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Questions tagged [web-mapping]

"Web mapping is the process of designing, implementing, generating and delivering maps on the World Wide Web ..."

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Web map attribute selections?

With every web map I have seen or created (my creation experience is limited to the ecosystem) the user interacts with the web map by clicking on a map feature. For example, clicking on a ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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Adding location Marker/Pins on Google heatmap

I found a great free tool from Google for creating a heatmap at - Is it possible for the above tool to have location ...
Zumaidi Zainuddin's user avatar
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Does setting appropriate SRID make difference to rendering performance?

I understand that PostGIS allows us to set SRID on geometry or geography. But I am just wondering if it would actually impact the rendering performance on the client side. For instance, let's say I ...
rks's user avatar
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Can't retrive feature using draw interaction : featureRetriver[0] is undefined

I have a problem retrieving geometry created using draw interaction. Context : I want to make a WFS intersection from a point drawn by a user. The user has to click on a button to create geometry and ...
vprint's user avatar
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Keep same ID when copying webmap / web app map from ArcGIS Portal to another one

Webmaps are shared with an URL containing the ID. Example:**id=8207f51d0c3d4b4193950beb2dcd21d4** When a webmap configuration is replaced by another, for ...
jlSta's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get WMS URL from a map embedded in a webpage?

Objective I am trying to download the images (or the vector files if possible) from a map embedded in the following webpage Context To see ...
Alejandro Bañados P.'s user avatar
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Make point renderer in ArcGIS JavaScript to show all points at small scale

I am making an online map using ArcGIS JavaScript 4.20. I have a polygon feature that I want to render as points (I have points all over Norway, not just as this example): I am using the simple ...
1 vote
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Interactive equidistant map for HAM radio application

Our local HAM Radio Club is currently using a Google Map for our rotor direction visualization software, here is an example of our app: Now - for obvious reasons - I want ...
Adrenaxus's user avatar
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Seeking WebGIS alternatives similar to QGIS Cloud

Host web-maps currently through QGIS cloud and looking an alternative to QGIS cloud that allows maps to be hosted in the web securely and accessed by other parties as viewers. Have already ruled out ...
mh_perth's user avatar
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How to center the map view when I select and load new custom map tiles?

How to center the map view when I select and load new custom map tiles? I have made a simple web UI where I select date of maps and it will show it tiles, but the problem is, it will not zoom and ...
Gumangan's user avatar
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Feature access service does not show fields by my arranged order

I have re-ordered the fields of my feature class on ArcMap 10.7 and published it as a hosted service, obviously with the feature access capability ticked on. I then took the REST endpoint and added to ...
Vusey Boqwana's user avatar
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How to use ArcGIS MapServer as basemap in QGIS to create webmap using QGIS2WEB plugin

I'm pretty new to using open source GIS software such as QGIS (my main experience is using Esri's ArcGIS products). However my current client does not have an Esri licence and so is requiring the ...
user190428's user avatar
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Scraping route data from web map

I am hoping to find a way to extract the bus route data from the live feed maps on this site: I was able to find this by poking around in developer tools, but I'm ...
Sarah W Baker's user avatar
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Scraping data from an interactive webmap

I'm to export all of the parcel data of a specific region (the website is in Mongolian, one needs to choose "Хөвсгөл" from "Аймаг/Хот" and "Ханх" from "Сум/Дүүрэг&...
emil's user avatar
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Creating Webmap using QGIS

I am a market analyst working in real estate and would like to create a private webmap for internal use or to send to clients. What I would like to do is create a web map similar to this one (https://...
Pablo_Pablo's user avatar
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ol.layer.Tile.TileLayer is not a constructor

This is the code that OpenLayers provides for a quick startup point: import Map from 'ol/Map'; import View from 'ol/View'; import OSM from 'ol/source/OSM'; import TileLayer from 'ol/layer/Tile'; new ...
Riverendell's user avatar
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ArcGIS Online Hosted Feature Layer activity log export

Is there a way to export an ArcGIS Online Hosted Feature Layer activity log? The main focus here is to establish who deleted features
R Garcia's user avatar
4 votes
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How to fully customise LayerControl() in Folium?

