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Polygon Extent to Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax .csv

I have a piece of code that reads in a .csv file and outputs a shapefile. After processing and altering the shapefile. The shapefile contains multiple polygons. I need to turn it back into the .csv, ...
Binx's user avatar
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Convert PNG image to Shapefile in QGIS [closed]

I have a district boundary shapefile. I want to divide that district according to the boundaries given in image. How we can achieve it? Can we add vector file first then add image as an overlay on ...
Saurabh Yadav's user avatar
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Converting shapefile to raster by passing specific column/variable using GDAL in Python

Followed the steps from this link to create raster from shapefile using GDAL Convert an OGR File to a Raster but it is returning an empty raster. Can someone tell how to define a particular column ...
Abhilash Singh Chauhan's user avatar
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rgdal::writeOGR collision in column names results in NULL data

I already know (How to stop writeOGR from abbreviating Field Names when using “ESRI Shapefile” driver) that writeOGR is abbreviating names of columns longer than 10 chars. But there is one more thing. ...
vildead's user avatar
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Complexity of US 5-Digit Zip Code Boundaries from Scratch?

Does anyone have any idea how difficult it would be to create 5-digit zip code boundaries from scratch? Let's suppose you start with a good outline of the US. Where would you source the fundamental ...
Steve Maughan's user avatar
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Rasterize shapefile according to another big raster using gdal_rasterize

I want to rasterize a shapefile into a raster according to another raster (97284, 154208, 15001971072 (nrow, ncol, ncell)). Since the raster is very big, I am using gdal_rasterize following the ...
tg110's user avatar
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Adding two vector shapefiles together (one on top of the other) in QGIS [closed]

I understand how to merge two vector shapefiles together but I don't know how to layer one layer on top of another one and export it to make it permanent? I would like to add the GreaterMan shapefile ...
tastatham's user avatar
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R cannot read *.shp shapefile with rgdal

I'm trying to open ne_10m_urban_areas.shp with rgdal::readOGR, but it gives me the bellow error library(rgdal) a <- readOGR(dsn = path.expand("C:/.../Desktop/"), layer = "ne_10m_urban_areas.shp") ...
Irina's user avatar
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Getting information from one shapefile to another using QGIS

I am very new to GIS and learning by myself. I am using QGIS. I have a shapefile, which categorizes areas (land cover) by numbers (corresponding to land cover classes). I have created a wkt file ...
Alex Caseiro's user avatar
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Sort selected points by latitude/northing with field calculator

I have bathimetry data in .shp format. The points (picture below shows one of multiple groups/profiles) do not have ID numbers and are randomly dispersed through the attribute table. I have selected ...
Marin Leontenko's user avatar
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Merge layers that have different coordinate systems

I need to merge two shapefiles and the issue is that one shapefile has WGS 84 coordinate system and the second OSGB 1936. When I try to do the trick with MMQGIS -> Combine -> Merge layers I get an ...
aaaaa's user avatar
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How to rasterize a shapefile in R? [duplicate]

I have several shapefiels that i have to turn into raster. Here's the coastline coastline<-readShapeSpatial("shp") r <- raster(ncols=90, nrows=45) jd<-rasterize(coastline,r) plot(jd) it ...
gsa's user avatar
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Shape Normalization Error while importing shapefiles in cartoDB

I had succesfully installed CartoDB in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS VM and could import CSV and GeoJSON without any error. When I try to load shapefiles, the following error pops out. Error Code : 3009 Error : ...
Dinesh's user avatar
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Determining if coordinate is within polygon?

I have a list of points describing the boundaries of Spain. I want to be able to tell whether a pair of lat,lon is within these boundaries. I have tried the following: import shapefile import ...
Alpha's user avatar
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Convert Shp to KMZ displaying labels using arcpy?

I've written a script that converts all shapefiles contained in a folder into lyr and then kmz. import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "path" arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True allfeatures = arcpy....
romanceline's user avatar
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Extracting Sentinel-1 values from polygons

I'm trying to extract Sentinel 1 VH values for each day of a selected period, and for each polygon of a feature collection: var sentinel1 = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S1_GRD') //filtering by ...
Sebastian Marzini's user avatar
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Join line segments sharing a common attribute, using GDAL

I'm having trouble rendering a shapefile consisting of trail routes broken down into many short segments. So I'd like to combine them into a small number of line features, which share a NAME and touch ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
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shapefile terminology for key-value pair

In an .osm file, there are <TAG ... /> elements like <way visible="true" id="-4409" timestamp="1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" version="1"> <nd ref="-21845"/> <tag k="fcc" ...
user1416227's user avatar
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Calculating bearing of polyline in QGIS [duplicate]

I have a shapefile containing a lot of lines which I'm trying to separate based on direction. Is there any way to calculate the line bearing against a compass (in degrees or just as North / North-...
SG3141's user avatar
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Losing numeric table precision during shapefile export in ArcGIS Pro

I'm trying to export a GDB file version 10.5 in ArcGIS Pro 2.0.0 to a shapefile, but every time I do, I lose precision with the unique feature IDs. For example the IDs will go from 554423216 --> ...
csft306's user avatar
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Determine best cell size for vector dataset based on provided info from ogrinfo

