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HTTP request -to- AWS Lambda Python function -to- AGOL

Here's a sample AWS Lambda setup from a colleague: Create an AWS account (free). In AWS Lambda, create a new function. Enter a function name and Runtime ➔ Python 3.7 Write the function. This ...
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ValueError: Columns must be same length as key

pandas is expecting two values (columns) to be returned as you specified two keys ['Latitude', 'Longitude']. However, when there's an exception, e.g. no geocoding result, you only return a single ...
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How to generate a correct HTTP response for a pbf within AWS API Gateway?

I was, after many hours, finally able to work out something that works between the AWS API Gateway and the lambda function. First, I changed the sparkgeo index.js callback call from: var s = ...
Jay Cummins's user avatar
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Get list mapped over featureCollection for multiple regions

You are trying to perform a GEE server-side operation on a Python list object, which is not possible. Try making an ee.List from it first: multiStateList = ee.List([1960,1961,1955])
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Configuring geolambda GDAL error

Usually, 403 errors in Python scripts can be overcome by specifying User Agents, which help to make your HTTP requests appear to be coming from a browser. This isn't really a GIS SE question, so I ...
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using gdal /vsis3/ on aws lambda fails

AWS Lambda takes privileges to S3 service (including GDAL/OGR vsis3) from IAM role that runs the Lambda function. By default there is only privilege to run the Lambda function, but you can create your ...
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