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Questions tagged [amazon-ec2]

A cloud computing service offered by Amazon known as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

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Using QGIS to create XYZ .png tiles on EC2

I have set up a PostgreSQL/PostGIS DB on an EC2 that contains my .osm data. I populated it with osm2pgsql. Now, I can create tiles on my local machine using the QGIS "Generate XYZ Tiles (...
rm_'s user avatar
  • 11
0 votes
1 answer

Slow initial loading of layers in Geoserver from huge COGs stored in a AWS S3

I am working with huge COGs (around 500GB) stored on my private S3 bucket. I am trying to publish these COGs as GeoTiff layers using COG extension in Geoserver. The Geoserver is deployed on an EC2 ...
Ebola's user avatar
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gdal.Warp - set env var

I set up an ubuntu 18.04 EC2 through AWS that "On Start" will run a python script in which will download a .tif from an s3 bucket and project it from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3857 using gdal.Warp()....
Binx's user avatar
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2 answers

Slow rendering with layers when making WMS call on GeoServer

I am making WMS calls (L.tileLayer.wms) to GeoServer and rendering the layers on a Leaflet map for a production environment, so I have maybe about 100+ concurrent users that might be constantly ...
fairlyMinty's user avatar
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Configuring GeoServer on AWS to serve Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs) from S3 [closed]

I want to use S3 buckets as data stores for ImageMosaics on GeoServer in AWS. I'm using the Support for S3 GeoTIFF and the ImageMosaic module. I'm using geoserver 2.16. First of all, is this possible?...
bdwyer's user avatar
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0 answers

WebSocket connection error with OpenLayers [closed]

I am new to OpenLayers and NodeJS. I have installed OpenLayers on my EC2 instance following exactly the instructions found on the OpenLayers website (
user3003374's user avatar
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PostGIS layer in GeoServer

I am attempting to create a web map in OpenLayers by pulling in layers from GeoServer which is running on an Amazon EC2 instance. The prepackaged layers from GeoServer seem to show up fine when I ...
Jordan R.'s user avatar
2 votes
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Why is the Upload checkbox for GP Services missing when publishing to ArcGIS Server on Amazon EC2?

I am trying to publish my own GP services to a GIS server instance with ArcGIS Server 10.4.1 built on Amazon EC2. In the service editor window, I do not see the "Upload" checkbock that typically shows ...
Francesco Tonini's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Spectrum Server Analyst on AWS

I have installed Spectrum Server/SSA from Pitney Bowes on an AWS server and opened the ports to all traffic. The default site opens when I am logged in on the AWS VM, but not from any other computer. ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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28 votes
6 answers

How to efficiently access files with GDAL from an S3 bucket using VSIS3?

So, GDAL has recently added a new feature that allows random reading of S3 bucket files. I am looking to crop GDAL images from multiple tiles of an image without having to download the whole file. I'...
Skylion's user avatar
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Process Landsat8 data in AWS S3 from EC2 instance

I'm wondering what is the best way of processing huge amounts of Landsat8 images stored in the AWS S3 buckets from an Ec2 instance located in the same availability zone. Should I download the scenes ...
Renato's user avatar
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3 votes
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ESRI ArcGIS for Server AMI for Amazon EC2 reserved instances

I read several online documents on using ESRI's Cloud Builder to optmimally set and fire up ArcServer AMIs on Amazon EC2. However, everything seems oriented toward selecting and launching on-demand ...
Francesco Tonini's user avatar
2 votes
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ArcGIS Server 'HTTP and HTTPS' security switching back to HTTP on reboot

I have an Amazon EC2 instance running ArcGIS server 10.3.1. It has been running with security set https. I recently had to change security to mixed mode http and https. Now when the server reboots ...
Dowlers's user avatar
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ESRI GeoEvent Streaming Services on AWS failing to stream

I'm attempting to output streaming services on my ESRI Server install on Amazon Cloud but I am unable to. My Service is successfully being published to server but when I attempt to view it using the ...
risail's user avatar
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osm2pgsql --append extremely slow

I have planet.osm imported into a database. Now I am trying to set up hourly updates. I generated a file changes.osc.gz using osmosis. This file contains updates for 1 hour - which seem to be ...
Iulian's user avatar
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osm2pgsql: Failed to fork helper process

I am trying to import planet.osm on am Amazon EC2 machine. It is a a machine with 16 processors and 122GB RAM. The parameters I use are: osm2pgsql -s -H -d osm -U user -C 92000 --number-...
Iulian's user avatar
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2 answers

