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Generating grid from polyline feature

I'd like to create a polygon grid based on polyline features, but I'm not sure which geoprocessing tools I need to use. In the attached image I selected 3 different groups of polylines (each group has ...
doronwen's user avatar
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QGIS 3.34 How to avoid this coordinate overlap in the layout composer

I'm using PolyStrip and Atlas to generate some maps from a canal project, then using the angle of the plugin to orientation to the map in layout composer. But some grid coordinates just overlay ...
delkx's user avatar
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QGIS The grid line did not show in the layout

I'm currently working on a project using QGIS 3.38.2-Grenoble on windows 11. The data come from a DTM raster file that I exported to QGIS CRS: EPSG:3824 TWD97. The CRS for the grid I'm also using the ...
Johnny Song's user avatar
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gdal_rasterize giving different pixel values

I want to count the number of polygons (in this case, protected areas) within a raster cell grid of a specific resolution. To do so, I have tried different approaches in R but, due to the database ...
LT17's user avatar
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QGIS Layout Template - Draw Coordinates Buffer

Is there a way to create a buffer (e.g. 2cm) to prevent the coordinates drawn around the edge of a map from overlapping with each other or other features in the layout? I have experimented with ...
James's user avatar
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QGIS showing extra vertical lines when using Natural Earth graticules

3.36 and trying to use the graticule shape file from natural earth for the area around the United Kingdom using the CRS EPSG:27700 I filtered the built in world shape file for the UK and then changed ...
jason millington's user avatar
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Getting rid of the light grid lines when exporting map as SVG/PDF in QGIS

I have already tried changing the layer grid options in the Layout Settings and enabling the "Disable tiled raster layer exports" Setting in the Export Menu. In the screenshot, you can see ...
Tom Börsch's user avatar
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QGIS - Create layout grid with lines at specified coordinates [closed]

I am using QGIS 3.34.7 (LTR), my project and layer CRS are EPSG 4326 (WGS84). I have a need to create a 0.5 x 0.5 degree grid in a layout, one each of the x and y grid lines should intersect a ...
acs's user avatar
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Grid Overlay widget to experence builder aplication

maybe someone is trying to move the Grid overlay widget from Web-app builder to the Experience-builder application and share it with me?
ru-ubuntu's user avatar
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Creating dynamic (more advanced) grid in QGIS

I have a scenario with a grid that I just can't get right with the default "create grid" function. The desired grid output is as the following: I would like to create a grid that has offset ...
Cookie's user avatar
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QGIS UK 1940s military Cassini grid projection

Does anyone have a quick and easy way of converting UK Cassini military grid coordinates in QGIS? I'm currently transcribing military grid references from War Dairies for units in the UK. I have to ...
Klonko's user avatar
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How do I show the right grid projection on my EPSG:4289 map/print layout?

I am trying to show the coordinates of my map (print layout) via a grid. However, I can not get it to work. I have tried multiple things: changing CRS, changing interval units, trial and error with X/...
Sem20112001's user avatar
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Calculating coordinates grid intervals - minutes and seconds in QGIS

I would like to define the coordinates for the grid to 15' intervals. This means ideally 15°15', 15°30' Here are the coordinates for the grid/area of interest: 15°48'0"E 16°0'0"E 16°12'0&...
Amelia Nicodemus's user avatar
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ESRI:54017 grids in R

I'm looking to divide the world into grids using the Behrmann projection (CRS 'ESRI:54017'). I came across some R code that seems to do the job: world_single_cell <- st_polygon(list( rbind(c(-...
Emma's user avatar
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How to use a colon as a DMS separator in the QGIS layout coordinate grid

I need to format the display of the coordinate grid in the QGIS layout with the following structure: +DD:MM:SS,SSS (for northern and eastern hemispheres) and -DD:MM:SS,SSS (for southern and western ...
Cláudio Silva Neto's user avatar
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Creating grid left to right not top to bottom

I'm fairly new to QGIS having used mainly ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro to do things. I'm trying to create a grid and label A1, A2 A3...B1, B2 and so on. I've created the grid ok and worked out the labelling ...
Beejay's user avatar
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Graticules for WMS maps [closed]

How to utilise Graticules for WMS maps in GeoServer 2.25 rc? I am unable to locate the plugin in community section to install in my GeoServer 2.25rc. I have also searched for it in geoserver -2.25 ...
Akshay Vaidya's user avatar
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How to calculate the area of each grid cell of a raster in Python?

