name=...
JLott's user avatar
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AxSymbologyControl via WindowsFormsHost in WPF (ArcMap Add In Project)

I need a way to offer the user a choice of color ramps for the ClassBreaksRenderer. I came across the AxSymbologyControl which was designed for WinForms. I tried also ESRIs (WinForms) example project ...
steffan's user avatar
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