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How to georeference a PNG in ArcMap without losing transparency?

I am creating a geologic map in ArcMap and I want to georeference a PNG of my topographic contours. I need to use a specific set of contours, so I cannot generate them within Arc. I have PNG file that ...
Andrew's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Enable input DMS option in ArcMap while georeferencing

I am a newbie to ArcMap. I tried to georeference a map in JPEG format using the "input DMS..." option. But it is grayed out, the only option available is to choose X, and Y coordinates even ...
karim abousselham's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Convert Google Maps image to ArcMap

I would like to import a Google Maps image of Costa Rica into ArcMap and create a shapefile of this region. A screenshot of the selected region has been taken and I want to process it into ArcMap and ...
Mike Adam's user avatar
0 votes
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Rectifying data source for MXD file using ArcMap

I tried to rectify my data source on ArcMap but was unable to locate my data file which is an MXD file. How can I rectify the data source for an MXD file ?
Collinx's user avatar
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2 answers

Extracting salinity information from map

I have downloaded a pdf map of Salinity in coastal areas. Although the map has the grid and latitude-longitude values. the coordinate system used is not definite. Would I be able to extract salinity ...
Nafim Fazle Rabbi's user avatar
1 vote
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Visualizing SAR images of moon

I have SAR images of a region on the Moon in GeoTIFF format. When opened in ArcMap, an image looks like: With the metadata: How can I geo-reference them to visualize properly? I also have an ...
shrippi's user avatar
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Using ArcMap georeferencing in AutoCAD

I am working on a project in ArcMap. I added an auto cad .dwg to my map, and in ArcMap, and I Georeferenced this .dwg file. So now the DWG drawing is moved to be exactly on my drawing in ArcMap. I ...
biso hbb's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Visually correcting systematic shift between two geodatasets using ArcMap

I often have two datasets that are obviously not georeferenced correctly. Most of the time a simple translation (shift by x/y) could fix this. Is there an easy way to do this e.g. by specifying one or ...
Honeybear's user avatar
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Divide raster map into segments, maintaining georeference in ArcMap

I have some historical maps so heavily distorted that usual rubbersheeting is possible but already quite problematic. I need 400 control points and more, and performance is abysmal, and "local&...
Wernazuma's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Assigning coordinate system to ungeoreferenced CAD Drawing while maintaining CAD shape and size using ArcMap

I am using ArcMap 10.8.1 for this project. I am attempting to bring a small town's CAD map of their streets and buildings into ArcMap and then will work on converting some of this data to shapefiles. ...
sploog's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Georeferencing in ArcMap?

I am new to ArcMap. I have bistatic MiniRF data. This data is not georeferenced. I want to make this georeference. Correspondence to each pixel, I have one latitude and longitude information in ...
Nidhi Verma's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Are three points really necessary to georeference?

I find myself in a debate between what I have learned and used, and my employer. Is it possible to get accurate results georeferencing with only two points instead of three or four? The answers I ...
cpbride's user avatar
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Displaying raster images that are already georeferenced in QGIS

I have a number of historical surveys that I have already digitized, georeferenced, and clipped using ArcMap 10.6.1. My office wants to try using QGIS but I am completely new to the software. Both ...
eden3's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Loading georeferenced map TIFF image into shapefile using ArcMap?

I need to add this Lake County townships map into a shapefile that contains other counties' townships. The shapefile's fields are: Township, Shape, Shape_Length, Shape_Area and County. How can I do ...
Regulus's user avatar
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1 answer

Control Points Disappear from ArcMap Link Table

I georeferenced a scan map and updated my georeferencing after adding the control points. But after I started digitising, and saving edits, I soon realised that when I open the link table on the ...
linibenson's user avatar
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When using ArcGIS Georeferencing tool, why does fourth point show up as yellow crosshair?

When using the Georeferencing tool of ArcGIS Desktop, why does the fourth point show up as a yellow crosshair? I have never had this happen before and am worried that it may cause issues.
Tristan's user avatar
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Georeferencing raster using world file in ArcMap?

I have downloaded a raster (jpg) and associated world file (jpgw) from I have turned on the option in ArcMap to use the world file to define the coordinates of ...
MelbourneJoe's user avatar
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Georeferencing Mosaic in ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a problem in my thesis, i georeference a lot of photos and after that i create a mosaic. But now, i know the ortho is shifting 5 meters. Is possible to shift the mosaic without creating ...
Gustavo Vieira's user avatar
1 vote
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Georeferencing and mosaicking jpeg images using ArcMap with unknown spatial reference?

I have a series of large scale (almost 1:1), aerial jpeg images taken from a UAV DJI-FC350 drone camera. They have no spatial reference, but the images have their own GPS tags giving a single lat, lon ...
Alex's user avatar
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Georeferencing Control Points Aren't Saving

I have some CAD data that needs to be georeferenced. I create my first control point, and everything goes well, the drawing shifts to the correct control point. As soon as I try to create a second ...
Katie B.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Georeferencing tiff that contains 1 line of latitude, 1 line of longitude, and scale bar?

