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Only selecting Features that have another layers feature ontop

So i am busy with a aerial fibre plan and have Splitters on certain poles( these layers overlap each other) there are over 3000 poles and only 1699 of those poles that have a splitter on. is there any ...
Dylan Kew's user avatar
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Spatial Join in ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro. I have a point feature with 3000 points and a polygon feature with 50 counties. I want to calculate Number of points in each county and the Sum of the values of the points in ...
Andreas K. Vlamakis's user avatar
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Adding custom fields to PgMetadata HTML Templates in QGIS [closed]

I am currently working with the PgMetadata plugin for QGIS, and I am trying to add a custom field (test) to the metadata HTML template. Here's the situation: I have successfully added the test field ...
user279999's user avatar
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First field gets cleared (if time field) in QGIS Attribute Table

I recently noticed a strange bahavior in QGIS (currently working with version 3.34-7): When the first field of a shapefile is named "time" (I regularly work with GPX files exported to ...
M S's user avatar
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Loading selected geometry from GeoParquet with multiple geometry columns into QGIS

I have a GeoParquet file containing two geometry columns ("geom_p_4326" and "geom_4326") and an ID column ("id"). The first geometry column holds points and the second ...
fazzer14's user avatar
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Autocompleting attribute field in Drag and Drop Designer in QGIS

I need to manually add some rather long attributes to features. Is there a way to have the Drag and Drop Designer auto-complete these? (I access the table with 'Modify all selected features ...
Aron's user avatar
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Retrieving Attribute from closest feature or with most overlap form another layer

I am trying to use the Field calculator to retrieve an attribute from the closest feature in another layer. I have had the most success using Overlay_Nearest, but the array it returns does not use ...
Sean Dawson's user avatar
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QGIS adding field to multiple layers

is it possible to add a new field to multiple layers (with same geometry)? Layerstyles will only save the style. When I need the same field in all of my point layers, I must do this step by step and ...
Sickculture's user avatar
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Why the QgsFields.setLength(length) method does not work in PyQGIS 3?

I have a problem with changing the length of the field. Here is a simple example: pole1 = "poznamka" pole2 = "porast" lenght = 20 for poleExistujuce in layer_provider.fields(): ...
Stano's user avatar
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QGIS copy fields in empty geopackage or reset FID

How to copy all fields and styles in a new geopackage without features? I will create a new geopackage. I´ve saved the style from an other geopackage and import this in a new geopackage. All styles ...
Sickculture's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Deleting special characters from QGIS Attribute table

Is there a way to delete special characters such as *? I've tried using replace and regexp_replace, but my version at least doesn't recognise special characters. There are hundreds of fields, and I'm ...
Kai's user avatar
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Adding multiple fields to feature class

I have created a simple arcpy script to add four fields (name, shapeArea, shapeLen, quantile, in that order) to a layer and to compute the values of shapeArea and shapeLen. Because I need to do this ...
William's user avatar
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Getting attributes from different layers with multiple overlaping polygons

In QGIS 3.34.4 I have 2 layers, one underlying layer (Layer 1) and an overlapping layer (Layer 2). Both layers are polygon layers. I want to get the specific data of one field from layer 1 to a field ...
Bob Schmith's user avatar
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Lizmap attachment field not working

I'm trying to create a hyperlink to a server directory, but it's not working. When I try with a URL, it works, but with the path to a folder, it doesn't. It is not possible to create a path to a ...
Ana Amaral's user avatar
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ArcMap Layer properties of personal geodatabase: activate field doesn't work

I'm working with a personal GDB in ArcMap. When I go to Layer Properties -> Fields not all fields can be activated. I can set the marker for the field but the attribute table is not updated ...
geofee's user avatar
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If Statement returns false result-Arcade

When a point feature with Object ID 299 is selected, two other records from the same attribute table should be retrieved and displayed in a pop-up as a secondary table on the same Pop-up in ArcGIS Pro....
nkuhan kuhan's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Creating new field from another field in QGIS Field Calculator

