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4 answers

Converting shapefiles (.shp) to CAD (.dwg ) format using QGIS?

How to convert shapefiles to .dwg format using QGIS 1.7.0?
Appoline's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How to check if shapefile is empty using ArcPy?

I have a number of shapefiles in a folder but some of them are empty i.e. there are no rows within the shapefile. Is there a simple way to find those empty shapefiles using ArcPy?
Mingshu's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

gdalwarp cutline without using a shapefile

I'm currently working with gdalwarp to split some tiffs. gdalwarp -cutline file.shp -dstalpha -of GTiff image.tif split_image.tif I wanted to know if I can use an other source rather than use a ...
Geek Junior's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Adding new record with specific coordinates into shapefile using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I need to create a new point record in my shapefile. When I use the Create Features tool in the Editor tool, I can click anywhere on my map to create a point, but when I go into the attribute table to ...
Kayla Balderson's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Creating Virtual Layer as union of multiple layers with same schema in QGIS

I have a Layer Group surveyor with lots of layers (shapefiles) with seemingly random names, and with identical schemas. I would like to combine them all to one layer; preferably with a Virtual Layer. ...
Mads Skjern's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Converting File Geodatabase feature classes to shapefiles in ArcMap

How can I convert a File Geodatabase feature class into a shapefile? I found the help for ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 and it tells me: On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Production Mapping ...
user24420's user avatar
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5 answers

Georeferencing aerial photos when only centroid is known using ArcGIS for Desktop or ERDAS Imagine?

I have heaps of aerial photos that need to be georeferenced. I have access to ArcMap and ERDAS. All I am given is an excel sheet with the centroid coordinates of each image. Each photo covers ...
Kate's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

projection/pyproj puzzle, and understanding SRS format

I have a shapefile that has a .prj file, with the following wkt contents: PROJCS["NAD_1927_StatePlane_New_York_West_FIPS_3103",GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1927",DATUM["D_North_American_1927",SPHEROID["...
M Katz's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Decrypt strange encoded characters in the attribute table of a shapefile

In QGIS, I can't read characters of the shapefile in my geological layer attribute table : I don't understand or there are misunderstandable characters of shapefile. Below a screenshot of the ...
kumushkangeo's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to clip very large shapefile in QGIS using ogr2ogr?

I need to clip a large shapefile (600,000 KB) to another smaller shapefile (10 KB). The vector -> geoprocessing -> clip command is taking very long. Answers to similar questions say to use "ogr2ogr" ...
racheldeep's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Overwriting shapefile using ArcPy?

I want to be able to overwrite a shapefile if it exists. I think my code needs some tweaking. I am using v10. I am able to delete the actual .shp file but the .dbf, .shx, etc still remain, so if I try ...
user1898629's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Maritime route prediction avoiding land masses

I am working on a project where the following functions have to be implemented: Predicting the locations of the ships (in maritime environment) at a future time. (Can be done with Kalman filter, IMM ...
kaja's user avatar
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How to speed up Select by location?

Has anyone had a similar "extreme slow" experience using "Select by location" (Toolbox) and "Spatial query" tool? I've used both for selecting some points inside a polygon. The data was in SHPs and ...
Flo Xi's user avatar
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2 answers

Converting GeoJSON to Shapefile

I have a found a lot of questions about converting shapefiles to GeoJSON, but how do you convert a GeoJSON to a Shapefile? I've seen Converting GeoJSON to Shapefile using ogr2ogr? that uses ogr2ogr, ...
Binx's user avatar
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2 answers

ogr2ogr kml to shp conversion created 184 shapefiles?! What am I missing?

I'm trying to convert this KML dataset of ice arenas to a shapefile using ogr2ogr (GDAL 1.8). After some initial troubleshooting to get the script running, it's creating 184 different shapefiles (736 ...
elrobis's user avatar
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3 answers

Bulk file convertor QGIS plugin/program

EDIT - please link any similar questions as this needs testing on QGIS 3 Similar questions have been asked but without I think non "script" solutions Is there a easier to use for non ...
maskin's user avatar
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2 answers

UK regional shape map with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

We have obtained boundary line data for England from the Office for National Statistics portal, which displays English regions like: We want boundary line data for regions within the United Kingdom. ...
Goldhawk's user avatar
6 votes
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Move .SHP from .MXD to gdb [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to move SHP to gdb with ArcView license? Let's cut it short, I have numerous mxd with layer coming from .SHP and various servers WMS that I need to move to a gdb. What I ...
Luca Moiana's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Deleting field/column of shapefile with OGR/GDAL Python?

