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Water Layer - Lake - QuickOSM - missing

Use : Qgis - newest release OpenStreetMaps QuickOSM - newest release In the past when I was making maps I could find a layer called "(Key) Water" called "(Value) Lake", but I can't ...
stonefox's user avatar
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OSM data - export only given tags

I am working with OSM through the Overpass API and/or the QuikcOSM plugin in QGIS. I am wondering if it is possible to select the tags to be downloaded as csv or GeoJSON or KML data. To make an ...
HyPhens's user avatar
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Simple OSM Raw Query Filter

I have a simple raw OSM query that I am using in QGIS model designer (Build Raw Query): [out:xml] [timeout:25]; ( node["highway"]( {{bbox}}); node["building"]( {{bbox}})...
Joe G's user avatar
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Uploading large OSM files to PostGIS with command line

I'm trying to upload the nationwide US OSM dataset from Geofabrik website to a PostGIS database (about 200 GB). For small OSM files, I'm able to import the OSM file as layers into QGIS with the ...
Vivek Reddy's user avatar
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How to edit quickOSM map presets?

I am having issues using the quickOSM urban map preset and was hoping there was someone who could point me in the direction of a different preset or if there is a simple way (I am new to GIS so the ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Using QuickOSM plugin on QGIS. I want to select all the points that would show food options(convenience stores, fast food, supermarkets, etc) [duplicate]

I'm generating a map of Tennessee based on OSM data. How can I choose the features/layers a need for my task?
Mig Arr's user avatar
-1 votes
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Using quick OSM plugin in QGIS to create a map of Tennessee [closed]

I want to just make a map of Tennessee from the Quick OSM plugin in QGIS. How to achieve that?
Mig Arr's user avatar
0 votes
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Download multiple OSM data key and value pairs via Graphical Modeler in QGIS

I want to download OSM data from a query in an extent via the Graphical Modeler in QGIS. Thereby I want to download multiple keys and values at once, but it somehow only takes the first one or none. ...
Lucas_Edenhofer's user avatar
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Cannot find QuickOSM plugin in QGIS 3.28

I have the same issue as described in this quesion: Can't find QuickOSM plugin in Qgis, but in a newer version (3.28). The top bar of my QGIS looks like this: The answer to the previously asked ...
zabop's user avatar
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Why do certain features from Geofabrik's OSM extract seem to be missing?

I would like to have all objects from OpenStreetMap with the Tag:man_made=works (ie factories), in Estonia. I can do this using QGIS, but another method using GeoFabrik's OSM extract fails. QGIS way ...
zabop's user avatar
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QgisQuickOSMPlugin - server replied: Too Many Requests; Model Designer, OSM, api-server

I am working on a QGis model that downloads OSM data via the overpass-api server. The needs for the model have gradually increased, which is why the error "Too Many Request" now appears more ...
Ben Steinbrecher's user avatar
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QuickOSM - display timestamp of resulting OSM objects

When entering the QuickOSM query or even after running the query in the QuickOSM plugin for QGIS, I cannot find any information on the resulting layers apart from the values in the attribute table. ...
vergismich's user avatar
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Creating a map of only a specific region with OpenStreetMap

I am very new to QGIS and I am having trouble figuring out how to only show part of the map. I added an OpenStreetMap layer but I can't figure out how to only display a certain area. I only want to ...
meelszz's user avatar
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QuickOSM no residential value with building key

I want to use QuickOSM to extract residential buildings with type (terrace, apartment, detached, semidetached). On the website i see the key and values but in my QGIS/QuickOSM the value is not ...
Sander Van Beuningen's user avatar
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QuickOSM does not return results

I'm trying to use the QuickOSM plugin so I can automate the search of addresses and creation of layers. Right now I'm just trying with one address using the key -> addr:street "Bäckerstr."...
rafa's user avatar
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How to extract complete information from QuickOSM

