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How to reduce load on calculations in PyQGIS

I am trying to calculate the length of a network with creating length field and giving it expression of '$length'. I have approximately 3000 features in layer. I tried two ways By giving default ...
Dinesh Pawar's user avatar
2 votes
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Enabling "Iterate over feature" in QGIS Graphical Modeler

There is a function in the QGIS standalone processing tools that I cannot find in the Graphical Modeler: the iterator over features. Here is what I see in the "standalone tool" (i.e. the ...
Yvanou's user avatar
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Why simultaneous reprojecting enables when exporting raster in QGIS?

At QGIS 3.34.13 I have an .sdat (Saga) raster file, single-band, 8-bit unsigned integer, pixel size (meters) 30, -30, CRS ESRI:102039 - USA_Contiguous_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_USGS_version. The data ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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Unifying cell size and extent of raster layers in QGIS

In ArcGIS Pro, when using many analysis tools that deal with or generate raster layers, you can set the cell size and extent to exactly match another layer. This allows for map algebra to be done ...
MapDeath's user avatar
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Balloon Callouts are drawn under other layer's labels

I'm having the same problem with that DMS2 wrote in Callout lines drawn under other layer's labels. The first screenshot is "without the layer with the label using a callout”. (The layer with the ...
Yukari's user avatar
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Scale all features proportionally within a layer

I'm new to QGIS, please bear with me. I've imported several layers from a fantasy map generator, all at the same scale / CRS. But the final one, appears to be smaller in extent - the proportions are ...
brownbear29's user avatar
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Step-by-step guide to analyze solar potential in QGIS [closed]

I am looking for a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to analyze the solar potential of urban rooftops using QGIS. The aim is to calculate solar insolation for individual rooftops and assess the ...
ved's user avatar
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QGIS GDAL Clip by Mask not working

I am trying to clip a raster by a shape mask in QGIS using GDAL but I keep getting the error Process gdalwarp failed to start. Either gdalwarp is missing, or you may have insufficient permissions to ...
Ekkehardt Rosasee's user avatar
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Fixing clipped geometries at WMTS tile boundaries in QGIS Server

I'm experiencing an issue with QGIS Server's WMTS service where geometries are clipped or misaligned at tile boundaries, creating visible gaps between tiles. While I know MapProxy and MapCache can ...
SamTux's user avatar
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Why does layer.materialize() fail to copy features in gpkg files containing json data?

After making this post: layer.materialize() function not copying all features within layer I ran another multi-part test to determine why layer.materialize() does not copy all features within ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Connecting QGIS/QField to external object storage buckets (Google cloud storage) for sending images directly to the bucket

I am struggling to understand how to authenticate QGIS to connect with Google Cloud storage when configuring the attachment widget. I have exported a JSON key for a service account, but not sure which ...
Jake Midgley's user avatar
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QGIS Snapping not working for move and copy feature

I use the Move & copy feature from the advanced digitized panel and would like to stitch two lines together, which are in the same layer. Regrettably, the snapping tool seems to not work at all. ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Removing unnecessary layers in overview map in QGIS

How can I remove unnecessary layers in the overview map? For example in the highlighted view, BMs must be removed.
Oliver GIS's user avatar
4 votes
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Creating "horseshoe" polylines from lines in QGIS

I need to generate “horseshoe”/U lines that can be imported into another program for hydrological adjustments. I have the correct centerlines, but I can’t quite figure out how to generate these lines ...
FoolzRailer's user avatar
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Report - Group Field Section: Dynamic Filtering of Geopoints

Situation: I am working on a report that uses a geopoint layer. The underlying table has columns for id, cat_name, and points in the format point Z (...). Each cat_name has multiple points (rows of ...
yufson's user avatar
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Using "Symmetrical difference" for multiple layers at once in QGIS

I have four different layers (Parks, Forest, Sports ground, Nothing) inside my city analysis and I want to make several different new layers out of them. I want to find out, which places have which ...
Lukas K's user avatar
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Updating geometry by extracting line feature centroid in QGIS

I have two layers, one with polylines and one with points. The layers are related by the field "Netz_ID". I want to write a QML function I can use in QField to update the point geometry of a ...
Liam's user avatar
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Showing QGIS Print layout extent in map as polygon

