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Exporting Geopackage converts milliseconds of QDateTime to zero

I use this solution to display actual QDateTime value with milliseconds in a temporary memory layer. And I use another solution to export as CSV the value including the millisecond value. But then, I ...
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
7 votes
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Writing layer to GeoPackage using PyQGIS

I have a PyQGIS script which carries out a number of operations on layers and writes the results to shapefiles. However, I understand that GeoPackages have a number of advantages (not having multiple ...
Stephen Poley's user avatar
6 votes
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Backup QGIS (3.2.1) layer to independent PostGIS table?

I'd like to make multiple, progressive backup copies of QGIS (3.2.1) layers that are stored in PostGIS tables. I've tried multiple routes to export them as files on disk, but they all seem to destroy ...
LorenAmelang's user avatar
5 votes
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Mapsforge .map output from QGIS

Is there any way to output Mapsforge .map-files from QGIS? I am trying to create a map to be displayed by OruxMaps, and Mapsforge seems to be the best format to use but I am not an expert. Currently I ...
Olg's user avatar
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Canvas element with 'width: 0' in OpenLayers 6 instance on Vue.js

I am using Vue components to generate multiple instances of OpenLayers in the same parent component. Ultimately I am attempting to export an image of each instance of OpenLayers using the html-to-...
Jamie's user avatar
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Export a layer from QGIS to Oracle DB

I have a working connection to an Oracle database in QGIS (3.4). I am able to import and edit existing tables into my QGIS project out of the db. Unfortunately it is not possible to export any QGIS ...
Sancho Pansen's user avatar
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QGIS export to shapefile inflates real field size and value

At 3.8.3, when I Export > Save As a Geopackage point layer to a shapefile, fields with type = double are output with 15(!!!) significant digits. Here are the before and after field widths: Input: ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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Export: Error: Internal error. from Google Earth Engine

I'm attempting to export an image by a time block for a particular census KML using the method below. Earth Engine is kicking back "internal error". As the error is not very helpful, I am having a ...
krewsayder's user avatar
5 votes
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Batch export of layers as individual PNG files in QGIS 3.4?

I have hundreds of layers. I'd like to be able export each one as a PNG. I can do this by selecting one, and going to project, export map to image, calculate from layer -> select layer -> save. ...
James's user avatar
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QGIS export to PDF - rasterize only basemap layers but keep others as vectors

I am building my own map in QGIS 3.4 in which I created a basemap from ESRI satellite imagery and a ESRI hillshade overlay. On top I have several custom vector layers (country borders, city names etc.)...
WvdP's user avatar
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Could not allocate required memory for image

I'm trying to export a 24k image (export set to 1650DPI) using the "export as image" function but I keep getting the "Could not allocate required memory for image" warning. I don't understand why ...
James Kelly's user avatar
5 votes
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Export to SVG with Polygon IDs

So v.out.svg works perfectly fine for my purpose, except that it doesn't export polygon IDs, so I have no way to identify them in the output. I want to use one of the attributes (specifically the Name ...
dotNET's user avatar
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Using an input string in a file path for a input vector layer in QGIS model

I am building a QGIS model to perform field calculations on a large number of .shp files containing environmental information of different waterbodies. This model should be global for the different ...
Leesbiology's user avatar
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QGIS Convert Shapefile to MSSQL as geography type

I am using QGIS 3.16 and SQL Server 2019. I have a shapefile loaded into the project. I have been able to successfully convert the Shapefile to a spatial dataset in SQL Server. My method for doing ...
William Powell's user avatar
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Exporting rendered raster image from graphical modeler

I am new to using the graphical modeler and am trying to export the result raster from my model as a rendered image. Basically trying to replicate what happens by doing the following to the result ...
spizwhiz's user avatar
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Setting compression method when exporting composer from QGIS to PDF

I see that export of the composer to PDF in QGIS uses JPEG compression by deafult (my estimate maybe 75-80%, which is not good enough for my maps). Where can I change this? Can I set somewhere ...
jurajb's user avatar
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How to export data from sql server into shapefile in the decimal format in QGIS 2.4?

