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2 answers

How to get changeset tag from .osm file into PostGIS enabled Postgres db

End goal: visualize geographic data from .osm file with QGIS by adding PostGIS layers which include changeset information. I have used osm2pgsql successfully to populate PostGIS and visualize the ...
traffikHam's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to display OSM relations (in QGIS) from osm2pgsql populated PostGIS DB

I have a PostGIS DB populated with OSM data (osm2pgsql, Now I would like to display a hiking trail ( It would also be fine, if I just ...
MartinMap's user avatar
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using mod_tile in windows

I am trying to generate tiles on the fly in windows using mod_tile. I have followed the tutorial on ubuntu and successfully ...
shilpa's user avatar
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Can't find the proper settings to import Europe map using osm2pgsql? [closed]

I'm trying to deploy a map server, i used My server setup is: Xeon E3-1230v2 Quad-qore, 16GB RAM DDR3, 2x2TB HDD in Software ...
Ivo K's user avatar
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1 answer

Error while importing OSM to PostgreSQL

I'm trying to import OSM to PostgreSQL using the osm2pgsql tool. osm2pgsql -cGs -d osm -U postgres -W postgres -H localhost -S /usr/local/share/osm2pgsql/ /Users/asmaa/SIG/Projet_SIG/...
asmaa's user avatar
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How do I get the closest point on a road to a point when I have imported OSM data using osm2pgsql?

I have been trying to use OSM data to find the closest point to a road for a given point. I imported the OSM data into postgis using osm2pgsql, and I am getting results back, but they are at the ...
Alistair Black's user avatar
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Using relation tags to nodes in OpenStreetMap?

I filter an osm planet extract using osmfilter. I am only interested in nodes belonging to route=subway relations. After performing this operation, I use osm2psql to load all the data into my postgres ...
Bruno's user avatar
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How to change from EPSG:900913 to EPSG:3857 in Postgresql

I didn't use the '-E 3857' switch when importing the OSM data into postgresql using osm2psql. I'm trying to set up a map server for the first time and I'm following the instructions from here: https:/...
Patriotec's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Can we use existing planet database for Nominatim

i have imported data from the OSM to PGSQL using osm2pgsql for generating tiles, and now i need to add Nominatim support also, this Nominatim requires the same OSM data. can we use the existing ...
chiranjeevigk's user avatar
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Tiles are missing when request from Openlayer2

I have configured a Tile server and i followed the Link for OSM Tile server from switch2osm everything is fine, except when i tried to get the tiles using Openlayers its not serving. But if i give ...
chiranjeevigk's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Error while building OSMBright

Error while building OSMBright when i run the the following error is coming Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 123, in <module> build() File "./",...
chiranjeevigk's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

TileMill fails to load Europe data from PostGIS. What am I doing wrong?

The Problem: Using OSM-Bright in combination with an imported (osm2psql) Europe shapefile, tiles won't load unless I have 2-3 layers active (of the total of 29). I don't have this problem with an ...
Thermometer's user avatar
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Using Osmconvert with Python?

I want to use osmconvert to parse down the size of my diff files for just the area I'm interested in because osmconvert is way faster than osm2pgsql, which loads the data. When I call the command ...
code base 5000's user avatar
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osm2pgsql doesn't run in a QGis plugin

I have a problem with osm2pgsql when it runs in a qgis plugin. The function i use looks like this: osm2pgsql = "osm2pgsql -s -d {databaseName} -U {databaseUser} -H {databaseHost} -E {...
Martin's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the recommended workflow for using TileMill and OSM?

