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7 votes

Accessing ArcGIS Online feature dataset from R using R-ArcGIS Bridge

After a lot of mucking around, I figured it out: In ArcGIS Pro, right-click on the layer and choose "Properties". Go to the "Source" tab. In the table, copy the "Url", e.g., https://services1....
Nova's user avatar
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6 votes

How to read a feature class in an Esri Personal GeoDatabase using R?

EDIT: this answer is out of date, there is a 64-bit support for Access now, and rgdal is going to be defunct in a year or so. You are on Windows so I will assume you are on a 64-bit machine, running ...
mdsumner's user avatar
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1 vote

Exporting geodatabase using R-Bridge with ArcGIS Pro

Through more tinkering, I found that my R-Arc linkage was severed. Be sure to check that the R and Arc linkage is finished. Within ArcPro before opening a project, go to Settings near the bottom of ...
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