The last couple of days, I have been working on exporting data from SQL to a shapefile in QGIS 2.4. While converting into a shapefile, the data type changes automatically from Float to Integer in the ...
suyogpatwardhan's user avatar
4 votes
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problem with saving to esri file

I was using Wroclaw 1.7/GDAL 1.9(earlier release)/Grass 6.4/GSL 1.15-2 and started getting the following message when saving any item to esri format. "Export to vector file failed. Error: creation of ...
JHH's user avatar
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3 votes
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Saving attribute field comments when making memory layer permanent in QGIS Plugin

My QGIS plugin creates a vector layer (memory) with attribute fields that include comments. Comments are not saved when I "Make Permanent" the layer. I have been able to build a QGIS Python ...
raywannabesurfer's user avatar
3 votes
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QGIS - Label masks breaks layer on PDF export

I have a contour lines layer with index labels, which uses masks, it works correctly on the editor and composer as seen below When exported the layer goes past map boundaries and it's style breaks. ...
Undermon's user avatar
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Unavailable layer saved on computer as .txt file in my all projects (.qgz)

I have a problem with all my saved .qgz projects. I always worked with layers in projects only as .txt files, not saving them as shapefile, because I can make changes in .txt files (eg. add more ...
Michaela Uhrová's user avatar
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OSM: Downloading all street names + adress number + coordinates of a city?

For a statistical analysis my company wants me to create an Excel sheet containing every building's adress in a city, like this: City name | area code | street name | house number | longitudinal Coord....
R. Place's user avatar
3 votes
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PyQGIS: QgsRasterFileWriter generates blank (all zeros) raster when used in standalone script

QGIS version: 3.16.15 Python version: 3.9 I am trying to export some raster from a WMS-sourced background raster layer. For doing so, I am delimiting the export area to be exported by using a vector ...
Javi1991's user avatar
3 votes
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Exporting GeoTIFF to ArcGIS Online

I would like to add TIFs to ArcGIS Online as a layer using QGIS. An example is the ValleyNAI layer here: As far ...
TCR's user avatar
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Exporting High Quality TIFF Files on ArcMap

I am currently working in ArcMap 10.5.1 and am wanting to export a Map as a TIFF file with increased resolution. If I were to increase the quality of the image to anything above 96 DPI then the image ...
theMoreYouNgo's user avatar
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Exporting a layer with one-to-many non-spatial relationships into GeoJSON

I have a ShapeFile (postcode areas) with a one-to-many relationship with a list of attributes (customers who fall within that postcode). Is it possible in QGIS to export the ShapeFile to GeoJSON to ...
alj's user avatar
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Adding source and target fields in attribute table

My issue is I want to export a CSV-file from QGIS 3.6.2 to Gephi (network analysis software) the layer I want to export is the edges layer for Gephi. However, when importing into Gephi I am missing ...
Alison Jones's user avatar
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Problems with DEM exporting after Elevation Void Fill function use

I filled nodata values in DEM by Elevation Void Fill function, everything was ok, but when I exported it, the raster looks different (see picture above), how can I solve this problem? I also tried r....
1234's user avatar
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Export/Import CRS for use on similar/same file?

I have a slightly strange request. I have access to a set of geo-ref'd PDFs that have multiple layers within the file. As touched on in other threads, there's no good way (at this time) to turn on/off ...
Mark's user avatar
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export an aerial image to .SID file and a .Tiff file

I am using arcmap 10.4.1 ( also have PRO 2.0 is this is an valid option) I have an aerial image that was broken down to small grids and need to export each grid to a .sid file and a .tiff file. I ...
NULL.Dude's user avatar
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Why are the layer-tree-layer source attributes absolute even if my project is set to relative paths?

When I save a group as a layer definition file (both from the context menu and via the python api) the layer-tree-layer source attribute is incorrectly absolute: source="/Volumes/gis/master/Raster/...
gotjosh's user avatar
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Snapshot command not producing high-res image

I'm trying to export an image of my project with a size of several hundred megapixels (32768x16384) via the snapshot command and all I get is an output file with 0 KB and no error message. I can ...
And G's user avatar
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DXF Export won't work

I'm new to using GIS data. Using QGIS I'm trying to export a DXF file from a .shp file from the NYC OpenData site. I can open the file, pan, zoom, select the area I want to export, etc, but when I ...
Greg Maxson's user avatar
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Exporting map containing raster layer with vector field symbology ends up with partially rendered symbology from ArcMap?

