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162 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Can I use a signature for more than one picture?

I want to use the signature from one picture and use it in other. Can I do this using ERDAS Imagine?
Zuania's user avatar
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Resample Landsat 8 to 60m Resolution

I have two Landsat images for the same study area. One of them in 1975 (Landsat 2 MSS with 60m resolution) and the other in 2014 (Landsat8 OLI with 30m resolution). I want to do change detection ...
A M D's user avatar
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What is the Pro or Cons for mosaic 30 GB jp2000?

Has anyone tried mosaic jp2000 imagery in ERDAS, ArcGIS , ENVI or any softwares that they have accomplished ? I have three jp2000 files that is total about 28.1 GB that I want to mosaic with ?
PROBERT's user avatar
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/1.#IND error in ERDAS

I was applying the vegetation index ($n1_ttc0003r_16(2) - $n1_ttc0003r_16(4)) / ($n1_ttc0003r_16(2) + $n1_ttc0003r_16(4)) to a multispectral image, and the raster resulting on this operation had all ...
Silvia Cambra's user avatar
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Retrieving Aerosol Optical Depth (AOT) from Landsat multispectral data

I need to retrieve Aerosol Optical Depth from Landsat multispectral datasets. Has anyone successfully tried something like that before?
Bytekodes's user avatar
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Rectification of a lot of images using ERDAS IMAGINE

I want to rectify many images of same area but different dates at a time in ERDAS Imagine 1 I did this using Batch processing but I have no out put. Second I did reproject many images using Batch ...
Ayesha's user avatar
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convert headerless flat binary files to tif

I have set of headerless flat binary files (those are out put files of TIMESAT software). I want to convert those to .tif format. I did it using ENVI. but it does not overlap with the original input ...
nilushika's user avatar
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Imagine 2014 displaying images with large no-data values

I'm starting to use Imagine 2014 after a recent upgrade. The images I'm using have data values in the range of approximately -.02 to 350.0. The no-data values bordering the data has a value of 2 ...
kmf's user avatar
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Calculating TOA reflectance from Radiance using Erdas Imagine for a Spot2 image

Using the SPOT equation ρ = π L/[E cos (θs) d-²] to calculate TOA reflectance from Radiance. L was calculated using this equation [L = (X/A) + B] d was calculated by converting date to julian day ...
Barry's user avatar
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Exporting landcover clasiffication from ENVI to SAGA

I have basic knowledge in remote sensing and GIS. I have generated landcover map in ENVI 4.7. How can I transfer or Export/Import this into SAGA so that I perform other functions in SAGA. I want to ...
Kasaro's user avatar
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Creating batch file from ERDAS IMAGINE Spatial Modeler?

How to create batch file from the ERDAS IMAGINE Spatial Modeler? I want to do the same process to different input images, something similar which we can do by batch processing of the existing ...
Singh's user avatar
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Conversion problem of projection of MODIS LAI from sinusoidal to geographic

I am trying to change MODIS data's (LAI) sinusoidal projection to geographic. Actually I did it. But when I reproject it by ERDAS, the output LAI raster moved about 10 km to west side of actual ...
Vandka's user avatar
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Determine sun elevation without header file?

I have some AWiFS and LISS-III data that I'm trying to convert from at-sensor spectral radiance to top-of-atmosphere reflectance. The problem is, the data didn't come with any header file. All I ...
djz88426's user avatar
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Uninstall ERDAS ECW/JP2 SDK Version 5.0 (Ubuntu)

I am using Ubuntu Linux as main OS when it comes to geoprocessing but I am not yet an expert using it. I recently needed QGIS to have ECW support, so I followed the instructions of Luke in the ...
andehhh's user avatar
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Why does ERDAS not like my GDAL output?

I am creating a raster using GDAL and the IMAGINE file doesn't work in ERDAS because it doesn't recognize the projection. Here is the code to generate a sample: from osgeo import gdal projectionWkt ...
Erik L's user avatar
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How to convert MODIS (Vegetation Continuous Fields - MOD44B) to (.img and hdr) in ENVI

Please can anyone help me to convert MODIS (Vegetation Continuous Fields) to (.img and hdr) formats? In ENVI, anytime i try using the MODIS conversion toolkit, a dialog box appears telling me to ...
Eric's user avatar
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Is there any accuracy difference between standard DTM editing tools like DT Master and automatic removal of artefacts using ERDAS?