I would like to display the extent of the various print layouts in the QGIS map as a polygon. To create a kind of overview map where the individual folder sections are shown. I know a manual ...
user154532's user avatar
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Selecting only features that have another layers feature on top in QGIS

I have an aerial fibre plan and splitters on certain poles (these layers overlap each other). There are over 3000 poles and only 1699 of those poles have a splitter on them. Is there any way I can ...
Dylan Kew's user avatar
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Self-referencing objects inside functions on print composer

I'm writing a function to display different intervals on a map grid depending on its scale, something like this: This function is applied to and references the map called "Mapa_principal_R."...
silf's user avatar
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Creating polygon from selected lines in QGIS

I have a line layer representing a street grid. I need to select a bunch of these street segments and turn them into a polygon. I have tried using Vector > Geometry > Lines to Polygons, but the ...
Nick K9's user avatar
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Converting vector points to raster

I'm currently working through An Introduction to Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) Using QGIS and R by Colin MacLeod, and I am having issues with the first exercise, which requires me to convert ...
Gabriel Stroup's user avatar
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How to snap Heatmap to outline of an island in QGIS

I am creating a heatmap of seabird nest locations on an island. However, some birds nest close to the coast, and part of the heat map extends into the ocean. How do I 'snap' the heatmap to fit the ...
Michelle's user avatar
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Calculate weighted raster values per polygon depending on overlap with vector layer

I have a raster layer in which pixel values represent percent cover of shrubs per pixel. Since each pixel is 100 m^2, I can use the percent cover as the area, e.g., a value of 5% would equal 5 m^2 ...
Arrian Karbassioon's user avatar
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We getting different scale of dxf to base DWG file once we did georeferenced in QGIS? [closed]

We getting different scale of dxf to base DWG file once we did georeferenced in QGIS ?
emsops pavan's user avatar
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Clipping a raster layer to a polygons shapefile but nothing is actually clipped

I am using QGIS. I have the following polygons shapefile of the New York City Boroughs at EPSG:2263 - NAD83 / New York Long Island (ftUS) I then have the following raster grid showing a KDE heat map ...
Lino's user avatar
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SLD styling into GeoServer

I uploaded a SLD styling I made in QGIS into GeoServer, but I keep getting an error that he cant find the column. but GeoServer that the column is available. I also compared the styling with almost ...
Milan's user avatar
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QGIS: Problem with importing Calculations (.sol) as a layer source [closed]

I've got the problem that I can't import my calculations (.sol) as the layer source. Each time I try to import it it shows that the process was successful, but it wont show up below. I'm using the ...
Moritz's user avatar
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Converting CSV spreadsheet to shapefile in QGIS

I have a spreadsheet with the coordinates beginning: Site Latitude Longitude 1 -37.3412 145.182 2 -37.3410 145.182 3 -37.3408 145.182 4 -37.3406 145.1821 5 -37.3404 145....
PeterM's user avatar
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"Qneat3GeometryException: Dataset has wrong geometry type" error when running QNEAT3 Iso-Area as Polygons (from Layer) on QGIS

I got the following problem after executing the QNEAT3 on QGIS 3.38. How can I resolve it? [QNEAT3Algorithm] This is a QNEAT3 Algorithm: 'Iso-Area as Polygons (from Layer)' Traceback (most recent ...
BOJANA's user avatar
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QGIS – Add columns (number and names) based on the content of another column

Is it possible in QGIS to create new columns based on the values from a concatenated field within the same table? For example, I have a table with data that looks like this: I would like to add a ...
Giene's user avatar
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Use of matrix DBF table in QGIS

I have a shapefile with 3 fields. (For example fields A,B and C). Fields A and B are filled with data in the shapefile, field C is virtual. Next to it I have a dbf table. In the rows I have A values, ...
Lukas Lattenberg's user avatar
3 votes
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QGIS scale-based callouts

Is it possible to have scale-based callouts? I want to display callouts if I zoom out and the scale is larger than 8000. I have tried rule-based labels and checked the scale range and set the minimum ...
Gideon Engelbrecht's user avatar
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Text from Excel - No co-ordinates [closed]

I need to import a list of erven into QGIS from Excel. I have a list of erf numbers that I would like to present on a drawing in map format. The trick is that I need these erf numbers to be identified ...
Barry Bruton's user avatar
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How to visualise 'simple' 3D vectors and points in QGIS

I am trying QGIS to visualize and analyse photo obtain with a drone. I have a list of point where the photo have been taken (longitude, latitude, and z). At each point, I would like to plot the drone ...
Renaud Laborbe's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I create a print layout that is exactly filled with the contents of a shapefile?

