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Questions tagged [orfeo-toolbox]

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Calculating NDVI using OrfeoToolbox

Platform: Windows 11 Aim trying to achieve: I have downloaded some multispectral test data from OpenDroneMap (ODM) forum. The data is captured with DJI Mavic 3M. What I want is to analyze NDVI, NDRE, ...
DevM's user avatar
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Train images classifier not working on orthomosaic GeoTIFF file

When I run the train images classifier on an orthomosaic or orthophoto by OTB in QGIS it generates me not just a file with .txt extension but by default it starts generating .txt.shp, .txt.shx, .txt....
ibex's user avatar
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Unable to import otbApplication (Orfeotoolbox) through Python

I have been trying to import otbApplication through python but it doesn't work even after trying everything I've found online related to this issue. I created a Python 3.7 environnement, installed ...
Oliver Claessens's user avatar
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QGIS - OTB - Object based classification - Segmentation - Does not work properly

I'm using the OTB Toolbox to perform an object based classification on a raster (clipped ESRI satellite raster). This raster result from an aggregation of several satellite imageries, which induces ...
Giene's user avatar
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Can't enable OTB provider in QGIS 3.22.11?

How can I activate Orfeo ToolBox in QGIS 3.22.11 (LTR)? I enabled the plugin and checked the provider from processing but I don't find the check button in OTB provider : Are there any suggestions to ...
belhichb's user avatar
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Trouble importing Orfeo Toolbox into PyQGIS Console

I have Orfeo Toolbox installed and configured within QGIS 3.22.11. Unfortunately, when I attempt to import the OTB package in the PyQGIS console I get the following error: No module named '...
Bryan's user avatar
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Orfeo Toolbox on Mac

I managed to install OTB 8.0.1 in QGIS 3.22 on Mac using a comment on this community. However, the plugin is not working when I try to use "Segmentation". The process tells something like ...
Chi's user avatar
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Why does the "OTB - BundleToPerfectSensor" use the height value?

Why does the "BundleToPerfectSensor" use the height value? QGIS wants to use the OTB plug-in to do Pansharpening. I wonder why the height value is needed to convert the MS image to high ...
bsg's user avatar
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Train Image Classifier (orfea): Could not load selected layer/table

When attempting to input vector data into the Orfea TrainImageClassifier, it shows the error: Could not load selected layer/table. Dependent field could not be populated. This occurs when I attempt to ...
Forester's user avatar
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Installing and using Orfeo Toolbox (OTB) through Python

Using Python v.3.6.8 through Jupyter notebook (in Windows 10), how can I set and use OTB (v.7.3.0)? I followed the steps described in the official cookbook and other tutorials, however, the result is: ...
Jando's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Orfeo Toolbox segmentation - increasing n segments

I'm checking out the parameters for Orfeo's Segmentation tool and I'd like to know how to increase the number of segments that are output in the vector output.
hmnoidk's user avatar
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Problems with segmentation of Orfeo Toolbox

I'm new to Orfeo ToolBox, and I started using the segmentation tool with an RGB orthomosaic from UAV in order to classify the different units. The result gives me a clear result with vegetation but ...
María Victoria Brizio's user avatar
2 votes
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Wrong value for parameter "OTB folder"

I have the latest QGis installed version 3.20 and the Orfeo toolbox should have come with it. I am working on iMac 2020 Big Sur version 11.4, there is no destination folder for the OTB: When I ...
Stackcans's user avatar
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Can't import orfeo-toolbox algorithms in QGIS Python scripts

So I installed Orfeo-Toolbox on my Windows machine and it's working fine within the QGIS GUI application. But I would like to use OTB algorithms in QGIS Python standalone scripts. So when I load the ...
timelord153's user avatar
-1 votes
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Anaconda install Orfeotoolbox

I am trying to install Orfeotoolbox as a package within one of my conda environments. No matter which version of python I have (3.6 , 3.7 , 3.8) the package can not be installed. Below is the result ...
Sinooshka's user avatar
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Orfeo Toolbox output rasters are 300x larger than inputs of the same size

I am trying to use Orfeo Toolbox CLI to do some processing, e.g. Smoothing: otbcli_Smoothing -in path/to/mosaic.tif -out output/smoothing.tif uint8 -type mean For now, the input, mosaic.tif, is just ...
Jan Pisl's user avatar
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TrainVectorClassifier returns no result when using Artificial Neural Network