I would like to know whether there is any accuracy difference while editing DTM points using standard photogrammetry software like Inpho DT Master and automatics removal of artefacts in ERDAS imagine.
user14677's user avatar
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How do you convert an Imagine raster attribute value into the raster value?

I have a raster derived from image segments with row id as the value. I have an attribute in the attribute table which should be the raster value, "Standard deviation layer 5" (see image). How do I ...
kpierce8's user avatar
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How to save an image stretch/enhancement in ENVI?

I am using ENVI 5.3.1 and viewing a georeferenced satellite image with a linear 1% histogram stretch applied to the entire image. When exporting the image with the current histogram stretch using File-...
Xu Teo's user avatar
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ENVI Random Forest ROI file causing crash

I am trying to run the ENVI Random Forest Classification tool. I know there are better ways to set up a Random Forest classifier, but as this is the software provided for the course I am doing, I need ...
user262526's user avatar
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OOB Statistics for ENVI Random Forest Classifier

I am running the Random Forest Classifier in the ENVI Machine Learning module. In the settings, there is a tick box for Out-of-Bag (OOB) Score. When you hover over the OOB Score text it says, "...
user262526's user avatar
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How to resolve ENVI Flaash ACC error

I am currently preprocessing aster radiance at sensor(level 1b) images which I downloaded as .tif files, and can be accessed via this link from Earthdata. These are radiometric and geometrically ...
Tsaku Graham's user avatar
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ENVI change fontsize in panels

I'm a newbie to ENVI 6.0. I have bad vision. The text in the panels is way too small, but I can't find where to change the font size in the panels (lots of other places, but not there). Can anyone ...
Bob's user avatar
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Python notebook causing ArcGIS Pro to crash

On my laptop are student licenses to ArcGIS Pro 3.2, ENVI 6.0 and Agisoft Metashape 2.0.3. I'm in an intro to GIS programming class and when I try to open a Python notebook in ArcGIS Pro (from the ...
Sully's user avatar
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Classification in ENVI

I classified multiple images using ENVI modeler and I would like class statistics for each image. Is there a task available in ENVI modeler that can do this? I know I can right click each image and ...
Micaela's user avatar
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What data does clustering use from multiple raster files?

I currently have a series of rasters of the same area across different times. The data is categorical: the product of a supervised classification used on LANDSAT data run on ERDAS Imagine. Each ...
Phil's user avatar
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ENVI 5.6.2 HSV problem

I've used ENVI a lot in the past, but am a bit rusty. I have never ran into this problem and can't find anything online about it. I'm trying to do HSV sharpening with 3 band multispectral data and a ...
R. Ian Cunningham's user avatar
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Erdas - Export LUT Instead Of Real Values

I am using Erdas 2022. I have NDVI index of an imaging, and after creating it, the view shows a LUT which is not the original pixels, which is essentially the automatic stretching of the program. I ...
Guy Yafe's user avatar
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Excluding 'No Data' Pixels When Counting number of pixels in an AOI with ERDAS IMAGINE

I'm working with Landsat imagery in ERDAS IMAGINE 2014 and have encountered an issue with 'no data' pixels within my Area of Interest (AOI). The AOI includes unwanted 'no data' pixels that are ...
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What does the metadata tell you about an image and its sensor?

I'm using a software called ERDAS and my tutor says that the Metadata can be used to detect which sensor your image came from. Is there anything you can tell me that links the metadata to the sensor? ...
Peter Watson's user avatar
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Merging Subswaths with ERDAS Imagine

Does anyone have experience with merging subswaths of a SLC Sentinel 1 image in ERDAS Imagine? I cannot find the right function for it.
Gabriela Spriestersbach's user avatar
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Problems trying to intersect two shapefiles

I keep having problems trying to intersect two shapefiles. One of them is a normal file that I downloaded from The other I created by using the classification protocol tool on an ...
Ouassil Hamdaoui's user avatar
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Opening images layer stacked on ArcMap into ERDAS

I noticed that ArcMap can open almost anything but if I do a band combination or a supervised or unsupervised classification on ArcMap I cannot open it on ERDAS. Is there a way around it?
user217233's user avatar
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Mosaic different data Sentinel-2 L2A image with color difference

