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Getting name of shapefile from its path with PyQGIS [closed]

I am making a Plugin and I uploaded my shp file using my shp file path, how can I extract the name of the file from it? Example: D:/Qgis files/sub_folderName/FileName.shp I want to save the FileName ...
Varin Anand's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Converting files in a specific folder specified by a relative path

I am writing a script to automate the process of converting a group of rasters, the fact is that I need to set a relative path, it will be used on different pc. But there is always an error [error-...
Владислав Александров's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Create list of shapefiles names from shapefiles in a folder, if folder does not contain shapefile type, print a statement stating this [closed]

I am creating a list of shapefiles names from files in a folder: items = os.listdir(r'E:/folder/test') print('checking directory...') print('your files are: ') print() filenames = [] for names in ...
hbk's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Passing variable to URI filepath

I want to load CSV file to QGIS. It works if I use the strings below: uri ="file:///C:/Users/User/Desktop/Alex working/Tracks//Track.csv?delimiter={}&crs=epsg:25831&xField={}&yField={}...
Aleks's user avatar
  • 41
1 vote
1 answer

Finding the gaps/holes in DEM [closed]

I have a SRTM DEM and need to find whether it has voids or gaps in the data.
Kishore's user avatar
  • 19
0 votes
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Geometry offset function is not working correctly

I'm trying to add offset in polygon feature and I'm using Esri a GIS software in C#. The issue that I'm facing is after I create a polygon and click on functionality for creating offset inside polygon ...
Prabhat Kumar's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there a way to manually separate the distance between 2 lines so that it is represented better?

I work with powerlines and there are too many lines quite close to each other making it look line one thick line when zoomed out . Obviously they do separate out when zoomed in but most of the time we ...
user180936's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Assigning multiple Customize keyboard shortcut keys for ArcMap

I am using ArcMap 10.1 and 10.2.1. I have attached the below image for reference. I want to assign multiple Customize keyboard shortcut keys at the same time. Is it possible do this using ArcPy/...
Amar's user avatar
  • 11
0 votes
1 answer

Removing old logo filepath from layout view in ArcMap

I'm using a very old MXD in ArcMap. We have a wall map set up with symbology to show one type of our strucutres. The problem is that in our legend, our old company logo file path has replaced the ...
Irrigation_GIS's user avatar
1 vote
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ArcMap 10.1 Slow Performance with VB.NET Code (Spatial Query) [closed]

We have just installed ArcGIS 10.1 and MS Visual Studio 10 (Dot Net Framework 3.5) to develop automation tools for Select by Attribute and Select by Location using VB.Net. We developed a new add-in ...
Davideg's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Cannot select input layers for the "Polygonize" tool in QGIS

I am trying to convert a raster layer to a polygon layer using QGIS 3.16. 2. When I open the polygonize tool, the program does not allow me to select any existing raster layers from the 'Input layer' ...
jserv's user avatar
  • 195
0 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to allow user to change just the beginning of a path name in a toolbox for several parameters at once?

I am altering someone else's Python code to create a GIS tool that everyone can use. Currently, they have about 20-30 feature classes with paths to them in their code. The problem is that the ...
hosta's user avatar
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0 answers

Use OS-specific file dialog to relink layer when file moves?

When I move a file out from under QGIS, of course I have to tell the program where it moved to. If you close a QGIS project and then move or rename a layer source file, you get a prompt when you ...
Alan Harper's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Selecting file in Plugin

I want the toolbox to prompt out a file select window so that user can select the file and get the path to be used in my Plugin. Where do I start to code since I just have: def run(self): "&...
Wilson Chin's user avatar
0 votes
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Query geodatabase with PostgreSQL to show - schema, table, column, domain name

How to query geodatabase system tables using PostgreSQL to result this: schema, table, column, domain name I found this, but nothing for PostgreSQL
Caio Mattos's user avatar
1 vote
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Add Specific Map Layout Name to Document Path in ArcGIS Pro

In ArcGIS Pro (using 2.6.2), the <dyn type="project" property="path"/> dynamic text only provides the path of the entire project. It does not include the actual map or layout ...
sparky's user avatar
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1 answer

What to do with completely bad geometry? [closed]

