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19 votes

Seeking tool for creating Vector MBTiles

POSTGIS now supports outputting vector tiles as endpoint to a Query. I honestly don't recommend this approach because currently that's just geometry and no ...
Geospatial Engineer's user avatar
12 votes

Mapbox SDK: Is it free if you host your own vector tiles?

I have a similar problem. I want use openmaptiles + mapbox-gl-js for free without licence key. The licenceconditionen on mapbox page is not very clear. So I asked mapbox directly. I asked: I want ...
Gerd's user avatar
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12 votes

Styling GeoServer pbf vector tiles in Leaflet

You can dump the Object and inspect the LayerNames your server is hosting via javacsript to debug further. If you add the interactive flag to your vectorTileOptions Object: var vectorTileOptions = { ...
user3665234's user avatar
9 votes

How to find layer names within vector tiles, without TileJSON or the .mbtiles file?

If you're okay to write a NodeJS script you can use const request = require('request'); const VectorTile = require('@mapbox/vector-tile').VectorTile; const Pbf = require('pbf'); const zlib = require('...
AndrewHarvey's user avatar
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8 votes

Mapbox SDK: Is it free if you host your own vector tiles?

I can't speak for Mapbox, but generally their approach is their software is free and open source, and their platform costs money to use. You can host your own data, styles etc on your own servers for ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
8 votes

Render raster tiles from a Mapbox GL style

I finally gave up trying to find an existing solution and ended up using a combo of Maputnik, Tileserver GL, and a custom script to scrape raster tiles from Tileserver GL. Details are here: https://...
Chris Bartley's user avatar
8 votes

Is it possible to serve vector tiles directly from S3?

It is possible. I recommend you to use Route 53, S3, CloudFront. Host your domain name on AWS via AWS Route 53 DNS ( to create a public zone. Create a SSL Cert for your domain name via ...
Kyros Koh's user avatar
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8 votes

Reverse Engineering of Vector tiles and Tiles Security

No, the data is absolutely not secure by virtue of being encoded as vector tiles. Vector tiles are typically PBF data (protocol buffers) in the Mapbox Vector Tile (MVT) specification. (Media type: ...
alphabetasoup's user avatar
7 votes

Do Vector-tile file-names need zoom levels and if so, why?

Yes, you do need separate vector tiles for each zoom level, for two main reasons: 1) A low-zoom vector tile doesn't necessarily contain every feature within it. Depending how the vector tiles are ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
7 votes

Add vector tile sources to QGIS

Vector tiles are now supported directly in QGIS 3.14+:
Lutra's user avatar
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7 votes

How to find features in Openlayers VectorTiles

An array of features can be built up as the MVT tiles load (there will be a different set of features for each zoom level of the tilegrid) making a separate GeoJSON unnecessary. var featuresForZ = []...
Mike's user avatar
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7 votes

ST_AsMVT single layer with multiple Id's

You can use UNION to combine the queries. Your server can then concat the binaries before sending them out. I found out that doing this in SQL took to long and increased the compute time to much. You ...
Ralph Bisschops's user avatar
7 votes

QGIS expression function for intersecting points with underlying MapBox vector tile layer to capture attributes

As far as I know, there is no such function in the Field Calculator that can intersect point features with tiles and provide data from the vector tile layer. I can suggest the following approach to ...
Taras's user avatar
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6 votes

Self-hosting Mapbox vector tiles is a lot easier to use than the main solutions mentioned -- no fiddling with JSON files needed. You just run it with tileserver-gl-light ...
Mohan's user avatar
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6 votes

Convert Mapbox Vector Tiles to Longitude and Latitude

I kept on reading and I guess I found the answer myself. I won't delete the answer, maybe someone else will bump into the same problem. mapbox-vector-tile is the library I use and its documentation ...
linqu's user avatar
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6 votes

geojson to mapbox vector tile in nodejs

I ended up using those two packages : (for getting a tile from geojson) and (for transforming this tile into pbf) I made a quick ...
PhilippeAuriach's user avatar
6 votes

Connecting QGIS to OS Vector Tile API

Adding the OS Vector Tile API to QGIS should be relatively straight-forward process. You will need QGIS 3.16 or higher (as this in when the enhanced VTS Support was added). Go to Layer > Add Layer &...
tmnnrs's user avatar
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6 votes

Selecting feature from VectorTile in OpenLayers

For that code to work you would need to use new ol.format.MVT({featureClass: ol.Feature}), (see as the default RenderFeature does ...
Mike's user avatar
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6 votes

Postgres/PG_Tileserv increase speed

I came up with two function that significantly helped the layers draw on the leaflet map 1.Building off what @robin loche and @Paul Ramsey mentioned I threw together a crude example of a function that ...
ziggy's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the difference between pg_tileserv and Martin?

pg_tileserve is a Go-based tile server that focuses on generating tiles from a single Postgres database server. Martin is a Rust-based tile server that supports multiple simultaneous Postgres ...
Yuri Astrakhan's user avatar
6 votes

Adding Vector Tiles results in 'Network request timed out' in QGIS

The first thing I want to clarify is that you are mixing URLs and styles from two different vector tile sets i.e. Basis and Höhenlinien. Secondly, it looks like the styles for Höhenlinien do not work ...
Taras's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there a Mapbox GL renderer that outputs SVG?

TLDR; There is no direct way to do this, the best option is to evaluate why you need SVG and why you need Mapbox GL and choose other tools/options. First, this depends on whether your goal is to ...
Kristofor Carle's user avatar
5 votes

Can Mapbox Vector Tiles be used as QGIS basemap?

Seems this is still not fully functional, at least in the sense that this new effort to support vector tiles in QGIS is now underway:
Inactivated Account's user avatar
5 votes

Mapbox Vector Tiles from Geoserver 2.11 in Mapbox GL JS

Thanks to anneb I got it to work and this is how it looks like: Here's the relevant portion of the script (c.f. links below): var simple = { "version": 8, "sources": { "osm": { ...
Sickboy's user avatar
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5 votes

Aggregate Lines Based on Distance between Segments

You could try looking int this OS option, Skeletron, it: generalizes collections of lines to a specific spherical mercator zoom level and pixel precision, using a polygon buffer and voronoi ...
whyzar's user avatar
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5 votes

Publishing existing Mapbox Vector Tiles using GeoServer?

As the documentation makes clear the Vector tiles module is an output format not a datasource, so it is currently impossible for GeoServer to read in vector tiles. If you would like to add this ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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5 votes

Map .pbf CRS in QGIS?

The (mapbox) vector tile specification states that: A Vector Tile represents data based on a square extent within a projection. A Vector Tile SHOULD NOT contain information about its bounds and ...
Francisco Puga's user avatar
5 votes

OpenLayers vector tile rendering problem on .NET Core 2.2

SOLUTION I was responding to the browser as bytes return (byte[]datas); so i change response type to File and works fine return File(datas, "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile");
khayyam's user avatar
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5 votes

Using ST_AsMVT with ST_TileEnvelope clipping in mapbox

Your geometries go beyond the range of validity for your projection, so those tiles are failing to render. You need to clip them before you transform (or alternately, clip your tile envelopes before ...
Paul Ramsey's user avatar
5 votes

Loss of vector line accuracy when exporting from QGIS

First off: Mapbox GL accepts EPSG:4326 - WGS84 referenced coordinates only, and transforms to either EPSG:3857 - Spherical (Web) Mercator directly, or into Vector Tile space. Then: Mapbox GL ...
t.ry's user avatar
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