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Questions tagged [closest-facility]

Network Analyst solver for finding the nearest facility in a set to serve demand points based on selected network impedance.

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How to create ND.nd folder with .nds files

I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.2.1. When using Network Analysis, I have to import Network Data Source which in _ND.nd format(i.e. XXXX_road_ND.nd). There are six files within the .nd folder with .nds file ...
Panda CHENG's user avatar
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Adding and calculating User Input Fields in ArcGIS Modelbuilder

I have a model which results in a list of routes with mileages. I want to add 6 fields to the mileage table (Freight Rate, Freight Cost, Material Amount, Material Rate, Material Cost, and Total Price)...
Joshua Smith's user avatar
1 vote
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Creating a summary report for multiple layers intersecting a buffer

I tried to use the Closest Facility tool in Network Analyst to find locations that were within a 10 minute walk to a number of my offices, however that job failed after 4 hours with a generic error. ...
Chris Lope's user avatar
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Calculating shortest path with barriers using ArcGIS Pro

I have two layers of points (bus stops and facilities) within a city. I need to calculate which facility belongs to the closest bus stop. It can be done by near feature in ArcGIS Pro, but it doesn't ...
adamekcerv's user avatar
2 votes
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Road network division and best maintenance facility location using ArcMap

I am using ArcMap. I have a national road network and I would like to divide it in several zones, so each zone would get the same amount of roads (from 150 to 250 km) - to get as equal zones as ...
Lakierski Materialski's user avatar
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Speed up Python script

I am using Python code to calculate the closest facilities. Here, first I create a random point dataset. Then I use that random point dataset as an incident dataset when I'm creating the closest ...
Madusha's user avatar
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Output of first iteration as the input of the next step in a for loop

I use a Python script to find the closest facilities. I have 24 cities to process. For one city, I should create 100 random datasets. To do that, I use Python, and for loops. After I create the random ...
Madusha's user avatar
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Closest facilities using Pgr_Withpoint

I am trying to calculate the shortest path's distance from certain locations to their closest schools, I used the Pgr_WithPointsCost Function to get the result from one location to its 10 closest ...
Ismail's user avatar
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ArcMap 'Add Locations' field mappings not showing added field for network analyst layer

I have successfully created a new field 'Status' in the incidents sublayer of a closest-facility network analyst layer, using the 'Add Field to Analysis Layer' tool. However, when I try to populate ...
bbenak's user avatar
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ArcGIS Closest Facility with anisotropic round trips?

I'm working on a network analysis of an urban archaeological site where I'm running a closest facility analysis on some 2000 structures to specific features within the city. I've segmented the road ...
Matt's user avatar
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How to limit the search for facilities to only 1 unit with PG Routing? ... Closest Facility in PostGIS?

I'm working in PGROUTING - POSTGIS I have my road network and two sets of points -firestation and the entire cityblocks from town (in diferent tables, 1 for origin, and 1 for destination). The plan ...
isidrop's user avatar
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Loading point features into Network Analyst without losing the point's attribute fields

I have points that represent schools (facilities) and points that represent homes (incidents). I need to do a closest facility analysis to calcualte how long the residents need to reach the schools. ...
jpg's user avatar
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Closest Facility routes do not align with network dataset

I am running both Service Area analysis and Closest Facility analysis using the same network dataset, StreetMap Premium 2017R3. The service area lines exactly line up with the underlying street ...
SMiller's user avatar
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From everywhere to everywhere in ArcGIS using Closest Facility did not solve all possible routes

I am building from-everywhere-to-everywhere routes in ArcGIS Network Analyst using OpenStreetMap Data. I have 189 points that I want to connect with all possible other facilities. I ran this using the ...
rnought's user avatar
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Spotty and Impossible Route (Closest Facility)- ArcGIS Network Analyst

I am trying to find the closest facility for parcels (converted my polygons to points), to existing sewer lines. In the image you can see that some sections of the green routes are just very short ...
sparky's user avatar
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Combining proximity criteria within Location Allocation?

I am using ArcGIS 10.5. I will explain the situation first: There are 134 139 forest centroids that serve as 'Demand point' to source Bioenergy conversion plants in the state of Queensland Australia....
Sam Van Holsbeeck's user avatar
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How to tell what is wrong in the network dataset?

I work in ArcGIS 10.3. I have a network dataset consisting of lines and points. When I run the closest facility in Network Analyst, it works perfectly everywhere but on this particular edge/part of ...
M. Tomas's user avatar
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How to do a Closest Facility Analysis using OSM?

I have locations of about 1100 Branches across the country, and I want to find the closest branch for any user-provided point. I'm looking at OSM data, and supporting tools to do this, since I don't ...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar
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Attempting to Run the Find Closest Facility Tool Within Python For Loop

While using ArcGIS Pro, I am trying to run the Find Closest Facility tool inside a Python For loop. I found some helper code in the tool information rollover in Pro that goes through these steps: ...
Dave's user avatar
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Can I have my facilities load just once using Closest Facility when using ModelBuilder ArcGIS?

