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Converting Add-in file in ModelBuilder or ArcPy from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro [closed]

We have an ArcMap Add-in file and we would like to open it, to see how it works to convert it to ArcGIS Pro.
Margarida Silva's user avatar
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Summing up values of polygons within bigger polygon in QGIS

I have buildings as polygons with a lot of data in the attribute table. My goal is, to sum up the values selected for a table column of all building polygons within the building blocks (here in purple)...
BAE_23's user avatar
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QGIS Dynamic filter based on the names of layers visible within a group

I'm not sure if this is even possible in QGIS, but I try to filter features in a layer based on the names of visible layers within a certain group. Example: I have a group holding layers named by ...
Calidris's user avatar
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Aggregate/group points by value, and label aggregated point with aggregate expression (QGIS)

Problem Statement I have a layer of multiple points, and I am trying to: Aggregate/group the points by their attribute values, so that one point is drawn for each group of points with matching ...
MarcusR's user avatar
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Creating non-overlapping boundary polygons with point attributes

I have a set of points that represent the meter locations for my electric company. These points contain a 3 digit code that represents the route number for the meter reader routes. I also have a ...
user238803's user avatar
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OS MasterMap layers being affected when editing other shapefiles using ArcMap

We use ArcGIS 10.2 to draw and edit simple grounds maintenance plans for Estates that we manage. I've done this for years, using OS MasterMap as the base. I've now got an issue that when creating or ...
Rob's user avatar
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Creating autoincremental ID for groups in QGIS

I have an attribute table containing information about area, region, and samples. The table structure resembles the example shown below: My goal is to automate the generation of "ID"s when ...
Fjedsen's user avatar
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Get geometry from a <geoprocessing describe geometry object object at 0x000001A9F576D120>

I am trying to use arcpy and pandas to build a line geometry from 2 point geometry columns in a pandas dataframe. I create the dataframe by loading in the featureclass using the GeoAccessor from ...
MrKingsley's user avatar
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How do I create a Geodataframe which the data is grouped by User ID & the timestamp is sorted from oldest to most recent?

I've been struggling to complete this exercise (Exercise 2 Problem 3) which you guys can refer to this link. A reminder that the kruger_points.shp is obtained from Exercise 2 Problem 2. Here's the ...
mfirdaus_96's user avatar
3 votes
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How to group/clean group of scattered points based on their distance and attributes?

I downloaded traffic signs from Mapillary API. I found that many of these points represent the same real life entity, but they are scattered in the map. Since they are distinguished by their category ...
588chm's user avatar
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Classifying in QGIS into arbitrary number of percentiles instead of quantiles, based on attribute field value

Extending this question and this one: In QGIS, there are special expression functions for the first and third quartile (q1 and q3) and as well as median (median). So it's easily possible to categorise ...
Babel's user avatar
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PostgreSQL and extension tablefunc with enumerated type

In PostgreSQL, I created an enumerated type CREATE TYPE w_sebio.t_sebio_type_sad as ENUM ('transféré', 'traité', 'non soumis', 'ouvert', 'non traité','PAC réalisé'); then a table CREATE TABLE w_sebio....
fcka's user avatar
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What is the equivalent of native:aggregate() in QGIS Field Calculator?

I have two layers which I want to connect using the aggregate() function with the Field Calculator. I can do this using the processing tool:"native:aggregate", { 'INPUT' :...
eagleadmiral's user avatar
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Count number of records with the same date

I have a table with species sightings and I would like to add a field with the sighting number in that day (every day should start again from number 1). Ideally this should be done automatically as I ...
Kike's user avatar
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ArcGIS is not coloring when read from KML file

Here is the beginning of my KML file. When I imported this file into ArcGIS Maps SDK, the points are not being colored with given color. It works perfectly okay on Google Earth. How can I address this ...
Uuganbayar's user avatar
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Grouping points within counties and symbolizing their data as pie charts in QGIS

I need to combine/categorize points within different polygons while retaining some of their values. I've made up a scenario to try and simplify my problem. The layers I have to work with are: a point ...
Inga's user avatar
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Cannot enable 'Any organization's members' setting when creating Group or updating properties using ArcGIS Python API [closed]

I am creating a group using the ArcGIS for Python API, there is limited information in the API Reference here. And I found some more information in the Rest Reference relating to the membershipAccess ...
Clubdebambos's user avatar
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What do parameters provider_group_name and provider achieve in GroupManager create function when using ArcGIS Python API?

