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Questions tagged [georeferencing]

Aligning geographic data to a known coordinate system so it can be viewed, queried, and analyzed with other geographic data.

279 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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jpg addition to qgis

I'm having lots of trouble with my jpg showing up on my qgis template. I have saved the image in the same folder as my .qgs file, so it should come with associated files. As you can see, the thumbnail ...
Wrldp3ace's user avatar
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Georeferencer output placed in wrong location

I am using the georeferencer to align multiple Rasters. Out of 10 attempts 4 worked well, and the other 6 seem to complete, but it places the raster in the middle of the ocean (always in the same ...
John Wolcott's user avatar
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Ground Control Points change when moving from one reference system to another?

In this question I'm interested just in the theoretical part. So, let's say we have such GCP in local reference system: (-2,14) (186,180) Label "Point 1", (-2,13) (211,6072) Label "Point 2", (-1,...
Jacobian's user avatar
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GeoWebCache pre-seed aerial imagery via WMTS as geo-referenced raster e.g. GeoTIFF/GeoJPEG2000

I have a large cache of JPEG files (700,000 tiles) that I've pre-seeded using a standalone GeoWebCache connected to a backing WMTS service. I'd like to build a visual database with Terra Vista and ...
wulfgarpro's user avatar
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Georeferencing Control Points Aren't Saving

I have some CAD data that needs to be georeferenced. I create my first control point, and everything goes well, the drawing shifts to the correct control point. As soon as I try to create a second ...
Katie B.'s user avatar
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Geo-referencing large PDF files when DXF doesn't work

I've a 4567kb PDF which won't load even into the georeferencer (stops responding) but a 1538kb one from the same source with the same encoding will. Why? If I drag it it then it loads but won't let me ...
Belinda's user avatar
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Geolocation of a drawn point on printed map without scanning

I have a printed map of a district with several points on it that can be used as geolocation reference points. I have the shapefile of this map in QGIS. If someone draws a point on the printed map, ...
syldor's user avatar
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How to make a .pgw file for a .png depicting a 2D profile

My question is more of an inquiry about whether I am trying to do is possible. I would like to reference an image depicting a 2D Georadar profile. I know that world files are usually used for ...
George_6's user avatar
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Why Global Mapper's georeferencer misplaces controlpoint?

I am sometimes met with the problem that Global Mapper (v17.0) georeferencer misplaces controlpoints I am trying to use, but adding and then deleting the controlpoint solved the issue. However ...
Harkat's user avatar
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How to save a georeferenced image in jpeg2000 in qgis?

I'm georeferencing an jpeg2000 image in qgis, but qgis is only capable to save it in geotif, but gdal would be able to save it in jpeg2000. How should i modify this script: "gdal_translate -of GTiff -...
David Gregor's user avatar
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Control points in IAdjustXForm for georeferencing of raster (ArcObjects)

I am trying to create a georeferencing tool using ArcObjects in VB.Net. Though only a little text is available on this topic in forums as well as from ESRI; I found an esri article that states the use ...
Abhisek Gour's user avatar
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Georeferencing Raster automatically fails

While trying to auto register a raster image in georeferencing - using a wms raster layer as reference - I get the simple error message "Failed to auto register". Thereby the Link Table remains empty. ...
Fred's user avatar
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Georeferencing an NDVI (JPEG) image in QGIS

I am struggling to georeference a NDVI image. The image is a JPEG, how would I go about this? I am using QGIS
Devin's user avatar
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ArcGIS stops responding during Georeferencing Save?

Im using ArcGIS 10.2. I had an ealier problem that I think I found an answer to here while georeferencing an aerial photo. My current issue is that whenever I go to rectify the georeference points, ...
Struggling's user avatar
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Using GDAL to ID a pair of GeoTiff Coordinates

I've got a large library of images with no spatial reference. When I view the GeoTiff properties, I can view a lat/long under a "GPS" heading, but there's no indication of a coordinate system/...
Josh's user avatar
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WGS84 Lon/Lat from pixel x/y in a georeference image

I'm quite a newbie in GIS. I need to compute (without using any existing lib/tool) the longitude & latitude (WGS84) corresponding to the a pixel, inside a (georeferenced) map image. I know: the ...
afojuriv-4535's user avatar
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QGIS Georeferencer - Coordinates Rounding Too Small

I have an image I'm trying to georeference on my map, but am having an issue with the coordinates which are sent to the map from the georeferencer. As you can see below in the image, the yellow boxes ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Importing files from Panoramio to QGIS?

