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Questions tagged [georeferencing]

Aligning geographic data to a known coordinate system so it can be viewed, queried, and analyzed with other geographic data.

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QGIS 3.16 and 3.20 Georeferencer freeze issue

Has anyone across the geo-referencer freezing on 3.16 LRE and 3.20? I have tried this with multiple different jpegs and tiffs. The progress indication bar sticks on 0% and the only way to resolve this ...
Ahujeffy's user avatar
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Avoid warping when georeferending non-equirectangular map in QGIS3

I am trying to georeference an old map of Italy ( using QGIS3. I've set a reasonable ...
Robert Hickman's user avatar
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How to get coordinates of corners from KML file

I am currently in the process of creating a Python script, that automates certain parts of my QGIS processes. Currently I am trying to translate a PNG file to a GeoTIFF with the gdal_translate tool. ...
ActualChipmunk's user avatar
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Georeferencing a raster image in a Mosaic Dataset greyed out in ArcGIS Pro

I have a Worldview 2 product from Digital Globe. To add it to ArcGIS I am first creating a Mosaic Dataset and selecting the Worldview 2 product definition and setting the coordinate system to be the ...
ali_is's user avatar
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Align set of satellite images

I have a problem my set of four satellite images (4 different years of observations) of the same area are not aligned and more than that I see that there is a distortion problem also. I found this ...
Madi's user avatar
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Georeference DXF file which doesn't have a SRS assigned

I have a DXF file which I converted from DWG (CAD) file. I convert it GeoJSON using ogr2ogr but the output coordinates are out range of WGS 84. I think it's been assigned with the random coordinates. ...
Jahanzaib Nisar's user avatar
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Scaling a soil profile Raster to georeference and vectorize Raster data

I have pictures of root patterns, where each root is marked by a point. We worked on soil profile walls, so there is no coordinate system to use as a basemap. I loaded it to QGIS and classified it ...
Katja's user avatar
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.TFW for georeferencing output rasters?

I am running base image pairs with similar extents (image1.TIF and image2.TIF) through a command line tool and the resulting raster (result.TIF) comes out without the georeference. I read that ...
Khelly 's user avatar
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Correct terminology to describe regular grid

What is the correct terminology to describe a regular grid of squares based on certain distance in latitude/longitude? I came up with this description: We used regular grid of squares measuring 10' ...
Tomas's user avatar
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How to georeference an image with only eastings and northings

How would I georeference the image below. All I have is the information provided on the Image below (showing easting and northings). I am focusing on Georeferencing the section In red. Once ...
Louis Tate's user avatar
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Is there a way to find the original pixel x and y coordinates from a point on a georeferenced image?

I am attempting to find ground control points for historical aerial images. I have a reference Digital Elevation Model (2016), which I have used to georeference multiple flightlines over a mostly ...
Sofia Guest's user avatar
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Adding Z (elevation to image when georeferencing with gdal_translate and gdalwarp via gcps)

I have been trying to georeference an image with given gcps (X-Y coordinates and Z (elevation) coordinates). However, when I add gcps via gdal_translate it adds elevation Z but as soon as I use ...
Hassan's user avatar
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How to determine the UTM zone in a world file

According to this page the UTM zone is ambiguous. If so, how come when I load it in some GIS software it seems to know where the image is located on Earth? How do I determine the UTM zone in a world ...
jlcv's user avatar
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Changing pixel size of georeferenced historical map

I have georeferenced an old toposheet from the US Army toposheet repository. However, when I look at the georeferenced map, it looks very grainy (i.e. pixel size is too big). How do I make it easier ...
Tammy's user avatar
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How to build raster file from large folder tiles (256x256), which has 70.000 file tiles

First, I'd like to mention that I'm new to working with GIS, so please forgive my inexperience. I have map folder with structure: zoom level contains multi tile image files (256x256),ex: folder zoom ...
Hong Phat's user avatar
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Laptop getting crashed after georeferencing on v 3.18

I just started using QGIS a few weeks ago. Whenever I do georeferencing on OSM using some toposheet and then start the georeferencing, my laptop gets stalled. I have to restart the laptop everytime ...
user188750's user avatar
3 votes
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Printing geographical centroid coordinates of georeferenced image in CSV file