I experimented with the TrainVectorClassifier from ORFEO-Toolbox, I created trainingdata and tried different classification methods, however for some reason I cannot get the Classifier to work when ...
Raphael Prinz's user avatar
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Image registration params in OTB

I have two images from two different time periods that are not registered (don't align) as shown below. I understand that image registration is possible using OTB's FineRegistration feature. However I'...
ashnair1's user avatar
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QGIS Orfeo toolbox error when computing image statistics: "Could not find application "ComputeImageStatistics"

I am new to QGIS, and am trying to compute image statistics with the Orfeo toolbox (to use in a future classification project). I have downloaded the Orfeo toolbox and have it activated in my toolbar, ...
ihb's user avatar
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Install Orfeo Plugin in QGIS - Plugin is not already in QGIS core

I am brand new to QGIS (coming from ArcGIS), and am needing to install the Orfeo toolbox to do some image classification. I found a nice tutorial here with an overview on how to install it: https://...
ihb's user avatar
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Orfeo toolbox batch processing

I want to process Sentinel 2A images using another tool that is not SNAP. The later is very slow and crashes each time. I was recommended the Orfeo toolbox. I installed it on QGIS. I have 58 S2A ...
Rim Sleimi's user avatar
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Orfeo Toolbox error

I'm using segmentation (mean-shift) tool in Orfeo Toolbox with QGIS I used a subset of pansharpened image from Worldview3 after orthorectification. But, I got same error whenever I tried: 2020-07-02 ...
Doyoon Kim's user avatar
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Stand-alone PyQGIS (QGIS 3.13) scripts with OSGeo4W and the Orfeo toolbox (OTB 7.1.0) seem to be mutually exclusive

I am changing my python environment from working with ArcGis and Arcpy to working with QGIS and PyQgis. And I also want to use the machinelearning possibilities from the orfeo toolbox. In doing so I ...
Ianuam's user avatar
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Using Orfeo Toolbox in Google Colab

Orfeo Toolbox (OTB) has a tool that I'd like to use for some image processing as part of a longer Python workflow that I'm executing in Google Colab. While OTB can be called via Python if the whole ...
LAT's user avatar
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Applying machine learning methods in orfeo toolbox into DEM raster

I would like to apply machine learning methods in orfeo toolbox to classify some landscape features such as shrub and coarse woody debris in woodland. I created DEM raster image from very dense ground ...
Sher's user avatar
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Speeding up pan-sharpening with OTB plugin for QGIS (orfeo-toolbox)

I use QGIS 3.6.1 with the plugin orfeo-toolbox to create a pan-sharped Landsat 8 image. I use the BundleToPerfectSensor function because calling the Pansharpening function results to the error: Inputs ...
Comrade Che's user avatar
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Orfeo Toolbox maps Pleiades wrong

I have a problem with Orfeo Toolbox (OTB) function OrthoRectification. I have a Pleiades product which is an extract (not a whole scene) of a small area in the western hemisphere south of the equator ...
Julian_P's user avatar
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ImportError when trying to load otb (orfeo-toolbox) into QGIS Python Console

I would like to use the orfeo-toolbox via the QGIS Python Console, however, I don't seem to be able to import the otbApplication. I keep getting the following error: import otbApplication Traceback (...
mnowatzki's user avatar
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SVM object based classification QGIS with Orfeo Toolbox. Model outputs incorrect/ invalid

I am trying to run an SVM object based classification on QGIS with Orfeo Toolbox. I have 5x Spectral Tif images of bands; blue,Green, red, Infra-red and Rededge, these were generated from a UAV survey ...
jack workman's user avatar
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OTB Orfeo ToolBox - TrainImagesClassifier ERROR ITK

When i use in QGIS 3.6 TrainImagesClassifier i obtain an error on vector file class :
Pascal Obstétar's user avatar
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Orfeo mshift segmentation asks for condition

I'm trying to run a segmentation using the mean shift. I leave all the parameters as default, but when I run it, it says "Wrong or missing parameter value: Condition". Condition is not a parameter for ...
Havi's user avatar
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Running OTB Random Forest Classification

I am having trouble processing a satellite image using the RF (Random Forest) classification, that is a machine learning algorithm in the Orfeo Toolbox of QGis 2.18.1. When I run the Tool, the ...
Yannick Arthur DOUNGMO's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'setProgress'

I use Orfeo ToolBox(OTB) in conjunction with QGIS 3.4. So. I use the qgis-otb plugin. I was not a problem when I linked OTB with my company's PC, but when I tried the same way on my personal laptop, ...
Byeong-Hyeok Yu's user avatar
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Orfeo Tool Box PCA - explained variance

How can I export/calculate the accumulated explained variance per principal component from a PCA done with the Orfeo Tool box in QGIS?
benschbob91's user avatar
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Orfeo Toolbox PCA fails - Null Eigen value?

