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Results from Strahler order/Stream rank (order) "cut" into squares - why?

These SRTM data use a geographic projection. Data with geographic projections result in these strange artifacts as described at Removing strange gdaldem hillshade artifacts. Reproject your surface ...
GBG's user avatar
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3 votes

QGIS: Saga Channel network: how to prepare SRTM data

You might want to try running Fill Sinks. This is available using SAGA via Processing. There may be GRASS versions too. I didn't see any mention of it in the tutorial you linked to, so it's worth a ...
Steven Kay's user avatar
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2 votes

Find the nearest point on a stream network from a given point?

You are looking for tool, i think. - Snap point to modelled stream network. Input can be stream network, point vector map with outlets or outlet coordinates. It's a ...
gisnside's user avatar
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New flow direction attribute for sub-catchment layer in QGIS

Even though you did not tag your question with GRASS, I would mention that the GRASS module captures into the streams attribute table the ID's for next_stream and the prev_stream for ...
Micha's user avatar
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Why stream numbers generated by go one after other, not succeeding

The r.watershed has the added feature that it can produce "half basins" (each basin split in the middle by the enclosed drainage line). This is what causes even numbering of cat values for ...
Micha's user avatar
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Obtain channel/stream network from a DEM in QGIS

Some recommendations for extracting drainage networks with SAGA. I guess the first thing you do is fill the dem with Wang&Liu. In some cases the result depends on the minimum slope you define. ...
Luis Perez's user avatar
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How would I process and output every possible route of a stream network?

Not a real answer, but more than a comment.. TauDEM should be able to do what you want, and QGIS provides plugin support for it. There is an existing question here on GIS.SE that you might want to ...
elrobis's user avatar
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Simplifying stream network based on grid using QGIS?

You could use QGIS 3.0+ / Snap geometries to layer tool.
Kazuhito's user avatar
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Validating that the smallest channel extracted using ArcMap (Hydrology toolbox) from DEM is the first-order stream

The definition you quote is one such definition. Another way of thinking about why you use Strahler order is to simply give your river some sort of context of where it is in the network. That network ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
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Accepted extension does not install in GRASS 8.2

According to the addon log file at --> vector/ FAILED log There is a ctypes problem: File "C:\msys64\usr\src\...
markusN's user avatar
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Stream order data for Canadian streams

In Ontario, at least, this data is maintained by each (most?) Conservation Authority, each of which is responsible for one major watershed. For instance, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority has ...
Houska's user avatar
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Obtain channel/stream network from a DEM in QGIS

Generally there are three main steps to creating a channel network. Hydrologically controlled DEM Catchment Areas Channel Network In more detail Hydrologically controlled DEM Use one of the Fill ...
Tom Brennan's user avatar
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How to know stream order in QGIS on output of

The GRASS GIS Addon computes the stream order of stream networks stored in a vector map at specific outlet vector points. It offers Strahler's stream order, Shreve's stream magnitude, ...
markusN's user avatar
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Dissolve Lines without Dissolving Convergent Lines?

I have come up with an approach: Create a point layer with points for each vertex in the stream network layer Buffer each vertex a (small) desired amount (I arbitrarily chose 10 metres) Run ...
UnsoughtNine's user avatar
1 vote

Flow direction without DEM / raster

I'm not sure of ways to do that without a DEM, however depending on the size of the project extent I would consider downloading a DEM from the SRTM site and running your analysis on that. The ...
WhaleShark's user avatar
1 vote

Making River/water map with stream order in QGIS?

I use routinely the grass-qgis extension and its ''hydrological modelling tool'' to create, accumulation and direction raster and river vectors . have a look here:
Gael Cazes's user avatar

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