I have been using ogrinfo to obtain information regarding my Bathymetry dataset shapefile with the results as follows: Layer name: TEST Metadata: DBF_DATE_LAST_UPDATE=2022-03-30 Geometry: 3D Point ...
fuzzy_raster9873's user avatar
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Change LIDAR classification of points inside polygons

I'm trying to create a pdal pipeline to adjust the classification values for all points inside polygons, but I can't seem to get it to work. The filters.range works correctly because the output file ...
Liz's user avatar
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Uploading GeoJSON as shapefile to GeoServer using REST API

As GeoServer does not support GeoJSON upload through REST API, I have tried to convert the GeoJSON to shapefile and try to insert the shapefile to GeoServer. But it does not work. Attached in the ...
SharmaPN's user avatar
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GeoPandas input file to shapefile with coordinate system information

I have written some Python code to convert different input files to a shapefile using geopandas. import pandas as pd import os import geopandas as gpd from shapely.geometry import Point #convert to 3D ...
fuzzy_raster9873's user avatar
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Loop for exporting shapefiles from an existing shapefile

I have a pnt shp with 50 pnts. I want to export each one of it in a separate shapefile with arcpy writting a loop. My problem is that i want the output name i create has a different name, e.g. for ...
Konstantin's user avatar
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Hyperlink Script to Open Shapefile in ArcMap?

I'm new to Python and need some help please. I have a shapefile (Index.shp) that is used as an index for the world splitting it into 264 areas (polygon). I'm trying to create a Python script (for the ...
Hydie03's user avatar
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Change Attirbute Name (Fiona)

I have a shapefile that has 2 attributes named "X" and "Y". I want to change this to "Lon" and "Lat". My (limited) experience tells me that I should read in the original shapefile, preserve the ...
MfM's user avatar
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R: Self-intersection error when using intersect with two shapefiles

I am trying to "translate" worldwide raster data to European nuts3 polygons. That means I try to overlap two shapefiles to find the average value on nuts3 level. Unfortunately, when I use the ...
user33125's user avatar
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Rasterize and union problem

i've done the union first and then rasterized it. But now i want instead of that, to rasterize each one and then merge it as one. How do i do that? I mean without the union first off. on<-union(...
gsa's user avatar
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How to get feature for a given bbox from shapefile by ogr

I have some features point,line,polygon with shapefile format, now I want to get features for a given boundbox, is it possible to remove the features out of the bbox? And for a polygon, I think it is ...
giser's user avatar
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Coordinate System shows up incorrect after converting a shapely object to a shapefile [duplicate]

I am trying to convert a simple point object created using shapely to a shapefile using fiona as instructed in this post. I pretty much followed line by line except that I changed the crs as I need it ...
Bowen Liu's user avatar
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How to solve 'Warning 1: Field of width 255 truncated to 254.'

I get this warning message Warning 1: Field Date of width 255 truncated to 254. when I run this code : # Prepare the environment import sys import os from qgis.core import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets ...
Meije3984's user avatar
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Shapefile projection for Matplotlib Basemap

Preface: First time working with GIS data. I'm using python's Basemap library for overlaying data on maps. The tutorial I'm using includes a shapefile for London (london_wards.shp). I use the ...
lmart999's user avatar
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Identifying outliers (not considering spatial relationship) in time-series data

The data I am working on is plant canopy cover (percentage within polygons (0-100%)) estimation from drones. This was collected over the course of 17 weeks. I was thinking on detecting outliers (not ...
Jose Luis Landivar S's user avatar
-1 votes
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Convert shapefile to PNG using GeoTools

I need to know how to export a .shp file to .png in Java using geotools. I found an example here: Convert geojson to png. But I need convert shapefile to PNG.
Re1ease's user avatar
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Download point files from Census On the Map in R

I'd like to automate downloading point shapefile data from Census OnTheMap. There is a link which can be used to download the data, as provided below:
Mox's user avatar
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Randomly rotating polygons in shapefile using ArcPy? [closed]

I have a shapefile with polygons and want to rotate each of them randomly. Centroid of the polygon should be the anchor point of rotation. Rotation example:
Comrade Che's user avatar
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Locate or find holes tool in QGIS for polygon shapefiles [closed]

I want to locate or highlight all the holes (invalid interior rings that do not connect at all vertices and edges) and redundant geometry in a polygon shapefile in QGIS so that I can go back and ...
MapDeath's user avatar
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arcpy.CopyFeatures_management() gives ERROR 000732?

I'm using ArcGIS Desktop 10.2.2. I have a feature class in a geodatabase that from time to time I want to update with new data in an excel table. I wrote the following script to convert an excel ...
Waterman's user avatar
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Adding Lon, Lat column to shapefile in EPSG 32632 using ogr2ogr

I've a point shapefile in ESPG 32632 spatial reference. To add X and Y columns I've used Add X, Y column to a ESRI shapefile using ogr2ogr and it works fine. Now I need to add also Lat and Lon ...
Cesare's user avatar
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