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9 votes

Can Leaflet be used to show 360° panoramic images?

Can leaflet be used to show 360 panoramic images? Yes, but the result is probably not what you wanted/expected. For example, I can take this image from the Panellum examples page, which is a full ...
IvanSanchez's user avatar
  • 10.3k
2 votes

Add a Panoramio-like layer to ArcGIS Online map

Google provides a transition to their other products which maintain the same placed-based data as Panoramio provided here. Today, with photo upload tools in Google Maps and our Local Guides program,...
whyzar's user avatar
  • 12.1k
1 vote

Is there an opensource way of making 'streetview' panoramas?

You can use hugin panorama creator to stitch together a series of images as a single rectangular image. You can use a leaflet map to display a 360 degree panorama with this image, which you can pan ...
Peter Thomson's user avatar

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