I have a square raster of size, let's say, 100x100 cells, with each cell being 200m X 200m. This raster is not in an equal-area projection, but is centered on the North Pole, meaning the actual area ...
Marcus K.'s user avatar
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How to re-grid a shapefile onto a different hex grid in ArcGIS Pro?

I have a source shapefile on a hex grid (output from ArcGIS Pro Optimized Hot Spot Analysis tool) and a target shapefile on a hex grid (generated using Generate Tessellation tool). Both use EPSG 8857 ...
user avatar
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When creating layout using vectored map the text containing place names disappears in QGIS

Zooming past 112% in the layout view kills the text containing place names. The same happens on export. I'm using QLRs from Lantmäteriet. Topografi 50 Vector, to be specific. I also need my eventual ...
user avatar
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Changing a raster format and coordinate system: GeoTiff in WGS84 to ASCII in UTM 35N

I have a DEM in GeoTIFF format in EPSG 4326 - WGS84 that I export from WindPro. I want to use the same DEM as input for another wind software that accepts only ARC/INFO ASCII GRID (ascii) format and ...
rasvan.manea's user avatar
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Extracting GPS Coordinates for Grid Square Centers

I'm relatively new to GIS, and I'm currently using QGIS version 3.32.3 Lima. I'm encountering some challenges as I don't have a solid foundation in using GIS, so I'm reaching out for your help and ...
fterranova's user avatar
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How to change graticules to eastings and northings in ArcGIS Pro

I've seen them represented as eastings and northings before, but I can't figure out how to change them over in the Element tab.
Krissy Ellis's user avatar
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How to Label Every Corner of a Polygon Layer

I have a township and range polygon layer on my map and I want the section number to be labeled in every corner (4 labels per feature). I've gotten the labels to generally place in corners by using ...
Nahotnoj's user avatar
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Making gridded map where each grid cell shows the share of points of certain category in QGIS

So, I have a dataset of many points across Europe. For illustration purposes see this image below: Each of these points has one of four categories attached to it, so the dataset I am working with has ...
starski's user avatar
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Setting decimal places in coordinate-grid in QGIS Print Layout

I have a grid with coordinates on my map in the Print Layout of QGIS. But in one map I have decimal coordinates that look like this: 12.500°E / 52.300°N And sometimes they look like this: 12°E / 52°...
desputin's user avatar
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How to calculate the average elevation within a certain radius around a grid cell and apply the average to the grid cell in QGIS?

I have two layers in QGIS: a raster layer containing elevation, and a grid cell layer (polygon) containing 1km by 1km squares. I am trying to create a new layer where the elevation of each 1km by 1km ...
p1unge's user avatar
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Python: interpolate dataset to create a global map

I have a NetCDF dataset (this) with values for the world's oceans. The measurements are in the form of unevenly spaced points: Now I want to extract some values at specific locations. My problem is, ...
terauser's user avatar
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Drawing lat, lon grid over UTM project not working in QGIS 3.32

Goal I want to draw both an UTM coordinate grid as well as a geographic coordinates grid (lat, lon) on a map in the QGIS print layout window as shown here. Setup GeoTIFF layers with tfw files as .zip ...
Pedr Bergfalk's user avatar
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Join a raster file with grid data and a CSV file

I am a relatively new user of QGIS and encoutered a first major problem. I am working with this dataset that converts the available geocoordinates into the European standard ETRS89-LAEA.This is a grid ...
MackieLeslie's user avatar
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Creating script to automatically create virtual layers with alphanumeric labels for shapefile grids in QGIS

I have many grids in shapefile format. Adding alphanumeric labels to them can be done through using a virtual layer SQL query as found in this thread: Creating GRID with customized labels in QGIS, ...
Bryce01's user avatar
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Creating a grid of 1km x 1km

I would like to create a grid for 1km x 1km in one area from a satellite view map in JAPAN using EPSG: 6668 but this error always shows up " Horizontal spacing is too large for the covered area&...
Lova's user avatar
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Is there a easy way to get the Grid convergence in QGIS?

Is there an easy way to get the angular difference between Grid North & True North in QGIS? This is how I do it: Make a map in print composer Set the map CRS to whatever "WGS 84 / UTM zone&...
SubXi's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro - How to put grid coordinates on two different lines in layout?

