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I have muiltiple polygons in a shapefile, and want to extract each polygon from a rasterfile and save as separate files

I have 80 polygons in a shapefile, and one complete raster file, I want to extract each polygon from a raster file and save it as a different raster files. numPolygons <- length(shapefile) ...
gis user's user avatar
4 votes
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Clearing some lines in QGIS leads to features with no data

I'm trying to cut and delete some lines in a shapefile with QGIS. The output of this edit is the input to the Basemap.readshapefile function in matplotlib. My edited shapefile does not work well. It ...
Pythonist's user avatar
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Referenced ArcGIS Pro 3.1 toolbox renamed and empty toolbox created in its place

GIS program manager here. I am experiencing a serious problem. It occurs when starting new projects in ArcGIS Pro from a template which includes our "program toolbox" (aka Default.tbx) ...
jpartsch's user avatar
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Using QGIS to edit shapefile without creating 3D shape types

I have edited a shapefile with QGIS where I have cut some polygons to get open lines. The original file works in my application, whereas the edited one does not. I'd like to understand what's going on ...
Pythonist's user avatar
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Error accents and special characters

I am a master's student in Ecology and Environment in Portugal. It's been a few months since I had my first contact with QGIS. When using a shapefile, in the attribute table, I select by expression, ...
Sandy Morgado's user avatar
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Creating list of unnamed roads on Google Maps and match them with own road dataset

I am looking to update Google Maps road network in my city, but it seems I can't find the unnamed roads so I can quickly find the matching roads in my dataset that has names for both old and new roads....
Baptenda's user avatar
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Stitch land cover shapefiles together into a singular dataset while maintaining the individual land cover classes [closed]

I have been manually digitizing drone imagery to create a training data set for different land cover classifications. I have created a feature class dataset and digitized my different land cover ...
greg684's user avatar
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Getting shapefile from Google Maps

I have a use case where I want to generate random points within a geometry. For my use cause, the geometry is a district with my country — for example, West Bay, Grand Cayman. If I search for the ...
user1913559's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Symbolising point shapefile in QGIS: half blue half red colored point

I have a point shapefile. I have one point which I want in two colors. One half should be blue, the other one red. It should be divided vertically. I tried the gradient version but it is as it says a ...
Lina's user avatar
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Default location for QGIS 3.28 to save shapefiles [closed]

I understand that QGIS points to the location of shp layer files. Where are these files saved to by default so that I can find them? I have a Windows 11 PC and laptop.
Adrian James's user avatar
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Deleting points close to each other using QGIS (point thinning)

I'm trying to decimated a point shapefile to remove points close to each other. If you look at the example below, you can see points are 30cm apart, but other are closer. I just need to remove ...
Gil's user avatar
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Overwrite / replace a shapefile with a new one without losing symbology and shapefile queries

I'm currently trying to encourage the company for which I work for to start using QGIS to display boreholes on a map, one of my current problems is updating the data / shapefiles within QGIS for large ...
LiMoNiZeR's user avatar
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How to clip precipitation layer to a shapefile in QGIS?

I downloaded a 4000m resolution precipitation dataset from ClimateEngine. I tried clipping by mask layer and the clipped raster doesn’t fill out the shapefile leaving major gaps. What can be done so ...
ccquinon's user avatar
3 votes
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Deleting duplicate points by attribute in shapefile using QGIS

I've got a point shapefile which has a single attribute (elevation Z) and there are a lot of duplicate points (several points in the same location but each one has a different Z value). I would like ...
Sken2107's user avatar
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Loading shapefiles, GeoJSON, KML and GPX giving properties only for shapefiles in Leaflet

The following code allows for loading local shapefiles, GeoJSON, KML and GPX, but items properties are not the same. Only shapefiles will return its properties with a bindpopup of global properties. //...
Vincent Dc's user avatar
3 votes
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Deleting shapefile after removing it with removeMapLayer using PyQGIS

I am currently working on a script that searches for a currently loaded layer in PyQGIS and does some calculations. Then it removes the layer and deletes the whole shapefile in its directory. ...
eagleadmiral's user avatar
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Problem with create line tool in QGIS, creates an undeletable line that is not part of any layer