I am trying to create a new field in QGIS where: if the number in the field "DN"=2, then the new field (a text string) will say "veg" and if the number in the field "DN"...
caroline fales's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating/updating fields without create temporary files in QGIS Model Designer

So I'm starting with an "add layer" input, then a "refactor fields" and I need the output to update the original layer I added in the "add layer" at the beginning. So I ...
marcijel1's user avatar
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When deleting attribute from GDB file all the fields in the remaining attributes get deleted as well in QGIS

In QGIS 3.38.2 I have a gdb shapefile with many attributes, let's say A100, A200, A300 and with many fields. When I go to the edit through the "Open attribute table" and delete A200, all the ...
Francis's user avatar
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Field data types change to text when exporting to CSV with 'Add saved file to map'

In QGIS 3.32.2-Lima when exporting a non-spatial layer, e.g. the output from the Statistics by category tool, to CSV with the 'Add saved file to map' checked, the data types of all fields of the new ...
Philip Smith's user avatar
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Wrong field types when connecting to MSSQL DB with user-defined data types using PyQGIS

When I connect to an MSSQL table without geometry via QgsDataSourceUri, Browser or Data Source Manager, QGIS doesn't recognize the user-defined data types of the database and sets it to string. from ...
lukschn's user avatar
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Creating subtype and domain and linking them together in QGIS [duplicate]

I am wondering if there is a similar feature to subtypes in ArcGIS Pro within QGIS software. I want to create a subtype and a domain, and link them together in QGIS, similar to the example below: ...
MTH MHTd's user avatar
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In Google Earth Engine get an attribute value from a FeatureCollection and use it as a parameter to Export toDrive

I am trying to extract attribute values from a Feature Collection in Google Earth Engine and use that value as a parameter value afterward. In the example below, I define the FeatureCollection on the ...
Isa's user avatar
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Unable to edit list in Field Map Designer after import from ArcGIS Pro

I created the layer in ArcGIS Pro, which was the next style. The style is based upon categorization, therefore I had to create the new field in ArcGIS Pro, which I normally used to do in Field Maps ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Adding attribute values to existing GeoPackage with PyQGIS

I have an existing GeoPackage and want to copy Features from another layer to this one using PyQGIS and execute it inside a QGIS Macro. For that, I have the following code: from qgis.core import ...
Dennis's user avatar
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Exporting GeoPackage to shapefile

I have a GeoPackage layer with point features containing some important attributes. When I try to export this layer into a shapefile format the point features are exported but all of the attributes ...
Chris Kout's user avatar
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Expression for closest to zero value

I want to display the closest value to zero from a field in an attribute table from a QGIS layout without having to create a new field. Is it possible?
DobleG_95's user avatar
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Using the "tab distance" feature in QGIS labels

I want to define the distance between two fields in a label. It seems like "Tab distance" would be helpful for this but I don't know how to call the tab value in the label. Screenshot of ...
sidapo_cartisan's user avatar
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Photos in QField and name of each photo to be inserted in a field of the attribute table

I have to detect point elements with QField and for each point take photos whose name is to be inserted in a specific field of the attribute table. How can I get that for each point the "photo&...
Tommaso Ferrari's user avatar
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Add multiple attributes in QGIS composer legend

I have a layer to make simple plans for planting forests. In this layer I have a field to indicate a zone for planting shrubs and a field to mark wich species should be planted there. In the print ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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"TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'QVariant' and 'int'" when automatically updating with PyQGIS

Using the Python Console I would like to update multiple columns at once that run the same function. I have a list of column names and a function, there is a for loop that should iterate through the ...
Gregory C's user avatar
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Setting field alias in GeoPackage file outside of QGIS

In QGIS it's easy to set field aliases for GPKG, or any file that supports it. Can this be done externally to QGIS (specifically for GPKG) so that when opened in QGIS, it will show said alias ...
HDunn's user avatar
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Fields that fill in automatically

I want to create a point layer with an ID field that fills in automatically as I digitize a geometry. It's possible? How can I do?
Tommaso Ferrari's user avatar
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Copy and Paste in QGIS for plugin

