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Solving Create Space Time Cube Error in ArcGIS Pro

This is the error I keep getting when I try to use "Create Space Time Cube from Defined Locations" in ArcGIS Pro. My study area is a gridded (30x30m per square) area, and each square has the ...
Linus AG's user avatar
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Removing isolated point "hotspots" from big point sample

I have about 60000 points (lat, lng) that I want to layer on a world map as a heat map. The problem is that there are some isolated point hotspots. Isolated here meaning they have only a few points ...
jonasmylesx's user avatar
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QGIS Hotspot Analysis plugin Error

I am trying to install the hotspot analysis plugin but it keeps giving this error. Couldn't load plugin 'HotspotAnalysis' due to an error when calling its classFactory() method ModuleNotFoundError: No ...
Abimbola Muritala's user avatar
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Hotspot identification - FIRMS by NASA

I am new to Remote Sensing and Fire Management Resources. FIRMS by NASA gives real time active fire locations. There is a tab Archive Download > Download yearly summary by country > There are ...
user14's user avatar
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Kernel density estimation for frequency data on polygon level

I would like to make kernel density estimations for a variety of influencing factors on crime, but I do only have frequency data on polygon level, e.g. number of drug markets on county level. For all ...
the_chimp's user avatar
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Find mean / median point based on ID attribute and point density (hot spots)

I have a point feature class within ArcGIS Pro, with 10.000 features, data are structured like this: ObjectID | MemberID | Lat | Long 1 ID_1 Y1 X1 2 ID_1 Y2 X2 3 ...
Carl's user avatar
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Heatmap based on values of points

I have these points on Energy performance and I want to create a heatmap in QGIS following the same logic in the colour scheme. I would like to create a heatmap ideally a vector or raster based on ...
George's user avatar
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Comparing between two polygon class values

I have one polygon shapefile with two fields that I would like to detect their difference. the fields have the same class values: between 0-4: This is the first layer: and this is the second: I ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Multi-variate hotspot mapping in ArcGIS

I'm looking to create a map similar to the one below--essentially an interpolated map, but using multiple categorical variables. Has anyone seen an application of interpolation that can do this in ...
Map Man's user avatar
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Getis-Ord Gi* (arcgis 'hotspot analysis') with python? [closed]

Is it possible to compute Getis-Ord Gi* statistics (referred to as hotspot analysis in arcgis) with a Python library?
Juan Francisco Saldarriaga's user avatar
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Put together Shapefiles with data for individual years into Multiple Year Space-Time Cube

I have 16 shapefiles (listed above). Each shapefile contains county-level data on mortality rates for years 1999 to 2015, respectively. I organized the mortality rate data in Excel. I joined the ...
K.J's user avatar
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Comparing hotspots to points using ArcGIS Desktop?

I've done a simple hotspot analysis of car accidents to show where they are concentrated. I did this in ArcGIS, first using the Getis-Ord hotspot tool with an accident point shapefile. I then used ...
M.Sulz's user avatar
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Sub Segment data for Hot Spot Analysis

I have some crime data in a point file for the whole united states. I would like to run a hot spot analysis on the data in arcgis 10.4 using the Hot Spot Analysis tool. Instead of running it for the ...
CooperBuckeye05's user avatar
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Emerging hotspot analysis (space-time patterns) in QGIS

I worked with crime data a while ago and was really impressed by the possibility in ArcGIS to detect significant hotspots and their development over time (Emerging hotspot analysis). Does anybody ...
marc_mk's user avatar
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Hotspot Analysis Output Color Disappears When I Reload the File in Another Project

I am using ArcGIS desktop 10.x. I used hot spot analysis on a couple of points feature classes, and saved the output to a gdb in shapefile format. I then reload the shapefiles in a newly created ...
iuiu's user avatar
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Multi Value Hot Spot Analyis in ArcGIS Desktop?

Is there a geoprocessing tool that will find areas that are hot or cold spots in multiple fields in the table? I have a polygon layer with two fields. One field is the average organic soil depth for ...
Calavin's user avatar
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QGIS Hotspot Analysis Tool Polygon data [closed]

I am having some issues with the QGIS Hotspot Analysis plugin - after reading the user manual and instructions for correctly downloading it. I have tested it with the test data provided - the point ...
Lydia Katsis's user avatar
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Use of Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*) [duplicate]

I'm working with a polylines shape. I'm searching for a tool that could help me to define neighbourhoods using the values of the polylines. I have good results with Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*), ...
CarmenZ's user avatar
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JPEG2000 Image Mosaic with GeoServer

Using GeoServer 2.8.4, I have been successful at creating JPEG2000 image mosaics with OpenJDK 1.7.0. I use the gdal plugin and jp2k plugin and JPEG2000 images are loaded with Kakadu. I explicitly set ...
vdavid's user avatar
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Understanding why hotspots from Getis-Ord Gi* are perfect circles? [closed]

I've been using optimized hotspot analysis and the hotspot maps I am getting back frequently have rings of perfectly circular hotspots. Is this because of the way Getis-Ord Gi* tests calculates ...
confused_coder's user avatar
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What is a "feature" in Getis-Ord G* hot spot analysis?

