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GeoJSON file creation from Oracle Spatial Code

Can we create GeoJSON file from below oracle spatial code: CREATE TABLE buildings_3d ( id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR2(100), geom MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY ); INSERT INTO user_sdo_geom_metadata (...
Shoaib's user avatar
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Sharing styles throught oracle

I'm connecting to Oracle database with QGIS. Is there a way to load default styles for layer not from user's schema ? Even though user can access QGIS.LAYER_STYLES table (schema name - QGIS), QGIS ...
Mirmalis's user avatar
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Insert a Point whose longitude is over date line at Oracle

I am using Oracle Spatial table structure CREATE TABLE "MINTAKA"."GRID_POINT_BOUNDARY" ( "BOUNDARY_ID" NUMBER(19,0), "BOUNDARY_DEF" MDSYS....
Kensin's user avatar
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Oracle Spatial operator SDO_ANYINTERACT does not work well

DB: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production Version I have a table called GRID_POINT_BOUNDARY and one column I am using SDO_GEOMETRY Oracle Spatial type. ...
Kensin's user avatar
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Access control point vertices using SQL

ArcGIS Pro 3.2.1; Oracle 18c 10.7.1 EGDB; SDE.ST_GEOMETRY Regarding control points: Video: Suppress symbol effect in ArcGIS Pro Introduction to control points CIMGeometricEffectAddControlPoints Class ...
User1974's user avatar
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SDO_UTIL.GETNUMELEM in Oracle Spatial doesn't seem right against MultiPoint types. Is this a defect?

I would imagine that running GETNUMELEM against a MultiPoint would return the number of points in the MultiPoint, but it seems to always return 1. I'm comparing it with ST_NumGeometries in other ...
Yndigo Dream's user avatar
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Does Oracle Spatial have equivalents of ST_IsClosed ST_IsRing ST_IsSimple

I'm trying to find the equivalent in Oracle Spatial of the above OGC functions. I know there's not a direct function I can call, does anyone know of a workaround to get these functions by combining ...
Yndigo Dream's user avatar
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Query Oracle for new data based on properties of visible markers?

I'm very new to R/Shiny/Leaflet. I have a barebones working example where I can display points on map based on their lat/long in a table I pull from Oracle: siteData <- conn %>% tbl(in_schema(&...
Eddie Rowe's user avatar
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DISJOINT and TOUCH between Polygon and LineString not working as expected in Oracle Spatial

I have the following 4 geometries in an Oracle Spatial table: A) POLYGON ((-100 40, -100 44, -96 44, -96 40, -100 40)) B) LINESTRING (-99 37, -99 40) C) POINT (-100 41) D) POLYGON ((-96 41.5, -95 42, -...
Yndigo Dream's user avatar
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Linear referencing using Oracle Spatial

I wanted to Linear Reference a table in the Oracle database that has RouteID, Measurement From, and To in the fields using Oracle Spatial by referring to another Feature Class (Polyline) like it's ...
Johnny's user avatar
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GeoMesa Accumulo ingest via Oracle JDBC failed

I tried to ingest data from Oracle 12c into GeoMesa 2.2.1 (with Accumulo 1.9.2, using docker from geodocker). Java version 1.8, and I use ojdbc8.jar for JDBC driver. My oracle table CUSTOMERS have 3 ...
rnuryadin's user avatar
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I have tables in my Oracle database: AIRPORTS and POPULATED_PLACES. Both two tables were transformed to SRID 3426 and spatial indexes were created as well as USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA table. AIRPORT has ...
Ayogo's user avatar
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WFS layer not showing all data in ArcGIS Pro or not showing at all in QGIS, and inconsistent preview [closed]

I have a layer in GeoServer that is pulled in from Oracle. WMS shows all data as expected. WFS exhibits these problems. ArcGIS Pro, only a subset of the data is shown QGIS, the layer is loaded, but ...
Martin S.'s user avatar
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Oracle Spatial dump Transformation

I have received an Oracle Spatial dump (.dmp) from an external source, but lack access to an Oracle Spatial DB. Is there an open-source way to extract the data? ogr2ogr seems to work with a running db ...
cymed's user avatar
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Passing a WKB generated by Geopandas into an Oracle SDO_GEOMETRY constructor

I'm trying to iteratively pass WKBs created by Geopandas into an Oracle SQL query but I'm getting this error: DatabaseError: ORA-29902: error in executing ODCIIndexStart() routine ORA-29532: Java call ...
moez.labiadh's user avatar
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Oracle Spatial vs ArcGIS: Wrong results with spatial join

I have some troubles with a spatial join in Oracle db (version 12c): I have a table with points with SHAPE in SDO_GEOMETRY format. Now I want to select these points if they are in a polygon via ...
user28840's user avatar
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Importing SHP to Oracle -