I have downloaded a shapefile that I need from a website. However, the geographic coordinate system is in a projected coordinate system WGS84 Major Auxiliary Sphere and it is projected in WGS84 Web ...
jtg's user avatar
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Comparing two rasters using ArcGIS Raster Calculator

When I tried to compare two rasters in Arcgis by using Raster Calculator, the resulting raster includes positive and negative values. How can I interpret these values? What does the mean of the ...
symcln's user avatar
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3 votes
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Updating ValueTable parameter of ArcPy Python Toolbox tool

I have a shapefile and I want to calculate multiple fields using the GP ValueTable parameter. The script loads field names from a layer, then I should delete rows I don´t want to calculate and then I ...
jonlew's user avatar
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Dividing country into regions based on some initial center point using ArcMap

I am new to GIS. I have some lat-long (say 5) spreads across a country and I want to make polygons around each point such that all the polygons cover the whole area of the country and within the ...
Rishabh's user avatar
2 votes
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Making Symbology Scales same in ArcMap

I am using two sets of data, 'Part' and 'Total'. The part set is what you would think, a fraction of the total. Part = 13 , Total = 29. I want to overlap this data on a map using Graduated Symbols but ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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2 answers

QGIS points disappear after changing CSV file location, changing data source doesn't help

I moved my database and shape files, and wanted to relink them to my QGIS project. The shape file worked fine, but the CSV file wasn't reloading properly no matter what I tried. I could see the fields ...
fadelm0's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Getting path of file saved in memory or as temp file using PyQGIS

Whenever I do something like buffer in QGIS with Vector >> Geoprocessing Tools >> Buffer... the source output I get for my temporary file looks like this: That works fine if I'm doing ...
EnGIsNowhere's user avatar
0 votes
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Filling out field with matching between existing field value and file name in QGIS

I need to fill out new fields using "Field Calculator" in QGIS. What do I need to load in those fields? URL's containing the path to a image file (we can use the statement 'base_file_name'). ...
Geografisica's user avatar
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Calculating fragmentation parameters at high resolution

I'm trying to evaluate fragmentation of an ecosystem. While It is easy to calculate in ArcGIS 10.1 values such as Area, perimeter or minimum distance between fragments, I'm having problems calculating ...
BAdm's user avatar
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ModelBuilder layer name output is not unique

After using inline variable substitution in ArcGIS Pro ModelBuilder it generated the outputs that I wanted, but their layer names in the output were not unique. In the metadata tab, I can see that the ...
Brooklyn_95's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Save processing modeler output layers to project folder/relative path?

I am building an algorithm in the processing modeler which takes a csv file as input and creates a number of vector layers as output. I would like to automatically save these layers in the same folder ...
bovsorrr's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

In ModelBuilder use Parse Path (path and name) to get output FC name

I built a model (in ArcGIS 10.6) and the Parse Path tool is working well if I using the Name type. But I need to use the input .gdb name also into the output feature class name. e.g. Inputs: C:\...
GisT's user avatar
  • 91
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Using QGIS projects in a multi-OS environment

I am using QGIS on a variety of systems all of which access various file systems in my network, one of which contains my files, another contains my QGIS projects. Unfortunately, depending on the OS, ...
Julien's user avatar
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1 answer

Check if listed fieldnames are in shapefiles

I have one main folder and it has multiple sub-folder. Each sub-folder has one shapefile. I want to check some attribute field names like PLACENAME, GNIS_ID, which are present in all the shapefiles or ...
Emtiaj Hoque's user avatar
0 votes
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PyQGIS in standalone scripts on Mac, import error

Following the PyQGIS Developer Cookbook to use PyQGIS in standalone scripts. Fixed the initial errors by setting the PYTHONPATH and DYLD_PYTHON_PATH to the appropriate folders but am now faced with ...
Rob's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Change layer path using PyQGIS

I have a QGIS Project with many raster layers. I need to change/repair all paths since I moved the original data to Another disk. layer = iface.activeLayer() old_path = r'D:/Somefolder_QGIS_200317' ...
Bera's user avatar
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Calculating difference of 2 layers elevation

I want to calculate an aquifer thickness. I have bed rock elevation and also I have elevation of surface of earth. How can I calculate difference of elevation of 2 layers=aquifer thickness by ArcMap?
Meysam Nouri's user avatar
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Deleting rows in grid attribute table not allowed

I want to delete records in a raster attribute table. The window shows me an error message while deleting record. Grid attribute table is blocked from deletion. I have attached a picture of the ...
Saeed Ur Rehman Aziz's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Opening .aprx files to edit file paths using ArcGIS Pro

Two times a year a positional check of railway assets is performed in ArcGIS Pro for 21 different areas by receiving updated data. Every half a year in each area new data is automatically prepared in ...
Davma's user avatar
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0 answers

How to optimize API calls for a large dataset using Python?

