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Questions tagged [arcgis-engine]

ArcGIS Engine is for embedding GIS data, maps and geoprocessing into desktop and mobile applications.

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5 votes
1 answer

Dragging Feature in ArcObjects and ArcGIS Engine (AxMapControl)?

I'm trying to implement moving a point feature in a custom C# ArcGIS Engine application on an AxMapControl. I've already created a custom tool to do some other things. And I can track when the user is ...
1 vote
2 answers

Using OverviewClass in ArcObjects?

I want to display an Overview map - I know how to do it using a separate PageLayout or MapControl - but I noticed ESRI has an OverviewClass - how do I make use of this with the AxMapControl?
3 votes
1 answer

How to listen for ESRI drawing events using ESRI drawing tools in ArcObjects?

I am trying to make use of the built-in ArcObjects drawing tools (ie ControlsNewCircleTool) - but I need to listen for the events so I can add the drawing graphics to the database in our application. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Highlighting selections using ArcObjects?

I have a problem you want help: In ArcMap 10.2.2 In my code I want to highlight selections but I can't. My code: void drawPoint(IFeature pfeature) { IRgbColor rgbColor = new RgbColorClass(); ...
1 vote
1 answer

Displaying scale on ArcGIS Engine map?

I embedded ArcGIS Engine into a c#/wpf application and use it to display a map. Now for print my client needs to display the scale of the map like it is used on street maps (the small bar which shows ...
1 vote
1 answer

Get all features in extent not working correctly in PageLayoutControl

I want to get all features in the current extent of my PageLayoutControl's ActiveView. I got it working for a MapControl as described here. With my PageLayoutControl it seems that I don't get the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Activating new Snapping feature in ArcGIS Engine while editing features and vertices?

I'm working on new Snapping Capability of ArcGIS Engine. I want to use snapping capability using ISnappingEnvironment class while users are editing a feature or moving vertices. I tried IPointSnapper....
1 vote
2 answers

How to center map in PageLayoutControl?

In my print preview dialog I have a PageLayoutControl loading the same map as the main view's MapControl. I want the map in the PageLayoutControl to center at the same position as the MapControl. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Get Feature Symbol

I am using this code to get the symbol associated with a feature: IFeature feature = geoFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.GetFeature( geoFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureClassID ); geoFeatureLayer.Renderer....
2 votes
1 answer

Need to programmatically create Barriers in my Network Dataset [closed]

I have the following C# code to create a Network Dataset layer that I can bring into ArcMap. However, even though I am able to create a Route from the ND, I am not able to create Barriers of any kind ...
2 votes
1 answer

Selecting object(s) by mouse using ArcGIS Engine?

I've got a standalone program using ArcGIS Engine, showing a map on the screen like this: AxMapControl _mapControl; AxToolbarControl _toolbarControl; // in constructor: _mapControl = new ...
2 votes
2 answers

Bringing Feature Selection To Top using ArcObjects?

I'm using IFeatureSelection.SelectFeatures() to select parcel polygons in my parcel layer. It works fine until I create a ClassBreaksRenderer to apply a color ramp based on a field in the feature. ...
2 votes
3 answers

ArcGIS Engine License Switch

Is it possible to change to a "higher-level" license after a license has already been checked out in ArcGIS Engine? Old posts in ESRI forums seem to indicate that this is not possible, but I'm ...
2 votes
1 answer

Does ArcGIS Desktop use ArcGIS Engine?

If I use ArcGIS Desktop applications like ArcMap and ArcCatalog, at the ArcEditor/Standard, ArcView/Basic or ArcInfo/Advanced license level, is it using ArcGIS Engine under the hood? I think the ...
1 vote
1 answer

The type 'ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.WorkspaceClass' has no constructors defined

I am using a map application (ArcGIS Engine). I am trying to start an edit session and i want to use IWorkSpace interface in the WorkSpaceClass. but i am getting "The type 'ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase....
3 votes
1 answer

Draw text in PageLayoutControl in OnAfterDraw?

I have a PagyLayoutControl in a print preview dialog. It shows the same extent and layers as the master MapControl. Both controls are not syncronised, because changes made in the PageLayoutControl ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to set datum in GPS connection setup window in ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine Application

I have a custom application based on ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine. I want to use an external GPS receiver with that application and the setup window does not let me choose a different geographic ...
2 votes
1 answer

Adding INDEX to IFeatureClass with ArcGIS SDK for Java?

