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7 votes

How to let people download a file from your computer

This is not a GIS question. You cannot reliably let users download a file from your own physical computer at home, so essentially what you ask for is a file hosting service. You upload the file there ...
til_b's user avatar
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6 votes

Identifying Coordinate System of Shapefile when Unknown?

To add to the other responses in this post, I would add the following: How To: Identify an unknown projected coordinate system using ArcMap Provide a specific check on NAD1927 If the coordinates ...
whyzar's user avatar
  • 12.1k
6 votes

Use PostGIS functions from an other schema (than public)

The PostGIS extension must be in the user search_path. Setting the search_path using ALTER DATABASE or ALTER ROLE will have effect at the next session only. To use the new path immediately, one would ...
JGH's user avatar
  • 43.1k
6 votes

Getting all shapefile layers in project using PyQGIS

The shapefile format is a geospatial Vector data format, therefore on a first stage I suggest to catch all of vector layers with the QgsVectorLayer class. There are several approaches to achieve it ...
Taras's user avatar
  • 33.9k
4 votes

PostGIS geometry to GEOS geometry without lwgeom dependency?

It is not clear to me whether you are looking specifically for information on loading point clouds, or geometries in general. GEOS may not be the ideal tool for manipulating point clouds, but you ...
Rob Skelly's user avatar
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4 votes

Making PostGIS extension persist in the search_path of a PostgreSQL database?

General rule The PostGIS extension must be in the user search_path as explained here Detailed explanation Using SET search_path TO "$user", public, postgis, topology; makes it immediately ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
  • 10.9k
4 votes

Not getting INFO-level messages from org.geotools.util.logging.Logging

I think you'll need to add a Logger to the DEFAULT_LOGGING.xml (or whichever level you are using) for your package, something like: <Logger name="com.mytld.wps.pins" level="info&...
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
3 votes

Could not locate /WEB-INF/lib/ directory to install Geoserver extensions in OSGEOLIVE 12

GeoServer on OSGEOLIVE uses Jetty - have a look in /usr/local/lib/geoserver-2.X/webapps/geoserver (where X is the version you are using).
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
3 votes

Seeking ArcView 3 extension named createcolors.avx?

GIS Stack Exchange is not the place to be requesting very old ArcView Extensions. Unfortunately the old ArcScript website got blitzed and ESRI did not port over the majority of the tools. There is a ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
  • 44.6k
3 votes

Identifying Coordinate System of Shapefile when Unknown?

Look at this website: I am the developer of this free tool. Maybe this tool can help you to find and define the correct projection of your ...
Manfred Egger's user avatar
3 votes

Error installing PGRouting database extensions

The latest version postgresql i.e. 9.6 comes with a pre-installed pgRouting and Postgis extensions so you just need to do execute the following command to enable the extension in your current db. ...
raosaeedali's user avatar
3 votes

Identifying Coordinate System of Shapefile when Unknown?

I had the same problem while I was working on my project (DEMs). One of the DEM was unknown coordinates and cannot be projected, so I did the 'georeferencing' utilizing of Georeferencing tool in ...
ndr's user avatar
  • 507
3 votes

Sharing setup details between QGIS users?

I would recommend you refer to this Deploying QGIS settings in an enterprise environment. QGIS stores stuff in two places: {USERHOME}.qgis2 Registry (Windows) | .config (Linux) ....
whyzar's user avatar
  • 12.1k
2 votes

List all available extensions using Python to get extension code

To my knowledge there is no function in arcpy for return a list of Extensions. In the Help file under the syntax section for the CheckExtension() method it actually lists all the codes so you can test ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
  • 44.6k
2 votes

Opening rrd file in ENVI 5.3

ENVI has a data type support page and doesn't list RRD as a supported data layer. Supported File Types Perhaps you can use a file that is a supported data layer to be able to open in ENVI 5.3, as per ...
whyzar's user avatar
  • 12.1k
2 votes

Geoserver/geotools DB2 extension support

In case anyone gets in the same situation in the future, I discarded the option of migrating to DB2 after talking to the creator of the geoserver DB2 plugin. As discussed in the geoserver users ...
SebaGra's user avatar
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2 votes

Repairing corrupt shapefile?

Esri provides a general step by step guide to "repair a corrupt shapefile" here Use the Check Geometry tool. Problems with the data are reported while the tool is executing or in the output table....
whyzar's user avatar
  • 12.1k
2 votes

MapInfo 'Info' tool - querying by polygon rather than at a point

That's a great idea for a inspection tool. Unfortunately, MapInfo Pro doesn't have such a tool right now. It could quite easily be created with MapBasic if you have any knowledge in that area. Let ...
Peter Horsbøll Møller's user avatar
2 votes

GeoServer 2.7.1 fails to start after installing 11-Aug-2015 scripting extension

The Python scripting extension works with version 2.4 from August 20, 2014, specifically this build of GeoServer with this build of the Python plugin.
Martin's user avatar
  • 302
2 votes

Install GDAL extension in GeoServer

I was unable to get the GDAL plugins to work until I uninstalled OSGeo4W and deleted the GDAL files in C:\OSGeo4W directory. GeoServer still works alongside QGIS standalone version with no issues.
Nate Wanner's user avatar
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2 votes

Install GRASS extension with g.extension and Rstudio

GRASS extensions should be manually downloaded and installed on MS Windows. Download r.clip from here: (since you have 7.6). Unzip the ...
bonzinor's user avatar
  • 177
2 votes

Ways to step through features without Browse Features from data reviewer extension or data driven pages?

As you already have your attribute table open and are editing your attributes in there you can double click on the far left: The first click will select the row, the 2nd pans to the selected row if ...
Michael Stimson's user avatar
2 votes

QGIS Plugins PIP extension

A QGIS plugin, written in python is a same as writing a python package, but it has no installation like a package usually has (pip, setuptools). So plugin developer, who wanted to include third-party-...
Andreas Müller's user avatar
2 votes

GeoServer GSR Extension - ESRI Rest Services

It is a community module which means that there is no regular maintainer support. Community modules are considered “pending” in that they are not officially part of the GeoServer releases. They are ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
1 vote

GeoServer develop community extension auto-reload

That's the only way to do it I'm afraid. Your extension jar is only read at start up.
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
1 vote

Add-ons not found anymore in GRASS 7.8 installation

I don't know if this is related but installing addons with the default Grass version 7.8 supplied with Ubuntu has been broken for a long time due to some repository restructuring. Possibly also some ...
loop's user avatar
  • 131
1 vote

Is it possible for QGIS to recognise GeoPackage Schema and/or Related Tables extension implementation?

QGIS is using GDAL for GeoPackages and by the GDAL documentation in the schema extension is not supported. Related ...
user30184's user avatar
  • 69k
1 vote

Can not install AHP extension in ArcGIS 10.2

When you download the zip file from extAhp20 - Analytic Hierarchy Process for ArcGIS, there are two files included. One is the installation setup.exe file and the other is a ReadMeFirst.txt. I'm ...
Fezter's user avatar
  • 22k
1 vote

Could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.4": No such file or directory

The solution was a little drastic but it appears to have worked. The available packages and support for Centos appeared limited compared to Ubuntu. I therefore re-purposed the server to run Ubuntu and ...
HairLoss's user avatar
1 vote

Create Configurable Extension in ArcGIS Desktop

Rebecca Zeckoski goes into detail in her blog post titled Capturing Button Clicks in ArcObjects. The following is an (untested) adaptation of her code. Public Class clsCustomizationFilter ...
Kirk Kuykendall's user avatar

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