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Creating Raster that sums up input polygons using QGIS?

I am using QGIS and I have a shapefile with buildings. From these buildings, I have made a Buffer with variegating radius. The Buffer also have data about the demand for Parking spots for each ...
Lucas R's user avatar
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Sharing properties for SQL Server table in QGIS

I have a project where most of the layers come from a SQL Server. Most of the layers contain pointers to, and/or drop down list for, attributes so that there is consistency in data entry. This project ...
Johanna's user avatar
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QGIS Field Calculator NaN error messages dependent upon variable type?

I have a layer which contains roads. I am using the Field Calculator to compute some statistics based on different attributes. Using QGIS 3.10.14 I am running into an issue using lengths. I have ...
Karson's user avatar
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QGIS export to shapefile inflates real field size and value

At 3.8.3, when I Export > Save As a Geopackage point layer to a shapefile, fields with type = double are output with 15(!!!) significant digits. Here are the before and after field widths: Input: ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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QGIS Naming Model Outputs using attribute from input layer

This is the first QGIS Process Model I have ever attempted to build (and I am still on a learning curve with QGIS generally). THE ASSIGNMENT: I need to build a model that will take an input vector and ...
ManWithQuestions's user avatar
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Attributes Form -> show description-column but write value-column

Concerning value Relation Forms: I'd like to show the content of a description field in the dropdown menu, but write the content of the value field. Sure, with the mouse-over effect, it will show me ...
notger's user avatar
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How to use WFS to update the value of a field to an empty string '', not Null?

I tried to set a field value of a feature to an empty string '' via WFS, but I didn't find a way to make it happen. I use the WFS protocol to send to Geoserver. I tried the following three methods: 1. ...
singh's user avatar
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Deleting picture taken in QField

I'm using QField all day and one thing kept bothering me which is that I am unable to delete a picture I take within the app. When I'm doing cartography, I like to take pictures so that I have a ...
user187427's user avatar
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Edit field schema of web layer in ArcGIS Pro

I would like to edit the field schema of a web layer in ArcGIS Pro via Design --> Fields but I get the error message "the table or feature class corresponding to this view is read-only". To clarify, ...
Taiga32's user avatar
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PyQgis - Adding attributes to a POSTGIS layer

After reading @underdark's answer to this question on creating a new vector layer and @Matthias Kuhn's to this one on field calculation, I wrote a script that allows me to calcultate the mean arrival-...
Abigail's user avatar
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How to edit Attributes on WFS Layer through Popup?

I am working on a project for university. So far I have displayed WfsLayers which can be select from a panel, also I can click on my points whereupon a Popup will show up with some information which ...
Timothy Dalton's user avatar
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Creating/updating fields without create temporary files in QGIS Model Designer

So I'm starting with an "add layer" input, then a "refactor fields" and I need the output to update the original layer I added in the "add layer" at the beginning. So I ...
marcijel1's user avatar
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Saving attribute field comments when making memory layer permanent in QGIS Plugin

My QGIS plugin creates a vector layer (memory) with attribute fields that include comments. Comments are not saved when I "Make Permanent" the layer. I have been able to build a QGIS Python ...
raywannabesurfer's user avatar
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Different settings for form & table views in QGIS

In QGIS 3.18. Layer properties-->Attributes Form allows changing various aspects of attribute visualization and entry/editing, including aliases, widgets (for drop-down menus, checkboxes, etc), and ...
pete's user avatar
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Editable default values in QGIS

In QGIS 3.22. For a vector layer, I would like to have a certain attribute (Field_A) be both editable by a user, AND automatically filled in by an expression for features that are not user-edited. ...
pete's user avatar
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Adding easting and northing points in ArcGIS

I am trying to add coordinates into ArcGIS 10.6.1. Below are the Northing and Easting I have been given. I have added these Northing and Eastings into an Excel sheet and saved them as a CSV File (The ...
Louis Tate's user avatar
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Adding attribute of polygon orientation depending on neighbors in QGIS