From the official site, it says "The Hot Spot Analysis tool calculates the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic (pronounced G-i-star) for each feature in a dataset" and "xj is the attribute value for feature j". ...
KubiK888's user avatar
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how to calculate getis ord using R

I'm trying to use getis ord on the new york taxi dataset to identify the hotspots based on the number of pickups. I want to model the data into cells such that that score of each cell is calculated ...
Ahmed Kamal's user avatar
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Importance of CRS in Getis-Ord Gi* hotspot analysis

I have a question about the importance of the chosen CRS in a Getis-Ord Gi* hotspot analysis - I am running a hotspot analysis (using Zone of Indifference spatial relationship) on a quite restricted ...
Kristina's user avatar
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Hot Spot Map in ArcMap and MATLAB [closed]

I've tried out the Hot Spot Map tutorial for ArcMap, which is working just fine, and I'm now starting to make some modifications so that it fits my data sets. Instead of aggregating the points as in ...
yuno's user avatar
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Is Hot Spot analysis appropriate if you see hot spots in areas that you would expect to see them in?

I am working with vessel position data on ArcGIS 10.0. My customer has requested density analysis maps. I was curious if hot spot analysis would be a more appropriate analysis? The study area is along ...
RH.Wright's user avatar
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How to Construct Spatio Temporal Clusters of Time Series Data in R

I have count data of one disease for various districts of a state of India on monthly basis. Is it possible to draw spatio temporal clusters in R? I have checked some R- packages for example ...
Pankaj's user avatar
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Analyzing hot spots using point attributes?

I'm interested in looking at where hot and cold spots of certain social indicators (such as poverty, housing characteristics, urban sprawl, etc...) are in coastal communities along the East Coast. I ...
Cara's user avatar
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How to create accurate heat maps and hot spot maps in QGIS? [closed]

I am mapping 5 heritage sites using DGPS point data. Each site has 100s, and in two cases 1000s, of points representing various attributes. I want to show the density of attributes and then ...
Julia's user avatar
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Hot Spot Analysis using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I have a point shape containing locations of cars and a line shape containing roads. Now I want to identify hotspots/clusters. I want to find hot spots where for example the speed of the cars is ...
jagdfuerst's user avatar
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Hot Spot Analysis

I'm using ArcMap 10.2- I've got a series of coordinate points, each with an associated value (level of income) that I would like to turn into a heatmap. I've projected the points onto a map, run the ...
Steven's user avatar
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Labeling data clusters by nearest metropolitan area using ArcMap [closed]

When using ArcGIS Optimized Hotspot Analysis, I get two outputs. A raster like the image below, and the point incident data categorized by the various confidence thresholds for hot/cold spots. Let's ...
JohnB's user avatar
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Hot spot analysis indicated the areas with 0 value as hot spot?

I tried to look at whether there is cluster of psychiatric patients in a county. I have census tract data with a column showing how many psychiatric patients are there in a census tract. There are ...
Elaine's user avatar
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Methods for hot spot or cluster analysis for multiple measurements at the same geographic unit?

I would like to find geographic clusters of zip codes where each zip code has a measurement of a person's age (integer), sex (categorical/binary), and if they recovered from a certain medical ...
MicheleTobias's user avatar
13 votes
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Difference between Heat Map and Hot Spot Analysis?

What is the difference between "Heat Map Analysis" and "Hot Spot Analysis"? Are we perhaps using hot spot analysis to get the required relations between features, and then using the results as an ...
KDot1254's user avatar
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Trouble with Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*) tool in ArcGIS

I am trying to locate areas with a high rate of accidents involving bicyclists or pedestrians per car accident of any kind. I have a point file of accidents and a point file of all those with bike/...
M.A.Primus's user avatar
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Why are Low Values showing as hot spots?

Im running hotspot analysis on point data, attempting to examine pollution emissions. I ran spatial autocorrelation first in order to determine the default distance threshold to use in the fixed ...
hhart's user avatar
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How can I reproduce Getis-Ord GI* hot-spot analysis tool in QGIS?

I'm trying to find a hot-spot analysis plug-in for QGIS that would perform similarly to the Getis-Ord (Gi*) hot-spot analysis tool used in Arc, but have not been successful. Does anyone have a ...
KateTillotson's user avatar