I'm new to ArcGIS Pro and I am a bit confused on how to add a customised coordinate grid in layout. I can add a default grid, but I cant find any way to customise it. I want to create a grid Like this ...
jaymesmc's user avatar
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Transforming lat/lon from displaced-pole grid to regular WGS84 lat/lon

I previously shared my problem on StackOverflow (as Incorrect or shifted longitude in netCDF data, how to fix?), but I was pointed here, because my question is not really about coding, but more about ...
schnurstracks's user avatar
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Stopping graticule labels from overlapping edges using ArcMap

I am using ArcMap. Every time I make a layout I find myself having to convert the graticule to graphics and then delete the edge coordinate labels for one of the axis (since they overlap with each ...
Rodrigo Suárez Castaño's user avatar
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Clip grid to extent of map in QGIS in Layout View

In the layout view (QGIS), I selected the rectangle in the add shape to clip my image (map). However, when overlaying the grid, the edges of the grid extend beyond the clipped image. (appears to cover ...
Conrad Bitno Kumul's user avatar
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How to create point-centered cells grid with geocube

I want to create a tiff file starting from a numpy array which contains temperature data points in the format lat,lon,T2 My data array (the columns contain respectively cell number,temperature,lon,lat)...
Andrea's user avatar
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Reprojection from EPSG:3857 to EPSG:31468 in deegree

I have source data in EPSG:3857 that is shifted approximately 20 KM north when reprojected to EPSG:31468 in deegree version 3.4.17 and I am trying to determine the cause. I am wondering if deegree may ...
Kate's user avatar
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QGIS - How to put Grid coordinates on two separate lines

Im making a map & I want to put the grid coordinates on two lines like this: I cant seem to find any option to do such a thing in the QGIS layout composer. Anyone have a suggestion on how I can ...
jaymesmc's user avatar
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3D NetCDF data visualization in IDV

I am using Unidata IDV (Integrated Data Viewer) to visualize geospatial data. The data is in NetCDF format and the metadata as such: netcdf tn { dimensions: ansi = 5 ; plev = 3 ; Lat = 160 ...
Rajdeep Bastakoti's user avatar
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Turn off mesh layer in ArcGIS Pro 3D Scene

I was working with a profile view of an elevation surface in a local scene, and I accidentally pressed something that made a mesh appear at a constant elevation in the scene. It looks like a grid ...
Trevor Hobbs's user avatar
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How to count features from multiple different layers in a grid in ArcGIS Pro 3.1?

The multiple features (points and polygons) are all a toxic chemical from different sources. The grid was created using the 'Grid Index features', so it is a polygon. Some grid cells have no features, ...
Hannah's user avatar
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Projecting fishnet grid using ArcGIS Pro

I want to make a 20 mile by 20 mile fishnet grid over the state of Nebraska, with the origin at either the far southwest corner (approx 11,583,008.75W 5,011,971.55N m) or the far NW corner (approx 11,...
user8229029's user avatar
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Assign grid squares to polygons that most contain them

I have a featureclass that is a grid of the countries of the world (88,110 squares). I am trying to assign all the grid cells to the country that each cell MOST contains (from a shapefile of country ...
emwtg2's user avatar
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Concatenation of commands in SAGA grid calc

My goal is to mask pixels with chosen value, for example if g1 is equal to x1,x2,x3 the resulting pixel has to be set to 1 otherwise to 0. Through grid calculator I've tried this command: eq(g1, (x1 ...
Marco Prandi's user avatar
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How can I create a grid overlay that accounts for feature density instead of map unit area?

I am working with the below spatial data (each point does contain relevant attribute information). I need to be able to audit these data for completeness and accuracy against the associated data from ...
Austin Averill's user avatar
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QGIS layout, split grid coordinates from A to Z

I have been using the layout manager to make coordinates for this map. I am fairly new to QGIS so my knowledge is a little limited on how to do this. I have used this code if ( @grid_axis = 'y' , ...
3eternus's user avatar
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Straight lines appearing on print layout for ortho projection

I've created an orthographic projection map, and have added it to a print layout. When I then add a lat/lon grid at 10 degree intervals I get straight lines across the image as well as the curved ones ...
Kognos's user avatar
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Why does the right side coordinate does not appear?

I was working on QGIS 3.28 and the CRS is WGS 1984 Web Mercator. Apparently my right side coordinate doesn't appear in scale 1:750.000. But it appears when I change the scale to 1:2.000.000 or above. ...
romeoalpha00's user avatar

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