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7 votes

Clustering points and summing up attributes per cluster in QGIS

I would try K-means clustering algorithm in the QGIS Processing Toolbox (under Vector analysis group). Just by setting the Number of clusters as 4, it will produce a new Clusters layer with an ...
Kazuhito's user avatar
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5 votes

Selecting the longest connected lines from PostGIS ST_ApproximateMedialAxis

I am publishing my answer for those who visit this page hoping to find an answer to the problem you have formulated! So, I invite everyone to fly with me in a plane with the engine I have assembled ...
Cyril Mikhalchenko's user avatar
3 votes

Habitat connectivity analysis difference between Least-Cost and Resistant Kernel Modelling

If you want to stay in ArcGIS then lest cost path analysis is your only option but, a massively lacking one. I would highly recommend that you abandon the idea of least cost and reconcile that you ...
Jeffrey Evans's user avatar
3 votes

Measuring fragmentation metrics of classified map

The FRAGSTATS software is functionally dead and will likely stay that way. The developer Kevin McGarigal has retired and is not looking back. There is nobody that has taken up the reins in maintaining ...
Jeffrey Evans's user avatar
3 votes

Selecting connected lines between start and end point in QGIS?

The best solution that I can think of is to calculate the shortest path between two points using the Road Graph plugin. You can find a full example of the usage of the plugin here 7.3. Lesson: ...
Mohannad Adham's user avatar
3 votes

The average distance between the roads

I would suggest using raster analysis for this problem. Converting the road network to a raster and performing proximity analysis (using Arc or QGIS) should result in a raster of continuous values ...
user2675869's user avatar
3 votes

The average distance between the roads

To calculate the road density per unit area you could overlay a grid and then sum length per cell. In QGIS there is an analysis tool called Sum Line Length which does exactly this. This would ignore ...
mixedbredie's user avatar
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3 votes

Algorithm for Cost Connectivity tool of ArcGIS Spatial Analyst?

Below is an illustration of how the algorithm works as provided by Esri. I'm pulling in my comment from below to also add: Esri provides an illustration, they are not being specific about the MST used,...
whyzar's user avatar
  • 12.1k
2 votes

Checking "connectedness'' of line shapefile in ArcMap?

This is an old post, but I think the simplest solution is to: Dissolve your polyline feature Use Feature Vertices To Points with Dangle option Join By Spatial Location the original polyline feature ...
NathanW's user avatar
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1 vote

Road Connectivity Analysis by field

Run the Dissolve tool, where your Dissolve field is road type (i.e. dirt, asphalt, etc.). If you allow multipart features you will get a single feature for all the asphalt, another feature for all the ...
ycartwhelen's user avatar
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1 vote

Getting geometry network data from File Geodatabase

The File Geodatabase API documentation README states (near line 159): NOT SUPPORTED: While the Esri File Geodatabase API supports reading the schema and data of complex geodatabase types, the API ...
Vince's user avatar
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1 vote

How to count pixels in patches of the Global Surface Water Layer (JRC)

You need to .reproject() the patchreduce var so that you can specify the resolution to perform the .reduceConnectedComponents() operation at. When you are viewing/inspecting patchreduce in the Map, ...
Justin Braaten's user avatar
1 vote

Filtering out clusters of features based on collective area threshold using QGIS/python?

You could use GRASS' v.dissolve on a common field value, filter out the smaller areas, and then use select by location from the vector menu to find which of your original parcels overlap the filtered ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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