GeoServer failed to start on Tomcat 8.0.24

I am trying to get GeoServer up and running on an Amazon EC2 instance but it does not work. I am using Java 8 (Oracle) and Tomcat 8.0.24. The thing is I have got the same stack up and running on a ...
abraham poorazizi's user avatar
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Install a python package on an Esri Linux AMI instance

I have an instance of ArcGIS Server 10.3.1 running under my AWS account that I created using Cloud Builder. That part went fine and I was able to ssh into the server as the 'arcgis' user without ...
Lucas's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to read Landsat images from Amazon S3 using Python? [closed]

I would like to read and process Landsat images from Amazon S3 using Python
Pugazh's user avatar
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Access GeoServer from Amazon EC2 to

DONE SUCCESSFULLY: I've installed Apache HTTP and Tomcat on Amazon WS (AWS) EC2 instance (MS Windows Server 2012 R2 64 bit). I've deployed GeoServer .WAR file on Tomcat; port 8080. I've added inbound ...
Ankit's user avatar
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ArcGIS Server will not start on new amazon EC2 windows instance

We have had ArcGIS server running on an EC2 instance without problems for the last 2 years. It is currently at version 10.2. I am now trying to change to a larger instance. I followed Amazons steps to ...
Dowlers's user avatar
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1 answer

Opening AWS ports for inbound traffic? [closed]

I am configuring an instance of Geoportal Server on an Amazon EC2 instance. I have ports 8080 open for tomcat, but need to open ports for Apache Directory Studio. How do I view ports which are ...
Geoffrey West's user avatar
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How to use USGS Bulk Download on EC2 linux Server?

I am interesting in downloading Landsat 8 rasters to an Amazon EC2 instance and would like to know how to do it. I already install USGS Bulk Download but I do not know how to use it in terminal mode (...
Inclanfunk's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Building Socket Server to receive GPS location data [closed]

I am working on a web application which receives data sent from trackers via TCP Packets containing location information. Up until this point we have been working with dummy data within the mysql ...
TGuimond's user avatar
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Limit data imported into PostGIS database?

I am building a web application in which members will be able to find other members in their area. This is your typical "nearest neighbor" search which I'll perform using their latitude and longitude....
Jim's user avatar
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Is there a way to use an existing Elastic Block Store (EBS) with an FME Cloud instance?

I am seeing help topics for all items except Resources. What is the best way to make EBS data available to FME Cloud instance? Would I need to make it available via one of my own EC2 instances? Or ...
Jay Cummins's user avatar
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Can FME Desktop (node-locked) be installed on an Amazon EC2 or VPC instance?

I did do some searching in the FME help and the legal notices, but I'm not getting any hits (probably due to vocabulary). Are there any legal restrictions for FME Desktop that would prevent me from ...
Jay Cummins's user avatar
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How to run QGIS server on EC2 micro?

I'd like to learn something about web maps and so decided to start out using EC2, following different tutorials I was able to start a micro instance but I can't find my way on how to get qgis server ...
Luca Moiana's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to access qgis, postgis, etc in ubuntu through Amazon AWS

I'm new to programming; however i have been able to read and research the programs i need to set-up for a GIS system. I chose to use Geoserver (as WMS) Postgresql, postgis, Qgis and Openlayers. I am ...
David's user avatar
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1 answer

Trouble with ArcGIS Server 10.2 web adaptor when Amazon Image start/stop

Every time we stop our ArcGIS Server 10.2 Amazon Image we need to reconfigure the web adaptor. Anybody have the same trouble or know of a solution?
bcollins's user avatar
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27 votes
6 answers

Programmatically retrieving Landsat 8 Satellite Images?

I have not been able to find out this myself, but is there a way to programmatically access Landsat 8 Satellite Images? I know that I can go to USGS EarthExplorer to search and browse through the ...
Frank's user avatar
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Can't connect to WMS service? An Amazon-EC2 problem?