I have a shapefile with buildings as polygons. Is it possible to add attribute columns referring if the polygon boundary is "other polygon" or "outdoors" for a certain orientation (...
Ricardo Gomes's user avatar
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Editing shapefile adding fields with values with pyshp

I'm trying to add some fields to a shapefile using pyshp. The code I have to far is: import shapefile # Read in our existing shapefile r = shapefile.Reader(r"C:\...\Edit_SHP\TracksLines.shp"...
user179413's user avatar
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QGIS: Using Filter expression for Drop Down Lists in Value Relation Widget

I have a vector layer and want to enable the user to pick values from drop-down lists. The values of the drop-down list change depending on the chosen value of the previous field(s). It works ...
Nil's user avatar
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Creating Custom Expresion for Field Calculations and the Model Builder

I am currently exploring Model Builder and I have some trouble setting a custom expression up for certain vector fields of a layer feature collection (points, line and polygons). This is the kind of ...
ThunderSpark's user avatar
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Columns order mixed up by style

I have a point layer for wich I've set the order of columns while using field calculator and Refactor fields instruments. But the order of colums is different when I'm choosing point by Identify ...
Burtsev's user avatar
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How to impose constraints on drop lists of two fields of the same layer?

Is it possible to impose with pyqgis3.0 some constraints on a drop list of a field attribute in order to govern the drop list attributes of another linked field? To better clarify this issue, I attach ...
ennine's user avatar
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Grouping neighbor points based on field sum in QGIS

I have about 14,000 points. These points have a specific field "time", an integer value, mainly between 1, 2 or 3. I would like to split these 14,000 points into groups based on the "time" field ...
Petey's user avatar
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Selective Dropdown menus in QGIS

I am using QGIS 3.0. So far I can create a dropdown menu but in the shown example I could still choose 'coins' in "type" and '5$' in "value" which is wrong. Are there rules I can ...
Rubedo's user avatar
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Use vector layer attributes as edge properties of a QgsGraphArc with PyQGIS

With PyQGIS 2.18 I created a QgsGraph as describe in the PyQGIS developer cookbook, Release 2.18, ch. 21.2, pp. 95-97. In the cookbook it says "Vector layer attributes and length of an edge can be ...
Jochen Schwarze's user avatar
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Using QGIS comboManager to access attributes from PostGIS

I have been tasked with creating a plugin in QGIS that would connect to a PostGiS database, then let the user (based on its user ID) read the attributes of a table for a particular field, then choose ...
mel's user avatar
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Getting working hyperlinks in the feature attributes of a WMS in Qgis

I have a Geoserver WMS of point locations with urls in one of its attribute fields. If I do a getFeatureInfo request on this in Qgis, using identify, it just returns a string without hyperlink ...
Stef Verdonk's user avatar
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Why is my attribute table only showing one row of values?

I have 68280 features in my QGIS layer which I have loaded from SQL, however when I open my attributes table it only shows 1 'filtered' row. Why? The rest of the values are not showing.
Bernie's user avatar
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Reducing decimal places in QGIS?

I'm using QGIS 2.18 (Las Palmas). I want to change the length of the decimal place, I tried the approach in How to change length to 2 decimal places? however, it still displays 13 decimal places.
rtaani's user avatar
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Calculating a new attribute for a polygon based on its corners

i have a pointlayer with a real number as attribute named amount. I want to calculate and visualize the difference of amount between neighbourhood points. So first I made a delaunay triangulation ...
Daniel93's user avatar
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Adding field to shp subset layer using PyQGIS?

This is an independent followup from my previous question: QGIS Python generate index field I have two files (points.shp, polylines.shp), each with a variable amount of sublayers of the given ...
Senshi's user avatar
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QGIS Refactor fields error

I am using the Refactor fields in the Processing Toolbox to change order of attribute columns. 3 of the fields have red text in the Expression column and when I Run the changes I get an error: ...
Angus's user avatar
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Reading row values instead of field values with PyQGIS

I use this piece of code to read the values of fields: lyr = iface.activeLayer() features = lyr.getFeatures() for feat in features: attrs = feat.attributes() print attrs[1] How can I read ...
charles's user avatar
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Data structure for analysis of relationship between rainfall and vegetation indices?

