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In ModelBuilder use Parse Path (path and name) to get output FC name

I built a model (in ArcGIS 10.6) and the Parse Path tool is working well if I using the Name type. But I need to use the input .gdb name also into the output feature class name. e.g. Inputs: C:\...
GisT's user avatar
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Using QGIS projects in a multi-OS environment

I am using QGIS on a variety of systems all of which access various file systems in my network, one of which contains my files, another contains my QGIS projects. Unfortunately, depending on the OS, ...
Julien's user avatar
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1 answer

PyQGIS in standalone scripts on Mac, import error

Following the PyQGIS Developer Cookbook to use PyQGIS in standalone scripts. Fixed the initial errors by setting the PYTHONPATH and DYLD_PYTHON_PATH to the appropriate folders but am now faced with ...
Rob's user avatar
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4 votes
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Change layer path using PyQGIS

I have a QGIS Project with many raster layers. I need to change/repair all paths since I moved the original data to Another disk. layer = iface.activeLayer() old_path = r'D:/Somefolder_QGIS_200317' ...
Bera's user avatar
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2 answers

Opening .aprx files to edit file paths using ArcGIS Pro

Two times a year a positional check of railway assets is performed in ArcGIS Pro for 21 different areas by receiving updated data. Every half a year in each area new data is automatically prepared in ...
Davma's user avatar
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Iterate Workspace not working in ArcGIS Pro ModelBuilder

I created a model in ArcGIS Pro that will delete features (ex. drainage areas) that intersect with unfeasible landcover classes within a raster (ex. impervious). So I used the following model ...
Mary's user avatar
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How to locate file path to original layers from feature layers in AGOL web map?

I was given an AGOL web map that was created by someone else within my organization that is no longer here, and I have no idea where the original editable layers in the web map exist on our network ...
geodependent's user avatar
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Open QGIS Project in both Linux/Windows

My company has workers that use Windows and Linux to manage a QGIS project. However, when we use the same project created in different operate systems the layers lose file paths. Is there ...
Diogo Caribé's user avatar
2 votes
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PermissionError : [WinError 32] --> how to close raster file handler after use?

I created a function where I access to a Raster folder and get all files CRS for Rsubdir, Rdirs, Rfiles in os.walk(Rrootdir): for Rfile in Rfiles: ...
Namoat's user avatar
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Changing location of plugin folder in QGIS 3?

I want to change the default location of the plugin folder in QGIS 3. The reason is that the default location is read-only, but I want to create and use self-made plugins. Can I change the location ...
Chris's user avatar
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Set up R in QGIS 3.4 on Mac OS X

I'm trying to get R into QGIS on my mac. I've installed the plugin "Processing R Provider plugin" but I can't "get R scripts from online scripts collection". It has something to do with the all caps "...
MapDeath's user avatar
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1 answer

Create vector extents for PDF files exported within QGIS

I'm interested to create a vector point layer representing the centroid of some 500-1000 PDF files exported from QGIS to find PDFs geographically rather than file explorer. The algorithm 'Tile Index'...
James B's user avatar
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Linking PDF file to a polygon shape with relative paths?

I´m looking for a solution to connect a specific PDF file to each polygon in my shape and to create an action to open the PDF. Relative paths are required. I am aware many people already asked this ...
Barbara.'s user avatar
8 votes
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Open .qgz files to edit file paths

I have hundreds of QGIS projects that have been built over years and many different QGIS versions. Now I need to move them to another server and I want to be able to edit the project files to show the ...
Johanna's user avatar
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19 votes
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Concatenating export path in Google Earth Engine

My goal is to store different exports from Earth Engine projects in separate subfolders of a main GEE_export folder on my Google Drive. I'm using Export.image.toDrive: Export.image.toDrive({ ...
Basile's user avatar
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Raster calculator - set default output path - QGIS 3.4.6

Raster calculator: How can I set the default output folder? By default it's set to "C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.4\bin" I'm using QGIS 3.4.6
Jan's user avatar
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Fixing document path during PDF export from ArcMap?