I'm running GeoServer 2.3.5 on a Windows instance in AWS for the first time. The data is on the server in PostGIS. The map layers have been published and I can see them locally without any problems. ...
user21845's user avatar
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WMSGetFeatureInfo returns an empty popup

I am building a web map application using Openlayers and Geoserver. Both the application and the geoserver are hosted on amazon. I would like to include a feature info tool and am using ...
K Hsueh's user avatar
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How to install PostGis on EC2 micro-instance

I tried to install PostGIS on my Amazon EC2 microinstance using sudo yum install postgis2 and got following error message: $ sudo yum install postgis2 Loaded plugins: ...
Glory to Russia's user avatar
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Installing OpenGeo suite breaks tomcat on an instance of AWS Ubuntu Server 12.04 [closed]

I am running an instance of Ubuntu Server 12.04 on AWS and after installing the OpenGeo suite have been unable to get access to tomcat6 via localhost:8080 and thus no access to the OpenGeo dashboard. ...
Matt's user avatar
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3 votes
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PostGIS installation on Ubuntu 10.12 (Amazon Services)

On Ubuntu 10.12 (AMI on Amazon), I use aptitude to install Postgresql and PostGis. On terminal running psql interactive prompt, I type CREATE EXTENSION postgis and ERROR: could not open extension ...
huggie's user avatar
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How to correct the "Windows Activation Period has Expired" message on an Esri Amazon AMI?

I'm only getting this error with instances that were spun up with Esri AMIs. And I did find one post on the AWS forums (with no resolution) regarding this issue. Does anyone know what the ...
Jay Cummins's user avatar
  • 14.7k
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Transferring ArcGIS Server directories to another location (D drive) on AMI EC 2

Updated question: I am using ArcGIS Server 10.1 + ArcGIS desktop 10.1 on AMI EC2 instance & I am facing space problem so trying to move existing server directories to different drive. Currently ...
Sunil's user avatar
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Changing ArcGIS Server 10.1 port (6080 to 8080)

Due some network issue (Maps are not displaying in secure environment), I want to change the default port 6080 to 8080. I am going through Web help and few links in which they mentioned that install ...
Sunil's user avatar
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Hard disk space requirements for Amazon EC 2 for ArcGIS Server 10.1

It is regarding ArcGIS Server for Amazon EC2 instance. We have ArcGIS Server 10.1 installed on AMI EC2 instance and now we are facing space problem. We have few map services around 12 to 15 map ...
Sunil's user avatar
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QGIS ->ArcGIS Server configuration possible?

Is it possible to connect a QGIS Desktop 1.8.0 to an ArcGIS Server 10.0 ? and of course publish services on it?. The configuration would be like this Quantum GIS-> ArcGIS Server 10.0 on Amazon EC2+ ...
Ligia's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

AWS configuration for running low-to-medium bandwidth Web map app [closed]

Does anyone have experience with running Web maps (tile server + client JS scripting) on Amazon Web Services (S3, EC2 etc...)? What kind of AWS configuration is needed for running a low-to-medium ...
Igor Brejc's user avatar
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Is there a publicly available instance of ArcGIS Server

Are there any publicly available instances of ArcGIS Server for learning? I have searched Amazon EC2 but I don't see any public instances available (unless you already have an ArcGIS Server license).
aar's user avatar
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Multi Region/Location Use Case on EC2 [closed]

Context: ArcGIS applications for one of our customers are currently running on multiple sites in Americas, Europe, Australia and Africa geos (15 different countries). They are considering a cloud ...
sameer s paradkar's user avatar
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Is there an ArcGIS 10 Amazon Machine Image (AMI) patched with SP4?

I know you can patch the SP3 AMI with SP4, but is there a SP4 AMI for ArcGIS server 10 and if it exists, what is the AMI Name (or AMI ID). I know Esri has to specifically share an AMI with my Amazon ...
Jay Cummins's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to Optimize Openstreetmap Tile Rendering?

I am currently trying to render Water (3,198,333 records) and detailed world borders (processed_p) for the world. I am successful in rendering both layers, but I am not happy with performance. My ...
user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

What causes this unexpectedly poor GeoServer/PostGIS/OpenLayers performance?

I am having a tough time making this map run smoothly (play around with it for a bit, you'll see). I have taken a few tips from OSGeo's Making Maps Fast document, but I think there's another issue ...
abettermap's user avatar
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Are there any Amazon Silk demo videos showing tiled mapservice performance?

After reading about Amazon's Silk browser, it seems like this might work really well serving map tiles that are stored in S3. Does anyone know of any video from a live demo showing a web mapping app ...
Kirk Kuykendall's user avatar
2 votes
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How do you make Amazon Cloud GIS Server accessible outside local environment?

I have services in the cloud and want to access them from applications outside the cloud. How do I set permissions to consume services outside of the cloud? Also, what is the format or syntax used ...
RGIA's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

What GIS Data should Amazon add to its Public Data Sets? [closed]

Amazon says: If you have a public domain or non-proprietary data set that you think is useful and interesting to the AWS community, please submit a request below and the AWS team will ...