I have downloaded two L2A level sentinel-2 images at 2022-09-05 and 2022-09-07 from scihub. After subset and resampling on SANP, I used seamless mosaic in ENVI to mosaic the two scenes, and I found ...
Xiaoqing Shen's user avatar
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RPC sensor model coefficient auxiliary data structure

I am part of a college team building a hyperspectral small satellite (3U). We would like to use ENVI's orthorectification module to do ortho. However, we need to generate our own RPC or sensor model. ...
Aidan Armstrong's user avatar
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Using one set of ROIs to classify multiple raster layers in ENVI?

I am attempting to run a SAM classification on an airborne hyperspectral dataset with six total flight lines, and the files are too large to mosaic before processing. Is it possible to create an ...
Isabel's user avatar
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NDVI value from different download sources

I downloaded the Level 2 image of landsat-8 in GEE and calculated the NDVI value in ENVI. At the same time, the Level 1 image of the corresponding date was downloaded from the USGS, and the NDVI value ...
jc hang's user avatar
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Doing Layer stack in ERDAS Imagine

I am trying to do "Layer Stack" of Landsat 5 Surface Reflectance image in ERDAS Imagine 2015 but every time i get output as black and white image. Though pixels have RGB values but still ...
Kiran Choudhary's user avatar
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Converting NTF to TIF using ArcGIS Pro in order to run FLAASH Correction

I received worldview 2 files but some are in the .ntf while others are in the .tiff format. I am able to work and FLAASH the files that are in the .tiff format but I am unable to FLAASH the .ntf files....
OceanE's user avatar
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Getting pixel values from lat/long values using ENVI

I am using ENVI software to process satellite image. I have two images from two different satellites and I want to get the value of the same point in the two images. I got random points from the first ...
asmaa elyamany's user avatar
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LPF and HPF filters in ENVI

Since we know about convolution filter in image processing, it is basically a matrix applied to an image and a mathematical operation comprised of integers and it works by determining the value of a ...
Autodidact's user avatar
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Difference between two atmospherically corrected Images

I corrected Landsat 5 image with two different methods, first atmospheric correction through calibration (means converting raw image into radiance), second atmospheric correction through QUAC ...
Autodidact's user avatar
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Mosaic multiple 7gb TIFF into one big TIFF

I have data of 10 sets each with 361 channels in format of ENVI. Each set contain: 7gb format-less file (BSQ #UPDATE) 2.4gb .ENP file 9kb .HDR file I try to mosaic all of them in one big file. What ...
Sasha's user avatar
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Getting image resolution in ERDAS

How can I know image resolution of an image in ERDAS?
Ahmed's user avatar
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Input image does not match with signature file in supervised classification

I have a issue in supervised classification on ERDAS IMAGINE. When ever I performed supervised classification it gives a warning message. It says: iInput image does not match signature's image ...
Siddhartha Dhara's user avatar
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ENVI fmask Error for Landsat 5 data

I'm trying to mask cloud cover of multi-spectral Landsat 5 image containing bands 1-7 that have been preprocessed using dark object subtraction and Landsat calibration. I am using the fmask tool in ...
Chelsea_VictoriaS's user avatar
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Rescaling MNDWI to normalize

This statistic report shows the scale after done the MNDWI index process by using software ENVI 5.1. Normally expect result have to be -1 to +1 scale. How to get which scale?
suje harish's user avatar
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FLAASH produces weird peaks

I am applying FLAASH to atmospherically correct and convert to reflectance a hyperspectral image acquired by our airborne system. The problem is that FLAASH (using ENVI) outputs an image where all ...
El Amraoui Abdelilah's user avatar
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ERDAS mosaicPro from 2D view reference layer is not displayed on top

I am having an issue using the ERDAS mosaicPro from 2D view tool. I am using ERDAS 2015. I have two separate Landsat 8 file bands. Band 1 from one date and Band 1 from another date. I have ran the ...
Binx's user avatar
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Preparing raster Image for correlation in ENVI 5.5

I am working with two raster image of the same location with the same extent, both projected to the same coordinate system and having the same cell size. I want to correlate the raster value on the ...
Tunde's user avatar
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