The document path on the side of my map changes when I export to PDF. The text says: "dyn type="document" property="path" It displays the filepath correctly when I'm editing the document (maps are ...
Wes's user avatar
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3 votes
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QGIS 3.4 Couldn't load SIP module. Python support will be disabled on Windows 10

I upgraded from QGIS 3.2 to 3.4 and bad things happened. On start-up I get the error. Couldn't load SIP module. Python support will be disabled. Traceback (most recent call last): File ""...
Cary H's user avatar
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Retrieving Layer Files From Map Packages

I am using ArcMap 10.5. I have around 57 map packages that I need to salvage layer data from. The layer files were incorrectly saved with absolute paths instead of relative paths so they won't ...
user133446's user avatar
4 votes
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Changing QGIS system SVG path with PyQGIS

I am trying to change the SVG path with Python but I couldn't find any document which explains how to do this. This is what I want to do. I Added SVG symbols to my plugin in a specific folder. When ...
Ehsan Aliverdi's user avatar
2 votes
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Saving LAZ files to different location from input (LAS) files? [duplicate]

All of the command line examples I'm seeing show how to create LAZ files in the same folder as the LAS files, e.g.: C:\Folder\tools>laszip F:\Folder\LAS_points\*.las Unfortunately, I don't have ...
Kristen G.'s user avatar
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Will using Zee Drive affect the performance of QGIS [closed]

At our company we are thinking of moving from a server to our local machines with Sharepoint. Zee drive would be implemented to act as an interface for all our files, including our geospatial data. ...
AWGIS's user avatar
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Is there any way to read raster path in POSTGRES and bring to QGIS screen

.qlr or .vrt files contain a list of raster files path such as : 'C://raster/NYK.tiff'....'C://raster/CAL.tiff'.... etc... QGIS displays them by reading the embedded paths. I would like to store ...
Horacio Vladimirsky's user avatar
2 votes
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FME statistics on Tester Conditions

I'm using FME to look at a large directory and filter down through many factors to handle the data within the directory. One of the stages I am working on is to search for companies that own the data....
Kim's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Remapping layers in QGIS project to other folders?

I created a QGIS project containing several layers which are on my PC. I saved the project to my local drive and then I saved it to the network and copied all the relevent project layers into a folder ...
PJ Lightning's user avatar
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How to get raster layer name in GDAL?

I have a path of a raster layer. I want to get name of this layer in GDAL. In below code I want to get aa.tif from osgeo import gdal dataset = gdal.Open("/Data/raster/aa.tif") print dataset.GetName()...
HMadadi's user avatar
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QGIS 2.18 - How to reference a svg symbol which is in the qml file's directory?

Relative path for svg symbols in .qml files works as expected if the svg file is in another directory than the .qml file's. Example : <prop k="name" v="../icons/symbol.svg"/> However, if the ...
sigeal's user avatar
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qgis2web pop up image -- path definition

I have consulted the post on GIS stack exchange and read the docs, however I cannot find a solution that works. The idea is to put a .png image of a site report within the maplayer for web output. ...
Roger Erismann's user avatar
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3 answers

Error when path contain spaces - Arcpy Integrate

I'm using a simple script to run Integrate tool in a default gdb and feature class, where user can indicate the path where this gdb is located. This script works well when path indicated by user don'...
avrechi's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is the mxd property "Pathnames" disabled?

I have an .mxd that is using absolute pathnames. I want to change this property to use relative pathnames but the option is disabled, grayed out, when I go to the .mxd properties. It is actually ...
Dowlers's user avatar
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Earth Engine: Evaluating ee.Number in file path

In the Earth Engine code editor, I'm trying to load an image using a variable in the file path. In my full code I'm passing a variable (call it "id") into a function, and am trying to use "id" in a ...
Rob Marty's user avatar
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Pycharm Couldn't recognise QGIS 2.8.11's python 2.7.5 packaging tools. win 7

using "C:\Program Files\QGIS 2.18\bin\python.exe" for my project interpreter in pycharm and, path variables as : PYTHONHOME = "C:\Program Files\QGIS 2.18\bin" PYTHONPATH = "C:\Program Files\QGIS 2.18\...
Ash's user avatar
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Why are the layer-tree-layer source attributes absolute even if my project is set to relative paths?