I want to add an index to a feature class. To do so, I used the very short and complete example given there:
2 votes
1 answer

Putting features (IFeature) into ifeatureclass with ArcGIS Engine?

I am trying to get the selected features from axMapControl and put them in a new feature class. I can get the selected features but when i'm trying to put them in a IFeatureClass and then cast it as ...
3 votes
2 answers

Zooming & panning to selected objects using ArcGIS Engine?

I'm writing a program using ArcGIS Engine, and need to zoom & pan into the map to show the selected content. Loading and displaying the map does work using something like this: AxMapControl ...
5 votes
1 answer

Importing external bookmark (*.dat) file using ArcGIS Engine?

Does anyone know how to use ArcObjects (specifically ArcGIS Engine for me) to import a bookmark (saved as a .dat) that was created and saved externally using ArcMap? I have an ArcGIS Engine ...
4 votes
1 answer

Closing MeasureTool Window

I'm activating the built in ArcGIS measure tool using the following code: ControlsMapMeasureTool measureTool = new ControlsMapMeasureToolClass(); measureTool.OnCreate(_axMapControl.Object); // set ...
5 votes
2 answers

Enabling MapTips in ArcGIS Engine using ArcObjects?

My organization is working on a new version of our software using ArcGIS Engine 10. Previous versions of the software (running on ArcGIS Engine 9.3) displayed MapTips fine as long as they were enabled ...
3 votes
2 answers

Labeling Selected Features Only using ArcGIS Engine?

I've been labeling using the LabelEngine and simple expressions and it is working for every layer. I want to offer the option of labeling only selected features and thought it would be this simple: ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to get cell size of raster shown in ArcMap using ArcGIS Engine and C#?

As the figure shows above, after classifying the raster, we can get the cell size by opening the raster Properties to its Source tab, and we can calculate the area by mutiplying the cell count and the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Unchecking items in IToolbar?

I currently have an app with two menu bars. One being the AxToolbarControl in a UserControl and one in a separate menu bar containing in-house stuff. I currently have the issue where if I select ...
7 votes
2 answers

Exporting ArcGIS plugin data source to Shape?

I have implemented a plug-in data source for ArcGIS. In my case, the format read by the plug-in may contain point, line and polygon features within the same file. In my implementation the data file ...
7 votes
3 answers

E_FAIL when calling ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IImageServer.Initialize()?

I am using ArcGIS Engine and Developer Kit 10 on Windows 7. Specifically, I'm writing an ArcObjects console program using Visual C# Express 2008. I am attempting connect to an image server via a URL (...
3 votes
0 answers

Is possible to create a shapefile with a specific encoding using ArcObjects?

I have the code to create a shapefile programmatically, something like this 28310 - Create a new empty shapefile programmatically moreover I am able to put the data from a layer in it. It works ...
3 votes
1 answer

Runaway memory usage with Event Layers in ArcGIS Engine and Desktop?

I have an ArcEngine application, based off an MXD with an axMapControl. Several of the layers in the map are event layers built with XY data in a SQL table. It has routing info applied from a ...
2 votes
1 answer

Snapping lines to points

I have a layer containing a vector 'Line 1', that originates at point 'A' on a second layer. I also have point 'B' on a third layer. I want to create 'Line 2' that has the same angle and length of '...
3 votes
2 answers

Not scaling and/or rotating when exporting map using ArcObjects?

I am writing a console application using ArcGIS (engine or desktop). I'm trying to rotate and scale a map based on a polygon, and I'm not having any luck at all. With some tinkering, I can usually do ...
0 votes
0 answers

ArcGis Engine app crashes when map contains class extension

I have an ArcGIS Engine 10.1 app. It has been running fine. It opens an .mxd on initialization. The .mxd contains 3 feature classes that have class extensions applied. I just tried to make a change ...
2 votes
1 answer

Printing semi-transparent elements using ArcObjects?

