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Exporting a time series of images in an image collection from GEE using Python

Hi @catahua I'm the maintainer of geetools, the first option you tried in your example. The solution you tried is the old implementation of the tool and starting from 1.0 you should do the following ...
Pierrick Rambaud's user avatar
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Plotting images from Google Earth Engine?

You can use the geetools extention and all the matplolib bindings that have been coded there. Specifically to create a static map of an image you can use the plot For your sepecific use case, using ...
Pierrick Rambaud's user avatar
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Efficient method to extract Sentinel-2 band average per date per polygon using Google Earth Engine Python API

What you need is called Feature enrichment and was one of the missing key feature of GEE when I started to do data extraction for my company. At the end of the days you are missing the capacity to run ...
Pierrick Rambaud's user avatar
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Authentification error when installing RGEE in RStudio

Run the Anaconda prompt as admin Create a new conda environment: conda create -n rgee python==3.9.18 Activate the "rgee" environment: conda activate rgee Install the package "rgee" ...
Waruth POJSILAPACHAI's user avatar
3 votes

Anonymize polygons by applying random translation in Earth Engine

Rather than mapping over all the individual coordindates (expensive), you can transform each polygon to a new projection. // Random numbers are between 0 and 1. Scale them to something visible. var ...
Noel Gorelick's user avatar
1 vote

Anonymize polygons by applying random translation in Earth Engine

You can try this function, which translates polygons with a random, small offset to anonymize their original location. /** * This function helps anonymize spatial data by applying a random, small ...
Iago Mendes's user avatar
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White patches on exporting band composite landsat 8 level2 image

You are not masking out the clouds. Perhaps the median in your 2014 composite happened to be cloud free, but not the yearly composite you looked at in ArcGIS. You can use the QA_PIXEL to determine ...
Daniel Wiell's user avatar
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Counting the number of points in buffered region

You are iterating the buffered buildings and counting how many points fall inside the buffer. However, a point can fall inside multiple buffered buildings, leading to an incorrectly inflated point ...
Daniel Wiell's user avatar
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Tracking GEE API costs with workload tags: Unable to get complete EECU summary

The cloud monitoring tools is terrible, but there's some pointers here: The important part is ...
Noel Gorelick's user avatar
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Error uploading assets into GEE: error code 3

In my case when I uploaded the ".shp" file a prompt requested the ".dbf" and the ".shx" and I assumed that was enough, but it turned out that EE also needed the "....
terraviva's user avatar
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The minimum and maximum value statistics obtained using ee.Reducer.minMax() are inconsistent with those displayed in QGIS

I set up the symbology in QGIS as follows, and the band range of the TIFF file opened in QGIS matches the range calculated in GEE.
Ozymandias's user avatar
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GEE COPERNICUS/S3/OLCI Qa10_radiance band provides inconsistent data range

If I am not mistaken OTCI is a Level 2 product, calculated from Surface reflectances, with atmospheric correction taken place already. Since GEE features Level 1b top-of-atmosphere radiance data, I ...
Dávid D.Kovács's user avatar
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Alternatives to .getInfo() in Google Earth Engine Code Editor

In order to interact with UI controls, sometimes you have to pull some data into the browser, but there are some techniques that can minimize the number of times you have to do that. For instance, ...
Noel Gorelick's user avatar
1 vote

Mask clusters larger than 500 pixels in GEE ends with a memory error

Any time you're using a kernel or a neighborhood, you're going to be scale limited. A kernel implicitly specifies a neighborhood and neighborhoods propagate all the way down to the inputs. So if you ...
Noel Gorelick's user avatar
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How to convert a raster to vector and use it to clip an ImageCollection in Google Earth Engine

Your premise seems wrong. You don't need to convert the raster to a vector just to use it on another raster. You can simply mask one image using another image, directly. (You're also turning a lot ...
Noel Gorelick's user avatar
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How to convert a raster to vector and use it to clip an ImageCollection in Google Earth Engine

The error you're getting is because ee.Image.reduceToVectors tries to connect pixels with the same values into vector features, which isn't possible with floating point (decimal) images. Your image ...
Aaron Zuspan's user avatar
1 vote

Error uploading assets into GEE: error code 3

As commented by @Vince: If the file is marked as being WGS 1984 decimal degrees, and has a Y coordinate of 3.9 million degrees, the projection metadata is incorrect.
PolyGeo's user avatar
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"Unable to transform edge" error while trying to stratify sample points from a feature collection (RESOLVE Ecoregions 2017)

I understand you want to sample 10 points in forest areas (classes 1 to 8 in MODIS dataset) across multiple ecoregions. The solution is straightforward: // Load the land cover image var landCover = ee....
Iago Mendes's user avatar
1 vote

Layer error: reduce.median: Error in map(ID=null): Image.normalizedDifference: Expected exactly 2 band names

This wouldn't work for L8 either. normalizedDifference() expects a list with two band names. You provided it with ['SR_B4, SR_B3'] This is a list with with a single string. You want ['SR_B4', 'SR_B3']...
Daniel Wiell's user avatar
  • 14.8k
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Google Earth Engine in QGIS pugin update - is it related to Quickmap services?

The QMS plugin only uses open data services (available without authentication) and is not associated with GEE plugin . Therefore you can freely uninstall the GEE plugin, it will not affect the QMS ...
Comrade Che's user avatar
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