The create() function in the GroupManager module has two parameters; provide_group_name and provider. See API Reference What is the purpose of these parameters? I cannot find any documentation ...
Clubdebambos's user avatar
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Calculating mean with group by based on another column in QGIS Field Calculator

I have daily temperature data for several cities from January to December. I'd like to calculate the average temperature per month for each city in a new column. I have a column "city", &...
GisUser's user avatar
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Mapping groups' data on the map using Map.addLayer - GEE

I wanted to extract the areas of specific clusters. I asked this question. I wanted to extract the areas of object-based clusters but the answer I got, resolved my issue. I need to visualize the ...
th145's user avatar
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Selecting N points within each geometry using SQL

I have grid and point tables in my Postgres db. The points are not equally distributed over the grid. The grid table is 100k+ geometries and the points are in the 100's of millions so efficiency ...
RedM's user avatar
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Using function "buildGeometry" of JavaScript library JSTS with 'ol.interaction.Select' and 'ol.Collection.<ol.Feature>' objects?

What type is the argument of a function "buildGeometry" of JavaScript library JSTS? How to use JSTS function "buildGeometry" with OpenLayers 3 selection, which is created is this ...
Kamil Szmit's user avatar
4 votes
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Grouping features with identical values in two fields and deleteing the geometry with the lowest value in the third field using QGIS

I've got a shapefile with three fields: "X", "Y" and "Z" they are the geometries as well but I also have them as field values. Every line geometry in the shapefile has a ...
sistema's user avatar
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Looking for QGIS equivalent of ArcGIS "Group values" tool

I have LULC 8 classes. I want to group them in QGIS into five priority score classes in Symbology, just the same as the function in ArcGIS "Group values". But I can't find the same tool in ...
Bokhir Alikhanov's user avatar
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Unexpected Output Using GridIndexFeatures in ArcObjects [closed]

I am using ArcObjects 10.2 to generate grid index features programmatically. I can get the correct output using the built in GUI geoprocessing tools, and with ArcPy. Furthermore, when I copy the ...
amasephy's user avatar
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Categorising data points along transect using QGIS

I have data on the latitude and longitude of several locations in Europe (blue). So far I have been able to read this data into QGIS but not more. I would like to plot a transect (red) and then ...
qgisquesls's user avatar
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Combine features into new category

Within a vector layer I have dissolved 25k polygons into 43 different categories of land ownership (Ld_Use_Des). But now I want to further ''group'' them. For example I want to select Mineral Rights ...
N_LLC's user avatar
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Get a group from layerTreeRoot using its unique id using PyQGIS

I am having trouble when loading some layers in QGIS. I want to place them in specific groups and sub-groups but a problem occurs when multiple groups and sub-groups have the same name. The only way I ...
Manos Papageorgiou's user avatar
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Group by multiple columns in QGIS array

I'm looking to create a figure with multiple rule-based symbologies. A graduated range within a category within a main category. The only way I think that's possible is by adding categories, ranges to ...
envsci_melb's user avatar
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Exporting with ArcMap over 2000 dpi

I am a geology student trying to export a map I produced in very high resolution so I can zoom in and across the ground with speed and still be able to see all the detail. My base map is 5cm ...
Xiopop's user avatar
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Create variable containing the conditional mean of a group

I have a table with three columns, the first defining a group (Group), the second a characteristic (Species), and the third a numeric value (Height). I would like to obtain a fourth numeric column in ...
Marie_Madeleine's user avatar
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Huge layer takes too long to load and it's hindering my workflow

I have a huge point shapefile of InSAR data, on the heighs of 300k+ points in a single shapefile, over a large area. My workflow consists in manually checking and ensuring the quality of some points; ...
user218084's user avatar
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Create multiple callout lines from a single label

I would like to label groups of points (clusters) with only one label but several call-out lines. I built on top of the very appealing answer from @eurojam here: Giving one label to two points using ...
Beni's user avatar
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Cannot open enterprise geodatabase table from workspace