Is it possible to delete a field in a shapefile using GDAL with python? With gdal 2.1.3 (Ubuntu 16.04), I can only see a CreateField() method on the layer object. No similar functions to delete a ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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Are polygons stored clockwise or counterclockwise in a shapefile? [duplicate]

I'm working with polygon coordinates in QGIS using PyQGIS using ESRI shapefiles as input data. Are the polygon vertices (I am referring only to the outer boundary in the case of polygons with holes) ...
jgpallero's user avatar
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5 answers

Counting road intersections and blocks

I have a shp file that consists of the road system of Mexico City. I would like to count the number of road intersections (crossings) and blocks (which I would define as a segment starting from one ...
JEquihua's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to iterate through features in a shapefile using R?

I am interested in iterating through a point shapefile to perform tasks on a point by point basis using R. In Python, this can be accomplished using the following workflow: import arcpy shp = r'C:\...
Aaron's user avatar
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3 answers

GIS file format for space and time data?

I need some advice with GIS file format choice. Here is my problem: I have about 100 stations. At each station water temperature is measured daily for 1 year I want to load this data to QGIS and be ...
jirikadlec2's user avatar
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3 answers

Error exporting data from Oracle to shp using ogr2ogr

I have an oracle table which I would like to query/make a selection. I would then like to export the selection to a shp file. I'm using gdal and ogr2ogr. Following the guidelines here and here I ...
Dan_h_b's user avatar
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How to plot points on maps using ggplot2 and R?

Thanks for help me in GIS 101 Problem #1, now I have geocoded a few hospital in Connecticut using google map, I have able to visualize them in QGIS, now I am trying to do it in R. ct <- ...
lokheart's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Shapefile Naming conventions in ArcPy?

I have shapefile named `band-tailed_pigeon.shp which is fine and no problem on displaying or geoprocessing on Desktop but in ArcPy when I try to merge some layes to it I am getting this error ...
Suffii's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Where can I download a free dataset containing major ports across the world?

I am working on an analysis and would like to incorporate major maritime ports from across the world. Some initial searching turned up a dataset produced by General Dynamics, however it will be ...
chawkins's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Reprojecting and saving shapefile in gdal

I have a shapefile I want to reproject based on another projection, and then save the results. I am trying to do this like so: from osgeo import ogr, osr, gdal #tif with projections I want tif = ...
Stefano Potter's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Find intersection point in a road network of line shapefile

How can I find intersection point in a road network in one line shapefile? I am using QGIS 2.18. How can I get the intersection point shown in blue colour
akash biswal's user avatar
6 votes
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Reprojecting Natural Earth "Admin 0 – Countries" shapefile to Web Mercator

I haven't received a reply posting this same question on the Natural Earth forums, so I figured I'd give it a try here. I’m trying to reproject the 1:10m "Admin 0 – Countries" shapefile into a Web ...
David Mills's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Why doesn't the split tool return any records in the attribute table?

I've been trying to split a large land use shapefile using a set of study area polygons as the split feature, but when the function finally finishes running (the land use dataset is quite large), all ...
Emily's user avatar
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How to meassure the length of common edges between polygons?

I have a shapefile that contains several polygons which in fact represent the limits of several counties. My task is to find each length of each shared border. So in other words I want to know how ...
Ligia's user avatar
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How to find the distance to the nearest coastline from a land-based latitude/longitude point?

