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Questions tagged [new-zealand]

For questions related to New Zealand (NZL), a country of Oceania

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1 answer

New Zealand map that includes Chatham Islands

I am trying to create a map of New Zealand in R (sf, ggplot2), that includes Chatham Island. I am accessing the online New Zealand map from Natural Earth. Online I can see the Chatham Islands on the ...
Angela Russell's user avatar
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1 answer

Creating map of New Zealand with coordinates in Folium

I want to create a map of New Zealand in Folium Python. I want to show the map of New Zealand. Later on I will add the markers on the map. I started coding as follow: nz_map = folium.Map(location=(lat,...
user2293224's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Creating buffer for New Zealand map using QGIS

I am currently working on a map of New Zealand, and would like to put 100km buffers around some of my polygons. However, whenever I try to add a CRS layer in order to do it, the shapes just disappear ...
Grace's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

What is EPSG number for NZTM?

I am trying to follow the solution posted at Converting projected coordinates to lat/lon using Python to convert NZTM coordinates into WGS84. I wrote following script to covert NZTM to WGS84: from ...
user2293224's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Making XY To Line not give shortest distance in ArcMap

I am creating a very simple map through XY to Line in AcrGIS. However, since the destination is New Zealand and located at the bottom corner of global maps it creates the following. Is there a way ...
Hank's user avatar
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1 answer

Georeferencing Data Points?

I am looking for a coordinate system of New Zealand. I just have x/y coordinates of the south island, but no further information on the map. I have tried several systems and nothing did fit the data ...
ulicious's user avatar
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Q: Shapefile for NZ electorates excluding marine areas

I'm a complete newbie to this GIS stuff, but I've attempted some due diligence as follows - It being election season I'm after shapefiles for the NZ electorates, however I'm just after a map of the ...
Craig's user avatar
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5 votes
10 answers

Converting NZTM (New Zealand Transverse Mercator) to Lat/Long

This link is pretty close to what I am aftering (Converting NZMG (or NZTM) to latitude / longitude for use with R map library). Basically I am looking for a formula that can convert NZTM coordinates ...
taylorswiftfan's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

QGIS and ogr2ogr not using distortion grid for NZMG by default

is there a way to get QGIS and its projection engine OGR2OGR (GDAL software) to use a distortion grid by default. We are continually using a combination of NZMG and NZTM (NZGD2000 datum) datasets that ...
Geoff's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Any ZXY satellite basemaps covering New Zealand at zoom 19?

I need a good satellite base map to use with CartoDB. It has to cover all of New Zealand at zoom 19, [edit:] and be as recent as possible so we can show recently-built properties. It doesn't have to ...
OutstandingBill's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Satisfying the 'Contribution to the Profession' requirement of the GISP-AP Certification, does GIS SE make the cut?

Does participation in moderated online communities such as GIS SE count towards satisfying the 'Contribution to the Profession' requirement of the GISP-AP Certification issued by the Survey and ...
Nxaunxau's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Latitude / Longitude Polygon from New Zealand Geodatabase or Shapefile? [closed]

I have access to ESRI Geodatabase and Shapefile: What I need is to somehow get the polygons ...
MapsNewbie's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Choosing projection for calculating 2D 3D area in New Zealand?

I'm trying to use Surface Volume tool in ArcMap to calculate 2D and 3D area of a catchment. What would be the best projection to use and how do i check the maximum error of the estimation?
Jiajia Liu's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Satellite image vertically squeezed after being georeferenced

I am using ArcGIS for Desktop 10.1. I am trying to georeference a Google Earth image in Christchurch area, New Zealand. I am using some CGPs I have got from this image (their Google Earth coordinates),...
Andrea Tripodi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

NZTM: Add 10 meters to a coordinate

Say I have the coordinates: N: 5413457.7 E: 1528677.3 If I were to add 10 to the northing value would that make the new coordinates point 10 meters north of the original point?
Adrian773's user avatar
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5 answers

Seeking shapefile for Australia and New Zealand?

I was trying to find a shapefile which has Australia and New Zealand together (states) so that I could convert to jVectorMap for ANZ. Where I can find it?
Purushoth's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Plotting a map of New Zealand with regional boundaries in R

I have been asked to make a map of New Zealand using R with regional boundaries. I need something exactly like this example of a map for Switzerland:
Flounderer's user avatar
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New Zealand Projection System

I have a database with Easting and Northing points of New Zealand. The data structure is as follows Easting | Northing 2595425 | 6622565 2594585 | 6622595 2595000 | 6622085 2594500 | ...
Devils Dream's user avatar
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3 answers

What do these curly graphics represent on this map?

What do the two curly graphics to the left and right of this map represent? They are the only two on the map and seem to be attached to the border of an area. I'm sorry I haven't posted the full map, ...
Jake's user avatar
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Not able to convert GPS coordinates received from a software into Latitude and Longitude

I am working on a software which returns GPS coordinates in this format: Lat : '48684499' Lon : '5203474' I can not understand what type of coordinates are these and not able to convert them into ...
Hammad Shahid's user avatar
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Conversion from NZMG to latitude and longitude

I want to convert NEW ZEALAND MAP GRID coordinates i.e. Northing and Easting into WGS84 coordinates i.e. Latitude and Longitude. I have searched on internet but there is no proper explanation of how ...
Hammad Shahid's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to display filtered results on OpenStreetMap?

is it possible to goto and do a search for a place like Auckland (New Zealand) or Melbourne (Australia) -but- only show Cities or Neighbourhoods or Suburbs? I understand that it'...
Pure.Krome's user avatar
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4 answers

Seeking shapefiles for New Zealand Cities and Suburbs/Neighbourhoods? [duplicate]

I'm trying to find some shapefiles (administrative boundaries) of New Zealand CITIES and SUBURBS/NEIGHBOURHOODS. I've found some boundaries for the Country, Regions, Districts (not useful for me) .. ...
Pure.Krome's user avatar
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3 answers

Online service to transform coordinates from WGS84 to NZTM and NZMG?

Has anyone come across a free web service / REST API to transform coordinates? I'm particularly interested in transforming from WGS84 to: New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 (NZGD2000 / NZTM) and New ...
Gavin's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Is ANZLIC Metadata supported using the new approach of ArcGIS 10.x?

I like the new approach to metadata at ArcGIS 10 because I fall into the camp that prefers minimal metadata for many purposes, but like to have the option to work with more comprehensive standards ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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