I have a tiff that I pulled from a PDF file. It consists of a scale bar, an NTS mapsheet number, a north arrow, a scale bar, a scale, 1 line of latitude, and 1 line of longitude. I want to ...
Josh W's user avatar
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Managing Many Georeferenced Large Files in ArcMap?

Does anyone have any ideas on how to best handle many large georeferenced files in an ArcMap Document? I have somewhere around 250 individual historic aerials (none being in the same place or from ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Spatially matching Landsat images in ArcMap?

I'm trying to look at the desiccation of a lake over a number of years using images from different Landsats. However when I import the different years into arcmap they are completely unsynchronized. I ...
Ella's user avatar
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Importing non-geocoded jpeg into active window of ArcMap Data frame?

Currently when we draw a new subdivision into our GIS, we snip a .jpeg of the platted subdivision and add it to ArcMap. The un-referenced jpeg is simply dropped out in the middle of nowhere and we ...
Joshua A's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to georeference a .jpg image with only a scale bar and no basemap

I have a building blueprint image that I need to calculate the sq ft for. However I have no reference or basemap to manually georeference in ArcMap. There is a scale bar on the image. How can I use ...
user56486's user avatar
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How to get parcel polygons to match up?

I have county-wide parcels that don't match up. They are in the same feature dataset, have same projection etc. Is there a tool to get the borders/parcels to match? One layer of parcels seems to be ...
Nkronck's user avatar
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Shapefile georeferencing

I have digitized the internal of a building's floors using ArcMap 10.2.2 and need to georeference the shapefiles now. The only raster file I have, is a google image file which isn't accurate at all. ...
Alexandros Dourtmes's user avatar
-1 votes
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Perform Spatial Adjustment or Georefenced using two ArcMaps?

I have DWG files that need to be georeferenced to a known coordinate system because they were from AutoCAD that doesn't have projected coordinate system. I have an JPEG file that I extracted from a ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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3 votes
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Displaying .jpg file in ArcMap for georeferencing

I'm struggling to georeference a .jpg map. When I load it in to ArcMap, I cannot see the picture at all, so I cannot georeference it. I tried to zoom to the map layer but the map just does not appear. ...
Curious Girl's user avatar
3 votes
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Unknown Spatial Reference after Georeferencing in ArcMap

I am trying to georeference an image base on another *.tif, after rectifying i still have my Image as unknown spatial reference. Does somebody know how I can fix it?
Bahar.B's user avatar
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Whats an appropriate map projection for georeferencing aerial photos? [closed]

I have some aerial photos that were shot from directly overhead a 5x5 mile property. They were then mosaiced to create a continuous overhead tiff of the entire property. I am now going to ...
jotamon's user avatar
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5 votes
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Georeferencing in ArcMap very slow?

I have started having a problem with georeferencing. When I try to add control points, the cursor just starts "thinking" forever, and it's nigh unusable. I've read forum posts that say this is an ...
mr.adam's user avatar
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Flattening projected vector dataset to georeference historic map to it using ArcMap

So I have vector data for quad lines, township/range lines and section lines for this area. The data is already projected into NAD83 UTM zone 10N and the lines are no longer straight. They warp ...
Setesh42's user avatar
2 votes
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How to georeference an image in ArcMap, using coordinates from a KML file

My starting point is KML file containing a PNG image, which displays correctly in Google Earth: From Google Earth I choose > Save Place As > KML, which gives me the unprojected PNG file, plus ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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Georeferenced labeling

I have a problem with ArcMap that somehow affect georeferencing. I have three layers, two with .lyr and one is a raster data. The two .lyr datatypes are a border and cities with names. I georeferenced ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Adding online basemap in ArcMap [closed]

How can I add an external online map in ArcMap by inserting the http address, to use as a basemap in order to georeference multiple aerial photos? I don't really care about the precision of the ...
Nikos's user avatar
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25 votes
5 answers

Adding PDF (especially GeoPDF) to ArcMap as data?

I receive a lot of PDF maps (vector, image, with georeference and without) and I am having to convert them to an image file before I can add them to ArcMap and georeference. I can't see any obvious ...
Jakub Sisak GeoGraphics's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Relocating georeferenced image, shapefiles and grid using Spatial Adjustment tool

I somehow georeferenced an image about 120 miles east of where I should have georeferenced it. This should be a simple fix, except that I then proceeded to digitize that extremely detailed image (read:...
Sandy's user avatar
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4 answers

Georeferencing scanned map using ArcMap?

Using ArcMap 9.3, I want to georeference a scanned map of Sudan (Africa) as .jpg file format,coordinate points are marked on scanned map in 4 degree intervals. I am not familiar to georeferencing in ...
Simran's user avatar
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10 votes
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Automated georeferencing in ArcGIS Desktop?

I am attempting to fully automate the process of georeferencing a load of .png files - i have xml file containing the co-ordinates - but how can i use them? Does anyone have any advice?
Alice's user avatar
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Is it possible to use more than two control point links when georeferencing CAD files in ArcMap?

I'm trying to georeference CAD to a building footprint in ArcMap 10 (although I've had this same problem in earlier versions). The problem is, it won't let me use more than two control point links, so ...
Tanner's user avatar
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