When I save a group as a layer definition file (both from the context menu and via the python api) the layer-tree-layer source attribute is incorrectly absolute: source="/Volumes/gis/master/Raster/...
gotjosh's user avatar
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TerrSet Errors - Data Path Not Found

I've been trying to struggle through Terrset but just can't get it to do what I want. I initially had problems downloading the files from geoexplorer but seem to have figured that out. The problem now ...
user8453264's user avatar
5 votes
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Set default for folder parameter in QGIS processing scripts

In QGIS processing scripts we can define a folder as input parameter as follows: [...define input/output parameters...] ##mypath=folder [ of the script...] Question: Is it possible (and if ...
Jochen Schwarze's user avatar
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QGIS 2.18 python error

I very new to all the python-QGIS issue. I try to run this one line code in order to know if the PYTHON 2.7 recognize the modules of QGIS: import qgis.core and got this error: Traceback (most ...
newGIS's user avatar
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Moving MXD to different folder without breaking links using ArcPy? [duplicate]

I was wondering what was the equivalent of "Save As" in ArcPy, which works perfectly fine in ArcMap. As the MXDs are currently set up with relative path moving MXD would break the links, however if ...
Curtis's user avatar
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Getting catalog path from IFeatureClass using ArcObjects?

VB.NET against ArcGIS 10.1 I have a function which searches a geodb for a feature class name. If found I would like to display where it was found. Currently I only return the FeatureClass object like ...
sinDizzy's user avatar
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How to avoid updating PATH by copying SIP module to appropriate directory

I continue to have very time-consuming problems with import statements in the Python scripts that I attempt to write. In this particular script, I want to use QGIS functionality, and so it begins: ...
james's user avatar
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Select the correct paths for The TIGER geocoder (linux)

I'm following this tutorial to setup the geocoder. I'm stuck on the step "edit the paths in the declare_sect column to those that fit Debbie's pg, unzip,shp2pgsql, psql, etc path locations."...
Luis Ramon Ramirez Rodriguez's user avatar
2 votes
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Loader_Generate_Nation_Script is not creating the scripts

I'm working on setting up the TIGER geocoder on a Linux machine. I have installed PostgreSQL and PostGIS, now I'm working on the extension, point 2.8.1 of this guide: I'm having problems with the ...
Luis Ramon Ramirez Rodriguez's user avatar
2 votes
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Python qgis script

How to get the path of points? Because I want to open it using this code: lyr = QgsVectorLayer(path,"YXC","ogr")
zuotianhui's user avatar
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MXD "CURRENT" and Absolute path different behavior

I am using the following code (ArcGIS 10.3.1) to produce a batch of PDFs: mxd = 'CURRENT' cid = 2 rf = ur'D:\Δοκιμές\Tester' gdb = rf+'\\Ant.gdb' arcpy.env.workspace = gdb mxd = arcpy.mapping....
Panos's user avatar
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Paths and Python question [closed]

I have a problem because I want to store some paths from images by using python 2.7 in Windows 10. Path are like this: var1='C:/my/store/path' and inside the final folder, where in my example is ...
Mar's user avatar
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Retrieving Full Path to Feature Class in ArcMap

I often need the full path to various feature classes so that I may insert them into a Python script. I have been using ArcCatalog for this by copying the path in the Location bar for a given feature ...
reevesii's user avatar
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Standalone Python/PyQGIS path setup

I'm trying to run a script using python. The script requires some qgis functionality. I believe I have set the path, pythonpath, etc. correctly. The OS is Windows 7 64-bit with qgis located at the non-...
Glenn Geers's user avatar
7 votes
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Full Network Paths In QGIS

Is it possible to use full network paths in QGIS rather than relative paths or drive paths? I use a remote desktop connection to log in to a machine where some QGIS work is done, however when ting to ...
cgoode's user avatar
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QGIS 2.18.3 path and sip module cannot be load in ubuntu 16.04

I'm currently installing QGIS 2.18.3 it works fine at first, after upgrading my ubuntu the problems comes out every time I run my QGIS; it always shows "Couldn't load SIP module. Python support will ...
Wira Bhakti's user avatar
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QGIS python functions in relative path?

I am using QGIS 2.18.3 to create an atlas. This works well and I now want to call some functions to create richer content in a text box. To do this I am calling a python function from an expression. ...
ragnvald's user avatar
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ArcMap HTML Popup XSL: Images with relative path

I added a HTML Popup to a map that displays several fields data and one image that's stored in a folder next to the map.mxd file. One of the fields in the table is the filename.jpg for each image. All ...
Demian Andrade's user avatar