I am trying to print the centroids of the circular contours from the image. The image is already georeferenced using GDAL with ESRI 102025 and I tried to extract the points in terms of the ...
Madhuvanthi Venkatesh's user avatar
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How to fix Geo4Tiff extent in QGIS? GeoTIFF showing up in wrong location

I have about 100 georeferenced aerial images in GeoTIFF format. They show up in the correct location in ArcMap but when I add them to my QGIS project they all stack on top of each other in the wrong ...
Sarah Grandstrand's user avatar
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Transforming a raster .png image to vector file

I have been working with FEMA flood maps to georeferenced and then digitize the maps by hand drawing polygons of the flood zone features. I have tried some workarounds to make the digitization process ...
livelovegis's user avatar
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Extracting salinity information from map

I have downloaded a pdf map of Salinity in coastal areas. Although the map has the grid and latitude-longitude values. the coordinate system used is not definite. Would I be able to extract salinity ...
Nafim Fazle Rabbi's user avatar
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What is coordinate format on QGIS georeferencing

I watch tutorial from this video, and found the coordinate from the image are about 7 digits number. e.g. N8352000, N8356500, E247500, etc I want to ...
louislugas's user avatar
4 votes
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Formatting coordinates from Google Earth georeferencing for projection on QGIS

I have XY data from a .csv sheet without any metadata. Presuming WGS84 or UTM CRS, the points won't display correctly on a Google Earth basemap with QGIS when imported as XY data points. My data was ...
K.T.'s user avatar
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How to process list of gcp points in gdal in python?

I have gcp points that I am exporting from QGIS and I would like to georeference several maps using the gdal module in python by using these points. The following is the code to read the gcp points ...
Madhuvanthi Venkatesh's user avatar
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Overlaying CAD drawing to Google Earth

I am trying to design a new road in Peru in a town called Lobitos. The area in question is shown below (extract from Google Earth). From Google Maps I was able to pick out the exact road I am ...
JoeDainton123's user avatar
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Georeferenced images in ArcGIS are projected wrongly in QGIS and other GIS

I am working on a big project that includes georeferencing over 850 historical maps in the Netherlands. We're doing this with a small team, with each of us taking certain municipalities. Since we all ...
Konan Pruiksma's user avatar
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How to get the the GPS coordinates corresponding to Cartesian pixel coordinates when drawing a PNG image from a GeoJSON file

I'm going to explain my problem. I've a classic GeoJSON file: { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", &...
hzitoun's user avatar
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'Stack' and georeference multiple JPGs

I have 11 Satellite images in .jpg format showing the same area but in 11 different years. They align perfectly and have the exact same extent. They are not georeferenced and have 3 bands each. Is ...
Quarantäne's user avatar
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Geolocalizing archive aerial photos

I have ~125 analog aerial photographs from 1937 (examples below) and need to reconstruct their locations where the images were taken for a research project. Unfortunately, little is known about them: ...
pltprx's user avatar
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Unable to georeference Arrowsmith's "The World, on Mercators Projection" historical map

I've unsuccessfully tried to georeference this world map. Whatever I try, however many control points I set, I get garbage when I view the resulting GeoTIFF. I've tried
Alexander Huber's user avatar
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QGIS mean error - RMSE - QGIS georeferencer

I would like to know if the mean error computed by QGIS georeferencer is referring to the RMSE (root-mean-square error). I calculated myself with the residual pixels X and Y but I don't have the same ...
Rodrigue's user avatar
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Calculating the coordinates of the selected pixel point from an image with known corner coordinates

How can I calculate the coordinates of the point(P) we want from an image with known corner coordinates? I want to find out respective coordinates from the selected the pixel of the image obtained ...
Gazi Yılmaz's user avatar
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Raster>Georeferencer> (NO RESPONSE)

Once I load a shapefile, double check my CSR, then Raster>Georeferencer> , nothing happens. I know this is the point that I should load a file to georeference. Again, nothing happens. I have ...
Carl Branson's user avatar
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Create GeoTIFF images from TIFF image using the coordinates of the four corners

I have several TIFF images which were taken from an aircraft. The images are tilted. Hence, the orientation of the images are not in parallel to the grid system. Please do refer to the below image: (...
0xMinCha's user avatar
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GeoTools errors and warnings reading .tif file