I need to create a physical map with exact dimensions. The contents of that map should exactly match the contents of a shapefile layer that has a single rectangle in it: So the map should just be the ...
donturner's user avatar
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Adding plugin on QGIS iOS version- using iPad Pro [closed]

I can’t find a way to install the plugin on my QGIS app on iPad as I can’t find the link to the zip file
Mira mekki's user avatar
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Determining the visual obstruction in line of sight in QGIS

Based on the planning of a wind farm (numbered dots) with a total of seven wind turbines, I would like to determine the area that theoretically lies within the visual axis of the monuments (blue and ...
Marek's user avatar
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Permission denied for database datacube [closed]

I am trying to run a file in a Google Colab but I am getting a error like I can't access the database datacube. What should I do? Initialising database... Traceback (most recent call last): File &...
Bharathwaj's user avatar
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R.reclass is nowhere to find

I cannot find r.reclass in Processing - Toolbox. I have GRASS plugin installed also. But it still does not work.
Alexandra's user avatar
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"Geometry error: One or more input features have invalid geometry." error when polygonizing in QGIS

How do I fix this raster that I aim to polygonize via QGIS? For context, the raster is created from DEM STRM data. I tried to check whether the reclassification is the issue but the general log ...
Martin Albarillo's user avatar
3 votes
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Vector nodes no longer highlighted in QGIS

I'm using the latest version QGIS 3.34.13. When I have used QGIS before when I hover the mouse over e.g. a line or polygon in a vector layer then a small blue box will appear when I am close to a node....
Jools's user avatar
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Calculating GPS coordinates in QGIS as an attribute

How can I add a field in a point layer (QGIS 3.34) that calculates a dynamic azimuth to my GPS position? Background: I have a point layer and want to navigate to the points. I could add the azimuth as ...
Schlicker's user avatar
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Raster reclassification with QGIS

Is it possible to assign a value to each pixel in this image from the legend which is in *.png format with QGIS? I have an image whose pixels do not contain the values ​​as shown in the legend. The ...
Frodo's user avatar
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Is it possible to organize PostgreSQL connections into folders in QGIS Browser?

Is there any way to organize PostgreSQL connections into folders? I use several dozen connections, and it gets messy in the Browser panel. The ability to organize individual connections into folders ...
Karel's user avatar
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QGIS plugin QNEAT3 iso-area polygon (by Layer) does not output Unique Point ID Field

In the QGIS plugin QNEAT3 iso-area polygon (by Layer), I have a Unique Point ID Field in my input Start Points (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 up to 10). My iso-area distance set to 2500 m with an interval of ...
Beth C's user avatar
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Getting attribute from CSV with QGIS Modeler

I am trying to build a tool in QGIS using a CSV-table with a similar structure as shown below. My goal is to filter the CSV-table for input parameter "category" and the input parameter "...
LuckyLeu49's user avatar
-1 votes
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Does HydroSheds ( provides labels?

I've been following a simple tutorial that uses HydroShed files. Everything went smoothly, but I would like to also add labels for some of the rivers plotted (eg: Orinoco). Anyone with experience ...
Sarasa's user avatar
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QGIS ignores argument "direction_range" for GRASS r.viewshed

I am trying to run the GRASS tool r.viewshed in QGIS. The GRASS tool includes an optional parameter direction_range which lets you analyse a specific horizontal angle range. In the QGIS GUI this ...
Geosef's user avatar
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Updating a PostGIS layer from a geopackage layer with additional features [closed]

I have a layer named polygon in my PostGIS database. I would like to perform an update and append on the database layer using a geopackage layer that contains additional features to the ones in the ...
Shiraz's user avatar
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