I highlight some features with a semi transparent color via an ILayerExtensionDraw. When I print the ActiveView of the PageLayoutControl with IPrintAndExport the highlightning is not on the printout. ...
3 votes
1 answer

IApplication in AxMapcontrol (FindExtensionByCLSID in ArcEngine Application)

I have a small problem. I have begun rewriting code to work with an AxMapControl. Now at first this seemed to work and I was able to get a lot of code converted and working with the AxMapControl, but ...
0 votes
1 answer

Prerequisites for running Visual Studio 2012 ArcGIS desktop application exe on any machine don't have ArcGIS installed

Scenario: i created an exe application using Visual studio 2012 ArcGIS Map Control Application. When running this application on any other machine which don't have ArcGIS installed on it. Its showing ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to manipulate OpenStreetMap schema to be useful in ArcGIS applications?

I have a shapefile of OSM data. I plan to use the data for an ArcGIS Engine application, and I was wondering if there are any existing solutions to getting the data's schema into your typical GIS ...
3 votes
1 answer

Duplicate ObjectID in ArcSDE Table

After making a check in from an arcpad AXF file, i notice that there's duplicate ObjectID records. This ArcSDE PostgreSQL table is versioned and edited by Axf checkins and a .net engine application. ...
2 votes
1 answer

OGC webservice engine like geoserver in .NET

In java there are a lots of third part libraries which can used to create OGC webserivce like wcs/wfs/wms etc. However I have not found anything similar in .NET. We are currently using ArcGIS Engine,...
3 votes
1 answer

Access Trimble GPS on ArcGIS Engine App

I have a Trimble Yuma tablet running Windows 7. I need to build an application that allows viewing of points on a map and editing of a geodatabase (feature layers and tables). I'm hoping to use ...
2 votes
1 answer

Error in Symbol Selector Sample for ArcGIS Engine?

I am stuck at running this ArcGIS Engine Sample code, when I get: COM EXCEPTION WAS UNHANDLED BY THE USER I'm looking for any working example of Symbol Selector. I'm working on XP SP3, ArcGIS 10....
2 votes
1 answer

JAVA GIS create shapefile from FeatureLayer

The title kind of saids it all. I am attempting to export a featurelayer to a shapefile and am not having any luck finding a library which includes this functionality or relevant code to see where to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Prompting Dialog Box to Have User Enter Information without ArcGIS Engine?

Working with the ArcGIS family v10.1 on Windows 7. So, I have this vision for a GIS project that does the following: User opens up ArcGIS Explorer (ideally) or ArcMap (still fine), or I guess even ...
2 votes
2 answers

ArcGIS standalone application deployment

I'm trying to build a deployment for a ArcGIS standalone application. I'm using ArcGIS 10 Engine controls in a WPF application with desktop and spatial analysis license. I'm using classes that only ...
1 vote
0 answers

Converting coordinate system of feature layers and datasets programmatically

I am trying to convert coordinate system of featurelayer and datasets using ESRI.ArcGIS.DataManagementTools.Project . The tool works fine in ArcCatalog . I have doubts about the parameters i am ...
2 votes
4 answers

AxMapControl: How to set map extent in ArcObjects?

I have a stand-alone application written in C#. I want to be able to save and restore the current map view (extent) that the user sees. I assumed that it would be as simple as saving the active view's ...
0 votes
1 answer

COM Exception when setting the DisplayField property

I have a C# .NET application referencing ArcGIS Engine 10.2. The last line of this fragment of code causes a COM Exception: gridLayer = new FeatureLayerClass(); gridLayer.FeatureClass = ...
12 votes
3 answers

Are personal geodatabases better suited for quickly querying indexed attributes than file geodatabases?

I'm preparing data for an ArcGIS Engine application that queries the data to search for an address. Sometimes we search just on the street name field, just on the house number field, or both. When ...
1 vote
1 answer

Two versions of ArcGIS Engine SDK on same computer?

I wish to be able to develop against both ArcGIS Engine 9.3 and 10.2, so that for example, an application could depend on either at runtime. Are there any issues with having the SDKs for both on a ...
4 votes
2 answers

Developing tools for ArcMap 9.x and 10.x

I've been asked to start developing something for ArcGIS 10.x, but here is the problem: in my computer I already have the SDK and ArcMap 9.3.1 installed. That means that I need to uninstall it before ...

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