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Questions tagged [slivers]

Questions related to identifying or removing polygon slivers.

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Why are there so many slivers in my polygon shapefile?

I georeferenced a map and then traced a vector polygon shapefile over it, but when I dissolve it I am left with an enormous amount of slivers. All the vertices are snapped as far as I'm aware. What ...
MapDeath's user avatar
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Resolving gaps between polygons

I have a large global shapefile with thousands of small gaps/sliver polygons between joined polygons (shared borders of countries). I joined the shapefiles using the sf R package, and have attempted ...
Luna Deloge's user avatar
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Automatically Eliminate slivers so that they follow boundaries of background layer, instead of having them merged with the largest polygons

The Eliminate tool offers a useful way of getting rid of thousands of small gaps and overlaps (slivers) automatically. According to its description, it "eliminates polygons by merging them with ...
Terra's user avatar
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Tiny slivers and overlaps, even when using snapping when digitizing

I am in the process of creating several large shapefiles of administrative divisions in Europe. I digitized them using the snapping feature as well as the tracing feature. There are no visible ...
Calum Loftus's user avatar
2 votes
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Closing thin gaps created by the boundary of a polygon in QGIS

I am working in QGIS 3 and I have a shape file containing many polygons. Several of the polygons have very thin gaps created by the bounding line of the polygon and they do not penetrate the entire ...
alkey's user avatar
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Spatial join sum error using ArcMap

I'm working with two political boundary shapefiles from Brazil. One is a municipality shapefile, and the other is the broader micro region, which contains all the municipalities. I'm trying to ...
David Meek's user avatar
7 votes
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Removing elongated, "thin" parts of shapes using R

I have a dataset with a lot of polygons, of which some are long and thin in shape (see image). I'd like to remove their "extremities". Is there a tool/method to remove thin parts of a ...
Honeybear's user avatar
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3 answers

Deleting sliver parts of single polygon using QGIS

The polygon highlighted in red is a single polygon that has slivers directly attached to it. I used the Difference tool on two polygon layers which lead to slivers / fuzzy polygon parts (see picture). ...
Homerun_'s user avatar
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V.Clean is not giving output In QGIS 3.14 Pi

I was trying to clean by removing sliver lines between set of polygons in my KML file. But unfortunately I am getting following error: QGIS version: 3.14.15-Pi QGIS code revision: d5114d2cfa Qt ...
Manoj K E Manoj's user avatar
1 vote
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Removing slivers from merged polygon using ArcGIS

I have a merged shapefile composed of 3 polygon classes (sand, water, vegetation) from where users have traced over a satellite image. There a few slivers I need to remove. These are very slim ...
EdyK's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why QGIS/PostGIS makes Sliver / small polygon when using erase (difference) tool unlike ArcGIS (QGIS vs ArcMap)?

When erasing b polygon from a, sliver(or small) polygons occured along the a polygon boundary in QGIS(3.4.5). But ArcMap(10.3) does not make any slivers at all. I don't know which difference between ...
user127580's user avatar
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Confirm presence of Slivers / gaps between geometries

Working on ArcGIS 10.7 I have a layer in which, when looking from a certain distance, some aligned white dots appear between two entities (in the image below, the black entity - a road - is formed by ...
Pablo Herreros Cantis's user avatar
1 vote
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Eliminating sliver polygons automatically [closed]

I have thousands of sliver polygons outside of my study area. What is the best way to eliminate them automatically? In ArcGIS or QGIS. Those polygon islands are an example of the slivers. Note: I can´...
Abel's user avatar
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Exporting Data from Layer Export introducing slivers in coincident data

I am seeing odd behaviour in Arcmap 10.6 where I select a layer and export its data and then choose to import the exported data and when it comes in I see slivers in areas which are coincident in the ...
forestGIS's user avatar
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3 answers

Removing polygon sliver other than by using graphic-to-feature

I often have to edit the edges of polygons to match or be cut by the edges of other polygons with complex shapes. This sometimes leaves disconnected slivers. Is there a simpler/faster way to remove ...
arc_user's user avatar
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True Curves change to densified lines upon Topology validation. Fixing 500,000+ slivers in parcel layer

We are experiencing an issue as detailed by this technical article: Bug: Curve features are converted to densified line segments from an arc in a SQL Server geodatabase after compression. We are ...
John's user avatar
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QGIS - Eliminate sliver polygons in standalone Python code [duplicate]