I'm trying to read my .tiff image using GeoTools. After reading I intend to perform georeferencing of the image using the four coordinates of the image. Following is my code. public static void main(...
0xMinCha's user avatar
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Georeferencer equivalent for vectors

I'm digitising historic maps for an area about 2km square using QGIS 3.18 (the maps are from the David Rumsey maps collection, using WMTS). Once I have the digitised maps (in polygons representing ...
David Brown's user avatar
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GDAL GCP Python georeferencing fails to perform thin plate spline transformation

I have Python code that will read drone imagery EXIF data and extract the necessary information (pitch, roll, yaw, elevation...) and leverage that information to create polygons that represent the ...
GBG's user avatar
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Georeferencing Sentinel-3 LST product

I have been stuck attempting to convert Sentinel-3 LST netCDF data to geotiffs for a while now as part of my master's thesis. Firstly, an introduction to the data. It is packaged as follow: The data ...
TheOGMalan's user avatar
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Unknown CRS for CAD (.dxf) data in QGIS

I have a .dwg/.dxf file that needs to be georeferenced so I can draw some boundaries on a site in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. I'm using GQIS 3.18.2, only the .dxf file will be imported. Now when ...
Andrew Kopchynski's user avatar
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Convert from latitude, longitude to geoTIFF screen pixel x,y coordinates in Python

I'm trying to use rasterio or pyproj to convert latitude and longitudes into the SCREEN xy coordinates of a geotiff, so that I can superimpose 2D objects on it in a raster plotting library. ...
metalaureate's user avatar
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How to georeference HDF5 file with missing or wrong metadata

I'm trying to access data in a HDF5 file. I can access the data itself but the metadata, in particular the information to georeference the information, is still a problem. I had partial success in ...
Pythonist's user avatar
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Georeferencing a historic map to a local custom coordinate system

I want to georeference a map (TIFF) from 1965 using the grid crosses as ground control points. The map is in the local coordinate system which I calculated and wrote a custom coordinate system for. ...
Fiet Kleiner's user avatar
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Projecting Lat Lng onto image coordinate system (reverse georeferencing?)

We have multiple illustrated maps. They are based on real places but some features are slightly distorted or exaggerated. They are also often slightly rotated. We've already created several prototypes ...
David Moody's user avatar
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Georeferencer negative impact on image resolution

I added CRS to my .tif image(it weights 120gb and doesnt have CRS) using QGIS gdal method (Georeferencer). And the result .tif image with CRS (EPSG:4326) weights 70gb and image resolution is much ...
Nickname Nick's user avatar
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Georeferenced image not displaying in QGIS

I'm still on my 'L' plates. I'm trying to georeference a map in QGIS so that I can trace out several features. I've done this (once) before, and don't understand why it wont work now. I've a pdf map, ...
Werafa's user avatar
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Georeferencing historic airphotos along constantly-moving section of San Andreas fault?

I'm a geology graduate student working on a master's thesis project in which I'm measuring creep (movement) over time along a section of the San Andreas fault (in California, USA) using SfM derived ...
Nick Roberts's user avatar
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Could not create print device error when exporting georeferenced PDF QGIS 3.16.5

I am having an issue exporting a georeferenced PDF using QGIS version 3.16.5. So far the google search to fix the problem has not been successful. Using on Windows 10 64 bit. I have a limited ...
Maria Louise's user avatar
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Georeferenced map of Iceland Stretches

I am trying to georeference a large map of iceland, and with every setting I try, the image streches out on the x axis. I have a feeling it has to do with coordnate projection, but I have tried ...
Jacob Benzaquen's user avatar
4 votes
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Georeferencing single drone image from metadata (gimbal angles, flight angles)

My question is in regards to the answer given to Georeference single drone image from EXIF data. The answer describes how to georeference a single drone (DJI) image using EXIF data but, in the ...
John Jewell's user avatar
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Datum transformation with velocity corrections

I have a coordinates with velocity values of some points in ITRF2014 at 2010.0 epoch and I want to convert these coordinates to ITRF96 1998.0 epoch. I apply the velocity corrections to my coordinates ...
Sun's user avatar
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Reading Gdal info

I georeferenced a .tif image (image 1) using QGIS software following the Irish Grid System [EPSG:29903]. After I georeferenced. I see that the image shape is changed (image 2). Image 1 Image 2 Then ...
0xMinCha's user avatar
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