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Questions tagged [python-add-in]

A python extension to a software program that performs a custom task.

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Turning first vertex of a line into a point

import arcpy import math import pythonaddins class Line(object): """Implementation for Projects_addin.Project1_2 (Tool)""" def __init__(self): self.enabled = True self.cursor = 3 self....
Qwerty's user avatar
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2 answers

ArcGIS crashing with Tkinter? [closed]

When I run certain scripts (contains tkinter or similar python packages) ArcGIS crashes. When I load or copy/paste the same code and run it in a Python window it runs without error. Is there a ...
A.Adel Saleh's user avatar
1 vote
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Display a messageBox with an image in ArcMap

I wanted to add "ABOUT" button to a Pythonaddins toolbar the button should display a window that contains both of a text defines the authors and an image about the developer organisation. I followed ...
A.Adel Saleh's user avatar
2 votes
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Where to download python add-ins?

I'm new in Python programming If there are websites where developers can share their add-ins and scripts that will be great. do you know any? unfortunately, only provide very few
A.Adel Saleh's user avatar
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1 answer

pythonaddins.OpenDialog doesn't work properly

I am developing a toolbar by the pythonaddins, in regards to define all the input raster files. I wrote the follwoing lines so the user enters how many data he wants to read and accordingly, an input ...
A.Adel Saleh's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Getting layer name of selected features with ArcPy?

I'm working on Python add-in that changes geometry of an object (polygon orthogonalization). The tool itself works properly when I give it an input line of layer name (or just drag layer from table of ...
Serge Norin's user avatar
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Refreshing Python AddIn combobox => TypeError: unbound method refresh() must be called with <class> instance as first argument (got nothing instead)?

I have created a minimalist test Python AddIn using ArcGIS 10.4.1 for Desktop, with a toolbar and two comboboxes on it. The code ( and config.xml) appears at the bottom of this ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Add a tool to dropdown menu with the Python Add-In Wizard

Is it possible to add a tool created with the Python Add-In wizard to a menu in a toolbar that is also created with the add-in wizard? I haven't had much luck in trying to figure this out. I've ...
Sethdd's user avatar
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1 answer

Displaying graph plots with mouse click on map in ArcGIS for Desktop?

I need to build a tool/add-in for ArcGIS 10 which will display a time distribution plot at the location where mouse is clicked. The TOC consists of results of a simulation at different time instants. ...
Brian's user avatar
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1 answer

Python Add-In will not run

I am using ArcMap 10.4. I’ve been trying to implement a python add-in that runs when Arcmap is opened. When the script does run it joins a layer with a feature service layer. I have everything ...
W11kes's user avatar
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Importing Functionality from Python Addin into script

I am not sure if what I am trying to do is possible without using Arcobjects, but what I want to do is use a piece of a prebuilt addin created by ESRI and then add it into my own Arcpy script. The ...
user14773's user avatar
2 votes
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Alternative to self.Destroy() for wxPython in Arcmap?

I have created a Python Add-in for ArcMap 10.4 that involves a wxPython UI to display upon a click on a map. The UI is populated with default values as well as a combobox displaying the layers on the ...
Ashton's user avatar
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Python Add-in using arcpy.mapping.ListLayers() does not update when run multiple times

I am developing a Python Add-in for ArcMap 10.4 that, upon a click on a map, opens a wxPython GUI that contains a combo box listing the layers in the map document. Here's a current snippit from my ...
Ashton's user avatar
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1 answer

Pass the onMouseDownMap X, Y from a python addin to a toolbox script tool

Is it possible to pass the onMouseDownMap X, Y coordinates to a script tool launched using GPToolDialog? The end goal is to have the user select the add-in tool, click the map to add a point, then ...
wBowles's user avatar
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1 answer

Dynamically editing items in combobox of Python AddIn?

I'm trying to dynamically edit the list of items in a combobox I made using python add in for a toolbar I'm working on. The list is calculated by another button. Here is the relevant code: class ...
user avatar
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4 answers

Setting selection method in ArcPy?

I haven't found a way of setting the selection method (Create new, Add to current, Remove from current, Select from current selection) in arcpy. Is it possible to do this and - if yes - how? I am ...
Christoph's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

AddRaster using pyqgis

I am able to attach a raster by using python console using the command shown below. qgis.utils.iface.addRasterLayer('D:/Work/dt0017810q.tif') But, when the same image/raster path is read from a ...
Dharmarajan's user avatar
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How so I solve FDO error: 0? How do I get code that worked in a file geodatabase to work in an SDE version?