I was attempting to edit a shapefile layer in QGIS. I used the "create line tool" and started to sketch out a shape. I didn't like how it was turning out and tried to cancel it by pressing &...
Patrick Wiley's user avatar
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Attribute table can't be "unfiltered"

We got a shapefile from someone who is working with ArcMap. For them, the file contains 363 features - for us, when opened in QGIS 3.28.7, the file only contains 321 features. The attribute table ...
Erik's user avatar
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Reprojecting shape data in QGIS

My json data is not projecting correctly. The shape should be in Mali. Can anyone explain how to adjust the projection? [ { "Country": "Mali", "Layer": "...
JaK's user avatar
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WKT Conversion: Object: Error in executing tool

I have a script below where I am trying to convert a CSV of a WKT polygons that I would like to export out into a shapefile and keep getting the following error on line 21 with:
Holly's user avatar
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How to grant editing permissions for editing shapefiles

A user in my company is trying to edit shapefiles on his machine via ArcMap. However, when he tries to start an editing session, he gets an error message saying no layers are editable and warnings ...
matthiastrek's user avatar
2 votes
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How to extract a single polygon from a shapefile which has multiple sub-polygons

I have downloaded the official boundary Shapefile for all municipalities in the Canadian Province of Ontario. I wish to extract the boundary polygon for one county from this file and convert it to a ...
James Cobban's user avatar
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What is meaning of extra bytes in .shp file or how to calculate content length

I'm trying to read a .shp file. That .shp file contains polygon type. So I read all the records perfectly, after the reading the points, end of the file that have some 28 bytes are there what is ...
Sai Ganesh's user avatar
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Features lost when exporting to a feature class

Wondering if anyone has a solution to my issue... I have a fairly large (651,714) .csv file that I imported to a map using the Display XY feature. However, when trying to exporting the data (within ...
user231889's user avatar
3 votes
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Changing layer provider (datasource) from shapefile to PostgreSQL with PyQGIS

I have a QGIS project with several layers using shapefiles. I want to change the datasource of each layer using a PostgreSQL table to replace the shapefile source. I tried this code, but nothing ...
Etienne's user avatar
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Validate GeoJSON geometries using geojson Python package via Fiona

I have an application that allows users to submit a shapefile or GeoJSON file. I would like to use Python to validate the files and geometries within them to make sure I process valid geoms. Im having ...
glw's user avatar
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Calculate area under each class for a feature in a shapefile

I have a shapefile that you see in attached picture and you can see it has eight classes for a feature shown in picture. How do I calculate area under each class. I would like to export area ...
QGIS_krig's user avatar
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Where a shapefile in QGIS stores the location data

I have created a simple shapefile layer (points) within my project. When I created the layer I added two fields 'Eastings' and 'Northings' but these don't seem to be used for storing the locational ...
Packwood's user avatar
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How to reposition and rescale Alaska and Hawaii in a shapefile using QGIS 3

I have barely used QGIS at all but I am trying to produce a colored map (based on opioid overdose rates) in Python using a county level shapefile from the Census Bureau. What I would like to do is ...
The Mad Scientist's user avatar
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GEE filterBounds returns Error: Invalid property type

I'm new to GEE. I'm trying to export a shapefile of Google building footprints cliped to a area of interest but I keep geting an error in the filterBounds. This returns de message: Error: Invalid ...
Gabriel_LB's user avatar
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SAGA cannot load any grids

Whenever I try to use a SAGA processing tool in QGIS which requires loading a file, it fails to load the files. The log message says: Loading grid: [PATH] failed. The tools I've attempted to use ...
Jacky's user avatar
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Creating map of visited airports in QGIS

I looked at the information given regarding airports and have downloaded that data into a CSV file for import. I have created a shapefile for my base map using OSM. How do I import the airport data (a ...
Jamie's user avatar
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How do I dodge overlapping line/polygon layers so that each is visible in QGIS?