Using osm2pgsql, I imported an OSM extract into a Postgres database. Then I made a layer in in TileMill that contains the data from Postgres. The map was exported to a MBTiles file. At this point, all ...
DenaliHardtail's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Download link to osm2pgsql

I need to download the osm2pgsql for Windows i tried from the path which is given in wiki and also from below link
chiranjeevigk's user avatar
1 vote
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Minimum Information to be kept on importing OSM data to use it for creating random start and ent points

I want to only import the minimum of data from OpenStreetMap, to be able to distribute random start and end points for a simulation in administrative areas in germany. I found this file https://github....
Benjamin's user avatar
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Working with address data extracted from *.osm

My goal is get all the addresses from a certain country, ideally - from all countries, but for now - only from one. I downloaded an *.osm file from here for a certain ...
Oskar K.'s user avatar
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Generating full planet tiles from OpenStreetMap data?

i am tested using two scenarios, 1) First, i am used switch2osm for tile rendering. its good it handles many things. But it takes long days to pre-render all tiles and it takes huge memory in TB. 2)...
Arunkmp's user avatar
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osm2pgsql missing coordinates

I am quite new to GIS and OSM and am trying to get my head around exporting custom OSM region and uploading them into PostgreSQL. I have started with a very small map area to export with only two ...
David's user avatar
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4 answers

Building a graph from OSM?

I spent days looking in all questions here and trying tutorials. I need to build a graph for a region (It will be my input in simulation) I downloaded Postgresql and Postgis and osm2pgsql. Now i can ...
user33286's user avatar
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Missing some lines after import of .PBF int PostGIS

I've a little problem with either the initial data (from Geofabrik) or the import (using osm2pgsql): I can't find some lines of a street in my city in the database while they are there on the OSM-Site ...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 answers

Importing large dataset with osm2psql? [closed]

My question is similar to slow import via osm2pgsql to postgresql database and Optimizing osm2pgsql imports for OSM data but as we currently have quite some problems importing a large set of OSM data ...
Georg's user avatar
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3 answers

Completing roads output of PostGIS?

I converted the file I exported from OSM to PostGIS using osm2pgsql. I have opened the table's outputs to QGIS and I saw data are not complete compare to OSM editor view. Most of the roads are broken ...
Ran Gualberto's user avatar
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Tag for calculating way length in osm2pgsql?

There is a special tag 'way_area' in osm2pgsql creating a database column that stores the area of polygon features. So is there something like this for calculation of length of line objects?
mikhukh's user avatar
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Enlisting all OpenStreetMap (OSM) street names for General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) routes?

I have exported OpenStreetMap (OSM) data of a city to my local postgresql db using osm2pgsql. I would like to add the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) routes information (say bus routes) ...
user2489122's user avatar
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Tiles taking too long to render

I've followed the tutorial available here. The installation worked alright, but opening the tile in a browser leads to a 404 error. The only error from the server is "Failed to read cmd on fd 10". ...
alexf's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there an OSM High Level Dataset (pbf) available?

I'm currently trying to setup an offline Nominatim geocoder VM and I only need to have access high level data (countries, states and cities). Is there an OSM high level dataset (.pdf package) ...
ThatChrisGuy's user avatar
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How do I avoid this osm2pgsql duplicate key error in Windows?

I am attempting to load an OSM .bz2 file into a PostGIS database using osm2pgsql but am stuck at a duplicate key value in the nodes which violates a unique constraint - any suggestions? output is ...
Michael's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get a set of all buildings of an OpenStreetMap section in form of single points / Multiple polygons as one point

The objective is to get a set of all buildings of an OpenStreetMap section in form of single points in a shapefile. I downloaded the section from OSM. Imported the section into QGIS (and later ...
Johannes's user avatar
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PostGis geometry name lookup failed for table

I have a table name erpAssets which has column name Region of type polygon. it contains entries of points also like (-79.4609576808001,43.9726680183837)). I have written query which convert these ...
user2174920's user avatar
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Difference between planet_osm_polygon and planet_osm_point tables

What's the difference between the planet_osm_polygon and planet_osm_point tables? I find similar columns in both tables.
twid's user avatar
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convert data from osm to osm tiles/marble

I need to convert the raw thata OSM XML to tiles styled like standard OSM tiles (and other styles if possible) From the research I've done I've found I need to have osm2pgsql and put it on the same ...
BPiek's user avatar
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3 answers

Update database via osmosis and osm2pgsql too slow

I got a box with the current hardware config: CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1220 V2 3.1 GHz RAM: 10gb Hard Disk: Western Digital WD10EZRX SATA Hard Drive OS: Centos 6.5 64 bit DB: PostgreSQL 9.3.2 and ...
Davide Berra's user avatar
2 votes
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Getting OSM maps in Equirectangular Projection via osm2pgsql

I'm trying to import some OSM data into psql as equirectangular projection using osm2pgsql with the following command: osm2pgsql -c -d osm -S /usr/local/share/osm2pgsql/ -l /...
kinkersnick's user avatar
1 vote
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Osm2pgsql crashed on import. Can I continue with what has been imported so far?