I am trying to remove sliver polygons under a certain area. I need to do this in a stand alone Python script, and not from within the GUI. Is this possible? In standalone python I was trying a ...
Mark McGirr's user avatar
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Fixing Topology (Gaps and Overlaps) in QGIS

I am digitizing a new polygon shapefile of property boundaries based on orthoimagery using QGIS Zanzibar. I'm acquainted with topology editing in ArcMap using geodatabases. I did so with snapping to ...
BenW's user avatar
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5 votes
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Eliminate Sliver Polygons QGIS 3

I'm a regular user of the 'Eliminate Sliver Polygons' tool in QGIS. I've just switched from 2.18 to 3.4.4 and the 'Eliminate Sliver Polygons' tool isn't available. Has it been removed from this ...
Andrew McTaggart's user avatar
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Union Tool creating slivers in ArcGIS Desktop?

I am using ArcGIS Desktop 10.4. I have 2 feature classes in the same GDB. One feature class is a subset of the other one (i.e. it's a direct copy, with a subset of features retained, the others ...
JG86Aus's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Automatically fill gaps and merge freshly generated polygons with the longest adjacent polygon

I get polylines automatically generated from AutoCAD from a colleague. Converting them into polygons with QGIS 3.6, I find out some sliver polygons and gaps in between, as shown in the picture below : ...
Xavier Michael's user avatar
12 votes
8 answers

Identifying "long and narrow" polygons in with PostGIS

I have a set of polygons representing large areas, say city neighborhoods. I want to identify the large overlapping areas between them. But there's a problem: sometimes these polygons will overlap ...
bplmp's user avatar
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Improving performance of Eliminate tool in ArcGIS Pro?

My data is very large (polygon feature class with 884187 features), thats why Python geoprocessing tools (which use geoprocesses like Intersect, Buffer etc.) don't work due to performance issues. So ...
feinheitsbrei's user avatar
4 votes
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Fix slivers (Holes) between polygons ( generated after removing spikes)

I am trying to fix topological errors in this Shapefile of small areas of a state (Bahia) in Brazil. After applying prepair and PPrepair, the resulting shapefile has some spikes: It looks like a line ...
Jader Martins's user avatar
-2 votes
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Sliver Polygon and its effect on GIS [closed]

I am new to the subject of GIS and I have been given this topic to prepare for a test. What I understand till now is that sliver polygon occurs when multiple layers are mapped incorrectly. Can someone ...
KulaDamian's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Merging polygon slivers to largest adjacent polygon using ArcGIS Desktop?

I've got several hundred thousand slivers in my dataset as a result of cutting in a layer. Does anyone have a good solution as to how to have ArcGIS Desktop evaluate the position of each sliver and ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
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Filling spaces between polygons using ArcGIS Pro?

I have a polygon with 4 attributes (1,2,3 or 4). In the process of creating this polygon (merge/erase/union), there were gaps left between 1 and 2, with some of the gaps having slivers of 3 or 4. ...
Jim Richalds's user avatar
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Removing slivers from IPolygon using ArcObjects?

ArcGIS Desktop Basic 10.1 with Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst I have multiple neighboring polygons which I unionize. On occasion the result has slivers where the multiple polygons meet. I have been ...
sinDizzy's user avatar
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Finding gaps and overlaps in same feature class with Data Reviewer? [closed]

I am trying to find gaps and overlaps in the same feature class (e.g. political boundary) with Data Reviewer. The check I am using is Polygon Overlap/Gap Is Sliver (Feature on Feature Checks), and it ...
gemini068's user avatar
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How to avoid slivers when merging (union) two shapefiles in QGIS?

Here's the kind of tool I want: Preference A: Union the two polygon shapefiles that where the wetland file takes precedence over the forest file when the distance between the edges is less than 20m. ...
kl-higgins's user avatar
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ST_SnapToGrid and ST_Union resulting in slivers

I am currently trying to merge polygons (streets and pavements) into one, the resulting merged polygon has slivers (Image 1). Changing the tolerance (0.1) has an effect on this but results in slivers ...
Alice Palmer's user avatar
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Removing Polygons Within Polygons After Merge (QGIS 2.18 OS X)

I've merged together a polygonized raster layer of a certain elevation grade (>25%) and a wetlands buffer. I can't seem to find a good solution to the problem at hand, however. Ultimately I'd like to ...
user avatar
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Fill slivers using R or SAGA GIS

I have polygon shapefile representing administrative districts. There are small spaces between polygons where the polygons should be touching. There are probably also overlapping polygons. How can I ...
rar's user avatar
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Reoccurring multipart / slivers / topology errors using file geodatabase?

