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  • Member for 11 years, 9 months
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14 votes

Rotating shape around defined point instead of centroid in QGIS?

7 votes

QGIS VRT values differ from the source rasters

6 votes

Joining attributes by field value not working

6 votes

Automatic calculation of line orientations in QGIS

5 votes

Joining 2 layers by location doesn't join desired fields from attributes tables

4 votes

Measuring Distances between Points with the same timestamps using QGIS

4 votes

Erasing a point in QField

3 votes

Seeking (Open Source) Mobile GIS app for survey?

3 votes

Both layers are in same CRS but in a different place

3 votes

Inherited values between polygons in QGIS

3 votes

Most cells are "null" during join in QGIS?

3 votes

Intersection error QGIS - invalid geometries that are actually valid

3 votes

Extract vertices QGIS 3

2 votes

Measuring area using correct CRS and units in QGIS

2 votes

How to remove weird lines in QGIS?

2 votes

Calculating limits of visible horizon of location in QGIS?

2 votes

QGIS2threejs scale bar and north arrow

2 votes

Importing back GIS made grid from Excel?

2 votes

Is there any plugin that plots a profile from point survey data in QGIS 3

2 votes

Inputting CSV in QGIS graphical modeler and defining its geometry

2 votes

Exporting symbols rather than points in .dxf

2 votes

File not found error using Contour in QGIS 3.4

2 votes

Avoiding invisible points when using fixed style in QGIS?

2 votes

Automatic extraction of buildings geometry from a shapefile

2 votes

Selecting area from raster layer as new layer

2 votes

Improve render speed for QGIS canvas (hardware)

2 votes

How to convert point data to different sized polygons representing Marine protected areas?

2 votes

Seeking code sample or pointer showing how to calculate Corner Coordinates of JPG file based on EXIF GPS data?

1 vote

Extracting polyline segment from points using QGIS?

1 vote

How to build .sid virtual raster catalog