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8 votes

Reprojecting over the Pacific Ocean with EPSG:3832 gives artefacts

Artifacts are caused by the polygons that crosses the antimeridian, which for your projection is defined at -30 degrees. Therefore you must find a way to create a polygon centered at -30 degrees, with ...
Gabriel De Luca's user avatar
2 votes

Appropriate equal-area cylindrical projection for Southeast Asia?

The wizard suggests the Lambert equal-area cylindrical projection whose distortion does not change with the choice of central meridian. The projection is a cartographically sound choice for your area, ...
Jan Šimbera's user avatar
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How to make continuous map of Eurasia?

If you want to use QGIS, you can easily define a custom projection, based on an existing projection. Let's say you want to use EPSG:4326 (WGS 84) with prime meridian shifted from Greenwich to 90° East....
Babel's user avatar
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1 vote

Seeking above ground biomass global map/dataset?

This dataset could work for you ->
Kartograaf's user avatar
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Longitudinal extent of Asia

The Google Map you see is an actually use web mercator auxiliary sphere and that what you see is for the web or on the internet and it is not true projection. That is why you have @SIslam's comments ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Global solar radiation data

Solargis released a set of solar resource data: yearly long-term averages, 30 arc-sec pixel (~1 km), free to download (CC BY 3.0 IGO licence), all metadata included. It is published via ...
jurajb's user avatar
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