I'm trying to import a SHP to my Oracle database. I've installed OSGeo4W (Express Install with all 4 packages). After running my command .\ogr2ogr.exe -f "OCI" "OCI:user/[email protected]....
user49126's user avatar
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ST_GEOMFROMTEXT generated by ora2pg fails

I have a set of polygons inside a oracle table which represent circles. I am tryining to import these into postgres 12 using ora2pg. An insert statement is created that translates the polygon to ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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ST_BOUNDARY in Oracle Spatial

ST_Boundary is in the Oracle Spatial docs here: But only ...
mxcolin's user avatar
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Inconsistent results from spatial databases

I'm trying to write something agnostic to whichever database vendor is chosen between MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. However, I see inconsistent results in functions that return measures. ...
mxcolin's user avatar
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Recover\rebuild the .dbf and .shx of a shapefile [closed]

Do you know if there is any way to recover\rebuild the .dbf and .shx files from the shapefile? I think my case is a little more nebulous. My .shp files were extracted from a CSV file... That the data ...
Silva's user avatar
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Install GDAL on MacOS with Oracle (OCI driver) Support

I am using MacOS Monterey. I am trying to install GDAL with oracle support. I have installed gdal using brew install gdal command but it doesn't include OCI driver. When I am trying to execute the ...
Devils Dream's user avatar
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Best and Fastest way to extract Polygon attributes of a Point [closed]

This is a comparative question, I don't know whether it is allowed to ask this type of Question here or not. Problem: I have a shapefile of almost 1 million polygons with 20-25 attribute fields. I ...
Devils Dream's user avatar
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How to interpolate a point between two points in Oracle

I have an Oracle database table which stores points of a track of moving objects. object_id geometry timestamp 1 ... 1970-01-01T00:01:00 1 ... 1970-01-01T00:02:00 1 ... 1970-01-01T00:03:00 2 ... ...
chko's user avatar
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GDAL OGR OCI driver takes unreasonable long time to load from oracle database

For quite some time I'm trying to get OCI to work with GDAL. I created a docker image with the driver installed and I use the python api to do the work. When I try to load and print just 20000 records ...
botenvouwer's user avatar
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Using GDAL to extract Oracle raster

I'm wondering does anyone have examples for extracting raster data from Oracle OrdImage format and creating a GeoTIFF using GDAL? I see some info on extracting GeoRasters but not OrdImage.
Ian's user avatar
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Configuring mapserv with Oracle on Ubuntu 22.04

I am new for mapserv over Ubuntu 22.04. I had use ms4w and there are lots of things I don't know how to configure and use. And the first thing is compiling with Oracle I had Oracle Client installed ok,...
Silvia Gatti's user avatar
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Open OracleSpatial Layer via Ogr2ogr in C#

I want to transport an OracleSpatial Layer to Postgis. From within OSGeo4W-Shell this works very well. But from C#-Console-App the DataSource is null but no error occurs. Here is what I have tried: ...
Frau Schmidt's user avatar
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Extract SDO_GEOMETRY line elements using index position / dot notation

SDO_GEOMETRY; Oracle 18c: Is there a way to extract elements from an SDO_GEOMETRY line using an index position / dot-notation in a SQL query? For example, extract the X coordinate of the second vertex ...
User1974's user avatar
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Long time to load QGIS project in QGIS 3.22.4

I have several QGIS projects which have layers coming from oracle database. Those layers are heavy so I choose to make them invisible in the projects so that I can load the project much quicker. If i ...
Cliff Lau's user avatar
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Error changing geometry in oracle table by qgis

I'm having a problem changing or adding geometry in QGIS. My database is Oracle. I change my geometry in QGIS and when I go to save it, I get this message: SQL: ORA-29877: failed in the execution of ...
Nanda Toller's user avatar
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ORACLE Import large spatial data using sqlplus

I have a script that contains several SQL statements. One of its columns has large data. It contains data from a SDO_GEOMETRY type. When a try to run the script from sqlplus, I got this error: Error ...
Roberto Coelho's user avatar
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ora2pg SDO_Geometry to st_geometry

I am trying to migrate my database (Oracle) to postgres using ora2pg (v.23.1). Unfortunately the script converts our SDO_Geometry datatype into shape geometry(GEOMETRY,32632) instead of shape ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Background - SDO_GEOMETRY: If I were to create a function-based spatial index that returns an SDO_GEOMETRY, I would manually insert records into SDO_GEOMETRY's USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA for these ...
User1974's user avatar
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How to request GeoJSON standard be enhanced to support M-values

