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6 votes

Missing/inconsistent River Thames map data in Overpass Turbo

The river Thames is too large to digitize it in one single Openstreetmap way element. Therefore, a relation is created to group all riverbanks belonging to it. You can query that relation directly ...
AndreJ's user avatar
  • 77.1k
5 votes

Buffering river but it came out as circle

I can make a guess at what has happened. Did you "set" the coordinate system of the river to UTM 50N or did you actually reproject it? If the original line was digitized over a map in Long/...
Micha's user avatar
  • 15.8k
5 votes

Detecting automatically where rivers flow, directly into the sea or into another river

You can make an overlay (intersects/touches) of your river lines with a polygon representing the sea. Before you can do this, you need a polygon layer representing the sea. Best use data for the sea ...
Babel's user avatar
  • 75k
4 votes

Split seamless polygon representing river banks into separate polygons using center lines

You can create a hexagonal grid covering the river polygons: create table public.hexgrid as with cte as ( select (st_hexagongrid(2.0, geom)).geom as geom --adjust the 2.0, the smaller the smoother ...
Bera's user avatar
  • 77.9k
3 votes

Obtaining length of river upstream of points up to next point using ArcGIS Desktop?

RivEX does much if not all of what you are asking. For computing upstream length you would run the appropriate RivEX attribution tool to encode that into the network then transfer the lengths to your ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
  • 44.6k
3 votes

Help with Anita Graser's guide on making tapered rivers. River shapefile has "width" field but expression is not working

'< 10 km2 Fluss' Is what is stored in Anita's attribute table. It is a string field describing the flow rate of the river. If your width field is not a string, rather a number, then you need to ...
HeikkiVesanto's user avatar
  • 16.9k
3 votes

Calculating Distance from Outlet to Dam(s) using ArcGIS Desktop?

If you are capable to populate tables of your data (links, nodes) accordingly: I recommend networkx module, e.g. this tiny script computes distance to outlet for every node in network: import arcpy ...
FelixIP's user avatar
  • 23.3k
3 votes

Calculate Polygon Centerline with a LeastCostPath approach

I have spent many hours working on similar problems. I published a paper about it, even. In the Matlab toolbox presented there, I use the shortest path just like you're doing. In my experience, there ...
Jon's user avatar
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3 votes

Understanding DEM of difference results in ArcGIS Pro

Millimeters are a good guess, but to be sure, open up both of the DTM properties and examine the results. Within the properties section, you'll see the units (meters, feet, mm, furlongs, etc) that ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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Finding rivers from GeoTIFF files with GDAL

There are various implementations of watersheds and hydrology delineation using the the A* algorithm. For instance in grass gis r.watershed and python pysheds. In this instance I recommend the grass ...
BenP's user avatar
  • 269
3 votes

Calculating minimum river width for a route within the river in PostGIS/Python

Difficult question, the holes are tricky. One idea would be to start by getting the lines of the polygon. The difficulty is that you need to separate them to be sure to don't have both sides in the ...
robin loche's user avatar
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2 votes

Stream order from flow accumulation raster

Have a look at the GRASS addon You can see an overview at here and more details in the main page
Micha's user avatar
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2 votes

Calculate river distance to headwater for every pixel?

Flow length and zonal statistics should do the trick. For Flow Length, you should calculate distance upstream and use a weights raster with your stream pixels set to 1 and all non-stream pixels set ...
Lovette's user avatar
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2 votes

Extract polygon from stream line

If you insist on not using a DEM, you can use trace upstream from utility network analysis toolbar, and then create an convex hull of the selected network using Minimum Bounding Geometry. But the ...
tinlyx's user avatar
  • 11.2k
2 votes

Distance from one point to multiple points WITHIN a shapefile

Use Point Distance tool: create a new feature class with just mouth point. and other points as a near features. to calculte distance along a line, Use Linear referencing. First convert the polylines ...
BBG_GIS's user avatar
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2 votes

Calculating percentage (or length) of stream network that is multiple channel streams using ArcGIS Desktop?

If I understand well, all your multiple channels create "islands" (portions of land surrounded by water, maybe it has a specific name) between them. Therefore you can identify the multichannels as ...
radouxju's user avatar
  • 49.9k
2 votes

Select a specific line length after and before a point

Try the "Service area (from layer)" algorithm in the processing toolbox. The "Vector layer representing network" will be your river network, and "Vector layer with start points" your point layer. The "...
ndawson's user avatar
  • 27.9k
2 votes

GRASS GIS: Computing center line of raster feature representing a river

I have solved this problem numerous times. I have a Matlab solution posted here, and a Python solution is included in my (soon to be released) RivGraph package here. The function you'd be interested ...
Jon's user avatar
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2 votes

Removing bridges and dams from DEM

I am also struggling with that. At present time, the best solution I have found is the following: remove the bridges by doing so: (i) create a polygon for each bridge (or for all of them), (ii) ...
brodegon's user avatar
  • 361
2 votes

Buffering river but it came out as circle

Something has gone wrong with the georeferencing of the initial map you used. When I load your files into qgis and use the measurement tool, the river is 0.12 meters from end to end. I am afraid you ...
MortenSickel's user avatar
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2 votes

An application for measuring river length?

There is no single application that will do what you ask as you are underestimating the complexity of the problem. Medial Axis will indeed identify a centre line but then you need to prune the network/...
Hornbydd's user avatar
  • 44.6k
2 votes

Rendering raster with fine structure at low resolution in QGIS

It would be helpful if you include a sample dataset with your question next time. That said, I've acquired a river map from the World Resources Institute's Aqueduct Floods Hazard Maps; specifically, ...
Richard's user avatar
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2 votes

Calculating area in QGIS, defined as zone with relative elevation compared to a river

This solution provides a workflow to do exactly what you asked for. The workflow might not be the standard way how to calculate flooded areas, but since you asked for it, here is a way how to do it ...
Babel's user avatar
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2 votes

Why are my channels generating straight lines?

What did you use to create the streams? It seems you have some low lying areas and certain hydrology algorithms do a "fill depressions" in advance to allow routing the streams. The GRASS GIS ...
Micha's user avatar
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2 votes

Adjusting flow direction of river based on DEM in QGIS

Solution 1 Use select by expression with this expression where DEM is the name of your raster layer (digital elevation model): raster_value ('DEM', 1, start_point ($geometry)) < raster_value ('DEM'...
Babel's user avatar
  • 75k
2 votes

Calculating minimum river width for a route within the river in PostGIS/Python

Edit: I just realized you want the minimum river width - this answer can't help you with that, but I leave it here in case someone needs it. Get the line length of the ST_ShortestLine between your ...
geozelot's user avatar
  • 30.9k
2 votes

Minimized distance between points while staying INSIDE of a designated polygon

One approach is using Cost Distance tool from Spatial Analyst, i.e. raster based technique, which will produce something like this, depending on raster resolution: For every pair of points you'll ...
FelixIP's user avatar
  • 23.3k
2 votes

Repeating label of line shapefile does not work

You should change the distance in from "No repeat" to a distance in mm
GforGIS's user avatar
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Curved labeling of rivers in QGIS doesn't always work

Dynamic options are more elegant, but have the disadvantage that every time you zoom/pan, the rendering of the image generates a huge workload to comply with the settings. I propose a semi-automatic ...
Babel's user avatar
  • 75k
1 vote

Connecting river segments with R riverdist package

Well, I have merged all rivers now in QGIS and it seems to work (with the disadvantage of course that segments now all have the same attribute).
Stockfisch's user avatar

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