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16 votes

LS7 filling the gaps image with Google Earth Engine

You could try filling the gaps before you aggregate them by month. USGS published a LS7 SLC-off gap-filling algorithm. This algorithm was recreated for Google Earth Engine by Noel Gorelick: https://...
Kersten's user avatar
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10 votes

Landsat images with bad quality

The Scan Line Corrector in the ETM+ instrument onboard Landsat-7 suffered a (suspected) mechanical failure in 2003, so all subsequent images suffer from the striping you are seeing in your images. The ...
Radar's user avatar
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9 votes

Atmospheric correction algorithm in Python or R for Landsat 7 ETM+

you could also check the Atmospheric and Radiometric Correction of Satellite Imagery (ARCSI) Python library, which supports a range of sensors, including Landsat 4,5,7 and 8. To complement the ...
dmci's user avatar
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8 votes

Noisy lines in all scenes for Landsat 7?

You should read about the Landsat 7 ETM+ SLC-off data This refers to all Landsat 7 images collected after May 31, 2003, when the Scan Line Corrector (SLC) failed. These products have data gaps, but ...
Yogesh Chavan's user avatar
7 votes

remove one image from imageCollection in google earth engine

You can remove images of a collection by constructing a filter that selects the images you want to remove, then negate the filter using ee.Filter.not(). var MAX_LIST_SIZE = 100; var ...
Tyler Erickson's user avatar
6 votes

Different download options for the new Landsat ETM+ data

The ones labelled 'LandsatLook' are quicklooks with heavily degraded spatial, radiometric and spectral resolution and should only be used for quickly assessing image quality based on visual inspection....
Mikkel Lydholm Rasmussen's user avatar
6 votes

Calculating Landsat 7 NDVI images using QGIS

Testing and comparing a Landsat 7 image (different area to yours, but same sensor data) reveals that the values are in fact both "correct". You (and I) have fallen into the trap of the Raster ...
Phil G's user avatar
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6 votes

Atmospheric correction algorithm in Python or R for Landsat 7 ETM+

In R, there are landsat package (CRAN) landsat provides basic tools for working with satellite imagery such as automated georeferencing and cloud detection. It contains functions for ...
Tung's user avatar
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5 votes

Comb-like missing data in landsat data images

I think what you are seeing is the error which came about from the Landsat 7 Sensor when the Scan Line Corrector (SLC) failed in 2003. Basically all imagery collected by Landsat 7 post 31 May 2003 ...
Keagan Allan's user avatar
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5 votes

Merging raw data from Landsat 5, Landsat 7 and Landsat 8

An option is to assign common names to the bands, here an example on a few bands: // Assign a common name to the sensor-specific bands. var LC8_BANDS = ['B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'B6', 'B7', ...
OscarBau's user avatar
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4 votes

Where to download QA bands (cfmask bands) for surface reflectance Landsat7

I just downloaded a Landsat 7 Surface Reflectance scene from USGS EarthExplorer. It contains QA bands. If you are ordering from the USGS ESPA, CFMask should be included by default in the Surface ...
user2856's user avatar
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4 votes

Finding the best image per year of Landsat image collection in Google Earth Engine

Yep, instead of for/while loops, Earth Engine prefers mapping over any type of collection or list (the "Mapping over .." chapters in the documentation are pretty helpful). We can map over a list of ...
Christoph Rieke's user avatar
4 votes

Atmospheric correction algorithm in Python or R for Landsat 7 ETM+

I have also found a source code useful which is provided in RStoolbox package in R.Therefore I have attached the link here for other users and developers which might be useful for them as well. ...
morteza's user avatar
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4 votes

inconsistent types in google earth engine with Export.image.toDrive()

Cast the whole darn thing to a 32-bit float: withNDVI.float(). Of course, make sure you're not getting any overflow, but looks safe here.
Nicholas Clinton's user avatar
4 votes

Treatment of Landsat 7 SLC error in Google Earth Engine?

