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12 votes

Meaning of dash in house address number in USA?

In my experience, it usually means what you think it means: a range of address numbers. I've also seen it used as a way of writing an apartment or suite number, so 136-39 37 AVE would be 136 37th Ave, ...
Dan C's user avatar
  • 12.3k
11 votes

Address searching/geocoding using Leaflet

I tried too and failed. Here is an option that uses OSM and has other options. and a HTML page that works using it. <!DOCTYPE html> <...
Bill Chappell's user avatar
8 votes

Finding out if coordinate is within shapefile (.shp) using pyshp?

PyShp will let you read the shapefile, but won't help you figure out if a point is in a boundary. You'll have to combine it with something like Shapely to do the geometric calculations. Luckily, the ...
Marc Pfister's user avatar
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8 votes

Getting longitude/latitude coordinates from Addresses

So you want to geocode your file ("translate" adresses to xy coordinates). You can search by yourself using this "geocode" keywords and you'll find plenty information. However, in France, there is a ...
Antoine Watrelot's user avatar
7 votes

Can USA streets have both, name and number?

ST in an address suffix usually refers to the suite of a sub location. In this instance it means Suite 200.
atxgis's user avatar
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7 votes

Reverse geocoding in QGIS Graphical Modeller

There is a possibility of using a "Field calculator" inside the Graphical Modeler. Let's assume there is a point layer 'test' with some features in it, see the image below Thereafter I ...
Taras's user avatar
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6 votes

How to Geocode a Google Sheet?

I found this Google Sheets formula in an answer in the Google Forums useful - =IMPORTXML(""&C1, "/GeocodeResponse//location") Replace "C1" ...
mvark's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I address this error message in QGIS, "CSV file must be in UTF-8 encoding"?

Describes use of MMQGIS, a set of Python vector map layer plugins for Quantum GIS MMQGIS assumes that input and output shapefiles and CSV files are encoded in the UTF-8 character set. MMQGIS uses the ...
whyzar's user avatar
  • 12.1k
6 votes

How to merge a dataset with geometry an another with number data?

You and your friend are using different versions of CARTO. While your friend is on the older UI, CARTO Editor, you're using the newer CARTO Builder. In CARTO Builder, dataset merges or joins are not ...
arredond's user avatar
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6 votes

MMQGIS Geocode is failing in QGIS 3

I have found the solution. As the error suggests: the SSL in Python is not correctly installed. If you go to /application/python(your version) and then click "Install Certificates.command" ...
Yolanda Dawson's user avatar
6 votes

Geocoding address in attribute table with PyQGIS

The main issue is that you are making the Nominatim request only once. It does not get updated and re-sent for each feature. There are a couple of other issues too, see my comments in the code for ...
Matt's user avatar
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5 votes

Geocoding addresses to coordinates in QGIS

For QGIS versions QGIS 3.20 and higher Starting from QGIS 3.20 it is possible to geocode addresses to coordinates by means of the native tool "Batch Nominatim geocoder", can be found under ...
Taras's user avatar
  • 33.9k
5 votes

MMQGIS Plugin error in QGIS 2.18

Libreoffice calc: You can choose the encoding with libreoffice calc: MS Excel Follow: When saving as, click tools -> Web ...
Victor's user avatar
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5 votes

Geocoding single address with Leaflet?

As per the Leaflet Control Geocoder plugin API documentation, you should: Attach an event on the "markgeocode" event of the L.Control.geocoder object. Read the LatLng object that ...
ghybs's user avatar
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5 votes

Meaning of dash in house address number in USA?

Some localities use a grid-based addressing scheme, for example Fair Lawn, NJ:,_New_Jersey#Grid-based_address_system Fair Lawn uses a street address ...
Joe's user avatar
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5 votes

Geocoding address involving non-ASCII characters in PyQGIS

IMHO the issue with non-ASCII characters shall not arise anymore, due to improvements that were done in software since 2017 year. Perhaps the problem was about the PyQGIS's version or OS settings. ...
Taras's user avatar
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5 votes

Free Open Source Geocoders using Local Address Data

You should definitely look closer at the Mapzen Pelias geocoder. We have been having this same issue for several years, and recently discovered that one of the back-end sources for Pelias is ...
Inactivated Account's user avatar
5 votes

Getting lat/lng from wkid, latestwkid and x y coordinates

You could use the ArcGIS server REST endpoint to convert to wkid 4326 (lat/lon). Here's a URL for one of Esri's sample servers:
Berend's user avatar
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5 votes

Is geocoding with Nominatim available for all the countries?

Based on Nominatim FAQ, there are many reasons of why your search didn't get any result: Why wasn't anything found for my search? There are a number of reasons why no result may have been ...
ahmadhanb's user avatar
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5 votes

Meaning of different elements of delivered json-Data-Structure when geocoding with Python and OpenStreetMap

Unfortunately, these aren't all documented. accuracy is an alias for "importance". There is some commentary on how importance is calculated in the osm-search/wikipedia-wikidata readme ...
digby280's user avatar
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5 votes

Geocoding address in attribute table with PyQGIS

Once I was inspired by @ThomasG77's idea, so now I am suggesting another approach using the QGIS's domestic class QgsNominatimGeocoder with Nominatim geocoder under the hood. It is an open-source ...
Taras's user avatar
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4 votes

Seeking commercial Geocoding API - 10k geocodes/ day for free. LocationIQ is based on data from OpenStreetMap, OpenAddresses, WhosonFirst, Polylines, TIGER & Geonames. Disclaimer: I work for Unwired Labs, which ...
Sagar Shewarmani's user avatar
4 votes

MMQGIS Plugin error in QGIS 2.18

Open CSV file in Notepad and save as with UTF-8 encoding.
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
4 votes

Wrong results from TIGER geocoder for WA

You are probably missing the District of Columbia data. Using what you have for the state of Washington, you get the "best" result, which is fairly bad (wrong town and postal code)
JGH's user avatar
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4 votes

Working around US Census site blocking of IP addresses?

To simplify the download on multiple machines, you can use more advanced downloading tool (such as aria2c) that supports resume etc., and have a script continuously download the dataset from a file of ...
laser's user avatar
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4 votes

What part of the Census Block is the County?

Your example is missing one character (it is 15 in total). In California it should be 060070004024003 (starting with 06; see here). The first and second digits identify the state. The third, fourth ...
Andre Silva's user avatar
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4 votes

Getting longitude/latitude coordinates from Addresses

Sounds like you need some Geocoding. There are several ways that I may refer you to. Using QGIS Plugins, e.g. MMQGIS, GeoCoding, and others (check the list) There is even one especially for France, ...
Taras's user avatar
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4 votes

Search control on Leaflet

You can try the leaflet-geosearch plugin. The OSM demo seems to be what you are looking for. There are other options you can find on leaflet's plugins page. Please remember that the quality of the ...
Dror Bogin's user avatar
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4 votes

Search control on Leaflet

A good tool is leaflet-control-geocoder (see demo with Google, Nominatim, Bing, and Mapbox services). I prefer to use Mapbox for geocoding, it works much better with US addresses compared to ...
ilyankou's user avatar
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4 votes

Having difficulty retrieving city and area names using Geopy (Google V3)

Be careful with your variable names. You're dangerously re-defining the variable c within your list comprehensions. Do this instead: counties = [x['long_name'] for x in c if 'neighborhood' in x['...
alphabetasoup's user avatar

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