I'm completely new to GIS and unsure what I need to solve this problem: In the image above turquoise is actually land. Sea is white. I tried using the NASA Distance to the Nearest Coast data dump by ...
Damian's user avatar
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6 answers

Postgis shapefile loader 2.1 error: dbf file can not be opened

The .shp, .dbf and the rest of files are fine, I open them in QGIS, AGOL with no problem. In fact, I've tried 3 different layers, and get always the same error. Anyone can please help, as I really ...
Guillermo's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

ArcGIS sr.lock "LOCK file" how to delete? ArcGIS 10: Lock Files According to the above post the only way to delete these sr.lock files is to completely exit all ArcGIS programs. When ...
sirgeo's user avatar
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2 answers

How is attribute data in DBF file tied to shapefile location data in SHP file?

I opened a DBF file in Excel and I'm looking at attribute data from a shapefile export. How is the row of attribute data in the DBF file connected to it's corresponding locational data in the SHP ...
DenaliHardtail's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

GIS, R and shapefiles

I have some data that encodes locations in certain countries, such as the US and China, that I would like to map. The data includes location name in Latin, extended Latin and other scripts (Japanese, ...
SlowLearner's user avatar
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5 answers

Where can I find a shapefile for the coastline of North America?

I am looking for a shapefile representing the coastlines of North America, such as something like this: Does anyone have any suggestions?
Andrey Maraev's user avatar
6 votes
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How to replace a shapefile name in a directory using Python QGIS?

How to replace name or delete .shp file from directory using Python QGIS ? import os import processing input = "//input.shp" output = "//output_100.shp" interval = 100 processing.runalg("qgis:...
Artec's user avatar
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4 answers

Advantages either way between GML and Shapefiles? [closed]

After a good start many months ago of getting into GIS through QGIS, I had to drop what I was doing and did not touch it for quite some time. I am now able to get back into it and have a need to load ...
Peter Cornelissen's user avatar
6 votes
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Shape layer turns non-editable if saved filtered

I am working in QGIS 2.18.3. I have a shape layer with point geometry, which I filter by some field, and then I work on its attribute table. Once I am done for the day, I save the project so I can ...
Pescariz's user avatar
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How to export .mdb file to shapefile in MapInfo Professional?

I have received some GIS files, in .mdb format. Is it possible to project this .mdb file onto my map; say by converting it into a shapefile etc? In MapInfo Professional, I could open this .mdb file ...
Anna's user avatar
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QGIS: Release file lock on file used in a processing algorithm at the end of script

I am using runalg (qgis:joinattributesbylocation) on two QgsVectorLayer objects. At the end of my script I'm trying to delete all the files created during the script. I can delete everything except ...
David M.'s user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Using Google Earth Enterprise & ArcGIS platform together?

I have been fielded a few questions about Google Earth Enterprise (GEE) -which I don't know anything about, I'm having a time finding answers to the two following questions, which can probably be ...
MaryBeth's user avatar
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Finding the closest point to a polygon in a shapefile using GeoPandas

I have the following map of statistical regions of Belgium: The blue dots correspond to coordinates for which I have temperature data. Surrounded by the red circle is Brussels. As it can be seen, ...
JavierSando's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What is the logic of sorting order of attribute table in QGIS 3?

If I open a shapefile in two empty QGIS projects and view the attribute table the rows are in completely different orders. How does QGIS decide which order to display the rows in an attribute table ...
ian's user avatar
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6 votes
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Remove 3D geometry in shapefile using OGR

I have a series of shapefiles, that have 3D geometries (ie: points ZM). I would like to remove the 3D geometry so that the files are 2D. Is there a way to remove 3D geometry from a shapefile using OGR?...
Ryan Garnett's user avatar
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6 votes
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Checking if Lng and Lat fall inside polygons from ESRI Shapefile

I have two input files. First: CSV file with a list of points each defined with Lng, Lat, Name Second: ESRI Shapefile defining a number of polygons I would like to determine for each point I have (...
Moustafa Alzantot's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Split SHP file using ogr2ogr

I am trying to split a SHP file using all the attributes in the column header SUBURB. Below is an example of the attribute table sitting behind the SHP file: Name Suburb ABC BAY ...
VGu's user avatar
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"Topo to Raster" tool for QGIS?

is there any analogue of the ArcGIS "topo to raster" tool in QGIS? I need to creates surfaces from shp for some cases from points and for some from lines and this instrument is very convenient.
laechoppe's user avatar
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