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Searching for UN regions/sub-regions shapefile

for a visualisation project I need the boundaries of the UN regions as defined here : That's 21 polygons for the sub-regions. I have been looking ...
fatz's user avatar
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UK Postcode and London destination

New to this site... I'm working with Postcode regions in the UK and was wondering if anyone know if there is a dataset which give you postcode region and the most likely station destination within ...
user61928's user avatar
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ITV zone shapefile

Where can we get ITV zone shapefiles for the UK? I need to create filled maps using this data.
Jeff Strauss's user avatar
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Seeking elevation/topographical Shapefiles?

I'm writing an Android navigation application using Java in my own time as a learning exercise. It reads Shapefiles (with some pre-processing by me) downloaded from
BagOfSpanners's user avatar
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GIS files for US Special Districts?

I'm looking for GIS files (shapefiles, geoJSON, KML...) for US special districts, but I can't find them anywhere. Special districts are single-purpose local government distinct from counties and ...
Erispoe's user avatar
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Neighborhood boundaries and building footprints for Johannesburg?

Are there any sources for free (or commercial) and distributable neighborhood and building footprint datasets for Johannesburg out there? I've already looked on: Google OpenStreetMap ...
Molotoff's user avatar
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Global height data as polygons — Natural Earth doesn't have it?

I love the bathymetry data from Natural Earth. I've been looking for the last few days for the same basic data but for land. I'm trying to find general elevation shapefiles, as polygons. I don't need ...
Yhilan's user avatar
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Postal codes of China

Where can I find geodata with postal codes of China with an open license (commercial use is allowed)?
T.Ilyina's user avatar
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Up-to-date South Korea level-1 administrative boundaries following land reclamation

Because of land reclamation, South Korea's western coastline changes regularly and data is regularly outdated. For example, GADM shapefiles describe boundaries prior to the development of Songdo. How ...
syre's user avatar
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How to find USA Water Hardness shapefiles?

I want to find USA water hardness shapefiles. I have searched for it from here: but without success. Is there any good data source from ...
user122678's user avatar
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Example shapefiles containing PointM, MultiPointM, PolygonM or PolylineM data

I have written a Delphi library for reading shapefiles. Now I'd like to test it with some real data, but cannot find any shapefiles containing the "M" variety of data: PointM, MultiPointM, PolygonM ...
dummzeuch's user avatar
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shapefiles of Mumbai ward map

I am looking for shapefiles for Mumbai ward wise map. This is required for my research work on disease mapping. Please could anyone share any link for the shapefiles.
Siuli Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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Building shapefile for Naples region, Italy

I have been searching high and low for a building data layer for the Naples region of Italy (Campania). I am studying volcanic risk from a volcano called Campi Flegrei and have to see how this volcano ...
Danielle Charlton's user avatar
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GIS shapefile of corporate headquarters located in the US?

I am conducting MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) level analysis where I am tracking the number of corporate headquarters in the top 50 MSAs from 2000 to 2014. I am looking for a shapefile like this ...
dufresne's user avatar
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Seeking block (sub-district) level boundaries for India?

I'm looking for block (sub-district) level shapefiles for India. The GADM database only has files for the 2300 Tehsils, whereas I'm looking for the about 5500 Census blocks (sub-districts) for any ...
user32482's user avatar
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Where to find Data with site that have hazardous, toxic or radioactive substances?

Does anybody know where to find data that lists the location of sites that have hazardous, toxic or radioactive substances? I'm working on a HUD project and need to be able to find out if sites for ...
Craig's user avatar
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Downloading OSM data for whole of Netherlands via Geofabrik

I need shapefile data for roads and railways in the Netherlands. I can use to download several files. However I can only data for each province (...
Sem20112001's user avatar
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Seeking shapefiles of world in pre-WW2?

I'm in search for shapefiles that show all countries of the world as they looked like in the early 1930s, somewhen between WW1 and WW2. I have some for Europe for the different years of the 20th ...
Nola's user avatar
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