I have several hundred raster files (NDVI) of the same area dating back to the 1980’s, as well as daily rainfall observations from a nearby weather-station over the same period. The raster files are ...
Daniel's user avatar
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PostGis - st_union polygons, keep sum of attribute

My current query is: SELECT (ST_Dump( ST_Union( way ) )).geom AS way, 10000 AS way_pixels FROM ( SELECT way, way_pixels, FROM polygons ...
reducing activity's user avatar
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Command line join attributes by location using OGR

I have two overlapping vector files (polygons and sample) and want to do a spatial join from the command line to extract all features in polygons that intersect with sample. Essentially I want to have ...
mace's user avatar
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Displaying attribute values in IntraMaps Roam?

I am having troubles with displaying attribute values in IntraMaps Roam. Let me give you more details: My QGIS project is based on an SQLite database The attribute table in QGIS is displaying the ...
Joost's user avatar
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Save WFS layers multiple records with geoext editor grid

How can I save multiple records after modification with geoext editor grid? The saving is working fine if I modify only one of the records, but it fails when I try to save multiple modifications. I ...
MartinTolnai's user avatar
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View attachments in popup when using the editor widget

I am using ArcGIS javascript API to construct an editor app for a layer. I am using the default out of the box editor widget to edit and display data for an app. The layers I am editing contain ...
twoLeftFeet's user avatar
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How to create a custom Attribute Inspector for mobile app using the ESRI JS API

I am making a mobile version of a JS web application I developed. I'm noticing though that the AttributeInspector widget by default uses standard dojo/form controls. This means that the form within ...
Brian's user avatar
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Edit Widget Add attachments only shows when is made, not when making

So i post my question here because it didnt recieved any answers on Stackoverflow. Hello i have some difficulties, Let me see what i want to do with some pictures and code: I want to add some ...
Babboe's user avatar
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Are there any common field names for the FGDC street address standard fields?

I have been looking into implementing the FGDC street address data standards so that my address data is potentially consistent with other US data I obtain in the future. However, the FGDC ...
Tanner's user avatar
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Adding attribute values to existing GeoPackage with PyQGIS

I have an existing GeoPackage and want to copy Features from another layer to this one using PyQGIS and execute it inside a QGIS Macro. For that, I have the following code: from qgis.core import ...
Dennis's user avatar
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Calculating the end km with reference to the start km of road in QGIS

Note the labelling on the picture to be the lengths of the link segments and have been selected from Right to Left. Start KM = KM at the beginning of the link End KM = KM at the end of the link. (...
Kendel Mashuga's user avatar
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How to change field type using PyQGIS?

I can change the field type (e.g. string to integer) via: Processing > Refactor fields How can I do it purely using PyQGIS via a script or the Python Console (I do not want to call the algorithm ...
user35594's user avatar
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Appending/translating CSV data to GeoPackage with drop drown attribute Fields

I will preface this with some context. I've created a data collection Project that I use in QField, comprised of multiple Geopackage layers that have been heavily modified in the Attribute Forms ...
Kelson Willms's user avatar
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Returning field value based on expression on another field using QGIS expression

I want to return the value from one field ("Number") for the feature with the most recent timestamp ("Time") from within the current layer ('mylayer'). Or what's the number of the ...
Sethinacan's user avatar
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Copying attribute table for each layer in QGIS

In QGIS I'm trying to edit attribute tables for a corn planting prescription. I have 50 layers (fields) that all need to have the same attribute table layout. Is there any way to create a template ...
Pharper8532's user avatar
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Joining attributes from more polygons into one

I have a polygon shapefile containing 1047 cities. In the attribute table I have population, area, and population density for each city. My job is to merge all of the neighbouring cities (their ...
Elenica's user avatar
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Adding auto-updating expressions to legend in QGIS

I am trying to add an expression to a legend item in my print layout that auto-updates when values in the field change. Essentially, I have a layer with a field which calculates the length of each ...
Mon's user avatar
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