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Results from Strahler order/Stream rank (order) "cut" into squares - why?

These SRTM data use a geographic projection. Data with geographic projections result in these strange artifacts as described at Removing strange gdaldem hillshade artifacts. Reproject your surface ...
GBG's user avatar
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Obtain channel/stream network from a DEM in QGIS

Some recommendations for extracting drainage networks with SAGA. I guess the first thing you do is fill the dem with Wang&Liu. In some cases the result depends on the minimum slope you define. ...
Luis Perez's user avatar
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Strahler stream order

A few years ago I wrote a QGIS plugin named Strahler which achieves precisely what you're looking for. Unfortunately it is only compatible with QGIS 2.* because I stopped its maintenance. It might be ...
ArMoraer's user avatar
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Calculating Stream Order Classification for NHD High Resolution vector data

NHDplus has stream ordering built-in. However, it is only available for the contiguous lower 48 states. I recently finished a Strahler ordering project for a large part of Alaska. Since NHDplus ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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What does SAGA's flow connectivity show?

The 'flow connectivity' output shows how fragmented are your channels. In the picture below the channels colored in blue/purple are the less fragmented (runoffs and sediments can flow 'freely') ...
wanderzen's user avatar
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Stream order data for Canadian streams

In Ontario, at least, this data is maintained by each (most?) Conservation Authority, each of which is responsible for one major watershed. For instance, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority has ...
Houska's user avatar
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Obtain channel/stream network from a DEM in QGIS

Generally there are three main steps to creating a channel network. Hydrologically controlled DEM Catchment Areas Channel Network In more detail Hydrologically controlled DEM Use one of the Fill ...
Tom Brennan's user avatar
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