I recently imported the osm planet file using osm2pgsql. The process crashed (hung my whole box) when creating the geometry indices and other indices on the tables. Scouring through the source code, ...
Aiden Bell's user avatar
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Convert OSM File to get addresses using Osm2pgsql

I am working to covert OSM File to get all building's informations in the city. I am using osm2pgsql package to transform the data. Now I am confused as I have 5 tables : - planet_osm_point -...
user3378649's user avatar
2 votes
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How to obtain timestamp and user id from .osm file in PostGIS enabled Postgres database

At present, osm2pgsql seems to ignore the timestamp and user id of the elements, a serious drawback for some applications. According to a bug report this is not solved by the addition of the --extra-...
RobinLovelace's user avatar
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osm2pgsql: modifing the - newly added columns are empty

I would like to import a osm-db (from planet) with the "name_de" and "source" column. So I added/changed those lines in the node,way source text linear node,way ...
MartinMap's user avatar
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How to make osm2pgsql import a tag?

I loaded OSM data into PostgeSQL with Osmosis&Osm2PgSQL, and see many tags are missing. I need to make it import lanes tag. How can I make it save this tag too? edit: my solution was to copy /usr/...
culebrón's user avatar
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ST_AsLatLonText returns wrong data

I want to list all cities in lubelskie vovoidenship, which is relation 130919. I also want to get latLong data for each city. To perform this I do: SELECT name, ST_AsLatLonText(way), place ...
ex3v's user avatar
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Osm2pgsql style file question

I have a question about the style files used for osm2pgsql. These files have a structure as follows: # OsmType Tag DataType Flags node,way access text linear node,way ...
code base 5000's user avatar
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Publishing OSM data in GeoServer that has been imported into PostGIS

I'm trying to publish data on GeoServer. I'm using Postgres/PostGIS and I've used osm2pgsql to load the data into the database. I've configured a store correctly (I can see the tables from the ...
Metalskin's user avatar
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Saving to different schema using Osmosis?

Does anyone know how to use osmosis to save to a different schema? I used the pgsnapshot_schema_0.6.sql to create a blank data table, but it always creates it in the public schema. I need to create ...
code base 5000's user avatar
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2 answers

Importing OPenStreetMap data into ArcSDE using osm2pgsql? [closed]

I am trying to import OpenStreetMap (osm) data into a PostgreSQL database using osm2pgsql, and then I need to convert that data so I can use it in ArcSDE/ArcGIS Desktop 10.2. Here is what I do: ...
code base 5000's user avatar
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Identifying subgraphs within planet_osm_line table?

I want to identify subgraphs within the planet_osm_line table of the osm2pgsql-schema. those subgraphs are classified by certain tags i want to check. My first attempt was to do this recursively with ...
Neos Infernante's user avatar
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Limit data imported into PostGIS database?

I am building a web application in which members will be able to find other members in their area. This is your typical "nearest neighbor" search which I'll perform using their latitude and longitude....
Jim's user avatar
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osm2pgsql: Import data in custom projection

I have osm-file and I want to import it to the postgresql via osm2pgsql with custom projection EPSG:20022. I look to the help and found out any keys like -E EPSG: but when I try to do with it I get ...
Andrey Maraev's user avatar
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Import of OSM data into PostgreSQL using osm2pgsql: which formats are supported?

I followed a tutorial to install a PostgreSQL server on my Mac OS X Mavericks, and to import some OSM data with the osm2pgsql converter (
jm60's user avatar
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GeoWebCache: Is there a way to see cache size per zoom level?

I seeded a layer group (of data imported from OpenStreetMaps via osm2pgsql) from levels 0 to 15 (PNG; EPSG:900913), it completed successfully, and now I am seeding again only for levels 16 and 17. I ...
JCCyC's user avatar
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