I'm trying to create a REST Flask API to use instead of geoprocessing with the toolbox. Using the ArcGIS Python environment, I was able to make use of the libraries in Flask, but I'm facing a problem ...
Marco Antônio de Lima Costa's user avatar
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How to receive the toolbox's messages

I developed a toolbox that reads an Excel file and fills up a feature layer. The toolbox works fine I just want to receive the messages at the client side to add a messaging log for the user to follow ...
Michael Sodovski's user avatar
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Assign ID for coordinates with several points

In ArcGIS pro I have a point layer with XY-coordinates. At each coordinate there are several points with different timestamps. I would like to give each coordinate an ID, for example to be able to ...
DMK's user avatar
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Problem displaying Hebrew-language in Attribute tables (ArcMap 10.2)

Recently I migrated my ArcGIS project unto a new computer, both PCs using the ArcGIS Desktop ArcMap 10.2 software. The databases and projects are in Hebrew. However, when I came to open the attribute ...
R.M.'s user avatar
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Joining tables with GROUP BY in ArcGIS Pro

I have a layer "Table1" and an attribute table "Table 2" both stored in a PostgreSQL enterprise geodatabase, these 2 data have one field in common for which the cardinality of the ...
MAR's user avatar
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Grouping points to clusters containing similar number of features using QGIS

The question Using QGIS, how to cluster unevenly distributed points from the same layer to groups of about the same size / containing the same number of features? The problem I have a large point ...
Babel's user avatar
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Filling attributes in one field based on second field with same values in QGIS

How do I fill the attribute with "SID_2" of the captured image where the ID of "SID_1" is NULL? I'm using QGIS 3.22
Don's user avatar
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Calculating two columns at once in QGIS

Is it possible to calculate two columns at once? So what I mean is that we have different covers and lengths and I want a total length of "Cover A" after that a total length of cover tb and ...
Joep's user avatar
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Group points based on proximity and equity using QGIS

I would like to group students based on the nearest school, but also having mixed social categories within the group of students. I have x,y coordinates for the students and the shcool. Each student ...
DBeau's user avatar
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How to calculate sum of night light radiance for each feature in a feature collection?

I have a shapefile which contains 36 polygons (districts/counties). For each district, I want to calculate sum of lights (as well as count total number of pixels). I tried following code but failed. ...
Tariq Abbas's user avatar
4 votes
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Grouping lines by name and determining their proportions using Virtual Layer

I have a line layer with hiking trails. The hiking trails are divided into their surfaces. So one hiking trail consist of parts with different surfaces. I would like to use a virtual layer to group ...
MartinMap's user avatar
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Creating polygons that follow the curvature of the Earth in ArcGIS JS

I am trying to divide a globe into equally sized squares and render them using ArcGIS JS where the rendered polygons follow the curvature of the earth. So far, I've made an algorithm to divide a ...
Rudi's user avatar
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Selected item in layertree group or layer?

How do I check in PyQgis if the selected item in de QgsLayerTree is a group or a layer. I really can't find the answer.
JAS's user avatar
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Opening ArcGIS Pro data with definition queries and symbology in ArcMap

I have a several datasets in ArcGIS Pro which I have queried and symbolised. I would like this exact same dataset with the same queries and symbology to be available in ArcMap as well. I was hoping to ...
ynxblx's user avatar
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Grouping and measuring total length of road based on specific attribute in QGIS

I have this dataset that describes the cycleways of a city. I want to measure the km of cycleway for each type of highway (residential, track, unclassified, ecc) and then calculate the percentage of ...
anea's user avatar
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Unsplitting/merging lines that have coincident endpoints using PostGIS

I have a large dataset of lines/linestrings (ie. a road network), which is unregularly segmentised/ split and the lines needs to be merged at coincident endpoints (if only two lines are touching). I'd ...
krenz's user avatar
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HitTest with MapImageLayer not returning sublayers

I'm new in ArcGIS, and what am I doing is viewing MapImageLayer with all of sublayers. But, when clicking on point and running hitTest it returns 0 results. Below the code: <script> require([...
user199176's user avatar

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