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5 votes

Turning off cache in FME?

You can turn feature caching off from the Run menu > uncheck "Enable Feature Caching".
Andrea's user avatar
  • 66
5 votes

Can QGIS cache a PostGIS layer for faster rendering?

You are going to get a lot of comments and answers regarding tuning of the PostgreSQL database, which you should do provided you have control over the database. But there are situations where local ...
Jay Cummins's user avatar
  • 14.7k
4 votes

Change QGIS processing cache directory

After looking around a bit, I found out that the cache directory for me is: C:\Users\hbh1\AppData\Local\Temp I found this "read-only" in the QGIS environment settings: This is set via ...
Honeybear's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I configure MapProxy to show only cache?

Leaving the sources array empty is allowed when you specify an explicit cache property. The following example uses an mbtiles cache, but any cache format should work: caches: local_only: grids: [...
theDmi's user avatar
  • 308
3 votes

Leaflet - Customer Tile Cache Scheme Review, Munich

No matter what I tried and where I specified maxZoom option, when custom layer was created it had maxZoom option set to 18. The only working solution seems to be to use L.setOptions method to set ...
TomazicM's user avatar
  • 27k
2 votes

Can QGIS cache a PostGIS layer for faster rendering?

Instead of memory caching, you could try creating spatial indexes on the tables to display. This would certainly boost the rendering. The background documentation is here: Spatial Indexing Here is a ...
julien's user avatar
  • 10.3k
2 votes

Open Source parametrized/multi-dimensional caching tile server

You can use GeoServer/GeoWebCache by adding parameter filters in the layer tile caching configuration, enabling selected lists of values for time/elevation/cql_filter (whatever you use to perform ...
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
2 votes

Changing the default cache directory through ArcGIS Server server manager

The issue actually is related to permissions. Since the drive being used is a networked drive a user account had to be created on the drive with the same username and password as those used for the ...
Maeglin77's user avatar
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2 votes

Change cache location when publishing a service

ArcMap's cache is not used for storing the cache of services you publish, it's used to store tiles of services you use in ArcMap. If you want to manage you map service cache, there are 2 options: you ...
GISGe's user avatar
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2 votes

Viewing GeoServer tile layers in QGIS through WMS

You can go straight to the GeoWebCache URL, and that will be faster. What might be happening is that you're requesting a non-tiled WMS rather than WMTS. GWC only has the tiled one, so it's more fool ...
Alex Leith's user avatar
  • 13.5k
2 votes

Does render caching in QGIS save permanently or is it only temporary?

Render caching just remembers how a layer was previously rendered. This speeds up overall rendering in cases where only one layer is changed but all others stay same. All unchanged layers don't have ...
underdark's user avatar
  • 84.5k
2 votes

Web App Builder and browser caching

Expanding on what @MapHound mentioned, without a sophisticated server-side logic, the most heavy-handed approach would be to set IIS to send headers to the browser indicating that content expires ...
GavinR's user avatar
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2 votes

Mapproxy tiles are partly black instead of transparent

Finally solved the issue following the advice of a message on MapProxy mailing list. Seems to be a problem with with an old version of Pillow on Ubuntu 16.04. Update to latest version (and than ...
geraldo's user avatar
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2 votes

Can client-side caching for GeoServer / GeoWebCache be customized?

Here's what I found out that works for me so far: Log into your Geoserver admin panel. Go to Tile Caching > Tile Layers. Click on the layer you wish to customize the cache settings for. Scroll down ...
mike.bronner's user avatar
2 votes

How Can I Make QGIS Stop Blinking Every Time I Pan?

This was fixed in QGIS 3.18, the map redraws are now using existing elements:
bugmenot123's user avatar
  • 11.3k
2 votes

Cache google map for offline use in leaflet

Google's terms of service restrict you from caching Google Map tiles: No Caching. Customer will not cache Google Maps Content except as expressly permitted under the Maps Service Specific Terms. ...
JoeBe's user avatar
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2 votes

Clearing cache of QGIS 3.10 with Python

You can find instructions on how to do this manually here: It's about clicking through Settings -> Options, clicking the network tab and ...
honsa's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Making a QgsRasterLayer only render what's available in its cache

TL;TR: a working method A quick method is to copy the raster into a temporary layer and disable the original raster. This can be accomplished for example by clipping the original raster on its own ...
RafDouglas C. Tommasi's user avatar
1 vote

Storing data from WMS Server locally for ArcGIS Desktop?

I use MapProxy to achieve this. It's an open source proxy for geospatial data. It can be found on The tutorials on how to use MapProxy can be found on
Michel Stuyts's user avatar
1 vote

Changeing Display cache path permanently in ArcMap?

@KirkKuykendall gave a good suggestion of: Have you considered launching arcmap from a bat file that sets the LocalAppData variable before running arcmap.exe?
MisshapenFile's user avatar
1 vote

How to set Tomcat to completely prevent browser from caching my PBF vector tile?

You might be better off avoiding GWC and hitting the WMS end point directly and modifying the HTTP Cache settings on the Layer Publishing tab. I'm not sure if that setting is still used if you go ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
1 vote

Anyway to automatically cache the entire basemap in ArcMap?

You can use fishnet tool as Alex Tereshenkov suggested, In addition use Animation tool, It will pan your view automatically all over your AOI to make cache (you don't have to zoomToSelectedFeatures or ...
Saad Asif's user avatar
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1 vote

Disabling caching in geowebcache.xml using GeoServer?

I don't believe you set these settings in the geowebcache.xml file when using GWC within GeoServer. That is only if you are using GeoWebCache as a standalone installation. You should use the settings ...
Paul Wittle's user avatar
1 vote

Configuring mod_tile and renderd for memcache

I fixed this error by getting libmemcached and then restarting apache and my rendering system. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y libmemcached-tools libmemcached-dev libmemcached11 sudo ...
Will Baizer's user avatar
1 vote

Viewing GeoServer tile layers in QGIS through WMS

After much trial and error, I’ve got a reliable, albeit limited, workflow. As Alex Leith suggested, using a direct GeoWebCache connection URL of http://localhost:8080/geoserver/gwc/service/wmts? in ...
Rudy Stricklan's user avatar
1 vote

Ability to cache geographic data and only update style in Geoserver

TL,DR; No, there is no way to do this in GeoServer. There are several possible issues as to why your queries are slow: You are using SqlServer, consider switching to PostGIS You are using a view, ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
1 vote

Host a WMS service from MapProxy SQLite cache?

The documentation was misleading me. You can indeed host a wms server given a sqlite cache. My problem was in my config. I specified the path wrong possibly in globals (used windows style \ instead ...
Karl Uibo's user avatar
  • 121
1 vote

ArcMap 10.5 and Python Clear Cache?

Try adding this to your script: from arcpy import env env.overwriteOutput = True
Alicia's user avatar
  • 51
1 vote

Can I avoid the offline tile cache limit (i.e., 6k) by self-hosting a Mapbox vector tiles?

According to the information given on the Offline page, its seems like you are not allowed to do this. Our terms of service do not allow you or an end user to redistribute offline maps downloaded ...
Ferrybig's user avatar
  • 126
1 vote

exploded or compact storage format for cached orthophotos?

ArcGIS Server Log Parser should help you in this regard. Try to hit both services independently and then use the log parser to see the response times. The compact format should deliver better ...
Don's user avatar
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