Objective: Send a list of addresses to an API and extract certain information(eg: a flag which indicates if an address is in a flood zone or not). Solution: Working Python script for small data. ...
shockwave's user avatar
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1 answer

Deleting edge pixels in raster using ArcMap

Does anyone know how to delete single edge pixels in a raster after a mask is completed? I could convert to polygon and back to raster, but I don't want to lose accuracy. I am using ArcMap.
alli_smitty's user avatar
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Getting information about what road is at certain latitude and longitude

I am using ArcGIS Desktop and I have a bunch of points that are part of a road network. I have created a shapefile using the starting and end point for each segment. Is there a way to add a field to ...
I. Jones's user avatar
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Converting Raster to Polygon/Shapefile using ArcMap without Spatial Analyst or 3D Analyst

I have a floating point raster file which I want as a polygon for visual purposes so I can trace/trim/etc. the polygon (unless there is a way I can trace the raster?). Looking into other posts on ...
Duck's user avatar
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ArcGIS Server Services containing process crashed

I have several services deployed on ArcGIS Server 10.1, one of them has the error: Services containing process crashed. ServiceName.GPServer instance has crashed. Any suggestions for correction? ...
Felipe's user avatar
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1 answer

Select ArcMap attributes that are in CSV

Is there an ArcMap 10.1 method for selecting only attribute rows that have an identifier in common with those in a CSV sheet? I exported an attribute table (5000 rows) and eliminated all but the ...
Taylor's user avatar
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GXP Ortho Polygons

I am creating an orthomosaic using SocetGXP. When I try to process my mosaic I get an error GXP RPF.exe has failed. I have narrowed this down to a problem in my seamlines of either extremely small ...
DirtyHankLeBuff 's user avatar
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Iterate Workspace not working in ArcGIS Pro ModelBuilder

I created a model in ArcGIS Pro that will delete features (ex. drainage areas) that intersect with unfeasible landcover classes within a raster (ex. impervious). So I used the following model ...
Mary's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to locate file path to original layers from feature layers in AGOL web map?

I was given an AGOL web map that was created by someone else within my organization that is no longer here, and I have no idea where the original editable layers in the web map exist on our network ...
geodependent's user avatar
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Reading through shapefile table with Geotools

Goal: Read through a shapefile table with Geotools. I'm confused about FeatureSource, FeatureCollection, and FeatureIterator in Geotools. In ArcGIS, I can open a table in an existing shapefile, and ...
lep's user avatar
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Open QGIS Project in both Linux/Windows

My company has workers that use Windows and Linux to manage a QGIS project. However, when we use the same project created in different operate systems the layers lose file paths. Is there ...
Diogo Caribé's user avatar
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Exporting to GeoTIFF from data view with Data Driven Pages and ArcPy

I'm trying to work with ArcGIS Desktop with this problem. I need to export a data to geotiff with specific boundaries which are polygons, so i decided to use Data Driven Pages (DDP). Because there is ...
SZYM's user avatar
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Isochrone estimating using ArcGIS Raster Calculator

I am using ArcGIS 10.1 and I am trying to use the contour tool in order to get isochrones on a time cost raster. The raster has been estimated in the raster calculator by summing the path distance ...
Roberto's user avatar
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How to add marker while click on geosearch location?

I am using the archgis map and basemap street.1) Fist i click on the geosearch button and then show the search location when i click on the search location one function fire which is shown below: ...
sumit kundan's user avatar
2 votes
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PermissionError : [WinError 32] --> how to close raster file handler after use?

I created a function where I access to a Raster folder and get all files CRS for Rsubdir, Rdirs, Rfiles in os.walk(Rrootdir): for Rfile in Rfiles: ...
Namoat's user avatar
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