I used python add in to make a tool bar in Arcmap that edits features on a map. It works on a file geodatabase, but not on an ArcSDE version one. I've been getting an FDO error: 0. The potential ...
user avatar
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3 answers

Why can't I open this workspace?

I used python add in to make a tool bar in Arcmap that edits features on a map. It works on a file geodatabase, but not on an ArcSDE version one. I've been getting an FDO error: 0. The solutions that ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Clear combo box in ArcMap Python Add-in

Recently created my first Python Add-In for ArcMap. It has been deployed for about a month now and the users like it. There is one thing I want to fix. The Add-in has two combo boxes: In #1 the ...
Brad Jones's user avatar
1 vote
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Finding correct service for arcpy.createArcSDEconnectionFile_management in ArcPy?

I'm working on a toolbar for modifying an SDE database in acrmaps. My code works in a file geodatabase so I'm trying to use this function to make it work in an ArcSDE. I've gotten every other variable ...
user avatar
-3 votes
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Getting nearest feature point from other features in point layer? [closed]

How i can do this Get the nearest feature point from the other features point in a point layer Point feature class and make it in script tool
aseel_Alhazmi's user avatar
2 votes
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intermittent failures with SelectByLocation in an ArcPy addin [closed]

ArcGIS 10.2, Windows 10 this is the line that fails: arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management(WRS_layer, "INTERSECT", gridLayer, "", "NEW_SELECTION") The WRS_layer is in a file gdb, the gridLayer ...
AMurray's user avatar
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1 answer

Disabling Toolbar in Layout View using Python AddIn of ArcPy?

I'm trying to disable a toolbar with nested menus and buttons when an mxd is in layout view, but it's not working. I also get no output in the ArcGIS python window when I switch to layout view. ...
user151631's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Script slow because of conditional statements

I have created a Python addin for ArcMap. It has two comboboxes. Combobox1: Search for facility by name. If there is one facility with that name the mxd zooms to the selected extent. Combobox2: ...
Brad Jones's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Get results for each topology errors for Polyline or Points? [closed]

When you set up a topology to build topology rules for each polyline, or points, is there a way to get the results or summary for each Line Errors? For example, when you set "Must Not Overlap", "...
PROBERT's user avatar
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1 answer

Arcgis 10.2.2 Python Addin - Add Layer to Layout View?

I've developed a python addin toolbar that adds a desired layer file (chosen from a button nested in a menu in the toolbar) to the table of contents in a project. The functionality only works, ...
user151631's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Creating button on Python AddIn toolbar to run python script when clicked? [closed]

I need to create a button on toolbar of arcgis 10.2 who run a python 2.7 script created before when I click. Then I need to know if it's possible in this button that script write results to an excel ...
S.Rai's user avatar
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4 answers

Button in ArcGIS add-in extension shows as "Missing"?

I do not understand why my add-in toolbar and button shows up as "Missing" when I open ArcMap. I am not sure whether this is an issue with ArcMap 10.3 or whether I did anything wrong. Have anyone ever ...
Wenwei Xu's user avatar
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1 answer

python addin manager validation of code

I have a toolbar (in ArcGIS) set up with two buttons using python addin manager, can someone help me make sure this works, when I run these buttons nothing happens. import arcpy import pythonaddins ...
Robert C's user avatar
  • 123
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1 answer

Arcpy 10.3 add ins [closed]

I am working with arcpy 10.3 and i want to build a add-in. Unfortunately it's not working when i add a button like: import arcpy import pythonaddins class ButtonClass1(object): """Implementation ...
Kim Duyvejonck's user avatar
1 vote
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Multi-selection from Combo box in Python AddIn?

Is it possible to select more than one option from a combo box list in python Add ins for ArcGIS 10.x? Here is part of the code: def onFocus(self, focused): if focused: self....
Dan's user avatar
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Zoom/Pan function in python addin tool

I have created one python addin tool which creates some points along a line, it works good. my problem is when my tool gets activated i am not able able to zoom/pan the map. map view just get stuck ...
Akhil Kumar's user avatar
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Creating polyline using mouse clicks with Python Addin tool?