I am trying to extract information from Quick OSM about the electricity grid in my country. As a key in QuickOSM I enter power, but the information I receive is not complete. On the map I see that ...
Nikolay Yordanov's user avatar
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Quick OSM is giving bad request

I used Quick OSM a few weeks ago, in QGIS, but now every time I run a quick Query I get Bad request Overpass API, even on the project it was working on previously. I have tried all different Keys, ...
Muz's user avatar
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Automatic download of OSM data via Graphical Modeler in QGIS

I am developing a script in the Graphic Modeler, allowing to download the data of a road network from OSM data, but I cannot recover them (for the polygon recovery it works well, on the other hand for ...
USER7's user avatar
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How to load OSM highway values in QGIS

I want to extract the rest areas along highways using quick OSM in QGIS. But I'm facing an issue that there is no value for rest_area. Does anyone else have this problem?
yosi's user avatar
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QuickOSM / QGIS exported polygon not matching OSM

I used QuickOSM / QGIS to grab some place data but the polygon / coordinates are not matching the original on OSM (nominatim). This is "Olive Garden" in Schaumburg IL. On OSM is is the below left ...
Mike's user avatar
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Downloading street names from OSM using QGIS yielding different datasets

I want to create an Excel sheet with all residential streets in France. To do so I want to use QGIS and the QuickOSM tool. By doing so I have been running into an issue. QGIS is giving me 4 different ...
Chris_T_1998's user avatar
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Specify the adminsitrative level in QuickOSM

I am using QuickOSM to download the boundaries of cities into QGIS before saving each city data as a GeoJSON. QuickOSM enables the Key (in my case, 'boundary') and Value ('administrative) to be ...
Ben Mann's user avatar
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5 votes
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Add .OSM (OpenStreetMap) data to a QGIS project using python

I try to load a .osm file into my QGIS project using python. So I've write this code: import processing from qgis.core import * # Creation of the .osm file, the QuickOSM plugin is needed. bbox = '...
obchardon's user avatar
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Ask for polygons but getting points with QuickOSM in QGIS Modeler

I am attempting to download both points and polygons using QuickOSM+modeler in QGIS 3.10 (also tried QGIS 3.8). It's downloading the points fine, but when I attempt the same thing with multipolygons ...
David Galt's user avatar
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QuickOSM using Wild Cards / RegEx

Can someone explain to me how to use wild cards with QuickOSM? I'm trying to match all shops with a name starting with a specific word (e.g. Costco).
David Galt's user avatar
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Why blank values in attribute table don't work as NULL in QGIS?

In QGIS 3.4 I have a layer generated from the QuickOSM Plugin with various pieces of OSM data. For lines 17-19 which do not have a value in the "name" attribute, I don't know why null isn'...
S. King's user avatar
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Importing large OSM data to QGis failed (using QuickOSM, SpatialLite layer or add vector layer)

I downloaded quite large OpenStreetMap dataset from in osm (or pbf) format. Namely Czech Republic. Geofabrik provides ESRI SHP files too, but I unfortunatelly need more ...
Vladimir Semotan's user avatar
3 votes
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Splitting OSM data into layers by tags (QGIS modeler)

I have a problem with using the QGIS modeler to split a downloaded .osm file into layers. What I am trying to achieve is a structure like this: Traffic (lines) Main Roads Roads Small Roads Natural (...
BiggCrazy's user avatar
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7 votes
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QuickOSM returns no result

I am trying to download the polygons for the Umweltzone Heidelberg from OpenStreetMap using QuickOSM in QGIS. I queried by name as shown in the screenshot: The corresponding OSM script looks like ...
JJD's user avatar
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Using OSM Plugin in QGIS on Ubuntu

Here are some issues I've been having with the OSM plugin in QGIS on Ubuntu 12.04: When I bring in the .OSM file, close QGIS, then reopen, I get a "Handle Bad Layers" dialogue...see image ...
Inactivated Account's user avatar