I have 3 separate polygon layers that often overlap (image below). How do I change the symbology in QGIS to have them parallel to one another and not overlapping? (as shown in the second image below).
jabber95's user avatar
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R - Spatial sample from a points layer

I read all day several articles regarding various methodologies and tools to create a significant sample from my initial data but I get lost at some point. It is a shapefile of points. I would like to ...
Anne L's user avatar
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No-Data in clipping .vrt file with GDAL

I am facing some problems while clipping the raster file with the polygon shapefile. I have 8 GeoTIFFs with different projections (different UTM Zones). My aim is to clip these rasters to the extent ...
Badal's user avatar
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Merge four vector layers into one shapefile and keep the symbology

I am using QGIS. I have four vector layers, they are all separately categorized and have a certain symbology. My goal is a shapefile containing all four layers and not losing the symbology. I already ...
Lucas's user avatar
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GRASS GIS v.out.ogr too many export too many feature shp

I have a vector maps that contains 16 points (from v.information) I would like to export them in Shapefile format, but when I use v.out.ogr I got this message : Exporting 16 features... 28 features ...
user230328's user avatar
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Create a map of time since fire in QGIS

Using QGIS I want to create maps which visualise the fire history of an area, in particular the time since the last fire. I have a shapefile which contains polygons of each fire that has occurred in ...
Amy's user avatar
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USA zipcodes shapefile

I have excel with zip codes and their respective latitude and longitude details, how can I plot them on arcgis pro in the polygon/polyline shape
disha sirsat's user avatar
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Identifying district boundaries outliers in QGIS

I have a Nigeria shapefile that shows the district boundaries, I also have geocordinates of some health facilities, when I visualize on QGIS, I notice outliers ; some facilities are showing in a ...
Temitayo's user avatar
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How to classify points in LAStools using shapefiles as reference

I am new to LAStools, and mostly use MicroStation/Terra for classifications, except MS is a resource heavy at times so can be slow and can crash. The macro we run uses shapefiles as a reference, and ...
Warrick Allen's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro Shapefile : polygon not visible

I'm a Master's student in oceanography research and I'm using the latest version of ArcGIS Pro. I am using data from the Canadian Ice Service Arctic Regional Sea Ice Charts in SIGRID-3 Format, Version ...
Margaux UQAR's user avatar
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Calculating road condition score percentages for each zip code with SQL query in QGIS

I have a shapefile that holds information about the condition of a road network that runs across several cities (zip codes): The road network is split into segments of various lengths (meters) Each ...
dot314's user avatar
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Buffer coming out to be a circle

I have been trying to make a buffer for the roads but the buffer is coming out to be a huge circle. Both the project coordinates and Shapefile coordinates are the same. Any pointers on how to solve ...
Rucha's user avatar
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Reading GeoJSON Data in GeoPandas: "Failed to read GeoJSON data"

Trouble Reading GeoJSON Data in GeoPandas: "Failed to read GeoJSON data" I am facing an issue while trying to read a GeoJSON file using the geopandas library. Whenever I attempt to load the ...
Williams Adaji-Agbane's user avatar
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Upload large shapefiles stored locally to GEE assets through CLI

Trying to a upload large shapefile (400k point geometries covering the whole world) as an asset to Google Earth Engine using the CLI instead of the online Code Editor > Assets > New. The ...
TmtStss's user avatar
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"Unable to find driver `MSSQLSpatial'" with ogr2ogr in Windows

I am trying to import an ESRI shape file into SQL Server 2019 under Windows 11. I have a problem similar to Attempting to use ogr2ogr to convert shapefile to SQL Server table; getting error "...
David Roodman's user avatar
3 votes
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Clipping a multipolygon shapefile with another multipolygon shapefile with Python

I have two multipolygon shapefiles. The smaller shapefile is contains polygons that represent water areas during a flood. The larger shapefile is of permanent water bodies for a larger area. I would ...
pctwm's user avatar
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Update all shapefiles in "Directory of spatial files" with low unavailability

I'm starting to work with GeoServer. I have a list of 20 shapefiles (shp + shx + dbf) to publish on GeoServer and some of the files are updated daily and shared with me normally at 8pm. I need to ...
Rafael's user avatar
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Transforming QgsPoint from one CRS to another using PyQGIS

I would like to change the coordinates of QgsPoints imported from a csv file before saving it in shapefile. I succeed to do all the step except the crs transformation, the output is keeping EPSG: 4326 ...
C. Guff's user avatar
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