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QGIS and arcmap compatibility in image georeferencing

I have georeferenced an image in QGIS but when I imported it to arcmap 10.0 it saying "In consistent extent". Any one know how to solve it?
mashaka 's user avatar
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Georeferencing declassified CORONA images of coastlines?

I'm trying to georeference declassified CORONA images of coastlines in order to asses coastline changes and human impact. In most case, georeferencing is easy, but since images of coastlines can only ...
HDunn's user avatar
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Georeferencing DWG files on imagery which is hard to see through (e.g. trees)?

Here I have a few campgrouds that I have for are in DWG files that I am going to georeference them. I have no problem with that however; some of these campgrounds I need to georeference on the imagery ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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How to georeference downloaded map using ArcGIS for Desktop? [closed]

I want to georeference a downloaded map. In the downloaded map there is no graticule but I know the projection which was used to make this map. I also know the the location (x, y coordinates) of ...
Sushanta Gupta's user avatar
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Managing Many Georeferenced Large Files in ArcMap?

Does anyone have any ideas on how to best handle many large georeferenced files in an ArcMap Document? I have somewhere around 250 individual historic aerials (none being in the same place or from ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Why does raster's cell size change due to rotate and georeference using Georeference toolbar?

I just found out that the cell size of raster change after I rotate or georeference it with Georeference. Is there any explanation why it works that way?
P. Anisa's user avatar
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How to georeference a map - which is in projected coordinate system - using geographic lat long? [duplicate]

We have some hard copy maps which were projected in Gauss Kruger coordinate system (in the legend it has been mentioned). But, the coordinates were given in Geographic lat long (Beijing 1954). In ...
joseph_k's user avatar
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ArcMap Georefencing - sheet/image problem

I have a problem and I wanted to know if anyone else had experienced this. I think it is some type of bug as it doesn't occur all the time. The problem is when I am georeferencing some 'tiff' images, ...
Pob 1's user avatar
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How to get a collection of georeferencing control points in an ArcMap document?

I have created control points (i.e. links) using ArcMap's Georeferencing toolbar. How can I programmatically retrieve a list of these points? I'm looking for something like an enum of the links you ...
Blazinator's user avatar
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Georeferencing a raster on top of 2 or more polygons

I am trying to georeference raster sketch maps that have polygons drawn on them to line up with vector polygons. Its relatively easy to do this using the georeferncing toolbar in arcmap for 1 polygon,...
JHam's user avatar
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Georeference images together

I have taken a number of images from a very large rock overhang that contains ancient paintings. I want to piece the images together to create a single image of the entire rockshelter. Through ARCGIS ...
Tim Forssman's user avatar
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Georeference in ArcGIS to a known scale?

If I'm georefencing an engineer's drawing and the scale is 1:250 is there anyway I can input this into ArcGIS for accuracy once I've selected a few points to georeference?
GISHuman's user avatar
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Climatic data sets

I did a bulk download of climatic data from in png format so that I will extract my ROI(Africa). After the download I loaded them in Arcgis and discovered they are not ...
Ama's user avatar
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Does anybody have a link to a video or tutorial on how to georeference an image file with a crossection in ArcScene?

I am looking to put together a 3D site conceptual model. I have subsurface data as well as surface data and would like to display it in ArcScene. How do I georeference a crossection so that it ...
Michael Wallace's user avatar
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How to merge a 4 band tfwx file into one tif for use in Qgis [duplicate]

I have a tfwx file and when I open it in arcmap it is displayed as 4 bands. I would like to use the georeferenced file in qgis since I know nothing about arcmap.
Confusis's user avatar
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Using ArcMap georeferencing link file with in GDAL or another alternative?

I've a lot of georeferencing link files from ArcMap 10 that are like so: 5.693887 17.605231 37.000000 -17.000000 5.896141 5.922077 37.000000 -19.000000 16.877354 5.957769 ...
Michael Stoner's user avatar
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Can I export an imagery directly to a geo-referenced raster form File|Export Map in Arcmap?

While using File|Export to export an imagery to raster, is there a way to have it geo-referenced in a way that if I load the exported raster into the map, the image sits exactly in its place without ...
Arash's user avatar
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Batch Georeferencing in arcGIS 10.1.2 [duplicate]

I work for a government utility company. Our maps are broken down into 500x500 square meter grids. We have scanned images (TIFF) of these maps that we need to overlay and digize. The maps and the ...
Amon A's user avatar
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Loading ordnance survey raster ArcMap [duplicate]

I have connected to the correct folder on ArcCatalog. Only the .tif files show on my ArcCatalog tree, but the .tlw files are in that folder too. How do I create a raster layer with this data? I ...
beepgis's user avatar
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Can't put a basemap in its Precise location [duplicate]

I am a total beginner with ArcGIS. ( My software info: ArcGIS Desktop Version 10.1 ) (Windows 8.1 Pro). I want to use a raster as a Basemap for my city, I know the coordinates of my city. my ...
Kurama's user avatar
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