After exporting a map in ArcMap (ArcGIS 10.3 for Desktop) which contains several raster and vector layers including one raster layer resembling flow direction of ice, the output file (tried JPG, PNG ...
M S's user avatar
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Programatically export map clusters in QGIS

I'm trying to export each microcluster of a large map into a composed map that shows the ff on an A4 sheet: 1) Cluster/grid box of the map 2) Larger index map with the pertinent region highlighted ...
wearashirt's user avatar
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Batch export to shapefile by attribute field in QGIS

I have a project in QGIS where I am creating a map of plants over a large area. I want to take the "Genus" field (of which there are 100 hundred values) and essentially create 100 shapefiles based on ...
Herb Fargus's user avatar
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Symbolizing File Geodatabase feature class with Layer File created from AutoCAD drawing?

I received an autocad drawing file which I converted into feature classes with the CAD to Geodatabase tool. I would like to symbolize the exported data in ArcMap the same way it was symbolized in ...
Jakub Sisak GeoGraphics's user avatar
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Raster slightly displaced after exporting from PostGIS database

With the following queries I've exported a raster (GTiff) from my postgis database: 1.Creating a large object: WITH buffer AS ( SELECT id, ST_Buffer(geom,50) AS geom FROM ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Extra row and column in a raster after GDAL grid import

I'm exporting an ESRI grid to TIFF format and after that I'm reading this exported raster file into SAGA GIS. However when Saga reads this file in there appears to be an additional row and column in ...
reima's user avatar
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Export Table of Unique Values by Field

I get a lot of shapefiles with no metadata. Often there are tons of table columns (fields) with no description of what the column is for or what the coded values mean. Is there an easy way to export a ...
Lance's user avatar
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Area size generated by editor behind legend elements is missing when exporting PNG with QGIS Layout

I use QGIS Version 3.28.3-Firenze. In a QGIS Layout, I add the sum of area to each class in the legend via the editor. I use the following expression: @symbol_label || ' (' || round(aggregate(@...
Mat Thias's user avatar
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Creating PDF with vector data in QGIS

I got my geospatial file ready with all information in vector data (except background PNGpng) in QGIS. Now I wish to save a PDF format for a second party. The vector lines are required to be visible ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Exporting large attribute table from QGIS to Excel

I am working on a project with an attribute table of approx. 5,564,098 rows. I've tried exporting it to Excel using the "save as" CSV or XLS but the data keeps getting cut off. I would ...
Peyton's user avatar
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QGIS Print layout not showing detail on export

When I save a map the output is missing a lot of the detail you can see in the print preview. Why is this and is there a way I can save it like I see it in the preview? Saves well as a pdf but not as ...
Melanie Baker's user avatar
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Print layout is rasterized before exporting as SVG

So I've set up my layer to how I'd like for it to be exported as an SVG, but after adding the map to New Print Layout, it rasterizes my layer and makes it unusable in my other program. Is there a way ...
Nick's user avatar
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Exporting vector layer as TIFF using PyQGIS

I have a layer named 'result' which I want to export as a georeferenced TIFF file. I have a layer named 'layer' which is just a vector polygon (it has to be there). The best code I've found to do ...
Alex Fidalgo's user avatar
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Exporting curved geometries as a GPKG with linear geometries

I have a layer (based on PostGIS or GPKG) containing complex, curved geometries (think MultiSurface(CurvePolygon(CompoundCurve(CircularString(...). How can I export this layer as a new GeoPackage that ...
bugmenot123's user avatar
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Exporting layer tree in QGIS

I need to create a layer tree for other user researchers to use. In the final dataset there will be ~20 sub-groups, each with dozens of layers. (It's possible that this isn't the best way to do it -- ...
user670416's user avatar
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Newly created multipolygon layer fails to save due to large file size

I used the function "Join attributes by location" to join a number of polygon circles (a multipoylgon layer) with the values of the points (multipoint layer) that are "contained" ...
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Assign absolute path to single layer in QGIS

Under Project Properties, I set path savings to 'relative', as the project is used by different people and moved between network drives. Shapefiles that move with the project are correctly located in ...
Maaldersmul's user avatar

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