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Enable input DMS option in ArcMap while georeferencing

I am a newbie to ArcMap. I tried to georeference a map in JPEG format using the "input DMS..." option. But it is grayed out, the only option available is to choose X, and Y coordinates even ...
karim abousselham's user avatar
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Georeferencing multispectral data using ArcGIS Desktop?

I often have to georeference Landsat data image to map (often raw data without geometric corrections). The way I am doing this is to open up one channel and set my GCPs and save them into a txt file. ...
redshoe's user avatar
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Georeferencing declassified CORONA images of coastlines?

I'm trying to georeference declassified CORONA images of coastlines in order to asses coastline changes and human impact. In most case, georeferencing is easy, but since images of coastlines can only ...
HDunn's user avatar
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Removing georeferencing from DEM using ArcGIS Pro

I am creating an assignment for students to demonstrate different visualizations of LiDAR-derived DEMs. However, because the DEM is currently unpublished and contains archaeological features, I want ...
mssnyder's user avatar
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Georeferenced images in ArcGIS are projected wrongly in QGIS and other GIS

I am working on a big project that includes georeferencing over 850 historical maps in the Netherlands. We're doing this with a small team, with each of us taking certain municipalities. Since we all ...
Konan Pruiksma's user avatar
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Visualizing SAR images of moon

I have SAR images of a region on the Moon in GeoTIFF format. When opened in ArcMap, an image looks like: With the metadata: How can I geo-reference them to visualize properly? I also have an ...
shrippi's user avatar
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Divide raster map into segments, maintaining georeference in ArcMap

I have some historical maps so heavily distorted that usual rubbersheeting is possible but already quite problematic. I need 400 control points and more, and performance is abysmal, and "local&...
Wernazuma's user avatar
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Correcting offset between LiDAR datasets

I am analyzing multiple LiDAR datasets looking at the changes between pre-wildfire and post-wildfire topography. The datatsets are of the same general location. I did not acquire the datasets on my ...
JamesS's user avatar
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How to georeference point cloud data that was no spatial information?

I'm working on a project right now that the final goal is to compare two DTMs of a glacier surface from different years to visualize the change over time of the glacial surface. The first DTM was ...
Ben Raymond's user avatar
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Georeferencing Control Points Aren't Saving

I have some CAD data that needs to be georeferenced. I create my first control point, and everything goes well, the drawing shifts to the correct control point. As soon as I try to create a second ...
Katie B.'s user avatar
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Georeferencing Raster automatically fails

While trying to auto register a raster image in georeferencing - using a wms raster layer as reference - I get the simple error message "Failed to auto register". Thereby the Link Table remains empty. ...
Fred's user avatar
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ArcGIS stops responding during Georeferencing Save?

Im using ArcGIS 10.2. I had an ealier problem that I think I found an answer to here while georeferencing an aerial photo. My current issue is that whenever I go to rectify the georeference points, ...
Struggling's user avatar
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Georeferencing .hdf file in ArcGIS for Desktop?

Using a Noggin 250 GPR and Smart Cart. I generated data for a grid. I did not have a gps unit on the smart cart. I do have gps x'y for the corners of each grid. After post processing the data in ...
William's user avatar
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How to rectify a georeferenced Google Earth image and corresponding layer

I am still a newbie to georeferencing and ArcGIS. I imported an image with place markers from Google Earth. Then I opened up the image in ArcGIS Desktop 10.3.1. I then georeferenced the control ...
Mr_Gomm's user avatar
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Rectifying data source for MXD file using ArcMap

I tried to rectify my data source on ArcMap but was unable to locate my data file which is an MXD file. How can I rectify the data source for an MXD file ?
Collinx's user avatar
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Using ArcMap georeferencing in AutoCAD

I am working on a project in ArcMap. I added an auto cad .dwg to my map, and in ArcMap, and I Georeferenced this .dwg file. So now the DWG drawing is moved to be exactly on my drawing in ArcMap. I ...
biso hbb's user avatar
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Cropping borders from images without invalidating georeferencing using ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro2.4. I have a large collection of georeferenced historical aerials. They all have borders of varying dimensions and varying shades of grey. These borders have to go somehow. I'...
Alpheus's user avatar
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Problem updating Georeferencing for TIFF

When I update georeferencing for TIFFs, the map disappears and doesn't save. Auto adjust is off, rectify wont save, control points I can save seperately. Settings are set to documentation suggestions. ...
leddyoneill's user avatar
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Georeferenced black and white maps showing up as mostly transparent and very low resolution once exported from MXD to KMZ

I exported .pngs from a simple black and white pdf map, georeferenced them in ArcMap 10.3.1 and then wanted to export them KMZ. However, upon opening my kml, the maps have become mostly transparent, ...
ravmond's user avatar
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Displaying raster images that are already georeferenced in QGIS

I have a number of historical surveys that I have already digitized, georeferenced, and clipped using ArcMap 10.6.1. My office wants to try using QGIS but I am completely new to the software. Both ...
eden3's user avatar
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Retaining georeferencing information from CAD when opening in another mxd?

I georeferenced about 150 CADs, updating the georeferencing as I work. I created a new mxd using the same base layers and added one of the CADs that was georeferenced but it did not retain the ...
cpbride's user avatar
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ArcScene - Spatial reference

I am having trouble merging different layers in ArcScene. As there is no such thing as the "Georeferencing" used in ArcMap, I am not able to view two different Layers in one document. Is there ...
Phil's user avatar
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Georeferencing in ArcGIS: from or to?

I am trying to georeference a newly acquired satellite image to a previously georeferenced image, i.e. match the newer raster to the older one with manually or automatically created control points. I'...
nicfit's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Georeferencing in ArcMap?

I am new to ArcMap. I have bistatic MiniRF data. This data is not georeferenced. I want to make this georeference. Correspondence to each pixel, I have one latitude and longitude information in ...
Nidhi Verma's user avatar
-1 votes
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Perform Spatial Adjustment or Georefenced using two ArcMaps?

I have DWG files that need to be georeferenced to a known coordinate system because they were from AutoCAD that doesn't have projected coordinate system. I have an JPEG file that I extracted from a ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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