Recently I had to hand in a FGDB to state authorities. I did all topology checks and corrections as defined in their specifications (see list below). My collegue did a cross check on a the same FGDB. ...
dru87's user avatar
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Making polygons "complete" in QGIS?

I've done the following process: take a set of points, each one representing a hotel with a field that says the "neighborhood" that the hotel is in (field is called "full_hierarchy") Performed SNN ...
Steven's user avatar
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6 votes
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Deleting sliver polygons after difference operation in QGIS

How do I find the differing polygons between two layers in QGIS? After running the difference operation, however, I get results like this: I am only interested in the solid (blue) polygons, not the ...
nkc's user avatar
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reshape coastline based on higher resolution ocean layer

I am trying to match one layer representing the land with another representing the ocean, they have the same coordinate system but they don't match because the resolution of the "ocean layer" is ...
fedef's user avatar
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Using Check Geometries plugin for polygons in QGIS?

I've a few hundred polygon features with many duplicate nodes, gaps, overlaps and other geometry errors. Fixing all errors seems to be quite tricky. I had to run the duplicate nodes check twice to fix ...
eclipsed_by_the_moon's user avatar
8 votes
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Deleting small gaps (slivers) between polygons?

I try to delete the slivers that appeared when I have merged some polygons. I have two different cases: For the CASE 1, no problem I fill the gap with: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sliver_killer(...
obchardon's user avatar
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Eliminate sliver polygons, not the enclaves

I would like to use the 'Eliminate sliver polygons' in QGIS, but only if they have the same attributes. To be more specific, I have an administrative shapefile that was created with the SEXTANTE tool ...
Mike Atomat's user avatar
11 votes
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Remove sliver gaps between polygons with R

Is there a way to eliminate the small "slivers" between polygons using R? The desired solution would create a new SpatialPolygonsDataFrame where the shared boundaries between polygons are coincident. ...
Tiernan's user avatar
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Close Slivers in Polygon

I am creating polygons from a text file and am having trouble with the polygons crossing the 180 degree line. The issue is creating rectangular polygons with a sliver cut out of it as seen here: I am ...
Will's user avatar
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How to identify Sliver triangles in a TIN surface and count them? [closed]

Is it possible to count slivers in a TIN? I generated a Delaunay triangulation surface model and i want to know how many slivers the TIN has.
Ani's user avatar
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How to correct topology area boundary errors (slivers/gaps) on arcs in arcgis / arcsde

I use arcgis 10.1 (arcinfo licence) with arcsde to connect to a SQL Server database. The initial dataset has around 100k polygons (used for land registration, having a resolution that is around 1cm ...
lavaman's user avatar
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Explanation of the Thinness ratio formula?

I am looking for sliver polygons and am using the following formula to identify which polygons have a smaller area-to-circumference ratio (aka Thinness Ratio): 4 * pi * area/(length*length) That ...
Robert Buckley's user avatar
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Removing Slivers/Holes From Polygons using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I have a village level shapefile. Using Dissolve_management, I collapse the villages to district level. I also use Multi_Part option to prevent multiple entries for same polygon and so the resulting ...
user52932's user avatar
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Tracking administrative changes with QGIS

I use QGIS. I have two shapefiles with the administrative boundaries in two differnet years. These boundaries have changed: some wards (smallest administrative area) remain the same, some are newly ...
Manu's user avatar
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11 votes
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Removing small polygon gaps in Shapely polygon?

I know this issue has been addressed before with different software, but how do I do it with Shapely? I have a polygon with a very small gap on the interior of the shape: Here is a close up: The ...
asdflkjwqerqwr's user avatar
6 votes
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Remove slivers from merged polygons

I am creating a single polygon by merging different polygons in ArcMap. When I merge them, slivers are created. So I have to delete those slivers manually. I don't have a license for ArcInfo so tools ...
Soumil's user avatar
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Eliminating slivers of missing data between polygons using ArcMap

I am editing a single-band .tiff file in ArcMap 9.3. I started with an image that I had to georeference, but unfortunately, the image had these little slivers of missing data between the data cells. ...
Luke's user avatar
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