As far as I can tell, the GeoJSON standard doesn't support the M-dimension of linear referencing lines. For example, Oracle Spatial doesn't support LRS lines when using the SDO_UTIL.TO_GEOJSON() ...
User1974's user avatar
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I have a query that produces an LRS SDO_GEOMETRY as WKT (Oracle 18c): select SDO_UTIL.TO_WKTGEOMETRY(SDO_LRS.CONVERT_TO_LRS_GEOM(sdo_geometry('LINESTRING(1 2,3 4)'))) from dual Output: ...
User1974's user avatar
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Buffering polygons with Oracle Spatial 11 vs. 19

Does anyone have special knowledge about Oracle Spatial? I buffered polygons in Oracle-11 Database by making them slightly smaller (-50cm). The geometries are then delivered via a WFS as GML. With ...
TommyP's user avatar
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GetFeature request inside WPS request fails to execute

I'm trying to make a WPS request with a GetFeature request inside of it but I'm getting an error. The idea is to get features with a spatial filter and then get a Multipolygon with the "gs:...
dalda's user avatar
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ST_GEOMETRY feature class: Add a hidden SDO_GEOMETRY column

I have an SDE.ST_GEOMETRY FC in an Oracle 18c EGDB. I want to use Oracle Spatial functions on the data (calculate polyline midpoint, M-values, dynamic segmentation, etc.). Ideally, I'd convert the ...
User1974's user avatar
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Convert M-enabled SDE.ST_GEOMETRY to SDO_GEOMETRY using SQL

I have an M-enabled SDE.ST_GEOMETRY polyline FC in an Oracle 18c EGDB. select sde.st_astext(shape) as st_to_wkt from test_st_geom MULTILINESTRING M (( 0.0 5.0 -100000.0, 10.0 10.0 -100000.0, 30.0 0.0 -...
User1974's user avatar
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SDO_UTIL.FROM_GEOJSON return geometry with 0 tolerance (only integers)

When we try to use SDO_UTIL.FROM_GEOJSON command in Oracle Database, the coordinates are integer. For example: SELECT SDO_UTIL.FROM_GEOJSON('{"coordinates": [[[11.779,9.069],[15.83,9.194],[...
magicarm22's user avatar
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Determine if a SDO_GEOMETRY line has true curves

Oracle 18c I have an SDO_GEOMETRY table that I created via ArcGIS Desktop 10.7.1. The table has a line that appears to have a true curve in it: However, in a related question, @Vince pointed out that ...
User1974's user avatar
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Does Oracle's SDO_Geometry spatial type support arcs?

Oracle 18c GDB; ArcGIS 10.7.1 With ESRI native spatial types, such as SDE.ST_GEOMETRY, we can store "CAD" arcs in the geometry of polyline and polygon features. Question: Does Oracle's ...
User1974's user avatar
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GeoServer + Oracle not working with 3D points

I have an Oracle database table where the geometry column contains 3D points, for example: {3001,8311,{137.15,-15.55,-24},null,null} {3001,8311,{130.935,-12.166,-9},null,null} {3001,8311,{142.5846667,-...
rooby's user avatar
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Writing multiple geometries to Interlis using FME

I have to write Features with more than one geometry to interlis. In the Interlis model there is a class which has an optional second geometry as an attribute. Enabling the (Oracle-) Reader to read ...
Reservoirdog's user avatar
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Incorrect offset in element info array

I have a table with these columns circle_id number, circle geometry sdo geometry, latitude varchar2, longitude varchar2. I want to check overlapping between shapes, by giving my lat and long in ...
user198413's user avatar
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Seeking shareable online Oracle instance (with Oracle Spatial enabled)

Are there any shareable/public online Oracle instances that have Oracle Spatial enabled? Use Case: Mock up a Oracle Spatial SQL problem/solution and easily share it via a public URL.
User1974's user avatar
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By entering latitude and longitude how to check at which circle it is nearest to

INSERT INTO circle_ ( circle_geometry, latitude, longitude ) VALUES ( sdo_geometry(2003, -- two-dimensional polygon NULL, NULL, sdo_elem_info_array(1, 1003, 4), -- one circle sdo_ordinate_array(8, ...
user198413's user avatar
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How to use SDO_LRS.OFFSET_GEOM_SEGMENT to offset a line in Oracle Spatial

I am trying to offset a line perpendicularly by a few metres (it follows a road and I'd like to move it to one side of the road). The line is an SDO_GEOMETRY object of SDO_GTYPE = 2002 (LINE/CURVE). I ...
Simon Notley's user avatar
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Setting version of ArcMap

I am trying to set the version of SDE by using following code : SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; declare q varchar2(100); ver varchar(10); BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('HI'); ver := 'PQ_358'; ...
Vikrant Jain's user avatar

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