The missing data is masked prior to creating the composite. Since the SLC-off line errors are not in the same place for multiple satellite passes you still get a full coverage in the multi-image ...
Kersten's user avatar
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4 votes

Integrating Landsat ETM+ and OLI surface reflectance data

This can be accomplished in Google Earth Engine. See this tutorial on cloud masking and harmonizing a time series of Landsat surface reflectance images from TM, ETM+, and OLI sensors. It includes ...
Justin Braaten's user avatar
4 votes

EVI or NDVI collection image download

The error refers that you use ImageCollection although Export.image.toDrive function expects one Image. You must pass an Image to image parameter. If you want to export to drive, you can use image: ...
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
4 votes

Google Earth Engine: Understanding Landsat 7 Collection 2 QA_PIXEL, bitwiseAnd() for cloud mask

Bits 1, 3, and 4 look correct, according to the User's Guide, but you haven't scaled the data appropriately. The scaling factors are different for C2.
Noel Gorelick's user avatar
3 votes

inconsistent types in google earth engine with Export.image.toDrive()

The issue is that you are attempting to export two bands that have different data datatypes (float vs. double): and because the format of the output file (GeoTIFF) does not (at least in practice) ...
Tyler Erickson's user avatar
3 votes

LS7 filling the gaps image with Google Earth Engine

What @Kersten proposed is perfect, but I would just like to answer to the specific Band 'B1' is Type<Float>, expected Type<Short<0, 255>> error, which I also get after gap filling,...
Giezi's user avatar
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3 votes

Landsat True color in QGIS

The order of bands for the true color composite should be B3,B2,B1. You could try to create a virtual raster using GDAL: gdalbuildvrt -separate LE07_L1TP_231095_20011014_20170202_01_T1_RGB.vrt ...
dr_times's user avatar
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3 votes

Where to download QA bands (cfmask bands) for surface reflectance Landsat7

If you download Collection-1 Landsat Images, both Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 Higher Level Data Products will come with pixel QA band. Otherwise you need to download the CFMask which has the same ...
Ayda Aktas's user avatar
3 votes

Fusing Collection 1 Landsat 7 and 8 Surface Reflectance NDVI

I finally have an answer to this question, and I thought I would respond to this post for future reference. I emailed Dr. Roy and he kindly replied that the USGS did not correct any spectral ...
Ben Carlson's user avatar
3 votes

How to print chart for NDWI

The imagery in your collection have originally had different projections, because it is built from Landsat scenes of different WRS paths/rows. Subsequently, you will need to provide a scale in the ...
Kuik's user avatar
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3 votes

Can't Find Landsat7 data

Unfortunately sometimes the simplest answer is the right one: there are little to no Landsat 7 images of Antarctica. And if there were, they would require special manipulations to actually be useful. ...
M. Nicolas's user avatar
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2 votes

Training samples without ground truth data?

A pretty common approach for validating a medium resolution (such as Landsat) classification is to rely on higher resolution datasets, such as aerial or even VHR satellite data (WorldView, Pleiades ...
Mikkel Lydholm Rasmussen's user avatar
2 votes

Radiometric Resolution of Landsat Sensors

Yes with some observations. A 0-255 range of DN is a ~0.004 step for each level of reflectance. For NIR is enough, you can be able to identify a significant range of values into different land covers ...
aldo_tapia's user avatar
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2 votes

Landsat Collection 1 Level-1 or Landsat Collection 1 Higher Level?

I found a paper that answered totally my question. I recommend this paper, especially for those who are just starting to use Landsat images. This is a very good and updated summary of the last ...
Alexisst's user avatar
2 votes

Exporting Landsat 7 Surface Reflectance through Google Earth Engine

The NDVI product is a 8-day global composite product which means that the scenes from within a period of 8 days is combined into one image. But for SR product, the 16 day resolution means the ...
Nishanta Khanal's user avatar
2 votes

Landsat7 Scan Line Correction in GEE

You should just start functions in the GEE with lowercase letters. Thus: reduceResolution() and reduceNeighborhood Link code
Kuik's user avatar
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