I need to visualize in QGIS the density of photographs taken in seven municipalities of the central Italy: Perugia, Magione, Passignano, Umbertide, Deruta, Corciano, Torgiano. I'm wondering if there ...
Sara's user avatar
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Is it possible to set points without coordinates onto a map?

I have the following Situation: csv-file with 1000 lines of measurements. These measurements were done indoor in a building without GPS. The measurement-system allows to set "markers" at any time. ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Georeferencing .hdf file in ArcGIS for Desktop?

Using a Noggin 250 GPR and Smart Cart. I generated data for a grid. I did not have a gps unit on the smart cart. I do have gps x'y for the corners of each grid. After post processing the data in ...
William's user avatar
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How to rectify a georeferenced Google Earth image and corresponding layer

I am still a newbie to georeferencing and ArcGIS. I imported an image with place markers from Google Earth. Then I opened up the image in ArcGIS Desktop 10.3.1. I then georeferenced the control ...
Mr_Gomm's user avatar
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QGIS Georeferencer adds padding to image after save

I am attempting to georeference an aerial image using satellite imagery. I'm successful in getting an output, however I notice there is an issue where QGIS's georeferencer is adding padding to all the ...
DeusExMachina25's user avatar
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How to best import a US Map Schematic?

I would like to use the following wiki US Map schematic as a background to my map work. ( It is a .svg file, and GeoReferencer is unable to import it....
Philip's user avatar
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Worldfile incorrect for QGIS?

Trying to manually create a worldfile for gif images of surface currents supplied by the navy here. I have QGIS and am decent at using it but the world file tool is failing without error on me (even ...
WClark97's user avatar
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Geotransformation, from sat coordinates to Earth coordiantes

I'm using this code: to retrieve longitude and latitude in Earth system from column, line ...
Marco Ciaramella's user avatar
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Distorted exported georeferenced tif from far north

I'm trying to export a tif file for R, to plot my data on top of. I have geo-referenced this tiff file: "background_changed" from "Background". But when i export it, the file is very compressed in ...
user3178323's user avatar
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How to avoid random transparent pixels in georeferenced grayscale raster images?

I'm in the process of georeferencing some old black and white aerial pictures from 1990 in QGIS 2.4. So far, this is business as usual, no problems. Of course I get the usual black triangles, because ...
SAnderka's user avatar
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What do you think is happening to my QGIS Georeferencer

I'm pretty new with QGis, but have used tools as Openlayers and Geoserver for some years now without never being asked to diplay a georeferenced raster image. Which gets me to use QGis in order to ...
jpramondon's user avatar
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Georeference to UTM projection using openlayers plugin in QGIS

I have some aerial imagery that I need to georeference using QGIS into a UTM projection. In order to do this I need a basemap layer for the reference points. The openlayers plugin could work great ...
wilbev's user avatar
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QGIS: georeferencing report: tail cutted off

I'm using QGIS 1.8.0-2 to georeference some old maps and want to report residuals and other information via the PDF report function of the Georeferencer tool. If there's too much information, it's cut ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Georeferencing a Picture having Resolution and a nearly correct BBOX

Is it possible to get the Boundingbox of a Picture when I know the Resolution, the Height/width in pixels, the sum of Tiles in each row/column and a Coordinate that is in the cornertile but not the ...
Matthias H's user avatar
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Create a jgw file for jpg image.