Can somebody tell me how to create a line geometry by mouse click with python addin? I am using below code in python addin tool. class ToolClass8(object): """Implementation for Testmsg_addin.tool (...
Akhil Kumar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Get filepath then append a feature class to that feature class Python Addins

I'm trying to use tool bar buttons (python addins) to add a filepath and then append another feature class (known to have identical schema, no test needed) to that filepath. My syntax isn't working ...
user63964's user avatar
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Python Addin - Run script from button [closed]

I'm developing a Python Addin for ArcMap. This will consist of a button that will run another python script: import arcpy from arcpy import env import pythonaddins import os class ButtonClass1(...
user151631's user avatar
0 votes
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ArcPy Python Addin Combobox How to leave a if-loop, when selection is found

ArcPy Combobox How to leave a if-loop, when selection is found I developed a Combox which: combines values from different featurelayers the User can select an ID or activitycode (acode) the active ...
Franziska0601's user avatar
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How to automatically run python code at the time when a mxd is saved?

I am trying to find a way to execute a few lines of (preferably python-)code whenever I save a specific mxd (my template.mxd) I'm working with arcgis desktop 10.3.1 (advanced, all extentions) What I ...
fry82's user avatar
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Creating Python Addin Button?

I want to create a Python AddIn button to execute a specific script. I know how to use the python addIn wizard and add the toolbar I created in my ArcMap. The trouble I am having is writing the script ...
Colin's user avatar
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Recovering toolbar from disconnected window?

I've faced this problem many times. I created a python addin toolbar and installed it in ArcGIS 10.2 . I work on dual monitors in the office. If accidentally this toolbox is left on the secondary ...
Akhil Kumar's user avatar
3 votes
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Can tools or addins created in ArcMap be published and used in ArcGis Online?

I'm attempting to build an interactive map that would be hosted in AGOL. It would be a network query, whereupon selecting a point feature from an "inlet" layer, the map would display the corresponding ...
DonPineapple's user avatar
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QGIS docutils install (path,pythonpath,pythonhome)

New to QGIS and Python. Have QGIS installed and working great on Windows, want to install and use Docutils -- Python Documentation Utilities (presumably all simple and small .py programs). I see that ...
rjlabs's user avatar
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Measure Point Along a Line

Looking to find Distance along a line(road) by a user input(Mouse Click). Here is my python code TESTED and works def onMouseDownMap(self, x, y, button, shift): mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("...
Gene Wyllson's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I load a .shp file using a button with ArcPy?

I have created a Python addin where the user should be able to select a shapefile and then load, but I've not been able to put in the current workspace. import arcpy import pythonaddins import os ...
Mauricio Suescún's user avatar
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deleting Broken Source from arcgis toc with python addin

i have created one python addin tool. which create some layers in Memory. at the end of the script it deletes the In memory layer. but such layer still remains in TOC with a broken link how can i ...
Akhil Kumar's user avatar
5 votes
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Is it possible to open *.dmp file and find out what cause ArcMap to crash? [closed]

Is it possible to find out what cause ArcMap to crash from *.dmp file? This files are located here: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\ESRI\ErrorReports I have made some Python add-in to ArcMap wich ...
david_p's user avatar
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Installing an ArcGIS add-in on several PCs

I usually do my python scripts and add them to ArcMap in the form of add-ins. First I launch the ArcGIS Python Add-In Wizard, create a project, a toolbar and the tool. Then, every time I do an ...
Web-GIS entrepreneur's user avatar
3 votes
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Python Addin Wizard Combobox scripting help with zooming to selection

I am coding an addin to allow me to use 3 comboboxes to select specific regions within a state. Once these are all selected in the comboboxes I need a final button to zoom to the selected area, ...
Megan M's user avatar
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2 answers

Python Add-In Dialog with Textboxes in ArcPy?

With Python Add-In Wizard I created a ButtonTool with which I: click in the map get the coordinates of the mouseclick-location in a dialog with textboxes I want to receive the coordinates in a ...
Franziska0601's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

ArcPy: Save and open mxd without closing ArcGIS

With Python Add-In Wizard I created a Button which: looks in a specific directory for the last created/modified folder (which is created with another tool) saves the current mxd with a new name in ...
Franziska0601's user avatar