I currently have a Folium map with this LayerControl component. Would it be possible to fully customise the layer control panel? For example, I would like it to not show the map style button saying &...
Riverendell's user avatar
-3 votes
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Publishing 100 GB of data to a web portal

I have to publish 100 GB of data to a web portal in 2 or 3 layers using open source technologies. The data comes from ArcGIS and are polygon features. So, I can save/export the data to any ArcGIS ...
Rajesh Patnaik's user avatar
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Are client-side raster colour-ramps possible?

For web portals visualising single-band raster information (such as bathymetry or elevation), is it possible nowadays to have a colour map applied to the data in the browser (instead of server-side)? ...
benjimin's user avatar
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Exporting QGIS project containing many points with qgis2web: reduce loading time

What I have: QGIS 3.18 on Win 10 containing a project with: OpenStreetMap basemap Point layer (Geopackage, 5.1 MB), representing centroids of buildings of a city Point layer set to scale based ...
Babel's user avatar
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Export spatial data from Web Map

I am trying to get the polygon data from the following leaflet web map I am not really sure what kind of format I should be looking for (geojson, xml, etc..) but I ...
StrAvoN's user avatar
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What is the simplest way to host a qgis2web export?

I am new to hosting web maps and would like to know how I can run a qgis2web export and embed a webmap url to sharepoint or share with others. How can this be done open source?
sudofizz's user avatar
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Capture any embedded map larger than screen

I use the various map portals on the daily basis, like below: and the biggest problem is, that my capture is restricted to the screen, being precisely to the area, where the map is embedded, as you ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Is there an easy way to style KML files on a graduated colour scale based on field values when uploading to a Google Map?

I am creating a Google Map which includes one polygon layer of census output areas and one point layer. Because the polygon layer is so large and there are limitations on the number and size of layers ...
Simba06's user avatar
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Passing a Python list of coordinates to add as markers to web map (Flask)

In my flask GIS app, I am passing my web map a list of coordinates from a route in my Python backend, which works as I expect it to. When I print the list it looks like this. [['53.792614', '-1.789202'...
Stuey17's user avatar
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How can I share folium map on the web?

I have created a folium map with markers and popups in jupyter notebook and saved it as map.html I am looking for a way to share this map with others or host on the web, such that the markers and ...
Slwd-wave540's user avatar
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Building version control system for website, like the one used on Wikipedia but for geospatial data?

I'm working on a website permitting to display and modify geospatial data. So far, I'm using this solution: My data is stored in PostgreSQL with the extension PostGIS It is posted in GeoServer My ...
bhagavadgitadu22's user avatar
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Showing different popups for different layers?

I have multiple layers that have different pieces of information. I have radio buttons for selecting layers and when layers selected I want to show different popups which different information for ...
amin's user avatar
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Fetch point data from image WMS

Based on the previous questions I asked, I got a way to fetch the clicked point information, but I want the exact value of gray_index, but as you can see the answer is text or HTML. In the image below,...
amin's user avatar
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How can I fetch Coverage Band Details from GeoServer in OpenLayers? [duplicate]

I want to display the gray index value in the image above in GeoServer on my map when clicked At the bottom of the example there is (layer preview-> openlayers) I want something like this
amin's user avatar
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Get pixel value of ImageWMS that has geotiff format [closed]

I have layer (ImageWMS that has GeoTIFF format) and also OSM or another for my baselayer. According to I should get pixel[0] and ...
amin's user avatar
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Web-GIS cannot display WMS data because of CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing

I have an OpenLayers application in a secured connection (with apache2 and port 443) in a machine A and I want to display data from a GeoServer WMS which it exists in a machine B with insecured ...
Capdi's user avatar
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Showing raster map pixel's information(pixel value) when clicked on the map in OpenLayers? [duplicate]

Here is my raster map code and I want see pixel information like pixel value from it when I click on the map: const UnTiled = new ol.layer.Image({ opacity:0.9, source: new ol.source.ImageWMS({ ...
amin's user avatar
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Coordinate values ​are not displayed correctly in OpenLayers

I'm trying to display coordinates of map click event. I do not think the coordinates are displayed correctly. The two numbers shown to me are (3889586.1245487547, 6296722.285457358). Where do you ...
amin's user avatar
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Does the number of decimal places in coordinates affect the speed of rendering of the features on a Leaflet map?