I want to create a plugin where I can choose a layer to copy and paste. For copying a layer, I will select the specific layer and choose the field and features. Then, for pasting the layer, I only ...
unknown's user avatar
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3 answers

Deselecting duplicate records in QGIS Attribute table

Several SE-GIS posts describe how to identify duplicate records, such as Identifying duplicate attributes in field using QGIS. I would like to extend this concept by unselecting any duplicate records ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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Assigning unique ID to new points in QGIS

I want to add a new field to my feature attribute table. In this field, I want to generate a random ID (just a number, like 1, 2, 3, etc.) for every new and existing point I create on the map. This is ...
Agos's user avatar
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Graduated symbology

I have opened a delimited text file with coordinates XY defined in two columns on the file plus two other columns with data and they are represented in QGIS as a point layer. I want to symbolize the ...
DobleG_95's user avatar
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Why PyQGIS is not calculating the square root correctly in this expression

I have a shapefile with ~100 fields, the first ~50 fields are motion towards the east, and the last ~50 are motion towards the north. There are 50 fields because each represents a date. I want to ...
Na_Na_Na's user avatar
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Removing character from many field names in QGIS

I have a shapefile with ~100 fields. Each field corresponds to a date, the name of each field is something like this 2006-07-05 (year-month-day). I want to remove the - symbol and have only 20060705. ...
Na_Na_Na's user avatar
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How to keep attributes after a clipping operation in PyQGIS?

I'm trying to do a spatial clipping operation between 2 point layers, representing buildings and earthquakes, and a buffer area created by the user. The problem is that after operation, all attributes ...
Salvatore Diolosà's user avatar
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Modifying ol3-search-layer functionality in an OpenLayers map exported from QGIS2web

I have a mapping project to document my tree collection at I am using QGIS and QGIS2web to generate code for my web map. I have a search field to search the ...
bjah's user avatar
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How to calculate attributes for SLD with GeoServer [duplicate]

When I use <ogc:Literal>5+5</ogc:Literal>, the calculation does not work. Is there a way to perform calculations in GeoServer SLD?
user247498's user avatar
3 votes
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Khmer Language is not properly displayed in layer fields in QGIS

I have created a new shapefile layer which uses Khmer language fields. The encoding is UTF-8. When I create new fields in Khmer in the attribute table it displays perfectly. Then as soon as I hit save ...
Tim Frewer's user avatar
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Mismatched IDs Between Two tables with relation using QField and QGIS

I am setting up my qgis qfield survey app. I have a shape file of metadata.shp that has a field “id” and another non geometric table log.dbf that has a field “fk_id”. They are in relation based on id ...
Geesara's user avatar
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I can't update any attribute values in PyQGIS

I've been using PyQGIS for a few of weeks. I'd write a script which shows all earthshakes responding to given parameters, so I wrote this code: from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtCore import ...
ytreka's user avatar
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Applying if-condition for NULL values in QGIS Python Console

I want to create Excel synoptics from shapefiles or PostgreSQL databases. To know where the start and end points are, I think I need to create logical identifiers for all my entities instead of a ...
Jrôôm's user avatar
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Repeating linestring across farm field at 40 inch intervals to use for pixel values

I am a new user of QGIS. I have found answers to most of my issues. This one has me stuck. I have included an image of the project I am attempting to create. My plan is to place a linestring on every ...
Jess Woeltje's user avatar
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How to return subtype and domain description instead of the code, when using arcgis.gis Python

I am working on some Python that takes an attribute table and makes a pandas df from it. I am doing this by creating an empty list, and looping through each record of the attribute table and making a ...
Wes's user avatar
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Calculating the end km with reference to the start km of road in QGIS

Note the labelling on the picture to be the lengths of the link segments and have been selected from Right to Left. Start KM = KM at the beginning of the link End KM = KM at the end of the link. (...
Kendel Mashuga's user avatar
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Can ArcGIS Pro create virtual fields?

I need to be able to calculate the difference in months between a set date saved in a field and the current date. The Feature will be symbolised according to the resulting number of months. The ...
Robert Buckley's user avatar

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