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Mapbox GL control visibility on multiple labels using zoom attribute

Mapbox Studio and Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v4.0 support expressions, which are much more flexible and powerful than style functions. The first step is to convert your existing textOpacity style ...
Minh Nguyễn's user avatar
1 vote

ArcMap and xCode

I am uncertain about Xcode support of Shapefiles. You could try QGIS on MacOS X. Also Esri has created ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS. It will display ArcGIS online maps and you can Use your map data ...
ShadowLearn's user avatar
1 vote

ArcGIS IOS load TPK from Shared Container AGSLocalTiledLayer

I got this working. In my case, the problem was passing a proper path name without "file://" at the beginning. Using url.absolutePath does this, so you need to strip it off when converting URL's. Here ...
JohnC's user avatar
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GDAL cannot read KML file that it just created

Turns out that GDAL's KML driver will write KML just fine, but will not read KML unless it has been compiled with the Expat library. I only figured this out because I was having a similar problem with ...
Son of a Beach's user avatar
1 vote

GDAL CSV Driver with "GEOMETRY=AS_XYZ" option not creating X Y columns

Solved! The problem was that I should be passing these particular option(s) to the function that creates the layer, and not to the function that creates the data source. Eg, like this: let options = [...
Son of a Beach's user avatar
1 vote

Programatically Cache WMTS for Offline Use

I now have a working solution for which I can use exactly the same implementation for WMTS, TMS and XYZ - which is great to avoid three different methods for the three different service types. This ...
Son of a Beach's user avatar
1 vote

Swift library to convert latitudes and longitudes from EPSG:4326 into EPSG:3857

Well, since I couldn't find a clear and direct answer, I wrote the code in Swift, by referring the following and this. It's as follows. func getCoordinatesInEPSG3857(longitudeInEPSG4326: Double, ...
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