I have tried to use Network Analyst as an extension and came across a memory issue when trying to run a Closest Facility query. The query I want to run is routing zone origin and destinations, as ...
Chris Carr's user avatar
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Creating individual routes from home to multiple destinations in ArcMap ModelBuilder with ArcGIS Network Analyst

I am trying to create individual routes from Homes to multiple Destinations. The unique ID is respondent in both the Homes and Destinations tables. I've created an iterative model in ModelBuilder ...
Mia's user avatar
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Selecting only closest facilities after running closest facility analysis using ModelBuilder?

After finding the closest facilities to a given start point using the "Make Closest Facility Layer" tool, how can I select the result such that I can display just the closest facilities on the map? ...
lucas's user avatar
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How to see only those incidents that cannot reach facilities in ArcGIS Closest Facility analysis

I have 373 'incidents' and need to map their routes to their closest hospitals ('facilities') using a flood zone as a 'polygon barrier' ArcGIS can only route 333 of the 373 because several 'incidents'...
KJGarbutt's user avatar
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Finding a route that ignores all "island" roads using ArcGIS Network Analyst

For many months I have been looking to get the distance from certain incidents/origins (wells) to the nearest facilities/destinations (rail car terminals) by road (trucking). I have used Closest ...
Red's user avatar
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How to find shortest paths between one destination and multiple origins in ArcGIS?

I am working on landfill site analysis. I have a landfill site (point) in my data. I want to connect the landfill point with different locations(points) in my study area using shortest paths. I have ...
srinivas's user avatar
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Generating distance from each address point on map to nearest fire hydrant using ArcGIS Network Analyst?

I am attempting to measure the distance between one set of points (Address point data) to the closest point from another set of points (Fire hydrants). When I perform Closest Facility Analysis only a ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Service areas for points not directly on lines

I am using ArcMap 10.4 to find network distance service areas to train stations on a road or footpath (not rail!) network. My problem is that Network Analyst locates all stations, but solving the ...
eknumbat's user avatar
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Network Analyst's Closest Facility - starting from route-possible road segments

When using Network Analyst's "Closest Facility" tool, if the facilities and Incidents do not lie on the network line (road), the tool starts at the point on the network line closest to the Facility/...
Red's user avatar
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closest facility analysis arcpy

The following picture shows the location of the files I need for the Closest Facility Analysis. What's wrong with my code? import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Users\TL\Desktop\test\2.gdb" ...
Tianxin Li's user avatar
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Closest facility analysis not offering shortest route in ArcGIS Network Analyst?

I want to get the shortest paths from some points to the nearest highway junctions. I extracted the highway junctions by doing the Intersect function from the network junctions and selected highways. ...
Tianxin Li's user avatar
4 votes
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Calculating shortest paths from all points in one layer to any points in another via road layer in QGIS?

I'm trying to calculate the shortest paths from all the points in a layer representing population settlements (the green points) to any of the points in another layer representing the hospitals (...
Aroche's user avatar
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Interrupting closest facility analysis

I am making a network analyst (Closest Facility) analysis. I will be driving from "Incidents" to "Facilities". My "Facilities" is the population center in a municipality. In "Facilities" I have a ...
user15888's user avatar
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Closest facility analysis using polygons

I have a polygon shapefile containing polygons representing green spaces and a point shapefile of postcode centroids and am hoping to carry out closest facility analysis in ArcMap to calculate the ...
Charlotte's user avatar
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Running network analyst for closest facility anaysis in ArcMap?

I’m trying to carry out closest facility analysis in ArcMap 10.2.2 on the network analysis layer created from the OS integrated transport and urban path networks. But when I click "solve" in the ...
Charlotte's user avatar
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Iterate incidents for closest facility analysis (Network Analyst) using ModelBuilder?

I have created a model for closest facility analysis. Now I would like to add an iterator to it. Specifically, I need to iterate through 448 "Incidents" (the closest facility model is structured so ...
Steve Wernke's user avatar
3 votes
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Using ModelBuilder for closest facility analysis in ArcGIS Network Analyst?

I am building a model to iterate closest facility analysis for every building at an archaeological site, with the goal of generating a from-everywhere, to-everywhere aggregate traffic map. I have run ...
Steve Wernke's user avatar
2 votes
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Emergency Dept. Distance OSM roads Network Analyst

I have a shapefile that is all of the roads in the Republic of Ireland, I have downloaded this from OSM. I have then created a new point shapefile with a point for every emergency department in ...
Dunuts's user avatar
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Finding the closest facility in a feature layer from a webmap

I have created a webmap on which a feature layer is displayed and I'm trying to find the closest facility when the user clicks on the map. Based on Find closest facilities in the Javascript API ...
nikoshr's user avatar
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