I am using the Orfeo ToolBox to do a PCA on a .tif with 3060 timesteps of temperature values. The PCA runs either in the Ubuntu CMD line or in QGIS. In both, I get the same error saying: Null ...
benschbob91's user avatar
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Orfeo Toolbox is not activating

I am in desperate need of help. I've tried the answers to similar questions and nothing is working. Orfeo Toolbox appears as activated in Processing options but is not appearing in the toolbox. I ...
NeedtoPass's user avatar
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OTB-QGIS plugin does not appear in QGIS 3.2 after manual installation

I have followed this instruction to connect the qgis-otb-plugin manually. But after completing all the steps, OTB does not show under Settings > Options > Providers. I cloned the qgis-otb-plugin ...
friiederiike's user avatar
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Orfeo TrainClassifier tool not working in QGIS

I have been using Orfeo Toolbox with QGIS (version 2.18.0) to do image classification. I was following this tutorial on YouTube on the SVM classifier. I have followed steps 1 and 2 as described, and ...
loudmummer's user avatar
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About support vector machine classification

I want to classify Sentinel 2 images with the SVM in orfeo toolbox in QGIS. I have made a ROI (2 classes) and use TrainImages classifer (libsvm). I have made a SVM model,but when I use ...
Aleksandar Staletovic's user avatar
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Orfeo Toolbox KMeans Classification failure

I am trying to process a Landsat8 OLI image using the Orfeo Toolbox Unsupervised KMeans Classification application. I obtain the following error message: Error when loading model ...
tvoirand's user avatar
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QGIS 2.18.19 and OTB 6.4.0 Application

I've tried the whole weekend to get the Orfeo Tool Box running in QGIS 2.18.19 (stand-alone version) and today I finally managed it by setting the paths to the bin-folder of the stand-alone version on ...
Spuddeline's user avatar
10 votes
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Orfeo toolbox (OTB) algorithms in QGIS 3.0?

I've been trying to understand if the OTB (Orfeo toolbox) algorithms can be used in QGIS 3.0.0-Girona but found no official documentation about it. Under the 'Available QGIS Data Provider Plugins' (...
15Step's user avatar
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Orthorectification in QGIS (ORFEO OTB)

I could not find the option to include the DEM and RPC files in Orfeo (Geometry tool). Please, review the attachment.
Tere Martinez's user avatar
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Using OrfeoToolBox in Python 2.7.9 crashes python

I wanted to create a python script using Orfeo Toolbox for Orthorectification of AWiFS Data. I set the environment variables necessary and the following command runs fine from the command prompt: ...
Imraan Kokkanti's user avatar
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Orfeo Toolbox is installed but not visible in Processing Toolbox

maybe someone had the same problem and solved it already: I did an "Advanced Install" setup of OSGeo4W enabling otb-bin, then started QGIS 2.18.15 and entered the following correct paths (my computer ...
J.Rudolph's user avatar
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Making anaglyph of DEM in QGIS?

I want to know how to make an anaglyph of a DEM using QGIS. I've been trying with Orfeo Toolbox but I couldn't. Can I make anaglyphs with other toolbox or plugin?
Luis Javier Gutiérrez Trejo's user avatar
2 votes
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How to resolve error in Orfeo Toolbox for QGIS 2.18 - "option -ram does not exist in the application."?

I followed the instructions to install the Orfeotoolbox for QGIS 2.18 on Windows, detailed in this post. Everything worked, and the appropriate algorithms are showing under the Processing Toolbox: ...
15Step's user avatar
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29 votes
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SNAP vs. GDAL vs. Orfeo - image rescale, histogram cut

I work with a Sentinel-2 .jp2 image (red band, 10950 x 10950 pixels). My aim is to reach the same result what SNAP does with a Python script. See the SNAP method and parameters: So this is my ...
pnz1337's user avatar
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Orfeo rescale problem?

I have downloaded a Sentinel image, what I histogram matched first with the following Orfeo codes (a cut the low and high 2 percentiles): # Import the otb applications package import otbApplication # ...
pnz1337's user avatar
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orfeo toolbox in Qgis 2.18.13 windows 7 32 bit

I installed the orfeo toolbox in Qgis but got this error.
An Nguyễn's user avatar