I converted ecw file into jpg file with IrfanView, to display the jpg as base layer in openlayers. I understood that I need to create a jgw file to display the jpg file. I found this example: 4....
Jordan's user avatar
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how to get correct geo reference system for a VMap

I am new to GIS, trying to read the GeoRef System for VMap by using the following code: OGRSpatialReference *ref = layer->GetSpatialRef(); if( ref ) { QString georefSystem = ...
Pradeep's user avatar
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Question about geotiffs

My colleague and I are georeferencing a bunch of .tif images. After each image, we'll click "update georeferencing". The resultant .tif files are different between our computers and I'm trying to ...
Stavros's user avatar
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GeoTiff.lib: TiePoints only without ModelPixelScale do not get georeferenced in QGis

I have an image that has been georeferenced (geotiff.lib) by more than 3 tie points (x y 0 long lat 0 ...) and added following geotiff keys GTIFKeySet(gtif, GTModelTypeGeoKey, TYPE_SHORT, 1, ...
user15264's user avatar
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Create 6 band IMG file with GDAL out of two JPG files, one with WorldFile coordinates

I have two JPG files 1 ortomap: with WorldFile: 0.683772574816354 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 -0.683739485024190 395057....
user10787's user avatar
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VIIRS products georeferencing

Can anyone tell how to reproject VIIRS products (interested VNP09 and VNP14IMG) into standard projection and reference system? I managed to process some of products like CLDMASK_L2 and even VNP14 (750 ...
Sergey Myshliakov's user avatar
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Enter coordinates in georeferencer QGIS 3.34 by copying - pasting coordinates from Google Earth

i want to copy the coordinates taken from Google Earth App and paste them in the window "Enter Map Coordinates" in QGIS when i add a point (while georeferencing an image extracted from ...
marionette's user avatar
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Automatic georeferencing and recording color in Python

I am trying to stitch together FCDO country maps (JPEG) into a single world map while retaining the exact coloring of the zones. The maps are always tricolor (red, yellow, green) such as this map of ...
Heiko's user avatar
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QGIS raster georeferencing. Is it possible to get a table with a coordinate and a pixel corresponding to it on the ORIGINAL raster?

I have an image of some area (raster) and I need to, knowing coordinate, get pixel on that raster. But if I will use raster georeferencig, I'll get a distorted GeoTIFF. Can I get this data from ...
Ivan Beskorovayniy's user avatar
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Georeferencing a historical map -

I am georeferencing a historical map and then trying to harmonise it with polygons from another file. I am trying to think about the best way to do this with respect to setting control points. To give ...
Cola's user avatar
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Adjust GeoTIFF in QGIS Georeferencer

I have 600 GeoTIFFs, old maps, that are roughly rectified by the map corners. I want to improve them with more GCPs so that the internal scale that differs a bit gets more correct. Is there a way to ...
Mårten Swärd's user avatar
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Trying to find projection of PNG image of Central Asia

I have the following map: I am trying to figure out what projection this is in. I tried many but nothing lines up... I also tried the georeferencer in QGIS but the results are very lacking. How could ...
Skerre's user avatar
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Reprojecting image with ground control points in geodetic CRS to equidistant cylindrical CRS on sphere

I'm working with some satellite data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter context camera (CTX). As a sanity check for some later processing that I would like to do, I'm trying to take the raster data ...
reivax's user avatar
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Georeference one vector layer using another vector layer in ArcGIS Pro?

I'm unsure if this what I'm looking to do is possible... I have two polygon layers - the orange layer is georeferenced and blue is not. The pink is just a boundary layer (can be ignored). The orange ...
Alex's user avatar
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Georeferencing drone image different pitch-values

I am trying to georeference objects on an image. The image has been taking by a drone and I know the drones parameters. Here is my script: from math import radians, cos, sin, asin, atan2, degrees from ...
simonericmoon's user avatar
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Transformation of a point with GDAL

I know the place where the image was captured and I've made pixel to lat-lon correspondences (GCPs). After running the following GDAL commands a .tif file is created. gdal_translate -of GTiff -gcp {...
user8083314's user avatar
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Error in georeferencing using QGIS

I was georeferencing a tiff image. But the Georeferenced output is showing GCPs only. The image is not being georeferenced.
Swathy's user avatar
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Converting PDF Map Coordinates to Projected Coordinate

I am trying to georeference a number of PDF documents automatically. I am able to extract the vector data from the PDF - the data is a series of lines representing cadastral boundaries. I can load ...
Keagan Allan's user avatar
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QGIS georeferenced layers slightly out

I am georeferencing three different maps that include collected data. I take pictures of the maps in order to georeference them (with as near the same set up for all e.g., tripod distance etc). I save ...
PastOceans's user avatar