I am trying to improve the performance of a webpage that renders hundreds of points on a Leaflet map. I noticed that the coordinates of these points are saved and retrieved with unnecessary accuracy (...
magdziarek's user avatar
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Image not visible in a webmap from QGIS2WEB

I have got a map created in QGIS where there are some pictures linked to a different polylines. Those pictures are stored in an image hosting, therefore I got a field in the polyline´s attribute table ...
Asturies's user avatar
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How can I add WFS using Leaflet Control Tree?

How do I add WFS when using the Leaflet.Control.Tree by jjimenezshaw plugin? Without using the control tree plugins, I can to make the call from Geoserver through Ajax and display my data on the map ...
Matt Marston's user avatar
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Disable popup on double click event on Mapbox GL map

How to disable 'show popup' on 'double click' (show popup only on 'single click' event) event without disabling 'zoom in' (or 'zoom out' (with Shift button))? Mapbox GL jsfiddle example
spatialhast's user avatar
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Leaflet GeoJSON filters not working

I've been struggling to get map filters to work on my Leaflet map. I've got minimal JavaScript or Leaflet knowledge so where I have got to now has been a struggle. I'm essentially trying to do the ...
Chris Jenner's user avatar
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Leaflet geolocation alternative for if access is denied [closed]

I have the following that prompts the user to give location access. On granting permission the user's location is shown and the map loads. I'm trying to find a solution for if the user accidentally ...
Chris Jenner's user avatar
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Leaflet Locate current location

I'm new to Leaflet and anything web related. I have got the following map working which asks for your location and changes the map view to that location. That is great but then the map continues to ...
Chris Jenner's user avatar
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On clicking over the desired polygon using getFeatureInfoUrl of openlayers 6, Why the tile layer (WMS) is showing values of the adjacent polygon?

window.onload = init; function init(){ //Geoserver dynamic layer // wmsSource = indialayersource var india_dist_rainfall_layer_source = new ol.source.TileWMS({ url: "http:/...
Abhilash Singh Chauhan's user avatar
3 votes
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How to call/insert legend created by GetLegendGraphic request url of GeoServer on web-page?

I have followed the steps as mentioned on in the GeoServer Documentation for GetLegendGraphic Now as I click over it, it gives out an image of the legend on the next web-page and I have added this in ...
Abhilash Singh Chauhan's user avatar
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Legends not appearing in GeoServer Layer

I have added a new style in GeoServer. As I am seeing the preview of legend while creating the style, it is appearing. But when I am applying the same to the GeoServer layer, it is not appearing in ...
Abhilash Singh Chauhan's user avatar
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Is it possible to, Click to zoom in and switch to vector layer beneath, on webpage to show GeoServer WMS layers via OpenLayers?

I have 2 vector layers in GeoServer First is a district layer Second is a state layer When I make a Layer group of these layers in the GeoServer and showing that layer group on the web-page, using ...
Abhilash Singh Chauhan's user avatar
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Automate publishing to Map Server

I recently been using FME to publish feature layers but have now had to move to map image layers because of the issue around grouping limitations with feature layers. I am now trying to work out how ...
cardiokhan's user avatar
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How to add my WFS data to ArcGIS operations dashboard?

I'm trying to build an operations dashboard in ArcGIS Online. After adding my WFS layer to a web map I had to add some custom parameters to actually show the real-time data (points and metadata). When ...
Daniël's user avatar
-1 votes
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Creating geospatial app for both iOS and Android [closed]

Does anyone have any experience or solid foundation on how to build geospatial apps that can be utilized through app stores? Specially, I am searching for a way to present simple, publicly available ...
Allen C.'s user avatar
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What is the reason to use GeoServer to provide access to vector data? [duplicate]

I am building a website that will present spatial data (Leaflet) and I plan to include functionalities like: add, move, delete features (i.e. by clicking on the map or on the feature) I would like to ...
Markoyee's user avatar

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